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Supplementary Reading,After Reading,Detailed Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Unit 4 Globalization,Supplementary Reading,After Reading,Detailed Reading,Global Reading,Before Reading,Unit 4 Globalization,Supplementary Reading,After Reading,Detailed Reading,Global Reading,Before Reading,Unit 4 Globalization,Supplementary Reading,After Reading,Detailed Reading,Global Reading,Before Reading,Unit 4 Globalization,Supplementary Reading,After Reading,Detailed Reading,Global Reading,Before Reading,Unit 4 Globalization,B R _ main,Unit 4 Globalization,Text A In Search of Davos Man,寻找达沃斯人,Text B Globalization, Alive and Well,全球化:方兴未艾,P94 Overview,-how globalization shapes our sense of national identity,全球化怎样塑造我们的国家认同感,-examine whether it undermines national loyalties,审视它全球化是否会削弱对国家的忠诚,Western skeptics 西方的疑心者反对全球化的学者,Eastern enthusiasts 东方的支持者,economic integration 经济融合,political tolerance 政治包容,Warming-up,-Watch the video and discuss,-The World Economic Forum,B R _ 2_1_1,Watch the video clip “No Logo: brands globalization resistance and discuss within your group questions given.,B R _ 2_1,In the following, there are some words and expressions.,Think and construct new expressions related to,globalization. Chang its part of speech if necessary.,economy, international, growth, trade, loans,global, workers, foreign, investment, marketplace,political, phenomenon, world, level,Tips:,Economic Phenomenon,Political Globalization, Trade Globalization,International Organizations, Global Economy,Foreign Investments, Foreign Markets, Foreign Loans, World Economy,B R _ 3_1_1,The World Economic Forum (WEF),What is the WEF?,What are the themes of it?,What are the Industries?,China and the WEF,B R _ 3_1_2,The World Economic Forum,An independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation whose motto is “entrepreneurship in the global public interest. It believes that economic progress without social development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible.,B R _ 3_1_3,世界经济论坛 (WEF) 是一个非官方的国际组织,总部设在瑞士日内瓦。论坛因每年年会都在达沃斯召开,故也被称为“达沃斯论坛。,Themes,随着国际形势的开展和变化,世界经济论坛所探讨的议题逐渐突破了纯经济领域,许多双边和地区性问题以及世界上发生的重大政治、军事、平安和社会事件等也成为论坛讨论的内容。,此外,论坛还有各种性质的会员制组织,涉及政治、经济、文化、宗教、传媒和学术等领域。世界经济论坛每年还与假设干国家的政府或企业联合主办各种国际经济讨论会。,B R _ 3_1_5,China and the World Economic Forum,Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang attended the 2021 World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting opened in Davos, Switzerland. The links between China and the WEF started in 1979, when a Chinese delegation was invited to the forum for the first time. Since then, China has played a much greater role within the WEF, including hosting the summer session three times.,B R _ 3_2_1,Samuel Phillips Huntington (19272021),An American Political Scientist,Born,April 18, 1927NewYorkCity,UnitedStates,Died,December 24, 2008 (aged 81)MarthasVineyard,Massachusetts,Nationality,American,Fields,Politicalscience,Institutions,HarvardUniversity,B R _ 3_2_2,Almamater,StuyvesantHighSchool,HarvardUniversity,UniversityofChicago,YaleUniversity,Known for,ClashofCivilizations,Influenced,Fukuyama,Zakaria,G R _ main,Part Division of the Text,Match the ideas,Further Understanding,G R _ Part Division of the Text,Part Division of the Text,Part,Para(s),Main Ideas,1,13,2,45,Introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic Forum.,Debate over the impact of globalization on current society and culture.,3,68,History of globalization and its recent trends and future prospects.,4,911,Globalization versus nationalism and the challenges it faces,G R _ match the ideas1,Match the ideas,In the text, there are many names and ideas mentioned. Scan and match the idea presented in Column B with the person in Column A. There are more names listed.,Column B,A. There are still too many barriers to cross-border business in Europe, let alone the world.,B. Manila woman are strongly patriotic.,C. Cultural identity should be local and national in nature.,D.,U.S. and European companies are now facing high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas.,E. I see myself as American without any hesitation.,G R _ match the ideas1,Column A,1. John Chambers,2. Marco Tronchetti Provera,3. Alex Mandl,4. Patrick Sayer,5. Klaus Schwab,6. William Browder,7. Valerie Gooding,G R _2_Q&A1,Questions and Answers,1. Did global trade exist in the past? What did people doing global trade think of it then?,Yes, global trade has been around for centuries. In the past, the corporations and countries that benefited from global trade were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products.,G R _ 2_Q&A2,2. What is Goldman Sachs高盛集团 prediction about the world economy in the future?,P99,第八段,He predicted that four economies Russia, Brazil, India and China will become a much larger force in the world economy