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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,制作:李 欣,主讲:李 欣,Unit 4,Hematology Nursing,Part II Reading + Part III Translation,Review,复习提问,Dictation.,Lead in,新课导入,1知识目标:了解与贫血病症及其诊断过程相关的词汇和句型表达。,2能力目标:提高学生语篇阅读及翻译能力。,3情感、态度与价值观目标:培养良好的医疗效劳文化品质、心理调节能力和健康的体魄,以及人际沟通与团队合作的能力。,AIMS:,职业综合能力培养目标,Read the words. (P55),New words study.,New lesson,新课讲解,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Multiple choices. (P59),D,C,B,C,B,A,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Golden rules of reading. (P81),1. Why is a set of procedures needed in anemia diagnosis?,Para 2,Most clinical physicians consider anemia a sign of an underlying condition rather than a single type of disease.,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Golden rules of reading. (P59),2. Which test is necessary to diagnose iron-deficiency anemia?,Para 3, iron deficiency anemia, routine blood tests may be enough.,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Golden rules of reading. (P59),3. Which indicator must be mentioned to diagnose X-linked diseases?,Para 5, X-linked disorders mainly attack the male population.,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Golden rules of reading. (P59),4. According to the passage, “failure to thrive refers to _.,Para 6,Pediatric patients should be especially examined for the existence of failure to thrive, which usually indicates a long standing condition of anemia or the underlying cause.,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Golden rules of reading. (P59),5. Which test indicates the amount of functional blood cells?,Para 9,The level of hemoglobin shows the amount of oxygen-carring red cells in the blood .,New lesson,Reading Comprehension,Golden rules of reading. (P59),6. Stool sample test is able to indicate bleeding in _.,Para 11,especially bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, the physician may advise the patient to have a stool sample test.,Introduce the blood cells and their functions.,Explain what is anemia.,New lesson,Text Study,Little teacher (,小教师,),New lesson,Text Study,Anemia is the most common blood problem in the United States, with approximately a population of 3.4 million suffering from anemia.,with + n. + doing,New lesson,Text Study,Most clinical physicians consider anemia a sign of an underlying condition rather than a single type of disease.,consider,vt. + n./pron.,考虑,We must consider the feelings of other people.,vt. + that-clause,认为,We consider that it is true.,consider + n./pron. + as, of, to be,把,看作,We consider it (to be) true.,New lesson,Text Study,While collecting the medical history of the patient, the physician tries his best to figure out the acuteness, severity and suspected causes of anemia.,省略句,conj. + participle,When published, the novel will become one of the best sellers of the year.,Although hard-working, he couldnt earn enough to support himself.,New lesson,Text Study,For example, thalassemia and hemoglobin E disease are commonly seen in Asian populations while red cell enzyme defects more common in Mediterranean and Africa., 附属连词,引导时间状语从句,While she was watching TV, she feel asleep., 附属连词,引导让步状语从句,While he loves his students, he is very strict with them, 附属连词,引导条件状语从句,While there is life, there is hope., 并列连词,表比照,Some people waste food while others havent enough.,New lesson,Text Study,Physical examination for anemic patients should focus on the patients vital signs, growth and development, visual bleeding and signs of underlying diseases,causing anemia,.,现在分词作定语,Summary,课堂小结,New words and phrases.,Reading and translation skills.,Exercises 稳固练习,Translation.,Exercises,Translation,Most clinical physicians consider anemia a sign of an underlying condition rather than a single type of disease.,大多数临床医生将贫血看作是一种潜在疾病的表现,而不是一种单独的疾病。,While for cases suspected to have complicated causes or serious conditions related to the anemia, the diagnostic procedure must be comprehensive and in-depth.,但对于疑似存在复杂病因或与贫血相关的严重疾病的患者,那么必须进行全面深入的诊断。,Exercises,Translation,While collecting the medical history of the patient, the physician tries his best to figure out the acuteness, severity and suspected causes of anemia.,询问病史时,医生会试图了解贫血的剧烈程度、严重程度以及可疑的病因。,Exercises,Translation,Pediatric patients should be especially examined for the existence of failure to thrive, which usually indicates a long standing condition of anemia or the underlying cause.,儿科贫血患者尤其需要注意是否存在生长发育缓慢问题,这一指标往往提示是否存在长期贫血这一慢性疾病或深层次的病因。,Exercises,Translation,According to the,tests, pathologists may give suggestions based on the size and shape of the red blood cells, which help the physician distinguish the isolated anemia from anemia associated with abnormalities in other types of blood cells, such as white blood cells and plateles.,根据血液检查结果,病理科医生会基于红细胞的大小和性状提出一些诊断意见,以帮助内科医生鉴别患者的贫血是属于单纯性贫血还是白细胞、血小板等其他血细胞异常引起的贫血。,Exercises,Translation,If the bleeding comes from the lower part of the digestive tract, colonoscopy may be necessary to look for tumors or other problems in the large intestine.,如果出血来自下消化道,那么可能需要进行结肠镜检查,以发现大肠中是否存在肿瘤或其他病变。,Exercises,Translation,Homework,作业布置,Recite the words.,Practice the reading and translation skills.,Assign task to the little teacher.,


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