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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,当今热点新词英译集锦,住房按揭贷款,housing mortgage /loan,Banks will provide a 60 percent up to 10 years mortgage for you to buy this house,Distribution according to work/need; distribution on the basis of work/need,按劳/需分配,euthanasia; mercy killing; painless death,安乐死,Some participants at the meeting hold that euthanasia can be resorted to in case a patient refuses treatment and is inevitably dying.,Safety island; pedestrian island,安全岛,Do something secretly,暗箱操作,British authorities in Hongkong (before July 1, 1997) Portuguese authorities in Macao (before December20, 1999),港英当局、葡澳当局,bar girl; B-girl; bar counter,吧女、 吧台,white pollution (caused by foamed plastic products),白色污染,The Eight-Point Proposal(put forward on January 30 1995 by Chinese President Jiang Zemin on developing cross-straits relations and promoting the peaceful reunification),八项主张,In his,Eight-Point Proposal, President Jiang made it clear that under the concept of one China, anything, save the independence of Taiwan, can be discussed.,tip-top talent,拔尖人才,moving company,搬家公司,issue/write out an IOU,打白条,It had been a common practice for local departments to write IOUs, with no indication of when the debts would be settled with the farmers.,rush out of Asia toward the world,冲出亚洲,走向世界,At last, the Chinese Mens Football team rushed out of Asia toward the world, won the qualification of participating the 17,th,World Cup Football Tournament held in South Korea and Japan.,settling-in allowance,安家费,The households to be relocated have all got their settling-in allowance.,comfortable/adequate housing project(under which apartments are built and sold to urban residents at cost value to ease the housing crunch); housing project for low-income urban residents,The city government pledged to give top priority to developing the housing project for low-income urban residents.,安居工程,解困房,Set up a temporary stall (with goods spread out on the ground for sale,),摆地摊,jobber boy/girl,打工仔、打工妹,In every evening, there are lots of temporary stalls set up by jobber boys or girls around the university.,Eliminate pornography and illegal publications,扫黄打非,The new leadership of the Municipal Bureau of Public Security decided that the police should continue to eliminate pornography and other illegal publications.,do something solid/concrete/practical/perform actual deeds,办实事,The government has to do several practical things successfully to gain the trust from the people.,factional organization,帮派体系,find a sugar daddy/lean on a moneybags,傍大款,keep a concubine/mistress,包二奶,do marathon talk on the phone; shoot/fan the breeze on the phone,煲电话粥,All the young lovers like to do marathon talk on the phone.,health drink,Health drink help replenish energy, maintain acidity balance, dispel fatigue and restore physical strength.,保健饮料有助于补充精力,保持酸度平衡,消除疲劳,恢复体力,bowling alleys,保龄球馆,blind alleys,死胡同,moisturizing face cream,/mousse,保湿面霜/摩丝,保健饮料,At present, the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone, Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone and Zhangjiang High-tech Park have all embarked on the stage of functional development.,陆家嘴金融贸易区、金桥出口加工区、外高桥保税区和张江高科技园区目前均已进入功能开发阶段。,preserve/retain freshness; keep something fresh,People always use a refrigerator to preserve the freshness of food.,保鲜,freshness protection package,保鲜袋,handi-wrap/plastic film saran,保鲜膜,chartered plane,Some famous football fans are planning to watch the live football match in South Korea by a chartered plane.,exclusive plane/interview/train,shelf /storage life,storage life indicated on seal,report/submit something. to the higher authorities for approval,report to the higher authorities at different levels for approval,report/submit something to the higher authorities for examination,Report only the good news but not the bad/report what is good while concealing what is unpleasant/hold back unpleasant information/be motherhood,报喜不报忧,bounder/parvenu/overnight millionaire/vulgarian,暴发户,make something public/expose/reveal,Give public exposure to graft and corruption.,对渎职和腐败等行为给予公开暴光,Yield an unexpected result/produce an unexpected/a long-shot winner,爆冷门,上周的英超足球赛中米德尔斯堡爆冷打败了曼联。