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Click to edit Master text styles,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Click to edit Master text styles,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,SCI,文章撰写与发表技巧,樊春海,SCI文章撰写与发表技巧樊春海,SCI,文章撰写与发表技巧,如何撰写,如何投稿,示例解析,常见问题,SCI,简介,SCI文章撰写与发表技巧如何撰写如何投稿示例解析常见问题SC,什么是,SCI,SCI,:,美国费城科学情报研究所,出版的科学引文索引,SCI,论文:在科学引文索引(,SCI,)收录的杂志发表的论文,为什么要有,SCI,破除,SCI,的神秘,-SCI,不是为了评价!,SCI,是基础研究的利器,-,提供一种可以“搠源”同时可以“追新”的强有力的工具,可以通过发表,SCI,论文得到更广泛的认可,论文发表情况是衡量基础研究者的工具之一,如果不能根据研究写出论文,那就相当于没做研究。“有趣但未发表”等于“不存在”。,管理机构评价标准之一(一个简单但有效的手段),什么是SCISCI:美国费城科学情报研究所出版的科学引文索引,SCI,与影响因子,影响因子(,impact factor, IF,):一种期刊的影响因子,指的是该刊前二年发表的文献在当前年的平均被引用次数,IF,代表了该杂志发表的论文平均受关注的程度,IF,是评价论文好坏的指标之一,一般而言,权威杂志的评审较为严格,论文评价水准较高,好的杂志也有差的论文;一般杂志也有经典论文,IF,无法作为经典工作的评价标准,但对于大多数基础研究者而言是重要的标准,IF,只适用于本学科的比较,SCI与影响因子影响因子(impact factor, IF,若干权威,SCI,杂志,综合类:,Nature, Science, PNAS,医学领域:,CA-CANCER J CLIN,,,NEW ENGL J MED,,,LANCET,,,JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC,,,J CLIN INVEST,生物学领域:,CELL,Cell,系列、,Nature,系列、,PLOS,系列,J. Cell. Biol., J. Biol. Chem.,化学与材料领域:,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT(11) NANO LETT (10) J AM CHEM SOC (8.5) ADV MATER (8.4),若干权威SCI杂志综合类:,如何撰写SCI论文,SCI,简介,如何投稿,示例解析,常见问题,如何撰写,如何撰写SCI论文SCI简介如何投稿示例解析常见问题如何撰写,如何撰写,SCI,论文,首要条件:克服畏惧心理,几个必要条件,一定的英文基础,文从句顺,良好的逻辑基础,能否用中文写是关键(但不能用中文写),严谨的研究工作,自圆其说,若干诀窍,多读是关键,八股文风,天下文章一大抄(但不能抄),如何撰写SCI论文首要条件:克服畏惧心理,论文写作的诀窍,如果不知道如何开始,将实验思路和结果按一定的逻辑关系堆起来形成骨架,我为什么做这项工作?”;“这意味着什么?”;“我打算验证什么假设?”;“我实际上验证了什么假设?”;“结论是什么?”;“这项工作是否用了新方法?”;“我采取什么测量方式?”;“什么样的新材料?”;“它们表现出什么样的特征?”。,找几篇相关的优秀论文,把可能用到的句子摘录下来填充到骨架中(“抄”,描红),加上连接语或连接词使之具有起承转合,把句子按自己的语气和理解改成自己的话,反复修改,放置一段时间等印象淡了之后再读,多读几篇相关的优秀论文(也许有所感受),请人读是否通顺,是否可以理解,论文写作的诀窍如果不知道如何开始,论文的形式,同行评议的研究论文,全文,(article, full paper),通讯,(communication, letter),简报,(note, letter),正式发表的学术会议论文,Proceedings, special journal issue,不同学科的认同度不同,综述或评论,论文的形式同行评议的研究论文,论文的结构,题目,(title),前言,(introduction),实验方法,(Experimental, Materials and methods),结果与讨论,(Results and discussion),结论,(Conclusions, summary),图表,(figures and tables),文献,(references),摘要,(abstract),关键词,(keywords),论文的结构题目(title),题目是灵魂,题目要吸引眼球(有助于通过编辑关),简洁、清晰、最大信息、偶尔可以用一些非科学的用语,A nanoplasmonic molecular,ruler,for measuring nuclease activity and DNA footprinting (Nature Nanotechnology, 2006, 1, 47),不用,”Effect of”,,,”Studies on”,题目是灵魂题目要吸引眼球(有助于通过编辑关),前言是关键,前言能把审稿人套进去(看文章不先看前言),前言要解决什么问题?(三段论),为什么要做这个工作?,前人已经做了什么?,我们在此采用什么技术做了哪些事情?这些事情相对于前人而言有什么进步或突破?为什么我们能进步或突破?,前言是说服他人认可我做这个工作是有意义的,首先要说服自己,前言是关键前言能把审稿人套进去(看文章不先看前言),指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出研究重要性,在叙述前人成果之后,用,However,来引导不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。,如:,However, few studies have been done ,如:,Previous research has neglected/overestimated/underestimated thus, these previous results are controversial. Uncertainties still exist,如果自己的研究是全是新的,没有前人的工作可对比,你就可以说,We aim to test the feasibility of theIt is hoped that the question will be resolved with our proposed method.,果你的是一种新的研究手段或研究方向,你可提出当前流行的方法及其性质,然后,(However),说对你所研究的方向方法研究甚少,虽然前人对某一问题研究很多,但目前有两种或更多种观点,这种,uncertainties,或,ambiguities,值得进一步澄清,研究方法和方向与前人一样时,可通过以下方式强调自己工作:,However, data is still rare,,,We need to provide more data. Further studies are still necessary,指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出研究重要性,提出自己的观点:,We aim toThe purpose of this paper is toIn addition, we will also discuss,圈定自己的研究范围,introduction,的另一个作用就是告诉读者,(,包括,reviewer),,你文章的主要研究内容。