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What can we learn from the historic place ?,-the past /the lesson/remember/avoid repeating the mistakes/educate/experience/love the country/ culture/ancient ideas/development of civilization/ influence on people,Warm-up Activity1.Do you like,2,Background Information,Famous monastery,Great pass,Background InformationFamous m,3,A famous monastery,monastery:,a sacred building where monks live,convent:,a sacred building where nuns live,A famous monasterymonastery: a,4,A,hospice,(,宗教团体开办的招待所),for travellers was founded in 1049 by,Saint Bernard of Menthon,and came to be named after him in the 16th century to keep the pass safe for travellers.,The,hospice,occupies two buildings made of grey stone (built in 1899), which provide hotel services.,The Great Bernard Monastery,A hospice (宗教团体开办的招待所) for tra,5,The pass,runs northeast-southwest through the Alps .The road runs through the pass and joins Switzerland to Italy. From the north (Switzerland), the route to the pass follows the,Dranse River valley, then into the wild and desolate (,荒凉的,) valley .,The Great St. Bernard Pass,The pass runs northeast-southw,6,Chinas famous monastery,Shaolin Temple,(,monastery,),is at Song Shan, in Dengfeng, Henan Province ,China. Everyday many people including foreigners visit Shaolin Temple.,The Shaolin temple (monastery),has a very long history (founded during the Northern Wei dynasty )and remains one of Chinas oldest Buddhist temples. It is famed for,Kung Fu.,Chinas famous monastery Shaol,7,Chinas famous pass,While traveling through,Gansu Province, we came across the,Jiayu Pass,the largest section of the,western Great Wall,of China. The pass runs through central Gansu acting as a corridor(,走廊),for people traveling between Dunhuang and Lanzhou.,Chinas famous passWhile trave,8,monastery n.,寺院,修道院,St.Bernard,圣伯纳德,Pass n.,关隘,Watchdog n.,看门狗,Rashly adv.,莽撞地,冒失地,Enclosure n.,围场,圈地,Monk n.,和尚,Privacy n.,清静,隐居,Skier n.,滑雪者,Easter n.,复活节,New words and expressions,monastery n.寺院,修道院Enclosure,9,Vocabulary Learning,monastery,n.,寺院,修道院,Convent,n.,女修道会,女修道院,Monk,n.,和尚,僧侣,Nun,n.,修女,Abbot,n.,男修道院院长,abbess,n.,女修道院院长,abbey,n. a large church together with a group of buildings in which monks or nuns live or lived in the past,隐修院;修道院,(,曾为修道院的大教堂,),大教堂,e.g. Westminster Abbey,威斯敏斯特教堂,(,西敏寺,),Vocabulary Learningmonastery,10,St. Bernard,=Saint Bernard,St=strait,Taiwan,Strait,St=street,Wall,Street,St=saint,1. A saint is a holy person, refers to any Christian believer (all Christians in heaven are considered to be saints ),2. a very good , kind patient person,St.,John,Saint,Valentines Day,Shes a,saint,to go on living with that man., St. Bernard =Saint Bernard,11,3.rash: n.,An area of red spots on a persons skin , caused by illness .,皮疹,一种接触传染性皮疹,A contact skin rash.,heat rash,痱子,e.g. Dont be,rash,in making your decision.,Think twice before doing anything,rash,.,rashly:,adv.,莽撞地,冒失地,rash,:,adj.,doing sth without first thinking,轻率的,鲁莽的,e.g. She,rashly,promised to lend him the money.,rashness,n.,u,3.rash: n. An area of red spot,12,1),围场,圈地,2),(信中的)附件,enclose v.,围绕,山上云雾缭绕,-The mountains were enclosed by mist.,en-,使,成为,en,courage,en,danger,en,slave,enclosure,:,n.,1)围场,圈地 enclosure: n.,13,n.,清静,隐居,- I dont want my privacy to be disturbed.,n,隐私,individual privacy,right of privacy,privacy,:,n., privacy: n.,14,skiing,sleigh,雪橇,snowboarding,滑雪板,skateboard,滑板,slide,滑梯,幻灯片,skier,:,n.,滑雪者, skier: n. 滑雪者,15,Detailed Study of the text,Detailed Study of the text,16,The Great St. Bernard Pass,connects,Switzerland,to,Italy. At 2,473 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of,St. Bernard, which was,founded,in eleventh century,lies,about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as,watchdogs,even in Roman times.,The Great St. Bernard Pass con,17,named after Bernard ,used in mountain rescue work,Bernard,Meaning:,St. Bernard of Menthon :,St. Bernard dog:,bear,Strong,or,Brave,as a bear,a saint of mountaineers,St. Bernard dog with barrel,The,St. Bernards,were bred,(,养),large enough to traverse,(,穿越,),deep snow and to scent,(,嗅出,的气,),out lost persons.,named after Bernard ,used,18,Pass,n.,1. a place through mountains which is very difficult to cross,关口;关隘;山路,2. a successful result in an exam,及格,通过,3. an official document or ticket the shows you have the right to enter,通行证,-The Jiayu,pass,is one of the most dangerous .,-She got a,pass,in French.,她法语考试及格了。