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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Food and talk,Food and talk,2,2,Sayings about food,1.Ones meat is another mans poison.,甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜。,2.Dont put all your eggs in one basket.,不要把全部希望寄托在一件事情上。,3.Its no use crying over spilt milk.,不要为打翻的牛奶而哭泣。,4.Half a loaf is better than one.,有一点总比没有好。,/,聊胜于无。,3,Sayings about food1.Ones meat,If you are invited by a foreign friend, what will you do if you are not sure what to do?,Always follow the host/hostess.,4,If you are invited by a foreig,Was Amelia a good guest?,5,Was Amelia a good guest?5,companion:a person who has similar tastes, interests, etc. to your own and whose company you enjoy,6,companion:a person who has sim,Was Mrs.Rumbold a good companion at dinner?,No, she wasnt.,7,Was Mrs.Rumbold a good compani,Listen again,8,Listen again8,detail information,1. Did the writer go to the dinner party last week?,Yes, he did.,2.Was Mrs.Rumbold large or small?,Large.,3.What was she wearing?,A tight black dress.,4.What did the writer try to do?,To make a conversation.,9,detail information1. Did the w,New words and expressions,hostess n.,女主人,unsmiling adj.,不笑的,严肃的,tight adj.,紧身的,fix v.,凝视,globe n.,地球,despair n.,绝望,10,New words and expressionshoste,hostess,n.,女主人,11,hostess11,host,12,host12,Lesson37,Q: When was the last time this country,hosted,the Olympic Games?,host: n.,男主人,host: v.,作为主人,主办,13,Lesson3713,变化,actor actress,tiger tigress,master mistress,prince princess,bachelor maid,king queen,cock hen,14,变化actor,英文中性别的表示方法,一、在女性,/,阴性名词后加,ess:,host hostess,author authoress,lion lioness,15,英文中性别的表示方法一、在女性/阴性名词后加ess:15,unsmiling,adj.,严肃的,不笑的,16,unsmiling16,unsmiling smiling,有些形容词前面可以加上前缀un-来表示相反的意义:,comfortable (舒服的)/uncomfortable(不舒服的),true(真实的)/untrue(不真实的),interesting(有趣的)/uninteresting(无趣味的),17,unsmiling smiling17,serious,18,serious18,unsmiling VS serious,unsmiling:,强调面部表情僵硬,不笑。,serious:,可以指事情重大,也可以修饰人,表示因为问题比较严重而需要承担责任导致的严肃,19,unsmiling VS seriousunsmiling:,20,20,tight,adj.,紧身的,21,tight 21,She is wearing a tight dress.,22,She is wearing a tight dress.2,tight jeans,紧身牛仔裤,鞋子太小了。,The shoes are very tight.,23,tight jeans 紧身牛仔裤23,fix ones eyes on,凝视,目不转睛,24,fix ones eyes on 24,fix ones eyes on,注视,眼睛盯住公路,这样我们就更安全些。,Fix,your eyes,on,the road and we will be much safer.,ones eyes be fixed on,所有的人都目不转睛的盯着白板。,All the eyes were fixed on the whiteboard.,25,fix ones eyes on 注视25,fix v.,修理,26,fix v.修理26,fix up,修理,.,安排,我的电脑坏了,能帮我修理一下吗?,My computer doesnt work.Could you fix it up for me?,我们可以跟你安排今晚的住处。,We can fix you up for tonight.,27,fix up 修理.安排27,辨析:repair,mend与fix,repair,多指将损坏、破旧之物加以修理,mend,指修补有破洞、裂痕等的东西,fix,美语用法,.,相当于,repair,(2009,武汉中考,) -We need to _ a time to have a talk, now !,-What about tomorrow,?,I am too busy today.,A. put up B. fix up C. use up D. look up,28,辨析:repair,mend与fixrepair多指将损坏、,globe,n.,地球,29,globe29,earth,world,globe,earth,: 指表面有陆地和水,人类所居住行星的名字。有时与“天”相对,泛指“地”。,world,: 通常相当于earth与globe,现多用指地球,地球上的世界,社会和人。,globe,: 指我们生活的地球,但强调其实体和圆形。