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unit 1,人教版八年级英语下册单元全套课件,Whats the matter?,unit 1人教版八年级英语下册单元全套课件Whats t,Section A 1a-2d,目 录,Section A 3a-3c,Section A Grammar Focus-4c,Section B 1a-1d,Section B 2a-2e,Section B 3a-Self Check,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Section A 1a-2d 目 录Section,Unit 1,Whats the matter?,人教版八年级英语下册,Section A 1a-2d,Unit 1人教版八年级英语下册Section A 1a-2,To let students talk about health problems and accidents.,Role play the conversation in 2d and learn the key words and phrases in it.,Objectives,To let students talk about hea,n.,问题;事,怎么了?出什么事了?,adj.,疼痛的;酸痛的,感冒,n.,胃痛;腹痛,matter,Whats the matter?,sore,have a cold,stomachache,Words and expressions,n. 问题;事 matter Words and expr,胃痛,n.,脚;足,n.,颈;脖子,n.,胃;腹部,n.,咽喉;喉咙,have a stomachache,foot,neck,stomach,throat,胃痛have a stomachache,n.,发烧,v.,(lay),躺;平躺,躺下,v.& n.,放松;休息,n.& v.,咳嗽,n.,X,射线;,X,光,n.,牙痛,fever,lie,lie down,rest,cough,X-ray,toothache,n. 发烧fever,量体温,n.,头痛,发烧,n.,间歇;休息,休息,v.,(hurt) (,使,),疼痛,;受伤,(she,的反身代词,),她自己;自己,take ones temperature,headache,have a fever,Break,take breaks (take a break),hurt,herself,量体温take ones temperature,Lets learn the parts of the body.,Lets learn the parts of the b,Lets say the parts of the body.,Lets say the parts of the bod,He/She has a toothache.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a toothache.Whats,He/She has a fever.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a fever.Whats the,He/She has a sore throat.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a sore throat.What,He hurt himself.,She hurt herself.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He hurt himself.She hurt herse,He/She has a cold.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a cold.Whats the m,He/She has a stomachache.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a stomachache.What,He/She has a cough.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a cough.Whats the,He/She has a headache.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a headache.Whats t,He/She has a sore back.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a sore back.Whats,He has a heart problem.,He has a nosebleed.,Whats the matter with them?,He has a heart problem.He has,A: Whats the matter with?,B: He/She has a ,Work in Pairs,A: Whats the matter with?Wor,Look at the picture. Write the correct letter a-m for each part of the body.,1a,Look at the picture. Write the,22,_ arm _ back _ ear _ eye,_ foot _ hand _ head,_ leg _ mouth _ neck,_ nose _ stomach _ tooth,Check the answers!,h,e,g,i,b,a,j,l,c,d,m,k,f,_ arm _ back _ ear _,Nancy _ Sarah _,David _ Ben _,Judy _,3,1,2,5,4,Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5.,1b,Nancy _ Sarah _ 3,Conversation 1,Nurse: You dont look well. Whats the matter, Sarah?,Sarah: I _.,Conversation 2,Nurse: Whats the matter, David?,David : I _.,Conversation 3,Nurse: Whats the matter, Ben?,Ben : I _.,Listen and find out whats the matter.,have a cold,have a stomachache,have a sore back,Conversation 1 Listen and find,25,Conversation 4,Nurse: Whats the matter, Nancy?,Nancy : I _.,Conversation 5,Nurse: Whats the matter, Judy?,Judy : I _.,have a toothache,have a sore throat,Conversation 4have a toothache,26,Look at the picture. What are the students problems? Make conversations.,A: Whats the matter with Judy?,B: She talked too much yesterday and didnt,drink enough water. She has a very sore,throat now.,1c,Look at the picture. What are,27,I have a,sore throat.,Whats the matter?,Pair work,I have a Whats the matter?Pai,28,I have a sore back.,I have a stomachache.,I have a toothache.,Whats the matter?,I have a sore back.I have a st,have a toothache,have a cold,cut myself,have a cough,have a toothachehave a coldcut,have a headache,have a heart problem,have a nosebleed,have a headachehave a heart pr,Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the,order you hear them.,2a,1,2,3,4,5,Listen and