than widely expected, based on projections of demographic and economic growth, with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade. By 2050, these four newcomers will likely have displaced all but the U.S. and Japan from the top six economies in the world.,Davos Man needs to figure out how to,strike a balance,on a global scale between being,international,and being,national,at the same time.,G R _ 2_Q&A3,3. Who does Manila Woman马尼拉女人refer to?,P99,第九段,It refers to low-paid migrant workers from Asia and elsewhere who are increasingly providing key services around the world.,Unlike Davos Man, Manila Woman is strongly patriotic.,4. What does the author think Davos Man need to figure out?,New Words and Phrases,globalization,n,.,全球化,globe,n,.,球,球状物; 世界; 天体;,global,adj,.,全面的,全局的;全球的;,globalize,v,. (,使,),全球化,相似构词:,nationalization,国有化,民族化,同化,internationalization,国际化,modernization,现代化,D R _ word _sweep aside1,2. sweep aside: 扫除,去除;不理会,他们对所有的反对意见不予理睬。,They swept all the objections aside.,Globalization is,sweeping aside,national borders.,全球化打破了国界。,D R _ word _,sweep aside2,Collocation,:,扫清,迅速消灭,sweep away,扫掉, 去除,sweep out,眺望,环视,sweep over,清扫干净,收拾干净,sweep up,D R _ word _,asset2,3. asset,n.,财产,资产;优势,资源;,资本,/,固定资产,c,apital / fixed assets,现金资产,cash assets,流动资产,liquid/ circulating/ current assets,净资产,net assets,4.,lite,:,lit, elit,n. (,法,),精英,,杰出人物;精华;精锐,(,Para3, Line4),这些人构成了有决定权的精英集团。,These people form,an elite,who have the power to make decisions.,Collocation:,political/social/economic elite,政治/社会/经济精英,D R _ word _entitle1,5. entitle,:,vt,.,1) give a title to,给,题名,给,取名,Full-time employees,are entitled to receive health insurance.,他们有资格享有许多优惠和特权。,They,are entitled to enjoy,many advantages and privileges.,2) give someone the official right to do or have sth.,给予权利, 有资格做,He entitled the book,The Secret Garden,.,D R _ word _facilitate,6.,facilitate,:,vt.,促进,助长;使容易;,-The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism in the city.,-Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service.,邮政编码的使用方便了邮政效劳,学校都建在同一校区内,以便资源共享。,Universities are located in the same campus to,facilitate,the sharing of resources,小事,不要紧的东西,D R _ word _at odds with,7. at odds with:,与,不一致;与,相冲突,The government decision to raise taxes,was at odds with,their policies on inflation.,矛盾,不一致,at odds,没有关系,无关紧要,it makes no odds,占优势,take odds,odds and ends,D R _ word _be committed to,8.be committed to 名词/名词性短语,promise to do (sth.); be devoted to,中国承诺开展低碳经济。,China is committed to,pursuing a low carbon economy.,D R _ word _accelerate,9.,accelerate,:,v.,(cause to) move faster or happen earlier,We must seize all opportunities to accelerate our economic development.,必须抓住一切机遇加快经济开展.,The runners,accelerate,d smoothly round the bend.,选手们跑过弯道时平稳地加速。,D R _ word _beat a path to1,P99 Lin1-2,10. beat a path to/ beat down sbs door:,if people beat a path to your door, they are interested in sth. you,are selling, a service you are providing, etc.,大批的人争先恐后地去接触,纷纷前去找某人,现在她已经成名, 她家门庭假设市。,Now that she has become famous, all sorts of people will,be beating a path to her door,.,D R _ word _,beat a path to2,Pattern,:,beat a path to / beat down sbs door,门庭假设市,beat a big drum for / about,为鼓吹,为大肆宣传,beat a bargain 还价成交,D R _ word _remarkable1,P99 Line6,11. Asian nations are creating “a,remarkable,environment of innovation, says John Chambers.,remarkable,:,adj.,unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise,显著的,异常的,引人注目的;非凡的;,These cars are,remarkable,for the quietness of their engines.,这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响,.,相似近义词,:,异常的,引人注目的;显著的,非凡的,outstanding, noticeable,remarkable, conspicuous, striking,-,remarkable,development (progress),显著的进步,-To be standing out in a striking and clearly defined way.,-Her big eyes are her most,striking,feature.,-outstanding scientist(student),杰出的科学家,(,学生,),From the outside, the most aspect of the building is its tall, slender tower.,2. Its a achievement for the company.,3. The book is a series of interviews with artists and writers.,D R _ word _remarkable2,remarkable, outstanding, striking,striking,_,remarkable,_,_,outstanding,D R _ word _,strike a balance,12. strike a balance:,求得平衡,他发现平衡家庭和工作的关系是很困难的。