,30,earth,world,globeearth : 指表面有陆,Exercise,1. He travelled all over the _ .,2. We use a _ in our geography lessons.,3. The _ goes around the sun.,world,globe,earth,31,Exercise1. He travelled all ov,despair,n.,绝望,32,despair32,in despair,绝望地,他绝望地离开了家乡。,He left his hometown in despair.,despairing adj.,绝望的,绝望的表情,a despairing look,33,in despair 绝望地33,Language Point,1.Last week at a dinner party, the hostess,asked me to sit,next to,Mrs.Rumbold.,ask sb. to do sth.,next to,与,.,相邻,它既可以表示座位挨着也可以表示地理位置上挨着:,开会时坐在你旁边的那人是谁?,Who was the man sitting next to you during the meeting?,我们家房子边上有一片田野/一个商店。,Theres a field/shop next to our house.,34,Language Point1.Last week at a,2Mrs. Rumbold was a large,unsmiling,lady,in,a tight black dress.,In,引导短语作定语、表语,表示状态、特征,未来的生活,the life in the future,去旅馆的路上,the way to the hotel,35,2Mrs. Rumbold was a large, un,3.She did not,even,look up,when,I took my seat,besides her.,even,甚至,连,连小孩也会回答这么简单的问题。,Even a child can answer such an easy question.,take a seat表示,“坐下”,比,sit要正式:,take ones seat则表示位置事先已安排好:,大家各自就座后,会议便开始了。,After everyone had taken his seat, the meeting party began.,36,3.She did not even look up whe,look after,照顾,照料,look down upon(on),看不起,轻视,look forward to,盼望,期待,look into,朝,.,看去,;,调查,look out,当心,小心,留神,look up,查寻,查阅,;,抬头看,37,look after 照顾,照料 37,4.Her eyes were,fixed on,her plate and in a short time, she,was busy eating,.,fix on “使(目光、注意力等)集中于,”、“盯着”,busy+ doing sth.表示,“忙着做某事”,我们都在忙着为演出进行准备。,Were all busy getting ready for the performance.,38,4.Her eyes were fixed on her p,5.A new play is coming to “The Globe” soon.,come to,A new movie is coming to the cinema.,A new movie is on.,be on,放映,39,5.A new play is coming to “The,6If you ate more and talked less,we would both,enjoy our dinner,.,enjoy ones dinner,津津有味地吃饭,虚拟语气:,与现在的事实相反,从句使用一般过去时,主句使用,would +,动词原形,40,6If you ate more and talked l,Grammar focus,41,41,Watch the video and try to translate the script into English.,42,Watch the video and try to tra,经典台词:,如果上天再给我一次机会,我会对那个女孩说三个子,我爱你,.,如果非要给这段感情加上一个期限的话,我愿他是一万年!,43,经典台词:43,If God gave me another chance, I would say to the girl, I love you! If there had to be a limit of time, I would pray its ten thousands years.,44,If God gave me another chance,虚拟语气,虚拟语气用来表示,说话人的主观愿望和假设,,所说的是,一个条件,,并非是一个事实,或与事实相反。虚拟语气在条件句中运用较多。,条件句可分为两类,一类为,真实条件句,,一类为,非真实条件句,。,45,虚拟语气虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望和假设,所说的是一个,区别,If you help me, I will be grateful.,If you helped me, I would be grateful.,非真实条件句,真实条件句,46,区别If you help me, I will be gr,退格,现在时,将来时,过去时,过去完成时,47,退格现在时将来时过去时过去完成时47,主从句的谓语形式,时间,If,从句的谓语形式,主句的谓语形式,现在,过去,将来,did / were,had done,would/could/should/might +V.(,原,),would/could/should/might+have+p.p.,1. did / were,2. should do,3. were to do,would/could/should/might + V.(,原,),48,主从句的谓语形式时间If 从句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式现在过,What,would,you do if you,won,the lottery?,If I,won,the lottery,I,would,49,What would you do if you won t,If I,won,the lottery, I,would,buy an expensive,car.,50,If I won the lottery, I would,If I,had,a lot of money,I,would,buy a villa.,51,If I had a lot of money, I wo,If I,had,a lot of money now,I,would,travel around the,world.,52,If I had a lot of money now, 5,If +,主,+ did(were),主,+would/should/could/might,+,动词原形,If I were you, I would try it again.,1.,如果我是你,我会再试一次。