number the pictures,32,Listen again. Match the problems withthe advice.,1. fever a. lie down and rest,2. stomachache b. drink some hot tea with honey,3. cough and c. see a dentist and get an X-ray,sore throat,4. toothache d. take your temperature,5. cut myself e. put some medicine on it,2b,Listen again. Match the proble,33,You should _,_,drink some hot tea with honey.,Listen again. Then fill in the blanks.,I have a cough and sore throat.,You should _,34,You should _,_,I have a toothache.,see a,dentist and get an X-ray.,You should _I have a t,35,lie down and rest,I have a stomachache.,You should _,_.,lie down,36,take your,temperature.,I have a fever.,You should _,_,take your I,37,I cut myself by accident.,You should _,_.,put some,medicine on it.,I cut myself by accident.You s,38,A: Whats the matter?,B: My head feels very hot.,A: Maybe you have a fever,B: ,Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.,Pair work,2c,A: Whats the matter?Make conv,39,Role-play the conversation.,Mandy: Lisa, are you OK?,Lisa: I,have a headache,and I cant move my,neck.,What should I do,? Should I,take my,temperature,?,Mandy: No, it doesnt sound like you,have a fever,.,What did you do,on the weekend,?,Lisa: I played computer games all the weekend.,2d,Role-play the conversation.Man,40,Mandy: Thats probably why. You,need to take,breaks,away from the computer.,Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for,too long without moving.,Mandy: I think you should,lie down,and rest. If,your head and neck still hurt tomorrow,then go to a doctor.,Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.,Mandy: Thats probably why. Yo,1. Whats the matter?,这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句,意思是“怎么了,?”,,其后通常与介词,with,连用。类似的问句还有:,Whats wrong?,Whats wrong with you?,Whats your trouble?,Whats the trouble with you?,Whats up?,Language points,1. Whats the matter? Language,42,matter,n.,问题、麻烦、事件,通常与介词“,with,”,连用。,wrong,是形容词,前面没有“,the,”;,matter,和,trouble,都是名词,前面应有“,the,”,,,trouble,前还,可以用形容词性的物主代词。,Whats your trouble, young man?,年轻人,你怎么了,?,matter n.问题、麻烦、事件,通常与介词“with”,43,2. have a sore throat.,喉咙痛。,1),have,vt,.,患,(,得,),病,(,不用于进行时态,),He had a bad cold last week.,他上周患了重感冒。,She often has a stomachache.,她常胃,(,肚子,),疼。,注意:,一般情况下用,have,a,n.,表示患了某种疾病如:,have a cough,咳嗽,have a cold,感冒,2. have a sore throat. 喉咙痛。,44,2),sore,“,痛、疼”,通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼,在表示身体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前。,ache,常指持续性的疼痛,它常与身体部位的名词构成复合词。如:,head,ache,头痛,back,ache,背疼等。,2) sore“痛、疼”,通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼,在表示身,45,have a cold,“,伤风,感冒”,是固定词组,表示身体不适的常用词组还有,:,牙疼,have a toothache,胃疼,have a stomachache,发烧,have a fever,have a cold “伤风, 感冒”,是固定词组,46,嗓子疼,喉咙疼,背疼,脖子疼,感冒,头疼,have a sore throat,have a sore back,have a sore neck,have a cold,have a headache,嗓子疼, 喉咙疼have a sore throat,47,3.,lie down,and rest,lie down,躺下,Dont,lie down,on the ground.,不要躺在地上。,与,down,有关的词组,:,sit down,坐下,come down,下来,get down,下车,write down,写下,记下,3. lie down and rest,48,4.,hot,tea,with,honey,加蜜热茶,1),hot,adj.,热的,2),with,介词,意思是“ 有,用,同,,由于,和,一致,赞成,关于”,此句中是“有,带有,”,的意思。,如,:,有四个口袋的外套,a coat,with,four pockets,4. hot tea with honey 加蜜热茶,49,5. You need to take breaks,away from,the computer.,你需要远离电脑好好休息一下了。,副词结构,away from,属,于,种固定搭配,其原始语义为“,离开(某,处,);与,(某处,),有一定的距,离,”,,与不同动词配合使用时,,,具体意思往往会受上,下,文的用词影响。,此处,take breaks away,from,the computer,即指,“,停止玩电脑进,行休息,;远离电脑进行休息”。,5. You need to take breaks awa,50,试体会以下句子中,away from .,的意思:,In spring or autumn, my parents usually take their annual vacation,away from,home.,我父母通常在春季或,秋季,去外地休年假。,I will be,away from,school for a week.,我将离校一周,。,They live,away from,us.,他们不和我们住在一起。,试体会以下句子中away from .的意思:,51,1. You should _ (see) a doctor.,2. Lily,_ (leave) her bag at school,yesterday.,3. They _ (plan) to spend the summer,holiday in the countryside just now.,4. Lets _ (try) our best to make our world,more beautiful.,see,planned,try,left,I.,用所给动词的正确形式填空。