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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,20130607,*,20130607,1,EFL Pronunciation Teaching in the China Context,Theories&Course Design,英语语音课程建设,教学理念与教学方法,Wang Guizhen,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,王桂珍,广东外语外贸大学,20130607,2,The teaching of pronunciation:at-odds with the teaching of grammar and vocabulary,Coming in and out of fashion as various progressive movements in language acquisition have prevailed.,20130607,3,A renewed recognition that pronunciation is a crucial element of effective communication,Pronunciation teaching belongs in mainstream,communicative ESL classrooms.,ESL students place a high priority on instruction in pronunciation.,20130607,4,Pronunciation is intimately linked to other oral/aural skills,both influencing and influenced by listening comprehension and fluency.,“speech loop between speaker and listener”(Gilbert),20130607,5,Many important features of pronunciation is relatively straightforward:,Features having the greatest impact on comprehensibility,Features difficult for Chinese EFL learner,Features of high priority to learners,and,Features easiest to teach.,20130607,6,There is a dream.,There is a need.,There is a must.,-To improve intelligibility,-To enhance listening,fluency,-To speak like a native speaker,-To become more effective in oral communication,Why,English,Pronunciation?,20130607,7,1.Goal Setting in Chinese EFL Pronunciation Teaching&Learning,A native-like accent is not a realistic goal,nor is it a necessary one for effective communication in English.,More realistic pronunciation goals:,Intelligibility,Confidence in speaking,A reduction of accent features that distract the listeners attention from intelligible messages(Morley 1994,Gilbert 1980,Celce-Murcia et al.1996).,20130607,8,Intelligibility and Comprehensibility,Intelligibility,the degree to which a listener can recognize words,phrases,and utterances,comprehensibility,the ease,with,which listeners can understand a nonnative speaker:,Comfortable intelligibility,20130607,9,The goal of intelligibility is uncontroversial:Without intelligibility,communication is impossible.,Errors with pronunciation and word choice are the two types of errors most likely to make a student incomprehensible(Gass and Selinker 2001,266).,Grammatical errors,such as omitting the past tense in a sentence(e.g.,*,Last night I go to a movie),rarely lead to unintelligibility.,20130607,10,Features of pronunciation with the greatest impact(intermediate and advanced ESL learners):,Accurate use of suprasegmentals(stress,rhythm,and intonation)appears to have a greater impact on intelligibility assessments by native listeners than accurate pronunciation of consonants and vowels(see,for example,Anderson-Hsieh et al.1992,Derwing,Munro and Wiebe 1998,Hahn 2004).,20130607,11,2.Factors Affecting L2 Pronunciation Learning,Age and Social-Psychological Factors,Exposure and Use,Native-Language Background and Linguistic Universals,Personality,Fossilization,20130607,12,2.Factors Affecting L2 Pronunciation Learning,Age and Social-Psychological Factors,A“critical period”for learning a language natively;,Adults having a deeper and stronger attachment to their native culture;,Adults greater cognitive abilities less effective in learning a new pronunciation,20130607,13,2.Factors Affecting L2 Pronunciation Learning,Exposure and Use,Amount of exposure,Extent to which they use it,20130607,14,2.Factors Affecting L2 Pronunciation Learning,Native-Language Background and Linguistic Universals,The native-language sound system affects how learners pronounce English and how they hear it including consonants,vowels,stress,rhythm,intonation,and voice quality.,peach:pitch,20130607,15,Similarities between a native language and English can either facilitate or hinder learning.,20130607,16,Universals are features of language that are in some sense easier,more natural,more common in languages,or typical of children learning their first language,less marked,:,more marked,for describing the relative ease or difficulty of related features of pronunciation,20130607,17,The native language background(s)of students should influence the choice of pronunciation topics addressed in the classroom.,Difficulty with specific consonants depends heavily on native language.,Difficulties with English vowels are widespread.,Difficulties with stress,intonation,and rhythm are even more widespread.,20130607,18,2.Factors Affecting L2 Pronunciation