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., ., , , , ,*,6TOOL GUIDE,21st. Feb. 2004,100 PPM,India Pvt Ltd,1. 6TOOL ?,100 PPM QUALITY PROCESS,OS&D*,Sequential Inspection,Main Process Control,Time Check,Quality Audit,Review Meeting,1,2,3,4,5,6,Perfect,Check,System,Cultivating,Team,Skill,Implement,6TOOL,*OS&D : Over, Shortage & Defect,100 PPM,2. 6TOOL-1 / OS&D Activity,A system to improve quality of components found defective by monitoring , analyzing &,acting on actual real time data & material supplied by suppliers.,OS&D Image,Establish full inspection system,Establish quality information system,- Real information system,. Real data,. Real material,- Computerized OS&D management,Establish vendor appraisal system,- Quality contract,(agreement of target quality),- I&P System,Innovation Flow,*I&P : Incentive & Penalty,FACTORY,SUPPLIERS,Improvement,Activities,Defect,Found,Real & Quick,Information,Improved,Material,Innovation Activities,Attach tag after finding a defect,on the line,Place collection box for defectives,in the line,Collect rejection & analysis of same,from IQC members,Display rejection due to supplier,Request for urgent delivery in exchange,of total rejection.,Supplier must receive real information,and have improvement meeting,(once/week) = Q-manager attend,Receive improved material & follow-up,100 PPM,2. 6TOOL-1 / OS&D Activity (RULE),PRODUCTION,PURCHASE,IQC,MATERIAL,SUPPLIER,Activities,- Find defective parts,-Attach tag,. Supplier defect : Red,. Transportation : Blue,. Work defect : Yellow,- Store defective parts,- Issue OS&D NCR,(once/day),- Provide additional parts,in lieu of defected qty,. Emergency delivery,- Hold improvement M/T,with supplier,. Sunrise M/T,- Collect the defective,parts (once/day),- Analyze and evaluate,the cause of rejection.,. Classify the reason,their types like internal,work error or,transportation or vendor,- Record and manage,current defect status,and feed back,- Display the defective,parts,- Organize the receipt/,issuing of alternated,parts to the line,- Receive the defective,parts,- Analyze the reason,- Hold improvement,meeting,.Daily meeting,.Weekly innovation,meeting,(Q-manager attend),- Monthly evaluation,meeting,(Q-manager attend),Material,Work defect,Vendor defect &,Transportation,Return,Data,Replacement for defective parts,100 PPM,Self-inspection Check-list,Prepared,By,Checked,By,Approved,By,MACHINE / MODEL,BUYER,ORIGIN DATE,REVISED DATE,PROCESS NAME,DRAWING,PART,SPECIFICATION,SELF-INSPECTION METHOD,REVISION NO,100 PPM,* OS&D Stickers,1. SUPPLIER DEFECT,2. WORKMANSHIP DEFECT,100 PPM,OS&D Report,Prepared,By,Checked,By,Approved,By,Production Line :,DATE : / /,S/No,Part Name,Part No,Defect Description,Vendor,Prod.,QC,Workmanship,Prod.,QC,Total,Defect Status,Vendor,Name,Q,C,Supervisor,Manager,P,R,O,D,Remarks,Pro-,Inspec-,tion,3. 6TOOL-2 / Sequential inspection,To filter all the rejection on the line by inspecting pre-processed work totally (100%),at the next process.,Sequential inspection image,After checking pre-processed work,do own process activities,Start,Assembly Line,1st Process,2nd Process,3rd Process,Inspect 100% in assembly process,Sequential inspection image,- Setting sequential inspection points,of each process,- Check pre-process work,- Attach a tag on the defected position,- Feed back to the concerned operator,- Record and manage repair history,- Notify the defective contents to operators,in the review meeting,- Make countermeasures,Work,-ing,Pro-,Inspec-,tion,Pre-,Inspec-,tion,Work,-ing,Pro-,Inspec-,tion,Pre-,Inspec-,tion,Work,-ing,100 PPM,* Sequential inspection Guide,ITEM,PROCESS NAME,Sequential inspection guide,100 PPM,* Sequential inspection Sticker,100 PPM,Individual result - Sequential inspection,N,O,Name,LINE : MONTH :,Prepared,By,Checked,By,Approved,By,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Repair Record,NO,Fault,SHOP / : DATE : / /,Prepared,By,Checked,By,Approved,By,Cause,Action Taken,Item,Qty,Concerned,Operation,TOTAL,PROD. QTY,% REPAIR,Remarks,100 PPM,4. 