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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,倒装句,Inversion,倒装句 Inversion,1,When I arrived,I saw there was a tall tree at the entrance to the village.In front of the tree sat a lady in red.I didnt know who she was at first,partly because I was near-sighted.Only when I came near could I recognize that she was my mother.My brothers havent returned home in the past ten years,neither have I.We are all too busy with our work.Sometimes,I said to myself:“Were I free,I would often visit my mother.”,佳作欣赏,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,When I arrived,I saw there wa,2,Of course I know this is only an excuse.Not until my father died did I make up my mind to return home and stay with my mother for some time.We three brothers gave our mother a call and promised to have a winter holiday with her.Once made a promise,we should keep it.,-,-,-,Of course I know this is only,3,写作基础训练,倒装句型在写作中的应用,写作基础训练倒装句型在写作中的应用,4,Teaching aims,1.How can we make sentences with Inve,r,sion?,2.How can we use Inversion into our writing and improve the writing ability?,Teaching aims1.How can we ma,5,Teaching key and difficult points,1.The structure of Inversion.,2.The usage of Inversion in a writing.,Teaching key and difficult poi,6,倒装,Here,comes,the car.,Never,have,I,seen,this kind of car.,全部倒装,部分倒装,倒装Here comes the car.Never h,7,倒装的考法及运用:,1.放在完形填空和阅读中,设置理解障碍,。,2.放在写作中,能增添文章亮点,提升写作档次。,倒装的两种形式:,1.完全倒装:将整个谓语动词提到主语前。,2.部分倒装:即半倒装,将谓语的一部分即 助动词提到主语前。,Attention:,倒装的考法及运用:Attention:,8,Task1:Judge the sentences,(,T or F),1.There goes the bell.,2.Out rushed the children.,3.Away went he.,4.Such life is.,5.In front of the river lies a small factory.,6.There stands an ancient tower on the top of the mountain.,T,T,T,T,F,F,Task1:Judge the sentences(T or,9,【,结论,1】,表方位的副词,here,there,或,out,in,up,down,away,off,等标志词放在句首,句子用完全倒装。,当主语是人称代词时,主谓语序不变,。,【,结论,2】,地点状语放在句首且谓语动词为,come,live,lie,go,等时用完全倒装。,【,结论,3,】,such,the following,等,放句首时,句子要完全倒装。,【,结论,4,】,There lie/exist,/stand/live,主语,是,there be,句型的变式。,Conclusion,【结论1】表方位的副词here,there 当主语是人称代,10,。,部分倒装,将情态动词、助动词、,be提到主语前(通常可以还原为正常的语序,并以此检验倒装句是否正确,),【,注意,】,含有否定意义的副词或短语如:,few,little,never,not,not until,nowhere,rarely,seldom,hardly/scarcelywhen,,,no sooner(than),,,neithernor,not only(but also),at no time,by no means,等放在句首时,需用部分倒装。,。部分倒装 将情态动词、助动词、be提到主语前(通常可以还原,11,Task2:,Change sentences into Inversion,1.He knows little about the news.,2.He can by no means catch up with me in such a short time.,3.I had hardly got to the airport when the plane took off.,Hardly,had I got,to the airport when the plane took off.,Little,does he know,about the news.,By no means,can he catch up with,me in such a short time.,Task2:Change sentences into I,12,4.The villagers did not realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river.,Not until all the fish died in the river,did the villagers realize,how serious the pollution was,.,5.I neither wanted to see the film nor bought the ticket.,Neither,did I want,to see the film nor did I buy the ticket.,4.The villagers did not realiz,13,Task3:Finish the sentences,(,1,),暴风雨如此厉害,屋顶都被吹掉了。,_,was the storm,_,the roof was blown off.,(,2,),杰克是如此聪明的孩子,他能解答所有这些难题。,_,was Jack _he was able to work out all these difficult problems.,【结论,1,】,在“sothat”和“suchthat”结构中,将“soadj.”和“suchn.”提到句首时,句子用部分倒装。,(,3,),如果我是你,我就不会那样做。,_,I wouldnt do that,.,【,结论2,】,在虚拟语气条件句中,从句谓语有助动词,were,had,should,时,可将,if,省略,而把,were,had,should,移到句首。,【,特别提醒,】,若从句是否定句,则须将,not,放在主语后,had,必须是助动词。,So terrible,that,Such a clever boy,that,Were I you,Task3:Finish the se,14,Task4:Translate,sentences,(,4,),我有大量的工作要做。,我也是。,-,Ive got a lot of work to do.,-_.,(,5,),如果她不同意这个计划,Tom也不会同意。,If she doesnt agree to the plan,_.,So have I,neither will Tom,(,6,),你只有用这种方法才能学好英语。,Only in this way can you learn English well,.,(,7,),只有那个男孩才能解答出这个问题。,Only that boy can work out the problem.,Task4:Translat,15,【结论,4,】,so/neither/nor 为标志词放在句首时,句子用倒装。,表示前面所说的肯定情况,也适合于另一人或物时,句式如下:,so be(助动词,/,情态动词)主语。,表示前面所说的否定情况也适合于另一人或物时,句式如下:,neither(nor)be(助动词,/,情态动词)主语。,【结论,5,】,“only 介词短语、副词或状语从句”放在句首时,句子用部分倒装。,only之后跟的不是状语时不可倒装。,【结论4】so/neither/nor 为标志词放在,16,Learn through use,?,Task5:Finish the following passage with Inversion,Learn through use?Task5:Finish,17,Before I went to China,1,.,对北京我几乎一无所知,.I felt nothing about it.After I arrived,most of my time was spent on training and competing.,2,.,我从未学过中文,.,As a result,I did not go out.,3,.,我也不敢跟北京人说话,.My roommate said,Sanlitun was great so the day before leaving,I went there.What a shock!,4,.,我很少见到这么多的人,.,What was more shocking,the salesgirls could speak such good English and the goods were so cheap.,5,.,我决不会浪费这次机会,.,In a few minutes,my wallet was empty but my hands were full.,6,.,只有到那个时候我才喜欢上了北京,.,Before I went to China,1.对北京我,18,1.Little did I know about Beijing.,or:Hardly did I know about Beijing.,2.Never had I learned Chinese.,3.Neither dare I speak to Beijingers.,4.Seldom did I see so many people.,5.Never would I miss the chance.,or:By no means/In no case would I miss,the chance.,6.Not until then did I fall in love with Beijing.,1.Little did I know about Beij,19,Summary,:,In this,class,we,learn how to,use,Inversion,to make sentences,and use this skill into our writing.,And after class do your homework-write the passage.,Summary:,20,Homework,Writing:As a reporter of our schools newspaper,you have witnessed the opening ceremony of Sports Meeting.You write to your friend and tell him/her how you feel:,1.观众很多。2.节目精彩。3.彰显团队精神。4.直到亲眼看见,才知道开幕式是多么令人震撼。,HomeworkWriting:As a reporte,21,Thank you for your,attention!,Thank you for your,22,


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