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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,英语书面表达,English Composition Writing,英语书面表达English Composition Writ,Teaching goals,1.,引导学生认识写作中常出现的错误并改正。,2.引导学生掌握基本的写作步骤和要领。,3. 鼓励学生通过当堂写作训练,提高记叙文(夹叙夹议)写作能力和兴趣。,Teaching goals,(,(2010,湖北高考,),结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈微笑的作用。,内容包括:,(1)你是如何看待微笑的作用的;,(2)谈谈你所经历的让你最感动或给你印象最深刻的一次微笑;,(3)你对微笑的感悟。,check your classwork,(2010湖北高考)结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短,Which composition feels more attractive, why?,Which composition feels more a,Discussion,- 找出这篇作文的错误并改正,People often say,A smile can make you ten years younger. Not only smile can help us forget the unhappy things, but also it help us keep good mood. Once I failed in my history exam. I are very sad. Later, I tell my grandma this thing say I hard-working history every day,but history still not good. I didnt know what I could do. Finally, I passed the exam becuase of her smile and encouragement.You dont give up becuase failure is the mother of success. my grandma said . I know the kindness smile is likes the sun, can warmed our heart.,can smile,helps,was,中式中文,中式中文,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,8,I told my grandma this thing and said even though I studied hard, I,couldnt achieve high grades.,I know the kind smile can make us feel,warm like the sun.,Discussion- 找出这篇作文的错误并改正 P,书面表达有方法,三段结构把架搭,十句中文心中划,主谓时态要一致,每句短语,句型化,特殊句型锦添花,Conclusion,书面表达有方法Conclusion,1.一般句式:People often say,A smile can make you ten years younger.,高级句式:As the saying goes,A smile can make you ten years younger.,如何句型锦添花?,看看同学们的作文中哪些句子可以锦添花?,1.一般句式:People often say,A smi,2. 一般句式:,I passed the exam becuase of her smile and,encouragement.,I,couldnt have passed,the physics exam,but for,your help.,I,couldnt have passed,the physics exam,but for,your help.,高级句式,:,I,couldnt have passed,the exam,but for,her smile and encouragement,.,(,用虚拟语气),2. 一般句式: I couldnt have passe,小试牛刀,1.When,they got to the station,they met the young man.,Hardly had they got,to the station,when,they met the young man.,2. He is a very good boy.(改为感叹句),What a good boy he is !,hardly.when.,一。就。,小试牛刀1.When they got to the sta,As the saying goes,A smile can make you ten years younger. Not only,can smile,help us forget the unhappy things, but also it,helps,us keep good mood.,Once I failed in my history exam. I,was,very sad. Later,I told my grandma this thing and said even though I studied hard, I couldnt achieve high grades,. I didnt know what I could do.,I couldnt have passed the exam but for,her encouragement,.,Dont,give up becuase failure is the mother of success. my grandma said .,I know the kind smile can make us feel warm like the sun.,修改后的作文,As the saying goes,A,People often say,A smile can make you ten years younger. Not only smile can help us forget the unhappy things, but also it help us keep good mood. Once I failed in my history exam. I are very sad. Later, I tell my grandma this thing say I hard-working history every day,but history still not good. I didnt know what I could do. Finally, I passed the exam becuase of her smile and encouragement.You dont give up becuase failure is the mother of success. my grandma said . I know the kindness smile is likes the sun, can warmed our heart.,修改前的作文,People often say,A smile,(2012湖南高考),生活中,你自己或他人曾有过物品不慎丢失而又找回的经历,其间有烦恼、有惊喜、有感慨请就此写一篇英语短文。,主要内容包括:1)丢失的物品;,2)物品失而复得的经过;,3)你的感想。,注意:1. 词数不少于120个;,2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。,Practice,(2012湖南高考)Practice,【,审题,抓准信息,快速推断,】,记叙文,物品失而复得的经过和感想,一般过去时为主,第一人称,【审题抓准信息快速推断】记叙文物品失而复得的经过和感想,。,1,2,3,4,5,。12345,writing,(1)我仍然记得上学期我在学校的那一天,(,2,)我丢了眼镜。,(3)一个下雨的下午,我来到学校图书馆,希望去消磨时间。,(4) 我一意识到(丢眼镜)就返回去,结果发现图书馆关门了。,(5)第二天我返回图书馆时发现眼镜不见了。,(,6,)我感到烦恼,。,(,7,)我的同班同学也帮忙了,.,(,8,)一会儿之后,一位老师打电话告诉了我一个好消息。,(,9,)没有人会知道那时我多么高兴。,(,10,)我体会到,一方面,今后我应该更加细心,另一方面,我们应该乐于助人,writing (1)我仍然记得上学期我在学校的那一天,。,(3)一个下雨的下午,我来到学校图书馆,希望去消磨时间。,(4) 我一意识到(丢眼镜)就返回去了,结果发现图书馆关门了。,(5)第二天我返回图书馆时发现眼镜不见了。,(,8,)一会儿之后,一位老师打电话告诉了我一个好消息。,come to. to do/ doing.,kill time,hardly .when.,only to find.,the next day,。不见了(be gone/ missing,),a piece of good news,Instructions,。(3)一个下雨的下午,我来到学校图书馆,希望去消磨时间。,。,Lets work in groups,。Lets work in groups,I still remember a day last term when I was in our school. I lost my glasses,.,One rainy afternoon, I came to the school library, hoping to kill time.,hardly had,I noticed it,when,I returned, only to find the library closed. The next day when I went back to the library, I found they were gone. I was worried. My classmates also,helped me,.,A short while later, a teacher called me and told me a piece of good news.,No one could tell how delighted I was at that time. From the experience, I learned that on the one hand, I should be careful enough in future, and on the other hand, we should be ready to help each other and care for each other.,【成篇衔接过渡,连句成篇】,I still remember a day,书面表达有方法,三段结构把架搭,十句中文心中划,主谓时态要一致,每句短语,句型化,特殊句型锦添花,Conclusion,书面表达有方法Conclusion,(2012,南京模拟,),一年一度的寒假即将来临,,中学生英语,杂志准备出版专刊“快乐寒假”。请你为此写一篇英文稿件。你的叙述须包括下列要点:,1,往年寒假难忘的一件事,(,过程及感想,),;,2,今年寒假的打算,(,至少,3,点,娱乐、学习等,),;,3,你的愿望。,homework,(2012南京模拟) 一年一度的寒假即将来临,中学生英语,1,、要有针对性。,它不能像一般材料作文那样,从材料中引出一个道理,然后哲理化写作。而是必须针对材料所列出的现象进行评论,有的放矢;,2,、要有说理性。,定是以理服人,让读者能一目了然地知道这种现象的本质是什么,原因是什么,如何解决。,3.,理解体会文言文所表达的作者的思想感情。会在整体把握课文的基础上,回答一些简单的问题。,4.,会在整体把握课文的基础上,回答一些重点问题。分析理解文言文的思想意义,学会阅读理解赏析文言文。,5.,环境描写的作用,人物描写对人物性格塑造的作用及人物形象性格分析;作者的感情态度。,6.,理解体会文言文所表达的作者的思想感情。会在整体把握课文的基础上,回答一些简单的问题。,7.,会在整体把握课文的基础上,回答一些重点问题。分析理解文言文的思想意义,学会阅读理解赏析文言文。,感谢指导 !,1、要有针对性。它不能像一般材料作文那样,从材料中引出一个道,


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