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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A true story,Lesson 119,1,A true story,Review,模仿例句回答问题,A.,例:,What were you doing when he arrived? (have a bath),When he arrived I was having a bath.,1. What were you doing when he arrived? (cook a meal),2. What were you doing when he arrived? (wash the dishes),3.,What were you doing when he arrived? (work in the garden),When he arriv,e,d,I,was,cook,ing,a meal.,When he arriv,e,d,I,was,wash,ing,the dishes,.,When he arriv,e,d,I,was,work,ing,in the garden,.,2,Review模仿例句回答问题When he arrived,模仿例句回答问题,A.,例,: What was he doing while you were cooking the dinner? (work in the garden),While I was cooking the dinner, he was working in the garden.,1. What was he doing while you were cooking the dinner.,(have a wash),2.,What was he doing while you were cooking the dinner? (watch television),While,I,was,cook,ing,the dinner, he,was,hav,ing,a wash.,While,I,was,cook,ing,the dinner, he,was,watch,ing,television.,3,模仿例句回答问题While I was cooking th,Free talk,Tell us something about thief,.,handcuffs 手铐,He was taken away in handcuffs.,他被铐走了。,A policeman put handcuffs on the thief.,一个警察给那小偷带上了手铐。,4,Free talkTell us something abo,Key words,expressions,3. t,hief,/if/,n.,贼,复数:,thie,ves,A World without,_,Thieves,5,Key wordsexpressions3. thief,Snow White,c,6,Snow White c6,An Ugly Duckling,7,An Ugly Duckling7,Little Red Riding Hood,Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother.,小红帽去探望她的外婆,.,8,Little Red Riding HoodLittle,2,. s,tory/str/ n.,故事,a ghost,story,tell,stories,谎话,Dont t,e,ll,stories,!,He is good at _ _.(,他擅长讲故事,),stor,ies,tell,ing,9,2. story/str/ n.storiest,Key words,expressions,2. h,appen/hpn/,1),v.,发生,happen to sb.,发生在某人身上,A strange thing,_ _,a friend of mine a year ago.,一年之前,一件希奇的事发生在我的一位朋友身上。,2),v.,碰巧,恰好(to),I,happen,ed,to,meet her on my way home.,在回家的路上,我碰巧遇见了她。,I,_ _,know that professor.,我正好熟悉那位教授。,happen,ed,to,happen,to,10,Key wordsexpressions2. happe,5.,e,nter /ent/,v.,进入,enter,the room,他们进入了房子后,就去了餐厅。,After they had,_,the house, they went into the dining room.,参加,加入,enter,the Party,Four students from our,school,entered the final contest.,我们学校的4名学生进入了竞赛的决赛。,(入党),enter,ed,11,5. enter /ent/ v.(入党)enter,5. d,ark/dk/,adj.,黑暗的,too,dark,深色的,dark,blue,阴暗的,dark,futur,e,-,bright,future,n.,黄昏,黑夜,at dark in the _,天黑时,在暗处,light,dark,12,5. dark/dk/天黑时在暗处lightdark,6. t,orch n.,手电筒,turn on,/,off,the,torch,火炬,light the,torch,13,6. torch n.13,Key words,expressions,7. v,oice/vs/ n.,voice,表示人说话时嗓子发出的声音,sound,表示世间万物的声音,noise,表示杂音,不悦人的声音,14,Key wordsexpressions7. voice/,voice,noise sound,1. Dont make any _!,别吵闹!,2. The girl has a beautiful _.,那女孩嗓音很美,。,3. At midnight he heard a strange _.,半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音.,noise,voice,sound,15,voice noise sound1. Dont,Key words,expressions,8. p,arrot /prt/ n.,鹦鹉,16,Key wordsexpressions8. parro,Key words,expressions,story n.,故事,happen v.,发生,thief n.,贼,enter v.,进入,dark adj.,黑暗的,torch n.,手电筒,voice n. (,说话的,),声音,parrot n.,鹦鹉,exercise book n.,练习本,17,Key wordsexpressionsstory,Listen and answer,1. Who called out to the thieves in the dark?,18,Listen and answer1. Who called,Questions on the text,1.When did the story happen?,2.What was George doing when the thieves entered the room?,3.Why did they turn on a torch?,4.Whos Henry?,Video,19,Questions on the text1.When di,Language points,1,、,I,want to,tell you a,true,story.,want to do sth.,想要做某事。