6TOOL-3 / Main Process Control,Establish visual management for main process (Heavy rejection,Customer complaints,critical etc.) and concentrate on improvement,activity like Fool Proof.,Main Process Operation,- Install sign boards such as :,. Major process : Customer Complain, Line Defect,. Specific process : Time Check process,Customers requirement,. Critical process : Critical items, Standard items,- Register defective process : When defect occurs,- Withdraw main process : when no defect occurs,- If rejection occurs establish countermeasure : attach the process,- TDRE* activity when defect occurs continuously,- Make a permanent countermeasure : Fool Proof,- Establish check & appraisal system,*TDRE : Tear Down & Re- Engineering,100 PPM,* Sign Board,MAJOR PROCESS,SPECIFIC PROCESS,CRITICAL PROCESS,550MM,145MM,100 PPM,Main Process Control Sheet,Production Qty,Defective Qty,Defective Rate,Date,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total,Defect,Rate,(ppm),1,000,2,000,SHOP,PROCESS NAME,CATEGORY,OPERATOR,OPENING DATE,SUPERVISOR,TARGET,100 PPM,5. 6TOOL-4 / Time Check,To assure component quality which are processed in house,check main control point regularly,Time Check Image,Flow Chart,Activity,- Check quality periodically,and take action,- Initial inspection :,. Assure initial setting,condition,- Intermediate inspection :,Check 4M variation,. Correct specification,variation of 4M at mid,of production day,- Final inspection :,Assure the quality of,finished product,Decide,check point,Take sample,Check,Keep sample,Recording,Initial,Intermediate,Final,Every two hour,OK,NG,Stop production,& check early Lot,Recheck all,(100%),Change working,condition & repair,- Isolate rejected lot,- Stop the defective input to,the next process,- Decide limit level and segregate,- Repair or disposal,- Find out defect cause,- Establish permanent solution,with concerned dept.,100 PPM,TIME CHECK SHEET,CHECKED BY(SUPERVISOR):,APPROVED BY(MANAGER):,LINE,PROCESS NAME,DURATION,( / / ) ( / / ),CYCLE,EVERY ( ) HR,OPERATORS NAME,SUPERVISORS NAME,No,Check,items,Signature by supervisor,MON ( / ),TUE ( / ),WED ( / ),THU ( / ),FRI ( / ),SAT ( / ),09:00,11:00,11:00,01:00,02:00,04:00,04:00,06:00,09:00,11:00,11:00,01:00,02:00,04:00,04:00,06:00,09:00,11:00,11:00,01:00,02:00,04:00,04:00,06:00,09:00,11:00,11:00,01:00,02:00,04:00,04:00,06:00,09:00,11:00,11:00,01:00,02:00,04:00,04:00,06:00,09:00,11:00,11:00,01:00,02:00,04:00,04:00,06:00,Specs,100 PPM,* Time Check Process Board,TIME CHECK PROCESS,550MM,145MM,TIME CHECK BOARD,Time Check Sheet,09:0011:00,11:0001:00,02:0004:00,04:0006:00,LINE : _,ITEM : _,OPERATOR,SUPERVISOR,100 PPM,6. 6TOOL-5 / Q-AUDIT,We will compare the required quality level & the quality level of our,products / processes and then narrow the gap.,Flow Chart,Select model,Find problems/,Register task,Do Q-Audit,Keep Record,Improvement,Manage,till innovated,Process,Class,Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,Outgoing Audit,Step 1 +Line Audit,Step 2 + Process,(Parts) Audit,M,A,I,N,F,O,C,U,S,Rem-,arks,- Understand,customers needs,Establish outgoing,inspection,parameters.,Do 100% inspection,Find out weak point,& improve.,Establish line process,parameters.,Do regular audit.,Find out line problems,& improve.,- Find out process or,parts problem & solve,them permanently,Regular Audit by QA along with production & sometimes,from Customer.,100 PPM,Establish control,Parameters.,7. 