,force somebody into a draw/tie,逼和、逼平,Middlesbrough yielded an unexpected result by defeating Manchester United in last weeks Premiership football match in England.,shut the door on the world/wall the country off from international exchanges,闭关自守,Walling the country off from international exchanges results only in increasing backwardness.,闭关自守只能越来越落后。,Independence doesnt mean shutting the door on the world.,fringe/border discipline,Cooperation across different disciplines can develop new and fringe disciplines.,不同学科之间的合作可以产生新的边缘学科。,famous product/brand/name product,名牌,retire on account of ones illness,leave work before normal retirement on account of ones illness,When his mother retired of her own accord on account of her illness, he took her job.,他母亲自愿提前病退时,他顶替了她的工作。,illicit competition,不正当竞争,unhealthy tendency/malpractice,不正之风,Such unhealthy tendencies as securing advantage through pull or influence must be checked and stopped.,Some austere measures should be taken to check the unhealthy tendencies which, according to the press exposure, were rampant in some places.,象走后门之类的不正之风必须加以制止。,从新闻媒介所暴露的情况来看,不正之风在一些地方已经相当严重,必须采取严厉措施刹住这股歪风。,vehicle-free street,步行街,subordinate/affiliated to a ministry,As the ongoing reform deepens, some enterprises and institutions subordinate to a ministry will be gradually put under local authorities.,随着当前改革的深化,一些部属企业和事业单位将逐渐划归地方领导。,ministry-grade quality product,All the companys products are awarded the title of ministry-grade quality product.,Shopping/vegetable basket project (aimed to improve the market supply of vegetables,meat, fruit and other non-staple food)/ non-staple food supply project,菜篮子工程,The non-staple food supply project, or commonly referred to as the,“shopping basket project”, was officially started in 1989,.,被称之为“菜篮子工程”的副食品工程在1989年就正式启动了。,The “shopping basket project”, a program aimed to improve the market supply of non-staple food, implemented by the Municipal Government has not only ensured a bountiful market supply but also stabilized the prices.,市政府实施的“菜篮子工程”不仅丰富了市场供应,而且也稳定了物价。,(democratic)parties participating in the management of state affairs /in the government decision-making process.,参政党,The principal leaders of the,democratic parties participating in the management of state affairs,and,representatives of people without party affiliations,are invited to democratic consultations on major principles and policies to be put forth by the central committee of the CPC.,中共中央在提出重大方针政策之前,邀请各参政党主要负责人和无党派人士共同进行民主协商。,Participate in the management of state affairs/participate in the government decision-making process,With the increasing perfection of the nations democratic and legal construction, the Chinese people are enjoying more political rights in democratic supervision, participation in the management of state affairs, and religious belief.,随着国家民主法制建设的日益完善,中国人民在民主监督,参政议政和宗教信仰方面正享有着越来越多的政治权利。,step in/ get involved in,Divorce rate is going up year by year as a result of the involvement of the other men or women.,According to a recent survey of divorce cases pending in eight cities including Beijing and Shanghai, from 40 to 50 percent have been induced by the stepping in of the other man or woman.,Undermine (the foundation),He has taken away our best soft-ware engineers. Hes no doubt undermining the foundation of our company.,他把我们公司最好地软件工程师都挖走了,这分明就是挖我们的墙角。,factory director/manager responsibility system( rather than everything going through the Party committee),厂长负责制,The implementation of the factory director responsibility system, according to newspapers, is to further guarantee the directors overall responsibility in the production, management and the administration of an enterprise.,据报载,实行厂长负责制是为了保证厂长再企业中全面负责生产。经营及管理等重大事物。,to sack somebody/ to give somebody the sack,/pink slip,炒鱿鱼,The shop-assistant was sacked on the spot for using offensive /insulting language to a customer.,这位营业员因对顾客出言不逊被当场炒了鱿鱼。,shirk responsibility to each other/pass the buck to each other,The endless shirking in some government departments must be eliminated.,promotion/publicize,The icons people most admire today are usually film and TV stars who are most highly publicized by the media.,get an equal share regardless of the work done/ be treated the same despite the differences in working attitude and contributions,The practice of allowing everyone to get an equal share regardless of the work done still constitutes a main tendency in income distribution.,在分配领域中吃大锅饭的现象还很普遍。