,He found it difficult,to strike a balance between,his family and his work.,Text Understanding,G R _ Part Division of the Text,Part,Para(s),Main Ideas,1,13,2,45,Introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic Forum.,Debate over the impact of globalization on current society and culture.,3,68,History of globalization and its recent trends and future prospects.,4,911,Globalization versus nationalism and the challenges it faces,D R _ Text 1,Globalization,is,sweeping,aside,national borders and changing relations between nations. What impact does this have on national identities and loyalties? Are they,strengthened,or weakened? The author investigates.,William Browder was born in Princeton, New Jersey, grew up in Chicago, and studied at Stanford University in California. But dont call him an American. For the past 16 of his 40 years he has lived outside the U.S.,first,In Search of Davos Man,Peter Gumbel,“National identity makes no difference for me, he says. “I feel completely international. If you have four good friends and you like what you are doing, it doesnt matter where you are. Thats globalization.,D R _ Text 2,first in London and then, from 1996, in Moscow, where he runs his own investment firm.,Browder now manages $1.6 billion in,assets,.,In 1998 he gave up his American passport to become a British citizen, since his life is now centered in Europe.,D R _ Text 3,Alex Mandl is also a fervent believer in globalization, but he views himself very differently. A former president of AT&T, Mandl, 61, was born in Austria and now runs a French technology company, which is doing more and more business in China. He reckons he spends about 90% of his time traveling on business. But despite all that globetrotting, Mandl who has been a U.S. citizen for 45 years still identifies himself as an American. “I see myself as American without any hesitation. The fact that I spend a lot of time in other places doesnt change that, he says.,Although Browder and Mandl define their nationality differently, both see their,identity as,a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth.,And not incidentally, both are Davos Men, members of the international business,lite,who trek each year to the Swiss Alpine town for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, founded in 1971. This week, Browder and Mandl will join more than 2,200 executives, politicians, academics, journalists, writers and,a handful of,Hollywood stars for five days of networking,D R _ Text 4,parties and endless,earnest,discussions about everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil and the implications of nanotechnology.,Yet this year, perhaps more than ever, a hot topic at Davos is Davos itself.,Whatever their,considerable,differences, most Davos Men and Women share at least one belief: that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology across national borders, is both welcome and unstoppable.,They see the world increasingly as one vast,interconnected,marketplace in which corporations search for the most,advantageous,locations to buy, produce and sell their goods and services.,D R _ Text 5,Part I Para.1-3,From Part I, we know that although both William,Browder and Alex Mandle are so-called Davos Men,They are different.,The former, born in the US, gave,up his US passport to become a British citizen because,national identity makes no difference for him.,The latter, although an Australian by birth and spending,of his adult life outside the US, holds his Us citizenship,dear.,D R _ Text 6,As borders and national identities become less important, some find that threatening and even dangerous. In an essay entitled “Dead Souls: The Denationalization of the American Elite, Harvard Professor Samuel Huntington describes Davos Man (a phrase that first got widespread attention in the 1990s) as an emerging global superspecies and a threat. The members of this class, he writes, are people who “have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, can,Para.4,and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the lites global operations. Huntington argues that Davos Mans global-citizen self-image is starkly at odds with the values of most Americans, who remain deeply committed to their nation. This disconnect, he says, creates “a major cultural fault line. In a variety of ways, the American establishment, governmental and private, has become increasingly divorced from the American people.,D R _ Text 7,D R _ Text 8,Naturally, many Davos Men dont accept Huntingtons terms. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, argues that endorsing a global outlook does not mean erasing national identity. “Globalization can never provide us with cultural identity, which needs to be local and national in nature.,ost,许多达沃斯人自然不同意Huntington的说法。世界经济论坛,的创始人兼执行主席Klaus Schwab争辩说,支持全球观并,不意味着抹去国家认同。 “全球化绝无可能给予我们文化,认同, 因为国家认同必须是外乡的和民族的。