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ambulance Evident,单词的记忆方法 谐音法Japan,6,单词记忆方法-形近对照,Brother bother,Topic tropic,Brush bush,Deprive derive,单词记忆方法-形近对照,7,具体单词讲解 第一节,ax,ap,preciate,approve,appeale,appl,y,price precious,具体单词讲解 第一节 ax,8,补充:ax 表示加强语气的前缀,Assure attach to attribute Absorb,Abstract Account Adequate,Accompany access,补充:ax 表示加强语气的前缀,9,attention,attraction,extract contract distract,appointment,arrangement,attention,10,transplanted,transformed,transported,transmitted,trans-Translate Transaction,Transfer Transparent Apparent,transplanted,11,attack,bu,rst,split,blast,attack,12,slight,vigorous,light,transparent,补充:light相关词汇,Flight delight alight blight plight slight,slight,13,mild,slight,light,tender,补充:,Desire Delicious Depart Drag Dense,总结ense 形近词 Condense Sense,mild,14,总结sens 形近词,Sensitive Hypersensitive Insensitive.,Senseless Sensible Commonsense,Nonsense Immense Tense,总结sens 形近词,15,总结tens 形近词,Tension,Tens= tend=tent 词根,Extensive - plain,extend extensive knowledge about English,总结tens 形近词,16,Intensive intense intensity,intensify-ify动词词尾,Hypertension Tendency contend,Intensive intense intensit,17,resolve,resort,request,reserv,serve deserve,resolve,18,decrease,detest,define,delight,decrease,19,补充:fin Definite Indefinite Infinite Confine Refine border boundary margin,补充:Depart desire delight Defend,补充:fin Definite Indefinite,20,transfer,transforme,transmitte,transporte,补充:port 相关词汇,Passport Export Import,Porter Support,transfer,21,glance,delaye,inspire,vanishe,glance,22,补充:“看”的单词,Gape Peep Overlook,I have overlooked the importance of happiness for a long time.,补充 spir Inspire inspiration Spirit Expire Perspire Aspire,补充:“看”的单词,23,Vision,glimpse,look,scene,occasion,Vision,24,补充:vis,Visit Vision Visible Invisible Revise review Supervise(or) previse visualize,补充:vis,25,adapt,adopt,you have adapted yourself to the society,Adopt Adept,补充 ceive Deceive Perceive Conceive,adapt,26,arouse,arose,raise,r,ise,arouse,27,tedious,embarrassing,补充,tedious,28,Enable Encourage Enlarge Enclose Encounter (counterpart),Entitle Frighten Enforce Lengthen Lessen Strengthen,Enable Encourage Enlarge Enc,29,boring 补充:bar Bargain Barren Barbarian Barbarous Barrier,Annoy Bother,mortal 补充:fatal Capital Mental Fundamental Vital Total Digital Talent,boring 补充:bar Bargain Barre,30,E,nsure,Insure insurance Assure,inform 补充form,Formal Formation Reform Uniform (united states unify) Transform,Ensure Insure insurance As,31,c deprive,d derive,de 前缀 -decode,devalue,c deprive,32,vital,补充vi 词汇 Virtue Virose Violent Violate Vibrate Navigate,considerable,vital,33,vigorous,aggressive,补充:gress,Progress Congress,Digress digress from the topic,vigorous,34,elude,proclaim,reclaim,exclaim,补充:claim,Claim Proclaim Reclaim,Exclaim Acclaim Declaim,elude,35,I,gnite,补充:ig 一 ignore,Ignorant Americans are ignorant of their history.,Igloo Fatigue,Ignite,36,s,t,imulate simulate,补充st,Nasty Contrast,(,contra,dict),St,rat,egy,St,age Strip Strain Crystal Stable Establish,excite,illuminate illusion fantasy,stimulate simulate,37,age,Damage Manage Cottage,age,38,vivid 补充 viv 生存,Revive Survive (sur surface,surpass ),bright,living,colorful,vivid 补充 viv 生存,39,headlines,blank,heaven,haven H,e,aven,headlines,40,第二节,.loom,Boom boost Boast Bloom Gloomy,.squeez,e,(breeze freeze),第二节.loom,41,.subject,ject 词根,Subject Object Reject Inject Project ),.aspire,.subject,42,. hesitate,ate: Candidate Considerate,Adulate,Imitate (simulate stimulate),.despair,. hesitate,43,urge urgent,补充 ent,Talent Permanent Potential,E,min,ent,Prominent,request,Revenue avenue Regulate Relief(Brief grief),urge urgent,44,补充 re词汇,Bare naked Bore,Fare Grey Grease,Ore Retire,补充 re词汇,45,A.concern,B.careful,C.considerable,D.considerate,A.concern,46,A.exceed,ceed,Excessive Exceeding Proceed,Access Accessible Ancestor Precede,B.exclaim,A.exceed,47,ex,Exit Exchange External (internal),Excursion Ex,cept,(ceive),Accept Concept,ex,48,C.excess,D.extend,词根tend tent词汇 tendency,Extend Attend Contend,Intend (intent Intention)Pretend,C.excess,49,A.anxious,B.effective Defect Perfect Infect,补充:e 开头单词,Engine Evident Exhaust Expand Electron electronic,A.anxious,50,Atom