,如果处理不好,,reviewer,会提出严厉的建议,比如你没有考虑某种可能性,某种研究手段等。,为减少这种争论,在前言的结尾就必须明确提出本文研究的范围。,可明确提出本文只关心某一特定范围的问题,,We preliminarily focus on the,也可说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种。,最后的圆场,在前言的最后,还可以总结性地提出“这一研究对其它研究有什么帮助”;或者说,further studies onwill be summarized in our next study,其目的就是让读者把思路集中到你要讨论的问题上来。尽量减少不必要的争论。,提出自己的观点:We aim toThe purpose,注意点:,引用文献要全面;适当夸奖本领域的名人,不要说别人的工作差;委婉指出在出色的工作之余还有什么缺陷或遗憾,适当烘托自己在本领域的工作基础,注意点:,实验方法,务必,完整记述实验过程,使人能够重复,可以套用模板,实验方法务必完整记述实验过程,结果与讨论是重点,尽可能详尽地描述实验思路、实验过程和实验结果,我是如何设计实验的?(最好有图),为什么要这么做?,实验中观察到什么现象?符合预期或不符合?,实验结果的分析、统计及文献进行比对,(最好列表),讨论是研究工作的升华,讨论实验是否符合预期,为什么?,讨论我的工作好在什么地方?,(Advantages include),讨论实验中的异常现象,讨论不足之处和可能的解决方案,结果与讨论是重点尽可能详尽地描述实验思路、实验过程和实验结果,如何讨论?,怎样提出观点?注意:不合适的句子通常会遭到,reviewer,置疑。,1),如果观点不是这篇文章最先提出的:,We confirm that,2),对于自己很自信的观点:,We believe that,3),由数据推断出一定的结论:,Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that,4),在极特别时才可用,for the first time,来强调自己的创新,5),对所提出的观点不完全肯定:,We tentatively put forward;,The results may be due to attributed to resulted fromIt seems that,注意这些结构的合理搭配,如何讨论?怎样提出观点?注意:不合适的句子通常会遭到revi,连接词与逻辑,注意句子上下连贯,不能让句子独立,常见连接词:,However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly, Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, For example, Compared with, other results, thus, therefore,叙述按时间顺序:,AA advocated it for the first time;,Then,BB further demonstrated that;,Afterwards, CC;,More recent,studies by DD,叙述两种观点:,AA put forward that,In contrast, BB believe or,Unlike,AA, BB suggest,;,AA suggest,Similarily, alternatively, BBOr Also, BB or BB,also,does,表示因果或者前后关系可用,Consequently, therefore, as a result,表明递进关系可用,furthermore, further, moreover, in addition,注意段落布局的整体逻辑。,第一段要明确说明你要讨论几个部份,Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed,可直接用,First, Second, Third, Finally,Furthermore, in addition,等可以用来补充说明,连接词与逻辑,讨论部分包括什么内容?,主要数据及其特征的总结,主要结论及与前人观点的对比,本文的不足(和,intro,呼应),给出文章的不足是保护自己文章的重要手段,不要认为挑战审稿人的智力,认为他们看不出文章的漏洞,研究的问题有点片面:,We focus on onlyWe have to point out that we do not,结论有些不足:,The results do not implyOur results are lack of,再次强调本文的重要性以及可能采取的手段:,Not withstanding its limitation, this study does suggestHowever, these problems could be solved if we consider,左右逢源。主动交代、表明立场(你已经在思考这些问题),问题不是你造成的(由于文章长度、实验进度或手段制约),且你已经建议了可能实现的途径。,讨论部分包括什么内容?主要数据及其特征的总结,图表,好的图表是成功的一半,好的图表的特点,直观,清晰,美观,注重细节(如图内文字字体、大小),艺术感,图表好的图表是成功的一半,结论、摘要,通常在全文完成之后撰写,前言抽象为一两句话点题,结果的简要描述,着重突出方法的优越性、结果不同于前人的地方,意义或延伸抽象为一两句话结题,结论和摘要要在几句话中说清楚,在几分钟内给人以深刻的印象,结论、摘要通常在全文完成之后撰写,文献展示细节,细节可以决定成败,务必引用你要投的杂志的论文,务必引用潜在审稿人的论文,文献的档次可能会影响审稿人的判断,文献是否符合杂志的要求?