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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,乡村图书馆专业人员培训,从四川省乡村图,书馆调查谈起,Library Professionals Training in Rural Libraries of Sichuan,目录,1 关于乡村图书馆的调查,2 乡村图书馆的建立模式和人员管理分析,3 如何发展乡村图书馆的业务人员,4 几点建议,Table of Contents,1 survey of the rural libraries,2 the model building and personal management analysis of the rural libraries,3 how to develop staff of the rural libraries,4 suggestions,1 关于乡村图书馆的调查,调查内容,村民信息需求、文化活动现状、读者期望、图,书馆服务创新等。,调查方式,问卷调查,实地调查,数据分析,调查范围,四川平原、丘陵地区、山区、牧区一市五县,1 survey of the rural libraries,Contents,Villagers information needs, the current situation of the cultural activities, readers expectation, innovations of libraries service,Methods,Questionnaire, field survey, data analysis,Scope,Plane, hilly ground, mountain area and pastoral area of Sichuan Province,1 关于乡村图书馆的调查,1.1来自村民的想法,图书馆是什么?他们能够获取什么服务?,期望:图书馆的建设、馆员知识能力、获得服,务的期望,障碍:经费,政府方、场地、民众的支持,图,书馆的管理和人才。,1 survey of the rural libraries,1.1 villagers ideas,What is library? What can they get from the library?,Expectations: library construction, knowledge and ability of the library, access to service,Obstacles: fund, support of the government, field and people, the management and qualified person of the library,1.2 乡村图书馆(室)的管理人员及其来源,现状:,人员兼任 ,无专业人才,设备问题,村民的需要:,学历及电脑水平要求不高,满足村民最基本的阅读需要,帮助村民提升文化水平和生活满意度,1 关于乡村图书馆的调查,1 survey of the rural libraries,1.2 the management personnal of the rural libraries and their sources,the current situation,:,one person holds two jobs at the same time, no professionals, equipment problems,villagers needs,:,not so much demand their educational qualifications and computer level,meet villagers basic reading needs,help villagers improve their cultural and life satisfaction,2 乡村图书馆的建立模式和人员管理分析,不同创建方式下乡村图书馆工作人员可能的来源,国办型 公助型,分馆型 挂钩挂靠型,延伸型 承包办馆型,2 the model building and personal management analysis of the rural libraries,The possible resources of the personel of the rural libraries under different model building,State owned public maintained,Branch libraries linking up,Extensive purchasing,3 如何发展乡村图书馆的业务人员,3.1乡村图书馆的管理人员应由专业人员组成,需求:被,调查者表达出对专业人员的渴望。,必要性:提供整理、加工、组织并提供信息宣,传、检索、咨询帮助等服务。,如何开展:切实地被群众使用,专人管理,开,放时间固定,财政和业务管理上独,立于乡镇社区。,3 how to develop staff of the rural libraries,3.1 the management personal should be composed of professionals,Needs,: the respondents eager need for the professionals,Necessity,: provide services of systematizing, processing, organizing and advertising, searching and consulting of information,How to carry out,: used by villagers, managed by person specially designated, open at a certain time, independent of rural communities in financial and business management.,3 如何发展乡村图书馆的业务人员,3.2乡村图书馆专业人员应根据各地实际管理,从政府层面看,从图书馆专业层面看,从乡村当地政府的层面看,业务人员的管理,3 how to develop staff of the rural libraries,3.2 the professionals of the rural libraries should based on local management,At the government level,At the library level,At the local government level,Management of the staff,4 几点建议,第一,乡村图书馆的图书馆专业人员应有明确的上岗制度和业务水平的要求。,第二,县文化局应承担起乡村图书馆专业人员培训组织工作 。,第三,培训方式应充分考虑乡村图书馆的需求和实际需要,采取多渠道联合的方式。,第四,培训内容。,4 suggestions,1 There should be an explicit selection system and demands for academic level of the professionals of the rural libraries.,2 The cultural affairs bureau of the county should be responsible for the organizing and training of the professionals of the rural libraries.,3 The training methods should take actual needs of the rural libraries into account and adopt mutil-channel method.,4 Training contents.,乡村图书馆专业人员培训,谢谢大家!,马蕾 张云霞,成都四川大学公共管理学院,Thank You!,Lei Ma,Yunxia Zhang,School of Public Administration, Sichuan University,China,


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