北师大版unit11 L3 the advertising games

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 11 The Media,Lesson 3,The Advertising Game,( Period One ),Lead-in,Watch a video and think:,What product is it for?,Do you think the ad is successful? why?,Find these words and match them with their definitions.,a) traditional, typical b) company,c) right for something d) contain,e) plan of how money should be spent,f) rapid increase g) idea h) method,i) belonging to the present time,j) area around where you live,approach, boom, budget, classic, concept, consist of, contemporary, corporation, neighborhood, suitable,a) traditional, typical _,b) company _,c) right for something _,d) contain _,e) plan of how money should be spent,_,budget,classic,consist of,corporation,suitable,approach,concept,neighbourhood,contemporary,boom,f) rapid increase _,g) idea _,h) method _,belonging to the present time,_,j) area around where you live,_,Listening and thinking,1. What does the passage talk about?,A. The advantages and disadvantages of ads,B. The development of advertising,C. The effect of ads on our life,D. Peoples attitude toward ads,Enjoy a video and think:,What elements did the advertiser use to attract us?,1.,What makes public ad different from others?,Read Para 5 and discuss:,Their aim B. their design,C. Their budget D. their popularity,2.,What is the purpose of public ad? How do you feel about it? And how can the advertisers use the public ad to educate people?,Summarizing and checking:,There are many different kinds of advertisements. Some may give _ information about the product; some are made _ attractive to hold peoples attention; others use _ like success and wealth. Nowadays top advertisers prefer to use _ as well as new and _ ideas to surprise people. Public advertisements, however, focus on increasing public _.,direct,visually,concepts,humour,unusual,knowledge,Enjoy some slogans.,Be Creative,Just do it.,(Nike)只管去做吧!,Be Creative,Impossible made possible.,使不可能变为可能。佳能打印机,Be Creative,The choice of a new generation.,新一代的选择,百事可乐,Be Creative,Obey your thirst.,服从你的渴望,雪碧,After-class work:,Design a slogan(广告语) for a bottle of water.,Thanks a lot!,


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