,2.,如果我有一百万美元,我会买下这架飞机。,If I had one million dollars, I would buy the plane.,与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,53,If + 主 + did(were), 主+would/sh,If +,主,+had done sth,主,+would/should/could/might,+,动词完成式(,have done,),If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination.,1.,如果他努力学的话,他就通过这次考试。,If I had married her, I would have been unhappy,.,2.,要是当时我和她结了婚的话,那我是很不幸的。,与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,54,If +主 +had done sth, 主+would/s,与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句,(,通常有时间状语,),If he came here tomorrow, I would tell him about it.,If he were to come here tomorrow, I would tell him.,1.,如果他明天来的话,我会告诉他这件事,.,2.,如果他明天来的话,我会告诉他,.,If +,主,+ did(were to /should do),主,+would/should/,could/might +,动词原形,55,与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句(通常有时间状语)If he ca,Exercise,-What present do you think I should bring for my host family?,-If I _ you, I would bring _. Like something you make by yourself.,A. was, special something,B. were, special something,C. am, something special,D. were, something special,-重庆一中初2013级12-13学年度上期半期考试,56,Exercise-What present do you,What do you think I should do to pass the exam.,If I were you, I,work hard at it.,A. will B. must,C. mayD. Would,2012-2013学年武汉市武珞路中学上学期九年级英语期中测试卷,57,What do you think I should do,You are so silly to refuse the gift. If I_ you, I _accept his gift.,A. am; will B. was; will,C. were; would D. were; will,2011-2012学年度第一学期期中考试九年级英语试题,58,You are so silly to refuse the, I dont know if Aunt Li,these “stay-home children” tomorrow morning., If I,her, I would come earlier.,A. will come to take care of; am,B. come to look after; were,C. will come to take care of; were,D. comes to come up with; am,2011年四川省达州市中考英语试题,59, I dont know if Aunt Li,Special difficulties Make,短语,when we talk about creating/producing/constructing something,we usually use make rather than do.make is for creating activities.,make the bed.,整理床铺,make noise,制造噪音,make a promise,许诺,保证,make trouble,制造麻烦,make progress,进步,make money,挣钱,盈利,make a speech,发表演讲,make mistake,犯错,make up ones mind,下决心,60,Special difficulties Make短语wh,Do,1)do is a general word for actions.,2)some certain nouns are usually followed by do,do homework,做作业,do housework,做家务,do ones best,尽全力,do a favor,帮忙,do business,做生意,do research,做研究,do exercise,做练习,61,Do1)do is a general word for a,Exercise,Can you get it done in two days?,- Well, Ill _ my best.,A. make B. do,C. keep D. get,2012年武汉市九年级元月调考英语试题,62,ExerciseCan you get it done in,2,-What do you think of this skirt, Alice?,-Its beautiful and it _ me well, so I like it very much.,A.makesB. gives,C. fitsD. Feels,63,2 -What do you think of thi,3.,-,Hi, Sunny. Your new flat is so nice!,-Thanks,A. make yourself at home,B. dont mention it.,C. my pleasure,D. the same lo you,2012-2013学年度武珞路中学九年级期中考试测试卷二,64,3.-Hi, Sunny. Your new flat,4. Sorry, I didnt hear you.,I_a phone call then.,A. made B. was making,C. will make D. would make,65,4. Sorry, I didnt hear you.65,谢谢观赏,谢谢观赏,66,谢谢观赏谢谢观赏66,


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