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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,法律英语,*,Lesson Twelve,Corporation Law,8/15/2024,1,法律英语,Lesson Twelve Corporation Law,Background,Model Business Corporation Act,标准商务公司条例(1984年),The Model Business Corporation Act (MBCA) is a,model act,originally developed by the,American Bar Association,(ABA) in the 1980s to,encourage uniformity,within the,corporation laws,of each US state. The MBCA is,not a law,but is only,a guide,for state governments.,8/15/2024,2,法律英语,Background Model Business Corp,Public Corporation, private Corporation,Corporation sole, Corporation aggregate,Parent Corporation, subsidiary Corporation, brother Corporation,Profit Corporation, Nonprofit Corporation,Publicly hold Corporation, Closely Held Corporation,Joint Venture Corporation, Shell Corporation,公司的分类,8/15/2024,3,法律英语,Public Corporation, private Co,Part 1: Introduction,Three main business organization:,Individual proprietorships,个体业主,Partnerships,合伙,Corporations,公司,8/15/2024,4,法律英语,Part 1: IntroductionThree main,There is,no single code or statute,that governs the U.S. law of business enterprises.,美国,没有单一法典或法规,规制商务企业法。,The corporation laws of,each states,are,similar,but,not identical,.,各州的公司法,相似,但,不相同,。,8/15/2024,5,法律英语,There is no single code or sta,法律英语第十二课-Corporation-Law课件,法律英语第十二课-Corporation-Law课件,Partnerships,Uniform Partnership Act of 1916,统一合伙条例,Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 1976,统一有限合伙修订条例,8/15/2024,8,法律英语,Partnerships Uniform Partnersh,Corporation Codes,No uniform law,Individual states business corporation acts,Such acts provide the procedure for formation and decision,规定公司形成和决策的程序,Model Business Corporation Acts of 1984,标准商务公司条例,Is followed by only half of the states,只有一半的州采纳,8/15/2024,9,法律英语,Corporation CodesNo uniform la,An enterprise does not have to incorporate under the corporations code of the state,in which it operates,.,企业不一定按其,从事经营的州,的法律组建。,incorporate,operate,Delaware,8/15/2024,10,法律英语,An enterprise does not have to,The internal law of the corporation is governed by,the statutes and case law,of the state of incorporation.公司内部法由组建州的,制定法和成文法,管制;,Internal matters of the corporation are governed by its own,Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws,.公司内部事务由其,组织章程和内部规章,管制。,8/15/2024,11,法律英语,The internal law of the corpor,Federal Securities Acts,The Securities Act of 1933,The Securities Exchange Act of 1934,Various regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission,8/15/2024,12,法律英语,Federal Securities ActsThe Sec,The 1933 Securities Act regulates,the issuance of,new securities,to raise capital for the issuing enterprise,1933年证券法管制的发行证券的企业为取得资本而,发行新证券,。,The 1934 Securities Exchange Act regulates the mechanisms by which investors,buy and sell existing securities,.,1934年证券交易法管制的是投资者,买卖上市证券,的机制。,8/15/2024,13,法律英语,The 1933 Securities Act regula,Blue Sky Laws,State securities laws,a state law setting the standards for the purchase and sell of securities, so to protect investors from fraudulent practices.,The federal securities laws,preempt,the State Blue Sky Laws,联邦证券法,优先于,州蓝天法。,8/15/2024,14,法律英语,Blue Sky LawsState securities,Federal Antitrust Laws联邦反托拉斯法,Antitrust Laws,regulate market behavior,and to,encourage,competition,through the,prevention of monopolization,and the,limitation of restraint of trade,.,调节市场行为,鼓励竞争,防止垄断,制止贸易限制,8/15/2024,15,法律英语,Federal Antitrust Laws联邦反托拉斯法,Part 2: Forms of business,A. Proprietorships个体业主,Set up a business alone,by obtaining a license to do business from the county in which he intends to set up the business.,在打算经营的县领取营业执照,,单独开业,。,8/15/2024,16,法律英语,Part 2: Forms of businessA. Pr,Proprietorship are,not separate legal entities,个体业主,不是独立的法律实体,。