,-No one is allowed to enter without a,pass,.,Pass n.,19,Pass,v,.,1: to go by,2 :give sth to sb by putting it into their hands,3 : to go beyond ;surpass, exceed,4 : to go through (as a test) successfully,5 : to give approval to,6: to let (as time or a period of time) go by,7: to emit or discharge from a bodily part,-They,pass,the library every morning on their way to school.,-He,passed,the ball to Owen.,-She,passed,two other runners just before the finish line.,-She hasnt,passed,the driving test yet .,-The committee,passed,the law .,-The hours,passed,quickly.,-The drug,passes,quickly into the bloodstream.,Pass v.1: to go by,20,Connect,1. to join or fasten together usually by something,2. to place or establish in relationship.,-A hallway,connects,the two rooms.,-Its the major highway,connecting,the two towns.,-The two bones,connect,at the elbow.,-I never,connect,you,with,that group of people.,Connect,21,1.,connectto,把,.,与,连接在一起,翻译:,北京和上海之间有一条铁路相连。,There is a railway connecting Beijing to Shanghai.,2. connect.with,把,.,与某事联系在一起,我不能把这张照片和,Mary,联系起来。,I cant connect this picture with Mary.,这两门学科紧密相连。,The two subjects are closely connected.,connect,1. connectto 把.与连接在一起,22,connect v.,连接,(,万能,),contact n./v.,(,与人联系,),relate v.,联系,(抽象),keep in contact / lose contact with sb.,eye contact lenses,-,犯罪率的上升和失业率上升紧密相连。,-The rise in crimes relates closely to the increase in unemployment.,connect/contact/relate,connect/contact/relate,23,Lie,(,lay,lain),1. to be or to stay in a position,;,to be situated in a particular place,-He was,lying on,his back.,-The town,lies in,a valley.,-His real interest,lies in,music,.,lie,v,. (lies, lying, lied, lied) (to sb) (about sth) to say or write sth that you know is not true,说谎,撒谎,lay,v,. (laid, laid) to put sb./ sth in a particular position, especially when it is down gently or carefully(,尤指轻轻地或小心地,),放置,安放,Lie(lay,lain),24,watchdog,n.,a fierce dog kept to guard property,看门狗,看家狗,a person or organization that tries to guard against stealing, wasteful use of public money, undesirable practices, etc.,监视者;监视机构,e.g.,监督电视广告是否符合标准的政府机构,a government watchdog on television advertising standards,watchdog n.,25,watchdog,-watchdog-n.,看家狗,-watch-hour - n.,值班时间,-watchhouse- n.,哨所,岗亭,-watchman- n.,看守人,警卫员,-watchroom-n.,值班室,-watchtower-n.,岗楼,了望塔,-keep watch,值班,看守,照料,-keep close watch on,密切注视,-on watch,值班,监视,watchdog-watchdog-n. 看家狗,26,Lead a dogs life,Die a dogs death,Keep /walk a dog,Work like a dog,Treat sb like a dog,Barking dogs do not bite.,Love me , love my dog.,Beat the dog before the lion.,Every dog has his day,.,过穷困潦倒的生活,惨死,养、溜狗,拼命工作,不把某人当人看,吠狗不咬人,爱屋及乌,杀鸡儆猴,大家都有走运,A luck dog,幸运儿,Lead a dogs life 过穷困潦倒的生活A l,27,Now that,a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is,in difficulty,.,Despite,the new tunnel, there are still a few people who,rashly,attempt to,cross the Pass on foot.,Now that a tunnel has been bui,28,now that,conj.,because the thing mentioned is happening or has just happened,既然;由于,e.g. 1) Now that the kids have left home we have,got a lot of extra space.,孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽绰了。,2),既然约翰来了,我们就可以开始了。,Now (that) Johns arrived, we can begin.,3),既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。,Now that you are grown up, you should not,rely on your parents.,now that conj.because the t,29,-Now that,youve grown up , I can tell you about that.,-The monastery is very busy,for,it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars.,-As,there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.,-The dogs have greater freedom, too,for,they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure.,【,辨,】,because, since, as, for, now that,-Now that youve grown up , I,30,because,,,since,,,as,均表“因为,由于”,1),其中,because,语气最强,,since,次之,,as,最弱;,回答,why,的问题只能用,because,。