,duplicate construction,In recent years, Chinas major problem is too much currency issuance has led to major price rises and too much wasteful duplicate construction in many places.,近年来,中国的主要问题是货币发行的多了一点,物价波动大了一点,重复建设比较严重,造成了大量浪费。,capital re-engineering,The principle of reforming the SOEs in China is to re-engineer the capital and make them have full responsibility for their own profits and losses.,中国国企改革的原则是让他们资产重组,自负盈亏。,inject vigour into/ invigorate,注入活力,The remarks made by Deng Xiaoping during his inspection tour of South China in early 1992 injected fresh impetus and vigour into Chinas reform and opening cause.,邓小平1992年初的南巡讲话为中国的改革开放事业注入了新的活力和动力。,manage large enterprises well while easing control over small ones/ manage large enterprises while adopting a flexible policy toward small ones/ focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves.,抓大放小,Aiming at the state-owned sector of the economy as a whole, we shall effectuate a strategic reorganizing of state-owned enterprises by managing large enterprises well while easing control over small ones.,我们应当着眼于整个国有经济,抓大放小,对国有企业实施战略性改组。,grasp,/seize,the opportunity,China should adhere to the basic principle of “grasping the opportunity, deepening reforms, expanding opening, promoting development, and maintaining stability”.,中国应当坚持“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”的基本方针。,As a rule, at certain stages we should seize the opportunity to accelerate development for a few years, deal with problems as soon as they are recognized, and then move on.,我们的发展,总是要在某一个阶段,抓住机遇,加速搞几年,发现问题及时加以治理,尔后继续前进。,In the prolonged process of modernization we should seize all opportunities to bring about several periods of rapid growth with good economic returns, reaching a new stage every few years.,在现代化建设的长期过程中要抓住机遇,争取出现若干个发展速度比较快、效益又比较好的阶段,每隔几年上一个台阶。,If we are to seize opportunities to promote our own development, it is crucial to develop the economy.,抓住机遇,发展自己,关键是发展经济。,重点扶持,give special assistance,The government will give special assistance to major commodity grain and high-quality cotton producing countries in developing their economy.,政府将重点扶持商品粮大县和优质棉大县发展经济。,sell at a discount,酬宾,All the goods are sold at a 15 percent discount during the shops soft operation,本店试营业期间所有商品八五折酬宾,producer/factory price,出厂价,fee for somebodys up,出场费,出口创汇,earn foreign exchange through export,sell export-oriented commodity in the country where it is produced/ see exportable goods on home market,出口转内销,In recent days, more and more shops sell export-oriented commodity in the country where it is produced.,qualify for the next round of the competition,出线,junior professional /academic title,初级职称,make things hard for/ deliberately make trouble for,穿小鞋,Ever since their argument, the line manager has been making trouble for her.,pass on ones knowledge/ experience to others,传经送宝,We extend a warm welcome to our brother organizations for coming to pass on their experience.,热烈欢迎兄弟单位上门传经送宝。,pyramid/ non-store selling; multiple-level marketing,传销,The Chinese government moved swiftly to outlaw pyramid selling, after large numbers of would-be millionaires found themselves stuck with unsaleable goods on their hands.,大批梦想暴富的人发现手中存货堆积如山卖不出去时,中国政府迅速取缔了传销活动。,legitimate income,白色收入,semi-overt income/ off-the-book income,灰色收入,illegal/ under-the-table income,黑色收入,It is reported that the income of a university professor is much higher than what is on the book, of which a large portion is “off-the-book income” and is usually higher than the salary paid by their university.,据报道,有些大学教授的实际收入要比人们所知道的高出许多。其中一部分时灰色收入,经常要比单位所发工资高出许多。,love in ones twilight years; love in the sunset of life; love between the aged,黄昏恋,How should society at large look upon the love between widows and widowers in their twilight years?,全社会应该如何看待鳏寡老人的黄昏之恋。,The film, depicting vividly a couples “love in the twilight of life”, touched the heartstrings of the audience at a full house.,这部生动反映一对老人“黄昏恋”的影片深深的打动了全场观众。