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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,*,Chapter 15,Retailing,喻卓薯蜕售等澜值吼搬紊踌轩虑慷照葬鹰岂姆堂羚朔嗅原梁柔固巡陪纠鄙PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,1,Chapter 15 Retailing喻卓薯蜕售等澜值吼,Chapter 15,Skip,Size of Markets and Firms,军箍雨贞锣矫仇瘩设敌锤棱步尹步吉抖诬斗正寿诉拔酚缔驱徐鲍圃贺渣童PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,2,Chapter 15Skip军箍雨贞锣矫仇瘩设敌锤棱步尹步吉,Nature and Importance of Retailing,1. Retailing and Retailers,“,Retailing,” (,or retail trade),consists of all activities directly related to the sale of goods and services,to ultimate consumers for personal, non-business use.,A “,retailer,” is a firm or individual primarily engaged in retailing.,2. Economic Justification for Retailing,It is easy to become a retailer because:,- No large investment in production equipment is required.,- Merchandise can be purchased on credit.,- Store space can be leased with no down payment.,俗腻丽势疥啄傲粗甸酶修盏氯该茧幽件搏通骸陇震田挛雏亲鸯丧山湖思灿PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,3,Nature and Importance of Retai,Nature and Importance of Retailing,3. Operating Expenses and Profits of a Retailer:,3.1,Higher retailing costs,3.2,Expected to have,convenient locations,3.3,Retailers have lower rate of total sales and merchandise turnover, compared to wholesalers.,3.4,Retailers costs and profits are depending on their type of operation and major product line.,3.5,Usually, supermarket items have low margin while clothing items have high margin.,3.6,Retailers that have high margin or markup do not necessarily have the highest level of profitability.,淤场箕靴奈舞泰嫩宙宦讣乓尽律泄疾制斋问辅狄裁彬秸修柄奏假吃苫那狗PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,4,Nature and Importance of Retai,Nature and Importance of Retailing,4. Physical Facilities,Location,:,surrounding population, traffic, and cost,Size:,stores size in relation to sales,Design,:,looks of store,Layout:,amount of space,SHOPPING CENTER,consists of a planned grouping of retail stores that,lease space in a structure that is,typically owned by a single organization.,敦锌蹬乙诺光赴眯索莎姑犯沉贝绪其伙甘病狼闲篱蜜况箔荣烯办吭闺巨腾PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,5,Nature and Importance of Retai,Classification of Retailers,1. Form of ownership,1.1 Corporate Chain,is an organization of two or more centrally owned and managed stores that generally handle the same lines of products.,- Centralized management and standardized operation.,1.2 Independent Store,or an independent retailer is a company with a single store,- Independent stores have higher prices than chain stores.,恃琅枝吝牡惧杖嗡脂多践粘衅毖污杯享贷庚筑锁凑袒引想逊膜讳拼普傍贼PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,6,Classification of Retailers 1,Classification of Retailers,1.3 Contractual Vertical Marketing Systems:,1.3.1,Retailer Cooperatives and Voluntary Chains,“Retailer cooperative”,is formed by group of small retailers that agree to establish and operate a wholesale warehouse.,“Wholesaler-sponsored Voluntary chain”,is sponsored by a wholesaler that enters into a contract with interested retailers.,斗窄检裹动茁涯糜纽忘响如呐俊琅卒钡课藉庶起猜馋映停苞辐趁炔洒蓝崎PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,7,Classification of Retailers1.3,1.3 Contractual Vertical Marketing Systems :,1.3.2,Franchise Systems,the right use its trademark and management assistance in return for payments,There are 2 kinds of franchising:,-,Product and trade name franchising,a supplier (the franchisor) authorizes a dealer (the franchisee) to,sell a product line, using the parent companys trade name for promotional purposes.,- Business format franchising,covers an,entire method,(or format) for operating a business e.g., KFC, MCDonalds.,Classification of Retailers,堂珠晾仪孺碳固悲烬推咽咒撼泅次跨滨聘钢纽餐粳惹骑钨凯搅压扛亩旺籍PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,8,1.3 Contractual Vertical Marke,Classification of Retailers,2. Marketing strategies,2.1Breadth and depth of product assortment,2.2Price level,2.3Amount of customer service,2.1 Department Stores,a very broad and deep product assortment, not compete on the basis of price, and provide a wide customer services.,兜桔住缝胯砾秃速某慌荆篇耽爷寸瓶唤佛聘稿训粕寞闪芒来直喇筛命丹塑PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,9,Classification of Retailers2.,Classification of Retailers,2.2,Discount Retailing,Use comparatively low prices as a major selling point,Discount Stores,a broad, shallow product assortment, low prices, and few customers services.,Supercenter,A combined discount store and grocery store,2.3 Limited-Line Stores,A narrow but deep product assortment and selected customer services that vary from store to store. A limited-line store may choose to concentrate on:,- Several related product lines,- A single product line,- Part of one product line,藩噬仇惫滓漂颅屈垦湿韭精婴房味请砒骨拇狠篆盖雀诵室勤孔火陀钮抒蔫PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,10,Classification of Retailers2.2,Classification of Retailers,2.3.1 Specialty Stores,A very narrow and deep product assortment, often concentrating on a specialized product line, emphasizing extensive customer services, knowledgeable and friendly sales help e.g., Teddy Bear store.,2.3.2 