,e.g. -So why worry,?,-Because its my responsibility.,because,since,as均表“因为,由于”,31,2),Since,常表已知事实“,既然,”,引导从句多置于主句前,作“自从”后面还可以跟完成时。,Since,you know its just number,,,you will not,add this QQ number.,3),As,较,口语,化,原因更明显,引导从句置于主句前。,(,L 12,),As,there were so many people about,,,the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.,2)Since常表已知事实“既然”,引导从句多置于主句前,作,32,4,),for,常用于书面语,于句尾,语气弱。,(,L11,),During the summer months, the monastery is very busy,for,it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars.,5,),now that,既然,由于(引导原因状语从句),-,Now,(,that,),Im here , Id better stay.,(,句首,在口语中,that,可省,),4)for 常用于书面语,于句尾,语气弱。,33,1.(07,陕西,18),when has the country been open to international trade?,1978,,,I suppose.,A. Since B. In C. From D. After,2.(08,北京,23),Did you return Freds call?,I didnt need to-,Ill see him tomorrow.,A. though B. unless,C. when D. because,A,D,1.(07陕西18)AD,34,despite,=in spite of,prep.,不管,不论,尽管,e.g.,Despite /In spite of,the bad weather , they went out as planned .,She went to the party,despite,the fact that,the doctor had told her to rest .,He had a big lunch,despite,having just had,breakfast .,though,连词,(,接句子,),Though,it was raining,they went out as planned .,despite =in spite of prep. 不管,35,whenever,= no matter when,无论什么时候,wherever, however, whoever, whichever, whatever,e.g. 1) You can call me whenever you like.,你可以随时打电话给我。,2),无论谁来都会受到欢迎。,Whoever comes, he will be welcomed.,3),不管发生什么事,都不要改变你的计划。,Whatever happens, don,t change your plan.,4),每当我不高兴时,他都会给我鼓劲。,Whenever I am unhappy, he will cheer me up.,5),无论我走到哪里,她都跟着我。,Wherever I go, she will follow me.,whenever = no matter when 无论什么,36,in difficulty,处境困难,有困难 ;陷入困境,e.g. We should help those who are in difficulty.,我们应该帮助那些有困难的人。,be in +n.,表示“处于,状态”,e.g. be in luxury/ misery,生活奢华,/,悲惨,处在麻烦中,欠债,绝望地,沮丧地,哭着,身体好,状况好,爱上某人,in trouble,in debt,in despair,in dismay,in tears,in good health,in good condition,in love with sb.,in difficulty 处境困难,有困难 ;陷入困境 i,37,in difficulty,处境困难,有困难 ;陷入困境,e.g. We should help those who are in difficulty.,我们应该帮助那些有困难的人。,词组:,have difficulty in doing sth.,做某事有困难。,without difficulty,毫不费劲地,翻译:,1) I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood.,我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。,2),我们轻而易举就找到了这所房子。,We found the house without difficulty.,in difficulty 处境困难,有困难 ;陷入困境,38,attempt,attempt to do,v.,努力;尝试,= try to do,e.g. (1),我将努力回答你的全部问题。,I will attempt to answer all your questions.,(2),不要试图自己修理这块手表。,Do not attempt to repair this watch yourself.,attempt + n.,(3),囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。,The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.,n.,make an to do sth.,e.g.,他们企图逃跑。,They made an attempt to escape.,attemptattempt to do v. 努力;尝试,39,During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. As there are so many people,about, the dogs have to be,kept in a special enclosure,. In winter, however, life at the monastery is quite different. The temperature,drops,to - 30 o and very few people attempt to cross the Pass.,During the summer months, the,40,As there are so many people,about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.,about,adv.,在近处,附近;近旁,look about,go about,run about,wander about,到处看,到处走,到处跑,到处闲逛,= around,As there are so many people ab,41,The temperature,drops,to -30 and very few people attempt to cross the Pass.,drop,v.,下降,表数量减少:,decrease /decline /descend /fall,表数量增加:,increase/rise /jump/rocket,The temperature drops to -30 a,42,e.g. The temperature of summer in Chongqing,jumps,to 40 centigrade and very few people attempt to go out.,e.g. The temperature of summer,43,The monks prefer winter to summer of they have more,privacy,. The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to,wander,outside their enclosure. The only,regular,visitors,to the monastery in winter are,parties,of,skiers who go there at,Christmas and,Easter,. These young people, who love the peace of mountains, always,receive a warm welcome,at St. Bernards monastery.,The