Learning,Personality,Outgoing,sociable learners are said to have an advantage over introverted,shy learners in acquiring oral-aural skills,including pronunciation.,A relaxed classroom atmosphere should also foster pronunciation,20130607,19,2.Factors Affecting L2 Pronunciation Learning,Fossilization:fossilization or stabilization,to plateau,perhaps permanently,after a number of years,Various causes of fossilization:,LI interference,motivation,learners goals or needs,and age,etc.,20130607,20,3.EFL Pronunciation Teaching:What and How,Pronunciation should be taught to all levels of students as long as intelligibility,distracting pronunciations,and lack of confidence in speaking are issues.,Pronunciation improvements occur slowly Because improvements are gradual and often piecemeal,students benefit from reviewing or recycling old topics.,20130607,21,Two general approaches,An,Intuitive-imitative approach.,This approach assumes that a students ability to listen to and imitate the rhythms and sounds of the target language will lead to the development of an acceptable threshold of pronunciation without the intervention of any explicit information.,An,analytic-linguistic,approach.,This approach recognises the importance of an explicit intervention of pronunciation pedagogy in language acquisition.,20130607,22,The Direct Method,The Reform Movement,Audiolinguism and the Oral Approach,The Cognitive Approach,The Silent Way,The Communicative Approach,20130607,23,The audiolingual approach focused more heavily on the teaching of segmentals,using activities like minimal pair drills,sentence repetitions,and dialogues.,Communicative approaches have focused more on suprasegmentals,moving students beyond the level of single words.,Today,a more“balanced”approach,including important consonants and vowels as well as suprasegmentals,is recommended,20130607,24,Because rhythm and intonation affect meaning in discourse profoundly,teaching them promotes intelligibility as well as fluency.,Word stress(lexical stress)is also important since misplaced stress can make a word unrecognizable.,Problem consonants and vowels that are frequent or have a high functional load should also be taught(Catford 1987,Brown 1988,Munro and Denying 2006).,a high functional load a low functional load,many pairs of words that contrast these two sounds.,20130607,25,leave-live,vs,Luke-look,a high functional load,many pairs of words that contrast these two sounds.,the vowels in the pair,leave-live,are more important for students to learn,a low functional load,A few word pairs that contrast these two sounds.,the vowels in the pair,Luke-look,are less important for students to learn,20130607,26,A course syllabus that includes problem pronunciation topics covering vowels,consonants,stress,rhythm,and intonation is appropriate for all levels of students.The teacher can alternate topics.,20130607,27,In choosing topics for a particular class,the teacher can either start with a diagnostic test to identify problem areas or choose topics which pose problems for most students,.,A short sample of spontaneous speech provides a good snapshot of a students pronunciation problems:Problems with rhythm(choppy or staccato delivery,unclear word groups,difficulty linking words),with intonation(inappropriate rises/falls in pitch,lack of discourse focus,general level of expressiveness),and segmentals(consonants and vowels)will be evident.,20130607,28,The choice of pronunciation topics should also reflect students needs and goals.,Pronunciation work can be integrated with other coursework,providing reinforcement of vocabulary,content,and structures that students are already learning.,20130607,29,Pronunciation textbooks A TYPICAL LESSON,1.An introduction,2.Controlled activities,and,3.Communicative activities.,4.Homework activities.,20130607,30,Pronunciation textbooks A typical lesson,1.An introduction-develops awareness of the topic;,2.Controlled activities-allow students to develop skill,opportunities leading to automatic use;not the end of the lesson,3.Communicative activities-focus on meaning,pushing students to apply their new learning in more normal speaking tasks;,4.Homework activities,20130607,31,20130607,32,20130607,33,英语语音语调教程,英语语音教程(第2版)(附光盘),普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材,全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖(第一版),教育部新世纪网络课程建设工程项目,20130607,34,Pronunciation,for Communication,An Online Course for Chinese EFL learners,20130607,36,英语语音精品课程资料网,含课程的各种文件:,2011(教育部,“,十一五,”,规划教材);,应用英语语音学,王桂珍,高等教育出版社,2011(教育部,“,十一五,”,规划教材);,Tips