,tell a story,讲故事。,Do you _ _ _ a look?,你想看一看吗?,want,to,have,20,Language points1、I want to tel,Language points,双重所有格,:,a friend of mine = my friend,;,a friend of my fathers = my fathers friend,a friend of mine,相当于one of my friends,但前者比后者显得更为亲切。,21,Language points21,Language points,4,、,While,my friend,George,was reading in bed, two thieves,climbed into,his kitchen.,George,同位语,,补充说明,my friend,。,climb into,爬进。,5,、,After,they,had entered,the house, they,went into,the dining room.,=They had entered the house,before,they went into the dining room.,强调两个动作的前后顺序时,较早的动作要用,过去完成时,。,22,Language points4、While my frie,Language points,5,、,After,they,had entered,the house, they,went into,the dining room.,After they had entered the house,是时间状语从句,,had entered,是过去完成时结构。在以after引导的时间状语从句中,用一般过去时或过去完成时没有多少区别。假如强调从句的谓语动作在主句的谓语动作之前完成,就用过去完成时。,23,Language points5、After they ha,Language points,6,、,It was very dark,so,they,turned on,a torch.,= They turned on a torch,because,it was very dark.,连词,so,,所以、因此,表示结果。,turn on,打开,拧开(电视、水源、煤气等)。其反义词为turn off(关上)。,7,、,Suddenly, they,heard,a,voice,behind them.,hear,强调结果。注意不规则变化,hear-heard- heard,。,24,Language points6、It was very d,Language points,8,、,Whats up? 【,口语,】,= Whats wrong? = Whats the matter?,【,寒暄,】Whats up, man?,询问对方最近过得如何。,10,、,The thieves,dropped,the torch and,ran away,as quickly as,they could.,drop,扔掉;,run away,逃跑;,as.as,sb.,can/could/possible,尽可能,地(第一个as是副词,修饰quickly,第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。),例句:,Run,as fast as you can,(后省略run),!,Please write to me,as soon as possible,.,25,Language points8、Whats up? 【口,Language points,14,、,But Georges parrot,Henry,was,still,there.,名词所有格,s,;,同位语,;,still,仍然。,15,、,Nothing, Henry, George said and smiled. ,Go back to,sleep.,go back to do sth.,回去继续做某事。,例如:,go back to _,work,26,Language points14、But Georges,过去完成时,1.意义:表示一个动作在过去某一个动作或过去某一时间之前已经发生或完成。,(即动作发生在,过去的过去,),2.形式 1)肯定式:,2)否定式:,3)疑问式,:,主语,+,had,+,动词的过去分词,主语,+,had not,+,动词的过去分词,Had,+,主语,+,动词的过去分词,27,过去完成时1.意义:表示一个动作在过去某一个动作或过去某一时,过去完成时:,构成:,主语,+,had,+,动词的过去分词,过去完成时主要用于表示,两个事件中一个发生在前,,或者说是表示,较早的过去,。,when,、,after,、,before,等也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生的,先后次序,。,already(已经),ever(曾经), for+表示时间段的词,just(刚刚)和never(从未)也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生的先后次序。,Grammar,in use,28,过去完成时: Grammar in use28,两个事件都发生在过去,如果哪个在前发生用,过去完成时,表示,哪个在后用,一般过去时,表示,本课当中出现,before,和,after,引导的时间状语从句,before+,一般过去时,主句用过去完成时,e.g. The film had already begun before I came back.,after +,过去完成时, 主句用一般过去时,e.g. He left the room after he had turned off the light .,Revision,29,两个事件都发生在过去,如果哪个在前发生用过去完成时表示,哪个,1. I _ 900 English words by the time I was ten,。,A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt,2. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _ the dinner already.,A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked,3. By the time he was ten years old, he _.,A has completed university B. has completed the university,C had completed an university D. had completed university,4. He _ to play _ before he was 11 years old.,A had learned, piano B. had learned, the piano,C. has learned, the piano D. learns ,piano,5.The students _ their classroom when the visitors arrived.,A . have cleaned B. had cleaned,C. was cleaned D. have been cleaned,C,A,D,A,B,30,1. I _ 900 English words,


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