(可能会影响判断),借助,Endnote,等文献软件(值得花时间学会),文献展示细节细节可以决定成败,如何投稿SCI杂志,SCI,简介,如何撰写,如何投稿,示例解析,常见问题,如何投稿SCI杂志SCI简介如何撰写如何投稿示例解析常见问题,如何投稿,SCI,杂志,选择合适的杂志,仔细读,Information for authors,了解编委会成员的可能兴趣,如何投稿SCI杂志选择合适的杂志,首页,题目,作者(通讯作者),工作单位,通讯方式(尽可能详细),摘要,关键词,首页题目,Cover Letter,Dear Prof. XXXXX,Please find enclosed our original manuscript submitted to ( Journal name).,The following is the relevant information about our manuscript:,The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,The Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX,The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is,under consideration for publication elsewhere.,The novelty of this work lies in that,I am the corresponding author and my address and other information are as follows,Address:,E-mail:,Tel:,Fax:,Thank you very much for consideration!,Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX,Cover LetterDear Prof. XXXXX,投稿方式,网络投稿或,hard copy,注意细节,投稿的文件类型,是否要求用投稿模板?,图片格式和分辨率,投给谁?(主编或编委),推荐审稿人(若干原则),投稿方式网络投稿或hard copy,审稿与改稿,通常,2-3,个月,长可到一年,催或不催?,退修是常事,(accept, major/minor revision, reject),即使,reject,也可以据理力争(科学意义的质疑则无意义),尽可能针对每个问题作出回答,写一份详尽的报告,如果有的要求不能满足,尽可能说明情况。最好引用文献作一些解释,有理有据,审稿与改稿通常2-3个月,长可到一年,投稿流程,1,)选择合适的,SCI,期刊。多关注不同种类的,SCI,杂志有帮助,2,)下载投稿说明。到每个杂志的首页,3,)稿件及其相关材料准备。,Manuscript.doc,、,Tables.doc,、,Figures.tiff,(,jpg,等)、,Cover letter,,有时还有,Copyright agreement,。,投稿流程1)选择合适的SCI期刊。多关注不同种类的SCI杂志,4,)网上投稿,-Submit a manuscript,申请账号,然后以,author login,身份登录,按照提示依次完成。,5,)稿件状态,Submit New Manuscript,、,Submissions Sent Back to Author,、,Icomplete Submissions,、,Sbmissions Waiting for Authors Approval,、,Submissions Being Processed,、,Submissions Needing Revision,、,Rvisions Sent Back to Author,、,Icomplete Submissions Being Revised,、,Risions Waiting for Authors Approval,、,Revisions Being Processed,、,Declined Revisions,。,一般来说,投稿后,一周以内便可以进入审稿状态,,1-3,个月会有初审结果,4)网上投稿-Submit a manuscript,6,)修改稿的投递,主要修改,revised manuscript,、,response to the reviewers,、,cover letter,,关键是,response letter,,这非常关键,要逐条回复,reviewers,的意见。,7,)校样,-proof,8,)版权协议,有些杂志首次投稿时就需要提供,也有杂志是,Accepted,之后提供,6)修改稿的投递,示例解析,SCI,简介,如何撰写,如何投稿,示例解析,常见问题,示例解析SCI简介如何撰写如何投稿示例解析常见问题,示例解析,I,Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Multicolor Nanobeacons for Sequence-Specific DNA Analysis,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2009 (,影响因子,11.2),示例解析IGold-Nanoparticle-Based M, Manuscript number: anie.200901887 MS Type: Communication Title: Gold Nanoparticle-based Multicolor Nanobeacons for Sequence-Specific DNA Analysis Correspondence Author: Chunhai Fan PLEASE ANSWER BY: 19.08.2009 _ Dear Professor Fan, Thank you for your submission of 08.04.2009 and for the above-mentioned manuscript. We are pleased to inform you that the above-mentioned manuscript has now been accepted for publication in ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. However, we request that you revise your manuscript taking into consideration the enclosed comments from one of our referee/s. It would be helpful if you were to prepare the revised version of the manuscript in accordance with the checklist in the attached file. Of particular importance is the graphical material, which can then be reproduced directly, reducing the possibility of errors and facilitating your correction of the author proofs. Please send your revised manuscript from your manuscriptXpress homepage (http:/,,). Please ignore the button Manuscript Submission (only for NEW MANUSCRIPTS) and enter directly your Login: fanchunhai and password; then upload your archive file under Manuscript(s) to be Revised from your To Do list., We trust in your cooperation and look forward to receiving the final version of this fine paper soon., Yours sincerely, Dr. Haymo Ross, Deputy Editor, Manuscript number: anie.2009,示例解析,II,ATP-aptamer,复合物,Adv. Mater.,2007,(影响因子,8.4,),选择性,浓度梯度,对照,示例解析IIATP-aptamer 复合物Adv. Mate,Subject: Your Manuscript adma.200602256 for ADVANCED MATERIALSADVANCED MATERIALSManuscript number: adma.200602256MS-Type: Communication Title: A Gold Nanoparticle-based Aptamer Target Binding Readout for ATP AssayCorrespondence Author: FanYOUR SUBMISSION OF: 03.10.2006_Dear Professor Fan,Thank you for your letter and the above mentioned manuscript.Please find attached the comments of our referees. I regret to inform you that on the basis of the reports we are unable to accept the manuscript for publication in ADVANCED MATERIALS in its present form.However, if you were to substantially revise the manuscript taking into account the comments of the referees we would be pleased to have the manuscript reassessed.I am sorry not to be able to be more positive at this time but hope that this does not deter you from continuing to enjoy, and submit your work to, the journal.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Dr. David FlanaganDeputy Editor,Subject: Your Manuscript adma.,Subject: Your manuscript adma.200602256 for ADVANCED MATERIALSYOUR SUBMISSION OF: 03.10.2006_Dear Professor Fan,Thank you for your letter and the above-mentioned manuscript.I regret to inform you that we are still unable to accept the manuscript for publication in ADVANCED MATERIALS, a decision that is in accord with the opinion of the referee (see below).I am sorry not to be able to be more positive in this case but hope that you continue to enjoy ADVANCED MATERIALS and soon submit more work to the journal. I hope then to be able to offer you a better service.Yours sincerely,Dr. David FlanaganDeputy Editor,Subject: Your manuscript adma.,Dear Professor Fan,Thanks for your e-mail, in which you asked whether it is possible for me to reconsider my earlier decision to reject your above-mentioned revised manuscript. In principle every author of a rejected paper at ADVANCED MATERIALS has the right to appeal. For this it is necessary to submit a revised (or the original) manuscript and to present a rebuttal to the referees arguments. It certainly helps when an author sees major factual errors in the referees statements. If the whole case is only a matter of different opinions I recommend that one does not appeal.The rebuttal and the revised version are then sent to the referee whose recommendation caused the rejection. If necessary the whole case can be presented additionally to a court-of-appeal referee. When all statements are available, the editor makes the final decision.If you wish to start the appeal process, let me know and I will set the status of the above-mentioned manuscript to Manuscript to be revised on your homepage, and you can upload the revised version and rebuttal letter directly into our online system.Yours sincerelyDr. David FlanaganDeputy Editor,Dear Professor Fan,Thanks fo,Subject: Acceptance of Your Revised Manuscript adma.200602256 for ADVANCED MATERIALSPLEASE ANSWER BY: ASAP_Dear Professor Fan,Thank you for your manuscript. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that your revised manuscript has been accepted for publication in ADVANCED MATERIALS without further change, a decision that is in accord with the opinion of our referee.Please ensure your manuscript conforms to the following points:The production data must be the FINAL VERSION. You may be charged for any significant additions or changes made during correction of the page proofs.We will contact you after we have copyedited your manuscript to inform you when to expect the page proofs. Please follow the instructions provided with the page proofs to return your corrections to us for online publication.Congratulations on your results, and thank you for choosing Advanced Materials for publishing your work. I hope you will consider Advanced Materials for your future manuscripts.Sincerely yours,Dr. David FlanaganDeputy Editor,Subject: Acceptance of Your Re,Case Study III,Adv. Mater.,2007,(影响因子,8.4,),Case Study IIIAdv. Mater. 2007,RE: Clinical Chemistry MSID: CLINCHEM/2006/080523MS Title: Enzyme-based multifunctional nanoprobes for colorimetric DNA detection with high sensitivity Dear Dr. Fan: Thank you very much for submitting your manuscript for publication. Because competition for our limited space is becoming increasingly keen, I must decline papers that might have been accepted in the past. Guided by our constraints on space, two editors have concluded that your paper is likely to interest fewer readers than will others and that you and your readers will be better served if you submit the work elsewhere. While we are always sorry to decline papers for this reason, we hope that you will accept this verdict in the constructive spirit in which it is offered. We hope that our prompt response will enable you to submit your manuscript to a specialty journal, which will probably welcome this account of yourwork.,Thank you for allowing us to see it.,Sincerely, Dr. Carl WittwerAssociate Editor,RE: Clinical Chemistry MSID:,Subject: Acceptance of Your Manuscript adma.200701918 for ADVANCED MATERIALSADVANCED MATERIALSManuscript number: adma.200701918MS-Type: Communication Title: Enzyme-based multi-component optical nanoprobes for sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridizationCorrespondence Author: FanPLEASE ANSWER BY: ASAP_Dear Professor Fan,Thank you for your manuscript. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that your manuscript has been provisionally accepted for publication in ADVANCED MATERIALS, subject to the minor changes that the referees and editors suggest (see below).Sincerely yours,Dr. Peter Gregory,Subject: Acceptance of Your Ma,IMPORTANCE: important (top 25% of papers) DATA OBTAINED VERIFY HYPOTHESIS AND CONCLUSIONS: Yes APPROPRIATE LENGTH: Yes OTHER JOURNAL: RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE: Yes, without alterations COMMENTS: The authors have used