6TOOL-6 / Review Meeting,We must naturalize ourselves to prevent defect input & improvement,of such defects through systematic review .,Daily Meeting,Weekly Meeting,Monthly Meeting,- Describe process & parts defect,with actual material,- Conducted by supervisor with,all operators,- Do daily,- Weekly meeting to make counter-,measure (OS&D, Line Rejection),- Supervisor & Manager,- Once per week,- Review monthly target & result,establish next month plan,- Supervisor & All Managers,- Once per month,100 PPM,Quality Review Report,LINE,DATE,/ /,Prepared,by,A,P,P,R,O,V,A,L,Prepared,by,Checked,by,HOD,LQC Status,1. Rejection rate,( / ) ( / ),Prod,Qty,Rej,Qty,PPM,APC,used,APC,rej,PPM rej,2. Worst 5 items,( Customer / Line),1,2,3,4,5,Problem & Cause,Countermeasure,Date,Resp.,Sign,A,P,C,S,H,O,P,REJECTION STATUS,MONTH,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31,Total,Production,Qty,APC used,Qty,Rejection,Qty,APC Rej.,Rate,Date,Rate,(Unit :,PPM),50,100,150,200,300,APC rej.,Qty,Shop,Rejection Rate,APC TARGET,Monthly Line Rejection Rate,2004,REJECTION RATE,(PPM),JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC,50,100,150,200,Prod,Qty,APC used,Rej.,Qty,APC Rej.,Rate,APC rej.,Shop,Rej. Rate,APC TARGET,1-1 6 Sigma Concept, level,PPM,6 3.4,5233,46210,366,807,2308,537,Process Defects,Capability Opportunity,Sweet Fruits,( Perfect Design),Bulk of fruits,( Optimization),Lower fruits,( 7 QC tools),Ground fruits,( Straight viewpt),1-1 6 Sigma Concept-I,3 Sigma Level Company,6 Sigma Level Company,10 15% of sales is failure cost,Having 66,807 defects per Million,Depends on the detection of defects,Believes that high Quality is expensive,Doesnt follow systematic approach,Benchmarking against competing,companies,Believes 99% is good enough,Defines CTQs internally,5% of sales is failure cost,3.4 defects per Million,Focus on process not to produce Defects,Believes that high Quality creates low cost,Uses D-M- A-I-C Know how,Benchmarking to be the Best in the World,Believes 99% is unacceptable.,Defines CTQs from customer point of view,1-1 6 Sigma Concept-II,3 Sigma Level Company,6 Sigma Level Company,54,000 wrong drug prescriptions /year,Unsafe drinking water 2hrs/ month,No telephone service for 27 min / week,5 Short or long landings at the heathero,airport in a day.,1,350 incorrect surgical operations /,week.,54,000 lost articles of mail loss / hr.,1 wrong drug prescription in 25 years.,Unsafe drinking water for 16 years.,No telephone service for 6 sec for 100 years,1 short or long landings at Heathero,airport in 10 years.,1 incorrect surgical operation for 20 years.,35 lost articles of mail / year.,1-2 6 Sigma Concept ( Aspect of tools),Steps,Tools,Definition,Measurement,Analysis,Improvement,Control,Process Mapping,Logic Tree,Pareto Analysis,QFD , FMEA,Gage R&R,Rational subgroupings,Process Capability,Hypothesis Testing,Regression,Graph analysis,DOE( Design of Experiment,Direct Improvements,13)SPC,1-3 Understanding Basic concepts of Statistics,“Z “ is the measure of process capability,Z=3,Z=6,1,2,3,LSL,USL,1,2,3,LSL,USL,4,5,6,There are equal no,Of S.D on both sides,So for Z=3, the tolerance,Band is divided into 6S.D,For Z=6 , the tolerance Band is,Divided into 12 S.D,As number of S.D increases,The curve narrows down & so,Process capability increases &,Thus defect decreases.,Cp 2.0,Cpk 1.5,


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