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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Unit 2,My week,Unit 2My week,1,Hello, everyone!,Hello, Zoom.,My name is,Friday,.,Hello, everyone!,2,Zoom!,Look at my pictures.,Great!,Zoom!Great!,3,On,Mon,day,I am,sleepy,(,困的,),.,On Monday,4,On,Tues,day,I am angry,(生气的),.,On Tuesday,5,On,Wednes,day,I am crying,(哭了),.,On Wednesday,6,On,Thurs,day,I am quiet,(,平静的,),.,On Thursday,7,On,Fri,day,I am happy.,On Friday,8,On,Satur,day,I am happy, too.,On Saturday,9,On,Sun,day,I am worrying,(,担心的),.,On Sunday,10,I have maths,English and music,.,Zoom,What do you have on Thursdays?,I have maths, Zoom,11,Mr Young.,Oh, I love music!,Whos your music teacher?,Mr Young.Oh, I love music!,12,I have a cooking class with,(,和,),zip.,What do you do on Saturday, Zoom ?,I have a cooking class with(和),13,cooking class,烹饪课,cooking class,14,2014,年,9,月日历表,日,一,二,三,四,五,六,1,廿六,2,廿七,3,廿八,4,廿九,5,8,月大,6,初二,7,白露,8,国际扫盲日,9,初五,10,中国教师节,11,初七,12,初八,13,黑色星期五,14,世界清洁日,15,十一,16,十二,17,国际和平日,18,九一八纪念日,19,中秋节,20,国际爱牙日,21,十七,22,国际聋人日,23,秋分,24,二十,25,廿一,26,廿二,27,世界旅游日,28,孔子诞辰,29,世界海事日,30,廿六,What day is it ?,这是星期几?,Its Fri,day,.,2014年9月日历表日一二三四五六1234567891011,15,What day is it ?,Its Satur,day(,Sat.,),.,What day is it ?Its Saturday(,16,Homework,口头作业:,1.,跟读课文录音三遍。,笔头作业:,1,、,72,页,单词从,Monday,到,weekend 1,个抄写,10,遍。,Homework口头作业:,17,Unit 2,My week,Lesson2 Part A Lets learn Lets play,Unit 2 Lesson2 Part A,18,Monday, Monday, math on Monday.,Tuesday, Tuesday, art on Tuesday.,Wednesday, Wednesday,computers on Wednesday.,Thursday, Thursday, P.E. on Thursday.,Friday, Friday, I like Friday!,Lets chant,Monday, Monday, math on Monday,19,What day is it today ?,Its Sun,day(,Sun.,),.,What day is it today ?Its Sun,20,What do you,have,on_?,I have_,,,_, _,and _.,What do you have on_?I ha,21,Monday Tuesday,W,e,dnesday Thursday,Fr,i,day,Saturday Sunday,+,=,weekend,a week,一周,Monday Tuesday Wedne,22,单词记忆王,Tuesday,Friday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Wednesday,Monday,Tuesday,Friday,Wednesday,Thursday,Monday,Friday,Thursday,Friday,单词记忆王TuesdayFridayTuesdayWedne,23,Pair work,(,根据自己设计的新课表来提问),A: What do you,have,on _,s,?,B:I have _ and_.,Pair work(根据自己设计的新课表来提问)A: Wha,24,1. _is the first(,第一天,) day of the week.,A.Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday,2. What do you do _ Sundays?,A.in,B.at,C.on,3.I go to school from,M_ to,F_ .,I have,no,class on _ and,_ .,Practise,B,C,onday,riday,Sunday,Saturday,1. _is the first(第一天) day,25,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday,Friday Saturday Sunday,Lets wrap up,classroom bedroom bathroom,Mon,day,Tues,day,Wednes,day,Thurs,day,Fri,day,Satur,day,Sun,day,class,room,bed,room,bath,room,仔细观察这些词的组成结构特别,Monday Tuesday Wedne,26,Unit 2,My week,Lesson3 Part A Lets spell,Unit 2 Lesson3 Part A,27,Do you remember ?,he,she,me,we,be,h,e,sh,e,m,e,w,e,b,e,Do you remember ?heshemewebehe,28,Do you remember ?,he,she,me,we,be,h,e,sh,e,m,e,w,e,b,e,Who is,she,?,Do you remember ?heshemewebehe,29,Fridays happy day,Today , Im so happy!,In the morning, I,books,hamburger, and drink some,.,In the afternoon, I,my good friend. I play football with my friends.,We,some,for dinner. We are very happy.,In the evening, I go home. I am very tired,(累的),. My,are tired , too.,But Im really happy.,r,ea,d,ea,t,t,ea,m,ee,t,b,ee,f,ea,t,f,ee,t,Fridays happy dayToday , Im,30,Read and find,tea read eat,feet beef meet,t,ea,r,ea,d,ea,t,f,ee,t b,ee,f m,ee,t,Read and findtea read e,31,Try to