,twilight love,twilight of love,compound talent (who specializes in two or more fields of study),复合型人才,Society needs more and more compound talent who specializes in two or more fields of study.,compound speciality/ discipline,复合型专业,have a job suited to ones training,专业对口,Many people who have received higher education do not spend the whole of their lives following careers for which their education has prepared them.,有许多接受过高等教育的人终身从事的工作并非专业对口。,outgoing university graduates meet recruiters face to face and choose as both see fit,供需见面,双向选择,More and more universities have applied a new system of job assignment, I which outgoing graduates met recruiters face to face and choose as both see fit.,越来越多的大学已经采取一种新的毕业分配制度,即: 供需见面,双向选择。,put something into place,到位,One assurance, three putting into place, five reforms,All the money allocated for building the bachelor quarters has been put into place,修建单身宿舍的资金已经全部到位,Accomplish a task at one stroke/ do something once for all,一步到位,The problem must be solved once for all, without leaving any loose ends,解决这个问题一定要做到一步到位,不留尾巴。,Eat and wine lavishly,大吃大喝,No one has the right to eat and drink at public expenses.,Major/ general principle/hot air,大道理,Its better to do something practical, as everyone can speak on the major principles.,大道理人人会讲,还是干点儿实事儿吧。,Give the green light for/ pave the way for,Bureaucracy always gives the green light for graft and embezzlement,官僚主义总是为贪污盗窃大开绿灯,Older single youth above the normal matrimonial age,大龄未婚青年,With the number of single youth above the normal matrimonial age on the rise, match-making agencies have mushroomed across the country.,由于大龄未婚青年人数的增加,全国出现了许多婚姻介绍所,Be labelled/ branded as,戴帽子、加罪名,Be labelled as a “rightist”,Criticism should be based on facts, one should not just stick labels on people.,批评应该讲究实事求是,而不应只是给人戴帽子。,Job waiting /seeking youth,待业青年,Pay for the air time for either incoming calls or outgoing calls,单向付费,Before long, cell phone users will pay the air tiem for either incoming calls or outgoing.,不久以后,手机用户打出电话和接听电话将按通话时间单向付费,The forum of conscience,道德法庭,The forum of conscience often criticizes the unethical conducts and the people involved.,道德法庭常对社会上一些不道德的人与事进行批评,Pirate books,His books have been repeatedly pirated.,Be graced with virtues and talents,德才兼备,develop in an all-round way, i.e, morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically,德智体美全面发展,Low key,低调,The press gave a low-key coverage of the scandal.,媒体对这件丑闻作了低调处理。,be at a low economic starting level/be based on a weak economy,底子薄,Given Chinas huge population, low economic starting level and uneven development in different parts of the country, a comfortable-off standard of living will not be easy to reach before the next century.,中国人口众多,底子薄,各地发展不平衡,要在下个世纪前实现小康目标,任务是很艰巨的。,The first /second industry,Third order of enterprises/service sector,Primary productive force,Science and technology are the primary productive forces.,科学技术是第一生产力,jerry project,豆腐渣工程,development is the absolute principle.,发展才是硬道理,Development is the absolute principle. The key to the solution of all Chinas problems lies in its own development.,发展才是硬道理,中国解决所有自己问题的关键是解决好发展问题。,money worship,拜金主义,This view is absolutely a mirror image of money worship.,这种观念完全就是拜金主义的翻版。,oppose corruption and promote an honest and clean environment,反腐倡廉,aid-the-poor measures,扶贫措施,China has adopted a series of anti-poverty measures,中国已采取了一系列扶贫措施,Welfare-oriented distribution of public housing,Stop the welfare-oriented allocation of housing so as to commercialize all residential housing.,停止福利分房,从而实现所有住房商品化。,position of deputy,副职,Overstaffed organizations, too many positions of deputies and far too many positions standing idle will surely bring about the rampant growth of bureaucracy and block the way for able people to come out.,机构臃肿,副职多,闲职多,必将助长官僚主义,埋没人才。,Alienation of affections,感情疏远,Alienation of affections as a result of the involvement of the other men or women accounts for an important factor for the soaring divorce rate.,由第三者插足而造成的夫妻感情疏远是离婚率急剧上升的一个重要原因,经常,不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有,力量,Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More You Know, The More Powerful You Will,Be,写在最后,Thank You,在别人的演说中思考,在自己的故事里成长,Thinking In Other PeopleS Speeches,,,Growing Up In Your Own Story,讲师:,XXXXXX,XX,年,XX,月,XX,日,


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