,Exercises,1. You should _ (see) a,II.,选择填空。,The little baby has two _.,A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth,2. Whats the matter with you?, _.,A. Im glad B. I have a cold,C. I have something to do,D. Sorry, I dont know,II. 选择填空。,3. People smell (,闻,) with their _.,A. noses B. ears,C. hands D. mouths,4. If you have a toothache, you should see a _.,A. policeman B. teacher,C. nurse D. dentist,3. People smell (闻) with their,(,2019,湖南,岳阳,), You dont look well. Whats the matter with,you?, _.,A. I won the game,B. Maybe I have a fever,C. Thats too bad,中考链接,B,(2019 湖南岳阳)中考链接B,【,解析,】,句意“你看起来气色不好,怎么了?” “可能我发烧了。”,A.,我赢了这场比赛;,B.,可能我发烧了;,C.,那太糟糕了。根据句意可知,上句问病情,下句应该回答与身体状况有关的内容,故选,B,。,【解析】,(,2019,辽宁),Humans can not make progress,dreams.,A. with B. without C. through D. about,【解析】句意:人类没有梦想就不能进步。考查介词辨析。,with,和,表伴随;,without,没有,表伴随;,through,穿过;,about,关于。根据,Humans cannot make progress,可知,without dreams,符合语境,故选,B,。,B,(2019辽宁)【解析】句意:人类没有梦想就不能进步。考查,(,2019,湖南),If you have a sore throat, you could drink some hot tea _ honey.,A. with B. at C. on,【,解析,】,句意:如果你喉咙痛,你可以喝一点加一些蜂蜜的热茶。,A. with,与,一起,带有;,B. at,在,;,C. on,在,上。,hot tea with honey,带有蜂蜜的热茶,,with,表示伴随,故答案为,A,。,A,(2019湖南)【解析】句意:如果你喉咙痛,你可以喝一点加,Copy the new words and phrases in this lesson.,Make conversations about health problems according to 2b.,Share one of your illness experiences with your partner.Tell him or her what you did.,Homework,Copy the new words and phrases,59,Unit 1,Whats the matter?,人教版八年级英语下册,Section A 3a-3c,Unit 1人教版八年级英语下册Section A 3a-3,To read and learn about the story of the bus driverWang Ping.,To learn to help people when theyre in trouble.,Objectives,To read and learn about the st,Whats the matter with the man?,He has a toothache.,He cant eat anything.,Whats the matter with the man,What should he do?,He should see a dentist.,Work in pairs and make more conversations.,What should he do?He should se,63,virtue vtu,美德,avoid disadvantage,conscience,virtue,Offer help or not?,conscience,knns,良知,Watch and discuss,virtue vtu美德avoid disad,Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man,Look at the headline and picture then answer the questions.,Pre-reading,Bus Driver and Passengers Save,What happened to the man lying by the road?,He may have a terrible health problem.,2. What was the person next to him doing?,She was shouting for help.,3. Did this man die?,No, he didnt.,4. Who do you think is going to save the man?,I think the bus driver would save him.,What happened to the man lying,Answer the following questions.,1. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book?,How do you know?,2. Did the bus driver help the man and woman?,Newspaper. It is reporting something that happened very recently (i.e. yesterday), and the whole story is very short.,3a,Yes, he did.,Answer the following questions,BusDriver andPassengersSaveanOldMan,At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 wasgoing along Zhonghua Road when the driversaw an old man lying on the side of the road. A,woman next to him was shouting for help.,The bus driver, 24-year,-,old Wang Ping,stopped the bus without thinking twice. He,got,o,ff,a,nd asked the woman what happened.,She,BusDriver andPassengersSave,68,said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew hehad to act quickly. He told the passengers thathe must take the man to the hospital. Heexpected most or all of the passengers to getoff and wait for,t,he next,said that the man had a heart,69,bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to gowith him. Some passengers helped Mr.Wangto move the man onto the bus.,Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers,the man,was saved by,the doctors in time.,“,It,ssad that many people don,t want to help othersbecause they don,t want any trouble,”,says one passenger.,“,But the driver didn,t thinkabout himself. He only thought about saving a,life.,”,bus. But to