spell,t-ea t,ea,r-ead r,ea,d,rep-eat rep,ea,t,s-ee s,ee,b-eef b,ee,f,f-eed f,ee,d,Try to spellt-ea,32,unit2-My-week-全单元ppt课件精编版,33,unit2-My-week-全单元ppt课件精编版,34,Unit 2,My week,Lesson4 Part B Lets try Lets talk,Unit 2 Lesson4 Part B L,35,I like apples very much.,What do you like?,I like apples very much.What d,36,I _eat apples.,_I eat pears.,often,sometimes,often,Sometimes,I _eat apples.oftenoftenS,37,Do you often eat_?,Yes, I do. I like _very much.,No, I dont.,Pair work,Do you often eat_?Yes, I,38,I,often,_in the morning.,Sometimes,I _.,read books,watch TV,I often_in the mornin,39,Do you often _on the weekend?,Yes, I do.,/,No, I dont.,play ping,-,pong,play football listen to music,Pair work,Do you often _on the wee,40,What does Sarah often do in the park,(公园),?,She often,What does Sarah often do in th,41,Zhang Peng: Hi, Sarah. Whats that?,Sarah: Its a story book.,Zhang Peng: Do you often read books in this park?,Sarah: No, I dont. Do you often play football here?,Zhang Peng: Yes, I do. I like this park very much.,Sarah: Me too.,Zhang Peng: Hi, Sarah. Whats,42,What does Sarah often do in the park,(公园),?,She often,What does Sarah often do in th,43,Unit 2,My week,第五课时,Part A Lets learn Group work,Unit 2 第五课时 Part A Let,44,Brain storm,subjects,English class maths class,play football sing dance,activities,Brain stormsubjectsEnglish cla,45,Free talk,What do you often have on Monday,s,/?,I often ,Do you often have English class on Monday,s,/?,Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Free talkWhat do you often hav,46,play football,read books,watch TV,do homework,wash my clothes,play footballread bookswatch T,47,do h,o,m,e,w,or,k,Do you,often,do homework on the weekend?,Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,r,ea,d books,ea,t,do homeworkDo you often do hom,48,wa,sh,my clo,th,es,I often wash,my,clothes on the weekend.,Do you often wash,your,clothes on the weekend?,wash my clothesI often wash my,49,play football,wat,ch,TV,I often watch TV and play football on the weekend.,What about you?,I often_.,play basketball,play ping-pong,play baseball,play footballwatch TVI often w,50,What do you often do on the weekend?,Wu Yifan:,Chen Jie:,Oliver:,I often do homework, read books, watch TV and draw pictures on the weekend.,I often wash my clothes, clean my room and play ping-pong on the weekend.,I often read books on the weekend.,What do you often do on the we,51,Group work,What do you often do on the weekend?,I often_. What about you?,I often_.,wash my,play,clean my,play,Group workWhat do you often do,52,Lets check,Lets check,53,Lets check,Lets check,54,My weekend,My name is _. I am very happy on the week, I like my weekend.,On Saturday, I often get up at _a.m. And I have_ for breakfast. I often _ and _ in the morning. I eat _ for lunch. In the afternoon, I often _with my friends. After dinner , I often_. I go to bed at _p.m. But Im really happy.,Zoom,bread, egg and milk,8:00,do home work,read books,rice, fish and soup,10:00,play ping-pong,watch TV and play computer,My weekendMy name is _.,55,On Saturday, I often get up at _a.m. And I have_ for breakfast. I often _ and _ in the morning. I eat _ for lunch. In the afternoon, I often _with my friends. After dinner , I often_. I go to bed at _p.m.,Im really happy on the weekend.,noodles,8:00,cean my room,read books,rice and beef,9:00,listen to music,put back my homework in my bag,On Saturday, I often get up a,56,


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