a large gold nanocrystal as a framework upon which to attached the heterogeneous components of an enzyme-linked hybridization assay. They observe picomolar detection limits (by eye!) and their approach is selective enough to deploy directly in blood serum.To the best of my knowledge no one has previously done such a good and compelling job of using a larger nanocrystal as a substrate for the attachment of both capture probes and reporter groups. The specificity, selectivity and sensitivity of the test-bed assay the authors developed are impressive, and I suspect the described technology will be applicable to many other assay formats.,IMPORTANCE: important (top,常见问题,SCI,简介,如何撰写,如何投稿,示例解析,常见问题,常见问题SCI简介如何撰写如何投稿示例解析常见问题,常见问题,中译英,少用长句,少用,In this paper (,可以用,In this study),少用或不用,Obviously, for the first time,重点在前(段落、句子),Incorrect,:,For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing.,Correct,:,This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application in automobile interiors.,常见问题中译英,Which/that,Shown/showed,the results are,shown in,Figure 2,Such as/etc,Research work; Knowledge memory; Sketch map; Layout scheme; Output performance; Simulation results; Calculation results; Application results,How to,No:,How to find the optimal parameter is the main objective.,Yes:,Determining how to find the optimal parameter is the main objective.,阿拉伯数字不能开头,No:,12,parameters were selected for the experiment.,Yes:,Twelve,parameters were selected for the experiment.,Respectively,No:,The weights of the two experts are,respectively,0.600 and 0.400.,Yes:,The weights of the two experts are 0.600 and 0.400,respectively,.,Which/that,不要将名词作为形容词:,No,:,ATP formation; reaction product,Yes,:,formation of ATP; product of the reaction,单词“,this”,后面必须始终带有一个名词,这样它的指向才是明确的。,No,:,This is a fast reaction; This leads us to conclude,Yes,:,This reaction is fast; This observation leads us to conclude,始终用过去时态描述实验结果。,No,:,Addition of water gives product.,Yes,:,Addition of water gave product.,尽可能使用主动语态。,No,:,It was observed that the solution turned red.,Yes,:,The solution turned red.,或,We observed that the solution turned red.,比较式的主宾词要完整。,No,:,The yield was higher using bromine.,Yes,:,The yield was higher using bromine than chlorine.,不要将名词作为形容词:,Checklist,题目,题目概括了主要结果吗?,摘要,摘要叙述了你的故事吗?,前言,前言中的第一或第二句话,是否已经为你要回答的问题设好了序幕?你的描述是否“勾住”了读者呢?,你是否已经对你的科学问题进行了解释和阐述,而不是夸耀你的研究对象如何如何好?,你是否已经简要概括了与你要研究的问题相关的那些前人的工作?(要简要,不需要详细的文献综述)。,在前言的最后你是否意见很清楚地说明了你要回答的科学问题?,Checklist题目,方法,你是否已经简要地解释了你的研究对象(系统)的相关特征?,你是否已经详细说明了你的实验方法,其他的研究者可以来重复你的实验?方法要简洁,(,详细的内容可以放入,Supporting Information),。,你是否在叙述每个方法时,在开头都已经说明了为什么要进行这个测定?,你是否简要说明了你所使用的各种统计分析方法?,你所用的方法都与你的研究相关吗?,方法,结果,结果展示是否符合读者理解的逻辑性?(不一定要与你做的顺序相同),结果是否充分展示?(以图、表表示)。,文字是否充分解释说明了你的结果?而不是只是简单地告诉读者去看哪个图表?,结果描述是否是用该学科的术语来描述的?,你所展示的结果都是你的故事所需要的吗?,讨论,你是否强调了主要结果,并进行了解释?,你是否将结果上升到了一个更一般的层面?,讨论中的信息是否与你开始提出的问题相关?你的故事看起来严密吗?,结果,结论,你是否有一条很重要的建议?,图和表格,图表是否已经尽量简洁?,表头和图例是否全面?图表是否自明?读者不需要看文章是否就能明白其含义?,你在图中标出了标准误差吗?,你的散点图是否有一条合适的趋势线?,图例中是否有图注说明?,你对图的编辑是否符合出版的要求?,你的图表数量是否已经降到最低,但却足够清楚说明你的故事?,结论,Thank You !,Questions?,Thank You !Questions?,53,


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