his surprise, they,70,Read paragraph 1 and answer.,1. What happened?,A man was lying on the side of the road.,2. When and where did it happen?,At 9:00 a.m. yesterday; on Zhonghua Road.,3. Who were there?,The driver, the old man and a woman.,Read paragraph 1 and answer.,Something happened at 9:00 a.m. yesterday,Bus drivers reaction,Passengers reaction,Result,Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks,.,He stopped the bus and decided to send the man to the hospital.,All passengers agreed to go with the driver and some passengers helped him.,The man was saved by the doctors in time.,Time line,The bus driver Wang Ping saw an old man lying on the road.,Something happened at 9:00 a.m,Read para. 2 and put the sentences in correct order.,1. Some passengers helped the driver to move the man onto the bus.,2. The driver stopped the bus without thinking twice.,3. He expected some passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.,4. Passengers all agreed to go with him.,5. The driver got off and asked what happened.,2, 5, 3, 4, 1,Read para. 2 and put the sente,Read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story.,1 _ Wang Ping was the driver of bus,No. 26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.,2 _ Bus No. 26 hit an old man on,Zhonghua Road.,3 _ The old man had a heart problem,and needed to go to the hospital,right away.,3b,Read the passage again and che,74,4 _ The passengers on the bus did not,want to go to the hospital, so only,Wang Ping went with the woman and,old man.,5 _ Some passengers helped to get,the old man onto the bus.,6 _ The old man got to the hospital in,time.,4 _ The passengers on the b,75,Fill in the blanks according to the story.,Wang Ping, a bus driver, was going _ Zhonghua Road when he saw an old man _ on the side of the road and a woman next to him shouting for help. He stopped the bus without _. He got off and asked the woman _ happened. She said that the man had a heart _ and should go to the hospital. Wang Ping told the passengers that he must _ the man to the hospital.,lying,along,thinking twice,what,problem,take,Fill in the blanks according t,76,He expected the passengers to get off and,_,_,_ the next bus. But _,_,_, they all agreed to go with him and some passengers helped him move the man _ the bus. _,_,_ these people, the man was saved in time.,wait for,to his surprise,Thanks to,onto,He expected the passengers to,77,Discuss the questions with a partner.,1.Why was Wang Ping surprised that passengers,agreed to go to the hospital with him?,2. Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the,right thing? How do you know?,Because he thought that there were no passengers who agreed to go with him.,Yes, they did. Because they went with him together.,3,c,Discuss the questions with a p,3. Do you agree that people often do not help,others because they dont want to get into,trouble ? Why or why not?,3. Do you agree that people of,. when the driver,saw an old man lying,on the side of the road.,这时司机看到一位老人正躺在路边。,see sb,.,doing sth,.,看见某人正在做某事,e.g.,When I pass the window I,see,him,drawing,a,picture.,Language points,. when the driver saw an ol,80,1),我看见他时他正在河边玩。,I saw him _ by the river.,2),我看见过他在河边玩。,I saw him _ by the river.,playing,play,see sb,.,do sth,.,看见某人做过某事,e.g.,I often,see,him,draw,a picture.,1) 我看见他时他正在河边玩。playingplaysee,3),我看着他过了桥。,I see him _ across the bridge.,4),我看见她正在洗碗。,I see her _ the dishes.,walk,washing,3) 我看着他过了桥。walkwashing,82,2. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped,the bus without thinking twice. He only thought,about saving a life.,你能看出“,without thinking,”、 “,about saving a life,”的共同点吗,?,共同点:介词,+ doing,介词,+,名词,宾格代词,doing,2. The bus driver, 24-year-old,83,用适当的形式填空。,1),I am fine. What about _ (she)?,2) Thanks for _ (tell) me the story?,3) It is a sunny day. How about _ (go) fishing?,4) It is good to relax by _ (use) the Internet or _ (watch) game shows.,her,telling,going,using,watching,用适当的形式填空。