Elaborate Evaporate Eliminate Emerge Submerge Evolve,C.efficient D.adequate,Atom Elaborate Evaporate El,51,A.affect,B.effect,C.incline,D.decline,A.affect,52,A.acquaint,补充:,Schedule Nave Ban Schema Bare bachelor,leisure mature moist dumb,A.acquaint,53,补充m Jam Loom Bloom Boom Calm Dim,B.inquire,补充m Jam Loom Bloom Boo,54,quire,Inquire Require Acquire,C. request,D. require,quire,55,A.proficient,B.efficient,C potential,d sufficient,A.proficient,56,补充fici,Artificial Beneficial Superficial deficient,Super 相关词汇,Superior Supermarket,Supreme (- court),补充fici,57,A.skimmed slim,B.observed,Serve : Conserve Reserve Deserve Preserve,C.overlooked,D.glanced,A.skimmed slim,58,A.combine,Fade Fatal Fertile fertilizer Feeble Flee,B. compete Appetite Carpet,A.combine,59,Car 相关词汇,Cargo Carrot Caricature Carpenter,Scar scarf scarlet career carrier,Vicar Bishop,Car 相关词汇,60,C coincide,补充:cide pesticide suicide: commit suicide,D conclude,Clud 相关词汇,Include exclude Preclude,C coincide,61,A.retain,Sustain Maintain Contain Pertain,Entertain Attain Obtain,讲解考研英语必考词汇精讲课件,62,B.sustain,C.maintain,D.remain,B.sustain,63,A.tremendous,Tremble,补充end 相关词汇,Legend Bend Mend,A.tremendous,64,B. vigorous robust energetic (energy),V 相关词汇:,Veteran Evident Violent Violate,Vibrate Vital Navigate Via Vague,B. vigorous robust e,65,C.ashamed,Clash (blush) Crash Smash,D.tender,C.ashamed,66,A.distinguished,Di 相关词汇:,Distress Dim,Di,verse,con,vert,versatile Anni versary,Digest,B.annoyed :bother bore,A.distinguished,67,C.astonished,amaze amuse/entertain,D.ignored,Gang Guess Hook hooker Humor,C.astonished,68,A demonstrate,Demon,补充 rate 词汇,Exaggerate Generate,补充:general Penetrate,A demonstrate,69,B glitter,C defend offend,D grope,哥哥相关词汇,Glove groom ghost Grip Gesture Glue Luggage,Genius Ridge Giant Idle Island,B glitter,70,A spare,B irritable Irrigate,补充:table词汇 Stable establish,C moderate Modest Humble Modify,D moral,A spare,71,A invest,B investigate Navigate irrigate,C castigate,D navigate,A invest,72,A altitude,B approach,C pray,A altitude,73,补充praise Pride Poverty Pour Loop,D flaunt Haunt Daunt,补充praise Pride Poverty Pour,74,A prescribe describe Ascribe Subscribe inscribe physician,B float C gambled,Grace glitter grain grope,D drift,A prescribe describe Ascrib,75,A motive Motivate Motion(notion),Emotion Motor Promote Remote,B grace Brace Trace,C potential D moral,A motive Motivate Motion,76,A ability enable capable capacity capability capture escape cabin,B thoughts,A ability enable capable ca,77,C in,stin,ct sting Distinction distinguish,D response,C instinct sting Distinct,78,第三节,A ponderous,B mature Mare Nightmare Moral image mend Smother,第三节A ponderous,79,C numerical (number numerous innumerable),D guarant,ee,Weep Cheer Peep Cheek,C numerical (number numerous,80,A notorious esteemed Prestigious(prestige),B naive innocent,C delicious,A notorious esteemed,81,D liberal,The statue of,liberty,was first assembled in paris,补充:status resemble,D liberal,82,A de,bat,e Battle Combat,Acro,bat,Macro:macro world,macroeconomics,Micro :Microsoft microwave micro,phone,A debate Battle Combat,83,B consult consultant; I consult all my friends about buying cars,Result Insult,补充c 开头的单词,Combine,Cease (expire) The product has ceased for a long time.,Champion,Chill Convention Colony Curse Charge,B consult consultant; I cons,84,C dispute Reputation prestige,D bargain,C dispute Reputation pres,85,A partial Impartial,Depart department Particle (article ),Apartment,B beneficial,A partial Impartial,86,C,inno,cent,Centimeter Century Percent,D liable tend to incline,Rely reliable,C innocent,87,A adapt B adopt,C regulate,Relate Simulate,Isolate,D suit,A adapt B adopt,88,A arbitrary,Artificial Article,Arrow sword,A arbitrary,89,B aggressive,Announce nounce词根:大声的说,出声,Pronounce Denounce Arrest Account,B aggressive,90,Attach Detach Attempt tempt temptation,Attract distract Approve Approximate,Approach Appropriate Appoint Afford,Amaze amuse argue annoy,C ambitious D abundant,Attach Detach Attempt,91,Awkward Abundant,Redundant red 单词:hatred Sacred,Awkward Abundant,92,A consequently,Sequent a sequence of stories Subsequently,A consequently,93,补充 sub 的词汇,Subway