Off-Price Retailers,Also offer lower prices on selected product lines, featuring narrow, deep product assortment, few customer services, often concentrating on well-known producers brands,.,Factory Outlets,Sell a single companys merchandise, mainly clearance items and irregular merchandise.,11,骤捎员帽孩荡碟棉踞识牲砾膳他蚀赘伤榴拳任鼻韭搂剃濒它被待结友眯磨PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,11,Classification of Retailers2.,Classification of Retailers,2.3.3 Category-Killer Stores,Have a narrow but very deep assortment, low prices, and few to moderate customer service. They are designed to destroy all competition in a specific product category.,2.4 Supermarkets,A retail institution that has a moderately broad, moderately deep product assortment and some-food lines with few customers services.,“Offensive Price”,using low prices to attract customers.,“Defensive Price”,relying on leader pricing to avoid price disadvantage.,靖否惩似寻研歧酥稻哑炭幻忿驰至册乙昏豢罗植遁钟彭意沦道沥诊适困廖PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,12,Classification of Retailers2.3,Classification of Retailers,2.5 Convenience Stores,Concentrate on selected groceries and nonfoods, locate near residential areas, open at extensive hours but the prices are higher, and offer few customer services.,2.6 Warehouse Clubs or “Wholesale Club”,A combined retailing and wholesaling institution, with very broad but shallow product assortments, extremely low prices, and few customer services. Warehouse clubs are opened to members only.,瘪轻妮钡巢贩圈弥缩贞蘑噶教镍供仔咏劫芒号姨玉大炯房沿清蘑煞茎氮座PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,13,Classification of Retailers瘪轻,Nonstore Retailing,Nonstore Retailing,refers to retailing activities in transactions,that,occur away from a physical retail store.,1.,Direct Selling or “In-Home Selling”,is personal contact between a sales person and a consumer away from a retail store.,1.1 Door-to-door selling,1.2 Party-plan selling,篙骄王侈捎咋绰顾吹枉古直暇址实虹闽侍钮平共芝咸踊蚌征睛晚税徘震灼PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,14,Nonstore Retailing Nonstore R,Direct Selling or “In-Home Selling”,Advantages,- Commissions are paid only when a sale,is made.,- It is more convenient for consumers to,shop at home or non-store locations.,- The boldest method to persuade,ultimate consumers.,Disadvantages,- High commissions costs.,- Difficulty in recruiting, training,motivating and retaining good sales people.,朝丧蛮混冶酪份垒垂魏铀庞彻兴盛乎芜澎韵决肋望憎医粒江话容醛殖碉雕PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,15,Direct Selling or “In-Home Sel,Nonstore Retailing,2.,Telemarketing,refers to a sales person initiating contact with a shopper and closing a sale,over the telephone,.,Advantages,- Lower costs through the use of automatic-dialing computers.,- Customers can do shopping at home,Disadvantages,- High turnover rate of telemarketing personnel.,- Intruding privacy of consumers.,- Encountering hostile people on the other end of the line.,徊拼剃驭适甩流烤泪圭毫咳娥文漠酒酚钨俞嵌尊瑚酷块系追雀爹携柴坝判PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,16,Nonstore Retailing2. Telemarke,Nonstore Retailing,3. Automatic Vending,The sale of products through,machine,with no personal contact between buyer and seller.,4. Online retailing,A firm uses its website to offer products for sale and then ultimate consumer use their computers to make purchases from the company.,5. Direct Marketing,Using print or broadcast advertising to contact consumers who purchase products without visiting retail stores.,No personal contact is required.,郴音蛾铃储文程蓖隆墙东嚣款墟射柑界血邢叁瞎地描依醋俊辗钧螟美邹衬PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,17,Nonstore Retailing3. Automatic,5. Direct Marketing,5.1 Direct mail,-,Firms mail letters, brochures, and even product samples to consumers, and ask them to purchase by mail or telephone.,5.2,Catalog retailing -,Companies mail catalogs to consumers or make them available at retail stores.,5.3,Televised shopping -,Products are promoted on dedicated TV channels and through TV commercials.,霞崩腮墅抠聂殖淋痔搔降莫矿润盎蔼堕写脱瘫陨攘吞凹民狙菠仓硒甄疥知PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,18,5. Direct Marketing5.1 Direct,Direct Marketing,Advantages,-,Provide customers convenience.,- Low operating expenses (no retail,overhead).,Disadvantages,- Invading customers privacy.,- Customers must place orders without,touching the products.,-,Catalogs can be costly and must be,prepared long before issue.,- Price changes can be announced only,through supplementary catalogs or brochures.,匝窝池挖择掖特砂啃臂爽蓉宾疙虐献聂迸读革讳故计寓码羡幸鹅员虏亏虫PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,19,Direct MarketingAdvantages - P,Institutional Changes in Retailing,Evolutionary changes in retailing follow a pattern in which an established retail institution trades up to attract a broader market, achieve higher margins, and gain more status. Then, high costs and, ultimately, high prices make the institution vulnerable to the new type of retailer which often enters the market at low-cost, low-price store.,乔统糠运嗡吊劝绝泳慨孕爆谭领汽熏卵尉挽痈征乌赢仲脾尧理法口冒蝎与PM-15Retailing营销原理PM-15Retailing营销原理,20,Institutional Changes in Reta,


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