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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How to intruduce a place,地点介绍,信宜市第三中学 李小焕,Step 1,做短文改错,背经典范文,Shenzhen, is located in the south of China, next to the beautiful blue sea, is a beautiful city. It is a,first special economic zone in China and a popular internationalized metropolis. It cover an area of,about 1,953 square kilometers with a population of over 10 millions.,the,covers,million,Shenzhen has many interested places to visit, of the,Window of World is the most famous sight, but,every year people from home and abroad come to Shenzhen to relax, enjoy the fine views and going,shopping. At the delight of all people, in recent,years, not only has the economy developed quickly, but the cultural has also become more advanced.,interesting,which,so,go,To,culture,Shenzhen,located in the south of China, next to the beautiful blue sea,is a beautiful city. It is the first special economic zone in China and a popular internationalized metropolis. It,covers an area of,about 1,953 square kilometers,with a population of,over 10 million. Shenzhen has many interesting places to visit,which,of the window of World is the most famous sight, so every year people,from home and abroad,come to Shenzhen to relax, enjoy the fine views and go shopping.,To the delight of all people, in recent years,not only has,the economy developed quickly, but the culture has also become more advanced.,地理位置、人口、面积,风景特色,历史、文化经济,Step2:,结构分析,地点介绍是英语作文说明文的基础类型之一,介绍一个地方通常会涉及,地理位置、占地面积、人口历史、文化经济、风景特色,等。,注意事项:,1.,时态。,一般描述用现在时,,包括一般现在时、现在完成时等,如涉及,历史典故则用过去时,。,2.,说明顺序。一般从,基本情况,(,地理位置、人口、面积,),到延伸内容,(,政治文化等,),。,3.,避免开头指代不明。若文章没有给出写作对象或设定情景,避免用,it,作主语引导第一句,而应该具体写出描述的对象,如,the Great Wall, Hong Kong,等。,Step 3,定义及注意事项,表示位置,位于:,lie in/ be located in/on,(或分词短语),Fujian Province,lies in,the southeast of China.,福建省位于中国的东南部。,Fujian Province,,,located in the southeast of China,,,is one of the biggest provinces in China.,福建省位于中国的东南部,是中国的大省之一。,Step 4,常用语块和句式,2.,表示历史,The city,has a history of,more than 1000 years.,The history of the city goes back more than 1000 years,这个城市有,1000,多年历史。,The city,,,with a history of more than 2000 years,,,was a starting port of the Silk Road on the sea in history.,广州有,2000,多年历史,历史上是海上丝绸之路的始发港。,has a history of ,(或,with,短语),the history of the city goes back,3.,表示面积,The new square will,have/cover an area of,100,000 square meters.,新广场将占地,100,000,平方米。,A new school,with an area of,more than 200,000 square meters will be set up.,一所占地,200,,,000,平方米的新学校将被建设起来。,have/cover an area of ,(或,with,短语),4,表示人口,Shanghai,has a population of,more than 2,000,000.,上海人口超过二千万。,Guangzhou covers a total area of 7,434 square kilometers with a population of about thirteen million.,Guangzhou ,covering ,has a population of ,广州市有人口,1,300,多万,占地,7,434,平方公里。,has a population of /,或,with,短语,5.,表示资源物产,be rich in natural sources,自然资源得天独厚,be rich in,盛产,/,丰富,be famous at home and abroad,驰名中外,6.,气候,广州气候温暖,阳光充足,雨水充沛,年平均气温为,21.8,。