for Teaching Pronunciation,教学点津:语音教学实用方法,Linda Lane,清华大学出版社,2013,20130607,38,英语语音语调教程修订版 (教育部“十一五”规划教材),王桂珍,高等教育出版社,2011,20130607,39,应用英语语音学,(教育部“十一五”规划教材)王桂珍,高等教育出版社,2011,20130607,40,Tips for Teaching Pronunciation,教学点津:语音教学实用方法,Linda Lane,清华大学出版社,2013,20130607,41,Varieties of English,British English(General British,RP),American English(General American,GA),Canadian English,Australian English,New Zealand English,Irish English,20130607,42,Australian accent,/e,/a/:neighbour,today,/a,/,/:night,why,/,/e/:land,damp,/e/,/:bread,area,20130607,43,General American(GA),General British(GB),If you speak it,you will be understood by all English speakers.,If you speak it,you will be understood by all English speakers.,You have a better choice of movies,TV shows and video games to learn the accent from.,There are plenty of well-known British actors and movies full of British pronunciation.,The Web has more GA content than GB content.,There are at least 10 times more speakers of GA than of GB.,The best English dictionaries are made in Britain and focus on RP.,People in Britain are neutral towards speakers of GA.,Americans love GB.If you speak GB in America,people will think you are intelligent.,20130607,44,Goal for English Pronunciation learning,Listening Comprehension:,-decode varieties of accents,Speaking:,-set a target and keep practicing,20130607,45,Phonological competence:the ability to recognize and produce the distinctive meaningful sounds of a language:,consonants,vowels,tone patterns,intonation patterns,rhythm patterns,stress patterns,any other suprasegmental features that carry meaning,20130607,46,Wheel this,meat out of here,.,Jake!What the,hell is going on here,?,You throw,a stick in the air around here,20130607,47,Wheel this,meat out of here,.,Jake!What the,hell is going on here,?,You throw,a stick in the air around here,20130607,48,England was at war with America.,20130607,49,was at war,Fig:“was at war”in the sentence“England was at war with America”.,-(By non-native speaker of English),was at war,Fig:“was at war”in the sentence“England was at war with America”.,-(By native speaker of English),Amplitude,Amplitude,Amplitude and duration of the phrase“was at war”in comparison,20130607,50,The appropriate use of weak forms from pretest to posttest,20130607,51,Fig:The syllable lengths for“dinner party”in“Whos coming to the dinner party?”,The appropriate use of weak forms from pretest to posttest,20130607,52,Questions for EFL pronunciation teachers:,What is“Good English Pronunciation”?,What is the purpose for the course“English Pronunciation”?,What is the focus of learning for my students?,How can we become more efficient in teaching?,Metacompetence-oriented model will make a difference!,20130607,53,An Integrated Model for EFL Pronunciation Teaching Classroom Teaching+Independent Learning,20130607,54,开始,导入活动,引入单元学习重点,自主学习与探索,网上资源、网络课程,听觉训练,认知识别,知识重构,自主探究性学习,理论探究,元能力培养,人机对话,模拟交际练习,课堂教学,理论介绍与语言实践,强化学得,对取得成绩给予肯定,提供指导,对存在问题给予解答,语言实践活动展示,英语语音基本功展示,交际实践活动展示,师生评议,教师讲评,单元小节,结束,发音实践,产出练习,20130607,55,Phonological metacompetence for communicative competence,Explicit pronunciation training:,improvement in overall phonetic accuracy,phonological metacompetence,a determinant of success,Conscious knowledge of phonological processes facilitates:,formation of mental representations,self-organisation of the new phonological system,Implications for EFL learning:,metalinguistic awareness raising,supplementing practical phonetic training with theoretical instruction in phonetics and phonology,The goal of language acquisition:,communicative competence,20130607,56,Pretest,Raising metalinguistic awareness,Checking phonological competence,Realizing necessity for improvement,Setting clearer goal for better pronunciation and intonation,See Pretest in,English Pronunciation for Communication,Wang Guizhen,2005,20130607,57,Listening:,Learning English pronunciation,Learning a new way of listening and speaking,When we learn to speak English,we are learning a new way of listening and speaking.The purpose of this textbook is to try to make your ears sharper for the sounds of English and the way the sounds are organized;to help you get familiar with pitch movements of English utterances and the message it conveys;and to help you improve your English pronunciation and intonation.When you can hear English properly you will be able to improve your spoken English.,20130607,58,Thank You!,英语语音(国家精品课程-2005)网站:,


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