hertellinggoingusingw,84,3.But,to his surprise, they all agreed to go with Him.,to ones surprise,使,惊讶的是,出乎,意料,e.g.,To their surprise, all the students pass the,exam.,Much to everyones surprise, the plan,succeeded.,3.But to his surprise, they al,surprising,形容词,常修饰物,surprised,形容词,常用,人作,主语,surprisingly,副词,修饰动词,be,surprised at sth.,be surprised to do sth.,be surprised that,What surprising news!多么令人惊讶的消息呀!,I was surprised at the news.我对这个消息感到意外。,She looked surprisingly well.她看上去身体出奇地好。,surprising形容词常修饰物surprised形容词常,86,agree with,通常接人或人说的话。,agree to,(介词)通常接表示计划,提议或安排,等的词。,agree on,就,达成协议。,agree to do,同意做某事。,agree with 通常接人或人说的话。,87,(1),我同意他们,的想法,。,(2),我同意这个计划。,(3),他们不能就日期达成,协议,。,(,4,) 他同意帮助我。,I agree with them.,I agree to the plan.,They cant agree on the date.,He agreed to help me.,(1)我同意他们的想法。I agree with them.,88,4. because they dont want any,trouble, .,当,trouble,意为“困难;麻烦”时,是不可数名词,如:,Im sorry to give you so much,trouble,.,be in trouble,意为“有困难;陷入困境”。,e.g. He always asks me for help when he is in,trouble.,(2),get sb. into trouble,意为“使某人陷入困境”,e.g. If you come, you may get me into trouble.,4. because they dont want a,(3),主语,+ have / has trouble (in) doing sth.,意为“某人在做某事方面有困难”。,e.g.,I have some,trouble,(in) reading the letter.,当,trouble,意为“麻烦事;烦心事”时,是可,数名词。,e.g.,She was on the phone for an hour telling,me her,troubles,.,(3) 主语 + have / has trouble (i,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。,(1),他认为每天吃饭是一件麻烦事。,He thinks that eating every day is _.,(2),你知道你现在为什么处于困境吗?,Do you know why you _now?,(3),我妹妹在学习英语方面有困难。,My sister _ English.,a trouble,are in trouble,has trouble instudying,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 a troubleare in,5needed to go to the hospital,right away,.,right away,意为“立刻;马上”,和,in a minute,意,思相近。,e.g. Ill be there,right away / in a minute,.,另外,,right now,和,at once,也可表示“立刻,;,马上”,的意思。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子。,你必须马上出发。,You must start _.,right away / in a minute/,right now / at once,5needed to go to the hospital,see sb. doing sth.,看见某人正在做某事,lie on the side of the road,躺在路边,to ones surprise,使,惊讶的,in time,及时,agree to do sth.,同意做某事,thanks to,多亏;由于,right away,立即;马上,lie down,躺下,get into trouble,陷入困境,get some sleep,睡会觉,wait for,等待,fall down,突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌,Summary,see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事Su,93,26,路公交车,公交车司机,26,路公交车司机,公交车上的乘客,不假思索地停下车,上,/,下公交车,帮助把人移到车上,等下一辆公交车,bus No. 26,bus driver,driver of bus No. 26,the passengers on the bus,stop the bus without thinking twice,get off/ on the bus,help to move the man onto the bus,wait for the next bus,Phrases summary,与bus 相关的表述,26路公交车bus No. 26 Phrases summa,令人惊讶的是,to ones surprise,及时,in time,同意做某事,agree to do sth.,期待某人做某事,expect sb. to do sth.,陷入麻烦,get into trouble,多亏了,thanks to,短 语,令人惊讶的是 to ones surprise短 语,看见老人躺在路上,see an old man lying on the side,of the road,有心脏病,have a heart problem,去医院,go to the hospital,把老人送到医院,take the man to the hospital,及时救治人,save the man in time,只考虑到救命,only think about saving a life,与医疗急救相关的表述,看见老人躺在路上see an old man lying o,I.,根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。,1.,由于尽心竭力,才取得巨大成功。,It was all a great success _ a lot of hard work.,2.,他们都同意这个周末去野餐。,They all _ have a picnic this weekend.,3.,在去美国之前,你需要三思。,You need to _ before you go to the US.,thanks to,agreed to,think twice,Exercises,I. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 thanks,4.,就躺下休息一会儿吧。,Just _ and have a rest.,5.,我们下错了火车站。,We _ the train at the wrong station.,6.,我好像有心脏病。,It seems that I _.,lie down,got off,have a heart problem,4. 就躺下休息一会儿吧。lie downgot offha,II.,翻译句子。,昨天上午九点,,26,路公交车正行驶在中华路上。这时司机看到路边躺着一位老人。,At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.,II. 翻译句子。At 9:00 a.m. yesterda,Read 3a and write some sentences.,Answer the questions in 3c.,Homework


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