,Guangzhou has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine and rainfall and the average temperature is about 21.8.,气候温和,/,宜人,a pleasant climate/the climate is neither too cold nor too hot,7.,旅游,张家界山川秀美,风光旖旎,中外游客纷至沓来。,Zhangjiajie,has beautiful mountains, rivers and charming sight,so travelers from all over the world,go in,a continuous stream,for a visit.,8.,表示“是,.,之乡,/,乐土”,This region,is the home of,many species of wild flower.,这一地区是多种野花的家园。,The Rockies,are home to,some bears.,落基山脉中有熊生长。,9.,表示“有,美誉”,This area,enjoys the reputation of,a land with milk and honey.,这个地方有“鱼米之乡”的美誉。,1.,位置,lie in/ be located in/on,(或分词短语),2.,历史,has a history of ,(或,with,短语),3.,面积,have/cover an area of ,(或,with,短语),4,人口,has a population of /,或,with,短语,5.,资源物产,be rich in,6.,气候,a pleasant climate/the,7.,旅游,has beautiful mountains, rivers,and charming sight,8.,表示“是,.,之乡,/,乐土”,is the home of,9.,表示“有,美誉”,enjoys the reputation of,Step 5: Writing,假定你叫李华,是一名导游,你将带领一个外国旅游团游览广东省。请你用英语写一个发言稿简介广东。要点如下:,1.,地理位置。,2.,历史。,3.,特产。,4.,其他方面。,注意,:,1.,词数,100,左右。,2.,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,3.,开头语和结束语已为你写好。,Step6.,互评作文,(2mins),任务,:,1.,看看你觉得疑难的地方,别人怎么表达,2.,找出文章的优、缺点,3.,打分,第一档,:21,25,分(很好),内容要点齐全,少错误,第二档,:16,20,分(好),因使用复杂句有错误,第三档,:11,15,分(适当),有错误,但不影响理解,第四档,:6,10,分(较差),词汇、句子较多错误,第五档,:1,5,分(差),明显漏掉主要内容,评判标准(,80-120,字),1.,卷面是否整洁?,2.,内容是否完整?,3.,句子是否基本通顺?,4.,是否有好词好句,Group Discussion,(,3mins),任务,:,1.,相互学习文章的优点,2.,相互解决文章有疑问的地方,3.,每个小组推选出优秀范文一篇,评判标准(,80-120,字),1.,卷面是否整洁?,2.,内容是否完整?,3.,句子是否基本通顺?,4.,是否有好词好句?,Step7,:,第一档,:21,25,分(很好),内容要点齐全,少错误,第二档,:16,20,分(好),因使用复杂句有错误,第三档,:11,15,分(适当),有错误,但不影响理解,第四档,:6,10,分(较差),词汇、句子较多错误,第五档,:1,5,分(差),明显漏掉主要内容,评判标准(,80-120,字),1.,卷面是否整洁?,2.,内容是否完整?,3.,句子是否基本通顺?,4.,是否有好词好句?,学生习作点评,Step8 :,Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to Guangdong Province. Im Li,Hua,. And Im more than glad to be your guide.,Guangdong Province, also called,Yue,for short, has a long history,and,is known for,the saying, “Dont hesitate to have meals here.”,Located by,the South Sea in the southeast part of,mainland,China, it has quite a few islands,off its coastline, which,has a total length of,3,368 kilometers.,Step9,:,佳作欣赏,Known as,a fruit king, Guangdong Province,is famous for,its high-quality bananas, sugar cane,lychees,and pineapples. It is also one of the most developed industrial provinces in South China,with convenient transportation,both on land and water. It has several special,economic zones,such as Shenzhen,Zhuhai, Shantou,and so on,.,Finally, I sincerely hope every one of you will enjoy yourself here.,1.,位置,lie in/ be located in/on,(或分词短语),2.,历史,has a history of ,(或,with,短语),3.,面积,have/cover an area of ,(或,with,短语),4,人口,has a population of /,或,with,短语,5.,资源物产,be rich in,6.,气候,a pleasant climate/the,7.,旅游,has beautiful mountains, rivers,and charming sight,8.,表示“是,.,之乡,/,乐土”,is the home of,9.,表示“有,美誉”,enjoys the reputation of,Step10: Summary,Step:11Homework:,1. Improve your own writing and hand it in.,2. Recite the useful expressions and the,sample version.,Thank you !,


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