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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,ProGlide Overview,April 2007,LT2925874,*,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce, 2007 Abbott Laboratories,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/9/14,#,Proglide,March 19,2010 Beijing,ProGlide Overview,1,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Proglide March 19,2010 B,ProGlide Components,ProGlide Overview,2,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,ProGlide ComponentsProGlide Ov,Sheath,Hemostasis Valve,Restricts the blood flow through the sheath while the sheath is in the artery.,Guide Wire Exit Port,Directs the guide wire out of the sheath through the GW port,Tapered Sheath,6F compatible,ProGlide Overview,3,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,SheathHemostasis ValveRestric,Distal Guide and Foot,Distal Guide,Houses the foot, suture bearing and O-ring,Designed to provide easy device insertion,Foot,Provides tactile resistance against the arterial wall,ProGlide Overview,4,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Distal Guide and FootDistal Gu,Proximal Guide,Auto-Tie monofilament knot is housed in the distal Proximal Guide,ProGlide Overview,5,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Proximal GuideAuto-Tie monofil,Heat-Formed Knot,Heat forming process creates permanent shape of knot in suture,ProGlide Overview,6,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Heat-Formed KnotHeat forming p,Monofilament Suture,Non-absorbable 3-0 polypropylene suture (Prolene),Suture of choice by vascular surgeons due to:,Minimized inflammatory response,High-knot tensile strength,Reduced perception of infection,Knot at 28 Days,Post implant,ProGlide Overview,7,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Monofilament SutureNon-absorba,Body Components,Body,QuickCut,Marker Lumen,Lever,Handle,Collar,Plunger,ProGlide Overview,8,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Body ComponentsBodyQuickCutMa,Body Components,Marker Lumen,Provides visual confirmation that device is correctly positioned in the vessel,ProGlide Overview,9,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Body ComponentsMarker LumenPro,Body Components,QuickCut,Allows for sterile cutting of suture limbs,ProGlide Overview,10,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Body ComponentsQuickCutAllows,Body Components,Lever,Opens and Closes Foot,ProGlide Overview,11,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Body ComponentsLeverOpens and,Body Components,Body,Houses Suture, Needles and Lever Mechanisms,ProGlide Overview,12,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Body ComponentsBodyHouses Sutu,Suture Trimmer,Thumb Knob,Opens Suture Gate when slid backwards,ProGlide Overview,13,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Suture TrimmerThumb KnobOpens,Suture Trimmer,Suture Trimmer Lever,Trims/Cuts suture above arteriotomy,ProGlide Overview,14,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Suture TrimmerSuture Trimmer L,Suture Trimmer,Suture Gate,Allows suture to be placed coaxial to Suture Trimmer,ProGlide Overview,15,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Suture TrimmerSuture GateAllow,Deployment Steps,ProGlide Overview,16,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Deployment StepsProGlide Overv,Device Pre-Deployment Review,Femoral angio to evaluate,L,(location),S,(size),D,(disease),IEA,IEA,$,$,CFA,Sheath Insertion Site,CFA,Sheath Insertion Site,ProGlide Overview,17,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Device Pre-Deployment ReviewFe,Deployment Positioning,Advance ProGlide into artery until pulsatile flow is achieved,ProGlide Overview,18,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Deployment Positioning Advan,Foot Deployment,Lift lever to deploy foot,Retract device a) until tactile sensation of foot against anterior wall of artery b) cessation of mark occurs,ProGlide Overview,19,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Foot DeploymentLift lever to d,Needle Deployment,Depress plunger until collar meets body,ProGlide Overview,20,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Needle DeploymentDepress plung,Suture Removal,Plunger withdrawal,ProGlide Overview,21,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Suture RemovalPlunger withdraw,Foot Parking,ProGlide Overview,22,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Foot ParkingProGlide Overview2,Suture Presentation,Deliberately retract device until GW exit port is at skin level,Harvest suture limbs,White non-rail makes it tight,Blue limb - rail,ProGlide Overview,23,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Suture PresentationDeliberatel,Knot Advancement,Wrap rail limb around left index finger, holding gentle tension on rail, coaxial,Remove device with right hand as you pull tension on rail,ProGlide Overview,24,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Knot AdvancementWrap rail limb,Knot Advancement with Suture Trimmer,Place non-rail onto left index finger and pinch with thumb,With right hand, load both limbson suture trimmer,Advance suture trimmer down to arteriotomy,Release non-rail limb and move to one-handed technique,ProGlide Overview,25,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Knot Advancement with Suture T,Knot Advancement with Suture Trimmer,With guitar string tension, keep the trimmer coaxial to suture with rail limb over thumb knob for 10 seconds,Move trimmer to 75 cranial and then back down to 45,Tighten knot by gently pulling back on white non-rail,ProGlide Overview,26,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Knot Advancement with Suture T,Hemostasis,Remove suture trimmer from tissue tract,Test security of close by having patient bend leg,ProGlide Overview,27,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,HemostasisRemove suture trimme,Suture Trimming,While holding constant back tension on the suture limbs, load both limbs into the suture trimmer and advance to the arteriotomy,Trim suture limbs with red lever,Keep lever retracted upon withdrawal,ProGlide Overview,28,Company ConfidentialDo not distribute or reproduce,Suture TrimmingWhile holding c,提问与解答环节,Questions And,Answers,提问与解答环节,谢谢聆听,学习,就是,为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是,为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和,挫折,Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal,谢谢聆听Learning Is To Achieve A C,


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