Submarine Subtract,Subject submerge Submit,mission missionary dismiss emit transmit su,m,mit missile,补充 sub 的词汇,94,Suburb(urban)Subordinate (ordinary),Substance (Distance Circumstance Substitute),B continuously,C constantly speed,Suburb(urban)Subordinate (ord,95,补充:distant Instant,Substantial(substance ),D consistently What you said isnot consistent with what you have done.,补充:distant Instant,96,A ignored,B neglected,Neg negative,Lect 相关词汇 - 选择,speak,Lecture Elect Select,Collect Dialect Intellectual,A ignored,97,C refused Reject object,D denied,Desperate Sper 词根- 希望,Prosperous prosper v,Desperado,Detail Retail Tailor,C refused Reject object,98,A hesitated,B resigned,Signify It signifies we should go now.,Assign (appoint),A hesitated,99,C tolerated,D,sur,vived surplus surrender surroundings,C tolerated,100,A economical,B economy,C economic,D economics,A economical,101,A considerate,B consistent with Sist 词根,assist persist resist,C liberal,A considerate,102,D abnormal (norm ),Ab离开,去掉 absent abandon Abuse,Abroad Broad Blackboard Aboard,D abnormal (norm ),103,A curious cur 词根,Cur,rent,Secure ( select separate),Accurate,B rewarding Award,A curious cur 词根,104,C minimal,Minister Administer,Minimize minority minimum 最小量,D challenging,C minimal,105,A affects affection,B react 补充 act 词汇,A affects affection,106,Active actor actress Actual Exact Interaction,C reflects Flect flex 弯曲 Flexible,D recognizes,Active actor actress Act,107,A applies to,B appeals,C amazes,D amuses,A applies to,108,A scatter Cat 系列,Catalog Caricature Cater for,B overtake We managed to overtake the last train,Overlook Overcome Overseas Overhead,C swallow D exhaust,A scatter Cat 系列,109,A blasted,B 开头的单词,Bleak Leak Bloom bride Blush beat Beast Bold bald Bend blend Blame blot Bench Bond Bruise,Brutal Blunt,A blasted,110,B explored Exploit,C inquired,D maintained,B explored Exploit,111,A roar soar uproar,B exclamation acclaim reclaim,C whistle blow a -,D scream,A roar soar uproar,112,A prospects,Spect spic sp词根 spy,A prospects,113,Expect perspective Respect,Suspect Spectacle Spectator,Conspicuous,Expect perspective Res,114,B speculations,Sp,e,culate Aspect,suspect n v,Inspect,inspector,inspection expect,aspect respect respective,We should respect our respective aspects.,B speculations,115,Circumspect,Circumstances,under no - could we fail to know the importance of english。,Prospect,prospective,Spectator Audience,Circumspect,116,C stakes,D provisions,C stakes,117,A emergency,B trend tendency,C pace D schedule,A emergency,118,A bare B vacant,C hollow,补充 low 的词汇,Blow flow glow shallow,D blank,A bare B vacant,119,1 none of the servants were _ when Mr.Smith wanted to send a message.,A available,B approachable,C attainable (retain maintain sustain),1 none of the servants were _,120,D applicable,Able,Favorable Suitable Capable (capacity),Dispensable indispensable,Inevitable evitable,D applicable,121,2 many children in developing countries cannot go to school , because of _ .,A property asset,B sword,Sway Swing Swell Sweep Swear Swallow Dessert Scream Scold scan Scare Spot Stake Strap,2 many children in developing,122,(rap Trap,Laps = slip Elapse Collapse),C puzzle,D poverty,(rap Trap,123,3 harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.,A stung,谐音词汇:,Ignore junior Loyal Royal Maid Missile,B stuck Stick - to ;stitch,C bitten,D scratched Democratic,3 harry was _ by a bee when h,124,4 the car accident was _ to the drivers violation of the traffic regulations.,A swallowed,B contributed,C attributed,Tribute Distribute Retribution,4 the car accident was _ to t,125,D transferred Fer,Differ different Indifferent Conference Infer Prefer Refer Suffer,D transferred Fer,126,5 president bandas background as a doctor has given him a deep _ into the medical problems that face the country .,A view in view of,Scenery Landscape,B vision,vis,it visible,C insight D scene,5 president bandas background,127,6 a good teacher must know how to _ his ideas.,A convey Survey Supervise,B display,C consult insult,D exclaim (reclaim acclaim ),6 a good teacher must know how,128,9 In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _ books from the school library.,A brim,Rim grim trim Prim,补充:prose Plight pray,B reference,C sample ample maple Amplify signify classify simplify,D redcap,9 In order to write his pape,129,10 This is a _ moment for our research. We should be careful.,A critical critic,B regular regulate regulation,C conservative conserve reserve deserve,D generous generate,10 This is a _ moment for our,130,11 The group of technicians are engaged in a study which _ all aspects of urban planning.,A embraces brace (bracelet),Embarrass empower,Embitter endanger enclose,enlighten,11 The group of technicians ar,131,B respects Suspect prospect perspective aspect inspect expect,C inserts,Sert,Exsert Assert Desert,B respects Suspect prospect,132,D,est,imates,Modest Earnest Nest,补充mate 词汇,Climate inmate Intimate Ultimate,D estimates,133,13 Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant _ so much noise.,A resist,Persist Insist Consist Assist,B sustain,C tolerate,D undergo Undergraduate underground Underline undertake,13 Some old people dont like,134,14 The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.,A amazed B awkward,C curious D amused,14 The shy girl felt _ and un,135,补充,,Dart Negative optimistic,Nuisance Nutrition Patience,Treasure Tremble Vacant Vacation,补充,,136,15 Heavy taxes are _ on wines imported from the other countries.,A imposed impose ones opinion on somebody,Expose compose decompose Depose deposit Propose,B spoiled,Spout Span Sphere Adhere Spill,15 Heavy taxes are _ on wines,137,Spit Splendid Spray Spread Campaign,C spouted,D campaigned,Spit Splendid Spray Spread,138,17 The newcomers found it impossible to _ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent home in the new country.,A negotiate B adapt,C regulate regulate regulation discipline,D coordinate ordinary,17 The newcomers found it impo,139,18 I suffered from mental _ because of stress from my job.,A,dam,age Adamant Damp,B release C relief,D fatigue,League Colleague Vague Tongue,18 I suffered from mental _,140,20 He gave a _ to handle the affairs in a friendly manner.,A pledge,B mission dismiss missile transmit,Emit,C plunge,D motion Mercy,20 He gave a _ to handle the,141,第五节,1 The manager lost his _ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.,A farewell,B symbol Sympathy Symphony,Phone microphone telephone stereophone,C temper temperature,D passion passionate,第五节 1 The manager lost his _,142,2 The local government has begun a _ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.,A protest detest contest,B punishment,C protection,Tect :to cover;,detectdetective,D project,2 The local government has beg,143,8 they took _ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.,A annual anniversary,B favorite,C valid invalidavailable valuable devaluate evaluate invaluable undervalue equivalent,D effective,8 they took _ measures to pre,144,9 On turning the corner, we saw the road _ steeply .,A departing,B descending ascend,C decreasing,D de,press,ing depression,Impress express Compress,9 On turning the corner, we sa,145,10 the managing director took the _ for the accident, although it was not really his fault .,A guilt B blame,C charge,D accusation accuse curse excuse,10 the managing director took,146,11 a friendship may be _ , casual, situational or deep and lasting .,A identical identify identity,Never identify wealth with happiness,B original,C superficial,D beneficial,Option,al,Essenti,al,11 a friendship may be _ , c,147,14 from the _ from this examination , we know it is too easy for the students .,A feedback B nuisance,C outline,Layout Outcome income Outlet Outlook Output input,D desperation desperate,14 from the _ from this exami,148,15 this textbook is for the _ students , not for the beginners .,A decisive,B forceful,C advanced,D frustrating frustration,15 this textbook is for the _,149,18 the advertisement says this material doesnt _ in the wash , but it has .,A contract attract distract Tractor Extract Abstract abnormal Subtract,B shrink,Me,r,cy Vi,r,tue F,r,ighten fight,C slim D dissolve,18 the advertisement says this,150,谢谢观赏,谢谢观赏,151,


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