,small retail shops,service enterprises,The most common form of enterprise,8/15/2024,17,法律英语,Proprietorship are not separat,B . Partnerships,A business enterprise entered into for profit which is owned by more than one person, each of whom is a partner. A partnership may be created by,a formal written agreement, but may be based on,an oral agreement,or,just a handshake,. Each partner,invests a certain amount,(money, assets and/or effort) which establishes an agreed-upon percentage of ownership, is,responsible for all the debts and contracts of the partnership,., . PartnershipsA business ent,separate legal entities,独立的法律实体,A non-U.S. corporation or individual can,form a partnership,with an individual, a corporation or another partnership,doing business,in the United States.,外国公司或个人可以与个人、公司或其他合伙企业一起,建立合伙企业,,在美国,经营,。,8/15/2024,19,法律英语,separate legal entities8/26/20,A written partnership agreement,书面合伙协议,No requirement,Normally , should be entered into,8/15/2024,20,法律英语,A written partnership agreemen,The Uniform Partnership Act,no partnership agreement the relationship between the parties is determined by the terms of the,Uniform Partnership Act,.,在没有合伙协议的情况下,由,统一合伙条例( UPA),确定合伙人之间的关系。,The UPA set out the rules for determining whether or not,a partnership exists.,由UPA明确是否,存在合伙,的规则。,8/15/2024,21,法律英语,The Uniform Partnership Actno,For example,The receipt,by a person of,a share of profits,of a business is,a prima facie evidence,that the recipient of the profits is,a partner,in the business.,一个人,分享企业利润,,就是,一个表明证据,,证明利润的受益人是该企业的,合伙人,。,8/15/2024,22,法律英语,For exampleThe receipt by a pe,Two types of partnerships,General,partnerships一般合伙,Limited,partnerships 有限合伙,8/15/2024,23,法律英语,Two types of partnershipsGener,1.,General partnerships,Two or more individuals set up a,business enterprise,together as,co-owners of the enterprise,and do not organize as a corporation,两个或两个以上个人作为,企业的共同所有人,组建成非公司的,商务企业,。, Partnership,8/15/2024,24,法律英语,1. General partnerships Two or,Unless there is a partnership agreement which spells out the terms of the partnership, partners,share equally,in the,assets,and,liabilities,of the partnership upon the,dissolution,of the partnership.,除非合伙协议明确了合伙的条件,否则,在合伙企业,解散时,,合伙人,平等分享,该合伙的,资产,和,责任,。,8/15/2024,25,法律英语,Unless there is a partnership,In a partnership,There is,no separation,between the,partners,liabilities and those of,partnership,.,合伙人,和,合伙企业,之间的责任,没有分离,。,A partner can,be liable for the debts,of the partnership when the partnerships assets are,insufficient,to meet its obligation.,当合伙企业资产,不足以,抵债时,合伙人个人会,承担偿还,合伙企业,债务的责任,。,8/15/2024,26,法律英语,In a partnershipThere is no se,Certain service enterprises,law firms,8/15/2024,27,法律英语,Certain service enterpriseslaw,2. Limited partnerships,Limited partnerships are created when the,partners,wish to,limit their personal liability,for the partnership.,Limited partners有限合伙人,General,partner,8/15/2024,28,法律英语,2. Limited partnershipsLimite,Limited partners,Must enter into,a written agreement,with the partnership,与合伙企业签定书面协议,Must,not actively participate in the running of the business,不参与企业的运营,Investors,Shareholders ina corporation,8/15/2024,29,法律英语,Limited partnersMust enter int,C. Corporation,1. In general,A corporation is an,incorporated association,.,A,separate legal entity,that has existence apart from the persons who form it.,Own property,in its own name,Can,sue and be sued,under its own name,8/15/2024,30,法律英语,C. Corporation 1. In general 8,Two categories of corporation,a. publicly held corporations,公众持股公司,b. close corporations,内部持股公司,股份有限公司,有限责任公司,8/15/2024,31,法律英语,Two categories of corporation,publicly held corporations,A publicly held corporation, also called a public or open corporation, is generally