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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,大家好,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,We keep talking about language points everyday, so today,Lets start with a poem,大家好,1,We keep talking about language,大家好,2,大家好2,Have you paid attention to this symbol?,What does it stand for?,大家好,3,Have you paid attention to thi,UNESCO,United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,联合国教育科学文化组织,M3 U3 Word Power,UNESCO World Heritage,(遗产),hertd,大家好,UNESCOUnited Nations Education,Read part A on p46,What is one of the functions of UNESCO?,How many World Heritage sites are there on the,World Heritage List,put out by UNESCO?,3. What are the three types of World Heritage sites?,To protect important heritage sites all over the world.,Altogether there are about 900 World Heritage sites.,Cultural heritage sites, natural heritage sites and mixed,cultural and natural heritage sites.,大家好,5,Read part A on p46What is one,Cultural heritage site,Natural heritage site,Mixed cultural and natural heritage site,Ancient Roman city Pompeii,Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province,Mount Tai and Mount Huang,大家好,6,Cultural heritage siteAncient,Dunhuang,Grotto,es,敦煌石窟,grt,Cultural heritage site,文化遗产,大家好,Dunhuang Grottoes 敦煌石窟 g,the Imperial Palace,mprl,Cultural heritage site,大家好,the Imperial Palace mpr,Old Town of Lijiang,Cultural heritage site,大家好,Old Town of Lijiang Cultural h,Terra Cotta Warriors,Cultural heritage site,terkt wrs,大家好,Terra Cotta Warriors Cultural,Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province,natural heritage site,自然遗产,大家好,Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province,mixed cultural and natural heritage sites,自然文化遗产,Mount Huang,Mount Tai,大家好,12,mixed cultural and natural her,Can you guess what does the underlined word mean?,The things have to be carefully examined and studied, as they are often very old.,Archaeology,is the study of a civilization by looking at things that remain from the time the civilization existed.,archaeology ,kld n.,考古学,archaeologist ,kldst n.,考古学家,archaeological site,kildikl,考古遗址,大家好,13,Can you guess what does the un,archaeology,考古,大家好,14,archaeology大家好14,brush,dig,discover,explore,remove,record,刷,挖,发现,探索,移动,记录,Some words related to archaeology,Use the words on the left to finish part B on p47. Change the form if necessary.,archaeology archaeologist archaeological site,大家好,15,brush刷Some words related to ar,Archaeology,is important to,China. I became interested in this,subject,when I was a small child. I studied at Peking University and I have been an _ for thirty years. During these years I have,had the chance to,explore many different places in China and,throughout the world,.,archaeologist,part B, page 47.,大家好,Archaeology is important to Ch,As you know, China has achieved a lot in archaeology in the past sixty years. One of the great _ discoveries over the last few years is the area of Loulan. In 1980, I,took part in,_ the preserved body of a woman. We called her the Loulan Beauty. She had died more than 3800 years before.,archaeological,discovering,大家好,As you know, China has achieve,Then in 1998 we _ several other tombs. You have to,be very careful not to,destroy anything you find, so you always need to remember to _ carefully and to _ away the dirt. You must _ everything you find and never _ anything from the site.,explored,dig,brush,record,remove,大家好,Then in 1998 we _ seve,Quick-memory,brush,刷,dig,挖,discover,发现,explore,探索,remove,移动,record,记录,archaeology,人类学,archaeologist,人类学家,archaeological site,考古遗址,World Heritage List,文化遗产名录,Cultural heritage site,文化遗产,Natural heritage site,自然遗产,Mixed cultural and natural heritage site,自然文化遗产,大家好,Quick-memorybrush 刷 archaeolog,结束,大家好,结束大家好,


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