,In Part II, we learn that Prof. Huntingtons viewpoint,Differs from that of Charles Schwab.,The former,warns that Davos Man poses a threat to,American values, whereas,the latter,argues that,endorsing a global outlook does not mean erasing,national identity.,D R _ Text 8,Global trade has been around for centuries; the corporations and countries that benefited from it were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products. Even as the globalization of capital,accelerated,in the 1980s,most foreign investment was between relatively wealthy countries, not from wealthy countries into poorer ones. U.S. technology, companies and money were often at the,forefront,of this movement.,most,Part III Para.6-8,However the past two decades have witnessed the rise of other significant players. The developed world is beating a path to Chinas and Indias door and Chinese and Indian companies, in turn, have started to look overseas for some of their future growth. Beijing has even started what it calls a “Going Out policy that encourages Chinese firms to buy assets overseas. Asian nations are creating “a remarkable environment of innovation, graduating,D R _ Text 8,D R _ Text 9,says John Chambers, chief executive of Cisco Systems. “China and India are graduating currently more than five times the number of engineers that we are here in the U.S. That means that U.S. and European companies are now facing high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas. No wonder so many Western workers worry about losing their jobs. “If the issue is the size of the total pie, globalization has proved a good thing, says Orit Gadiesh, chairman of consultants Bain & Co. “If the issue is how the pie is divided, if youre in the Western world you could question that.,D R _ Text 10,The biggest shift may just be starting. A,landmark,2003 study by Goldman Sachs predicted that four economies Russia, Brazil, India and China will become a much larger force in the world economy than widely expected, based on projections of demographic and economic growth, with China potentially,overtaking,Germany this decade. By 2050, Goldman Sachs suggested, these four newcomers will likely have,displaced,all but the U.S. and Japan from the top six economies in the world.,In Part III, we find out the different between global,trade,before the 1980s,and global trade,after the 1980s,.,Before the 1980s, most global trade took place,among wealthier countries, while the rest of the,world was treated as either a source of raw materials,or a market for final products.,After the 1980s, developing countries,become,more and more significant,players,in global trade.,Also in Part III, there is a,contrast,between,Davos Man and Manila Woman.,While Davos Man may disregard,national loyalty,Manila Woman is fiercely,patriotic,.,Its also entirely possible that the near future may see the pendulum of capital swing away from Davos Man-style globalization. One counterpoint is Manila Woman low-paid migrant,work,D R _ Text 11,workers from Asia and,elsewhere,who are increasingly providing key services around the world. Valerie Gooding, the chief executive of British health care company BUPA, says the British and U.S. health care system would break down without immigrant nurses from the Philippines, India, Nigeria and elsewhere. Unlike Davos Man, she says, theyre not ambivalent about being strongly,patriotic,.,Part IV Para9-11,D R _ Text 12,Not all Davos Men seek global markets, either. Patrick Sayer runs a private equity firm in France called Eurazeo, and complains there are still too many barriers to cross-border business in Europe, let alone the world. So hes focused Eurazeo on its domestic market. “I profit from being French in France. Its easier for me to do deals, Sayer says. “Its the same elsewhere. If youre not Italian in Italy, you wont succeed.,Para.10,D R _ Text 15,That may sound like a narrow nationalism, yet it contains a hidden wisdom. Recall that Italy itself was, until 1861, not a unified nation but an aggregation of city-states. Despite tension between its north and south, theres no contradiction between,maintaining,maintaining a regional identity and a national one. Marco Tronchetti Provera, chairman of Telecom Italia, for example, can feel both Milanese and Italian at once, even as he runs a company that is aspiring to become a bigger international presence. The question is whether it will take another 140 years for Davos Man to figure out how to,strike the same balance,on a global scale.,In Part IV, a further division in the camp of Davos,Man is illustrated. Some, like Patrick Sayer, are,less keen on the global market than others, because,national borders still hinder global trade,.,A R _ main,Useful Expressions,Dictation,Writing Practice,Sentence Translation,Proverbs and Quotations,Picture Talking,Word Understanding,A R _,Writing Practice,_main,A brief introduction,Samples,Writing Practice,Homework,A R _,Useful Expressions,1,Useful Expressions,1.,国家认同,national identity,2.,扫除,sweep aside,3.,寻找,in search of,4.,狂热信徒,a fervent believer,5.,认为,identify as,6.,毫不迟疑,without any hesitation,7.,国际商业精英,international business lite,A R _,Useful Expressions,2,15.,处于,的前沿,at the forefront of,8.,少数几位,a handful of,9.,没完没了的认真的讨论,endless earnest discussion,10.,资本、劳动力和技术的流动,flow of capital, labor and technology,11. 最正确地点,the most advantageous locations,12.,全球超级物种,global,super,species,13.,与,渐行渐远,increasingly divorce from,14.,文化断层,cultural fault line,A


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