characterized by,a large number of shareholders, most of whom,do not take an active part in,the management of the corporation. Further, the corporations,stock is generally traded,on a stock exchange.,8/15/2024,32,法律英语,publicly held corporationsA pu,close corporations,a closely held corporation is one in which the shares are usually owned by,only a few individuals,who usually,take an active role,in managing the business as directors and/or officers of the company. Stock in a close corporation is,rarely traded,on the open market.,8/15/2024,33,法律英语,close corporationsa closely he,两种公司的比较,Publicly held corporations,Shares are publicly traded on organized markets,Closely held corporations,Restrict the number of shareholders,Forbid transfers of shares ,8/15/2024,34,法律英语,两种公司的比较Publicly held corporati,No federal corporate legislation,State create the,legal framework,to govern corporations that,are incorporated in its state,.,州制定管制,在本州组建,公司的法律。,Secretary of state office,handle the administrative matters for the corporations,州务部长,下面的公司部处理公司的管理事务。,8/15/2024,35,法律英语,No federal corporate legislati,Administrative matters,Incorporation 组建,Business registration 商务注册,Dissolution 解散,The ownership of a corporation resides in its stockholders,公司所有权属于其股东,8/15/2024,36,法律英语,Administrative mattersIncorpor,组建 vs. 登记,A corporation does,not need to be organized,under the law of state where it,conducts business,or is,the principal place of business,for that corporation.,公司,无须,在其,经营商务,的州或公司,主要营业地,所在的州,组建,。,A corporation,need to register,in the states,other than its “home” state,in order to do business in that state.,公司,必须,在,其“母”州之外的州,进行,注册登记,,以便在该州从事经营活动。,8/15/2024,37,法律英语,组建 vs. 登记A corporation does n,Failure to register,The corporation cannot sue in that state,公司在该州不得提起诉讼,The imposition of a fine,被罚款,Contract made by the corporation void or voidable,公司订立的合同无效、可撤消,8/15/2024,38,法律英语,Failure to register The corpor,Enough business to require registration,More than one,isolated contract,一项,单独的合同,;,A sale,in the state by a sales representative whose primary territory was elsewhere,主要业务在其他地方的销售代表在该州做,一笔生意,。,8/15/2024,39,法律英语,Enough business to require reg,2. Different state laws governing corporation,Different,legal requirements,exist for setting up a corporation depending upon the state of corporation.,各州对建立公司提出了不同的,法律要求,。,Delaware,One director,District of Columbia,Three directors,8/15/2024,40,法律英语,2. Different state laws govern,Delaware 特拉华州,Most “liberal” corporation law,最“自由的”公司法,Has registered more corporations than other state,Minimizing the liability of,“independent” directors for,certain wrongs committed by the corporation,将,“独立的”董事们,对公司某些错误行为应负的责任减到最小。,8/15/2024,41,法律英语,Delaware 特拉华州Most “liberal”,Public Corporation, private Corporation,Corporation sole, Corporation aggregate,Parent Corporation, subsidiary Corporation, brother Corporation,Profit Corporation, Nonprofit Corporation,Publicly hold Corporation, Closely Held Corporation,Joint Venture Corporation, Shell Corporation,Professional words and terms,8/15/2024,42,法律英语,Public Corporation, private Co,Individual proprietorships,Partnerships,Corporations,Uniform Partnership Act,Model Business Corporation Acts,Securities Act,Securities Exchange Act,existing securities,8/15/2024,43,法律英语,Individual proprietorships8/26,Blue Sky Laws,Federal Antitrust Laws,Monopolization,separate legal entities,written partnership agreement,General partnerships,Limited partnerships,8/15/2024,44,法律英语,Blue Sky Laws8/26/202344法律英语,Assets,liabilities,dissolution,publicly held corporations,close corporations,Secretary of state office,the principal place of business,8/15/2024,45,法律英语,Assets, liabilities , dissolut,


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