monks prefer winter to sum,44,The monks,prefer,winter,to,summer for they have more privacy.,prefer A to B,prefer doing A to doing B,Prefer to do/ doing,Prefer to do sth. rather than do/doing,The monks prefer winter to su,45,-,Forrest prefers to running rather than walk.,宁死不屈,prefer to die rather than surrender,-Forrest prefers to running ra,46,Privacy,:,1. the state of being alone or not disturbed by other people .,-An individuals right to,privacy,should be protected .,-I need some,privacy,to finish my paper.,in the privacy,私下地,Privacy:,47,Wander:,1. to move about anywhere without a purpose,-I was just,wandering,around the house.,-They,wandered,down the street.,-Students were,wandering,the halls.,The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to,wander,outside their enclosure.,Wander:The dogs have greater f,48,Compare: wander, roam & ramble,1) wander-vi.,漫步闲逛(无目的或固定路线的闲荡,可以指人或物),-wander about over the world,漫游世界,-wander through the woods,徘徊于林中,2) roam-v.,漫游,闲逛,徜徉(长时间无目的),-“Herds of horses and cattle roamed at will over the plain”“,大群牛马无拘无束地在草原上漫步”,3) ramble-v.,漫游,(无目的漫步;讲话离题),-They would go off together, rambling along the river”,“,他们将一同出发,沿着河流漫步”,Compare: wander, roam & ramble,49,The only,regular,visitors to the monastery in winter are,parties of,skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter.,A party of,一群,A community of monks,A flood of refugees,A galaxy of beauties,The only regular visitors to,50,Regular,1. orderly ; done or happening often,均匀的呼吸,正常的心跳,定期会议,常事,惯犯,常客,稳定的工作,regular breathing,regular heartbeat,regular meeting,regular occurrence,regular offenders,regular customers,固定的收入,a regular job,a regular income,Regular 1. orderly ; done or,51,Party:,1: a social occasion , at which people eat, drink, talk , dance and enjoy themselves .,2.a political organization whose members have the same aims and ideas .,3. a group of people who are doing sth together such as travelling or visiting somewhere.,4.one of people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement .,-A birthday,party,/ the Labour,Party,/A,party,of tourists,/the two,parties,in the marriage contract,- We are having a high school dance,party,.,-The,parties,in the lawsuit reached a settlement.,Party:,52,Easter:,the Sunday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Jesus Christ and his return to life,(Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his death).,Easter Sunday / Easter Day.,Easter,is a moveable feast.,Easter customs,vary across the Christian world, but decorating Easter eggs is common,.,Easter: the Sunday in March or,53,an Easter egg,=an egg made of chocolate that is given as present and eaten at Easter,an Easter basket,=a basket of candy, toys, etc., that is given to children at Easter,Egg hunting,an Easter egg =an egg made o,54,location,connects Switzerland,to,Italy,At,2,475 meters , it is the highest mountain pass,a tunnel has been built,through,the mountains.,the dogs are still sent,out,into ,As there are so many people,about, the dogs have to be ,locationconnects Switzerland,55,Summary writing,Points,1 St. Bernards Pass visited thousands of people summer,2 People cross Pass in cars,3 Dogs special enclosure so many people about,4 Temperature in winter 30,5 Few visitors,6 Monks prefer winter season,7 Dogs free to wander outside enclosure,8Young skiers regularly visit monastery in winter,9 Christmas and Easter Warmly welcome,Summary writingPoints,56,TheSt.BernardsPassisvisitedbythousandsofpeopleinsummer,whocrossthePassincars.Becausetherearesomanypeopleabout,thedogsarekeptinaspecialenclosure.Asthetemperatureinwinterfallsto-30,therearefewvisitors,sothemonkspreferthisseason.Thedogsarealsofreetowanderoutsidetheirenclosure.Partiesofyoungskiersregularlyvisitthemonasteryinwinter,duringChristmasandEasterwhentheyarewarmlywelcomed.(80words),Possible answer,TheSt.BernardsPassisvisi,57,新概念英语3-lesson8知识讲解课件,58,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,谢谢,!,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力,59,


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