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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,.,*,Situational Dialogues,.,Situational Dialogues.,1,高,考,题,型,补全情景对话,是,2010年高职对口考试大纲中规定的日常交际用语中的话题,对学生实际运用,语言交际的能力,进行测试的一种题型,主要考查学生在,具体的语言情境中,对语言灵活运用的能力。,快速判断语言情境,.,高 补全情景对话 是 2010年高职对口考试大,2,题,型,分,析,这种题型大致分为两种形式:一、一问一答的形式;二、较完整的对话。,该题型通常是在,通读对话,的基础上填入适当的单词,或者从选项中选出最佳答案,使对话意思完整、语言通顺。,根据语言情境填单词或选答案,检查是否符合英语国家的文化习俗、固定搭配及拼写是否正确,。,快速判断语言情境,三 步,.,题 这种题型大致分为两种形式:一、一问一答的形式;,3,情,景,分,类,问候、介绍、感谢、道歉、建议、邀请、告别、询问日期和天气情况、请求允许、祝愿、问路、就餐、看医生、打电话、购物、找工作等等。,.,情问候、介绍、感谢、道歉、建议、邀请、告别、询问日期和天气情,4,6 situations,1.,Greetings and introductions,2.,Thanks and apologies,3.,Suggestions and invitations,4.,Asking the way,5.,Shopping,6.,Eating out and ordering food,.,6 situations1.Greetings and in,5,Tom,Jane,.,TomJane.,6,Situation 1,Try to complete this dialogue with your partner.,Tom,:Hello,Jane!I _ _ you for a long time.How _ _?(,还有其它表达方法么?),Jane,:Fine,_.And you?,Tom,:Im fine too.,Jane,:Tom,Id like to _ my brother John _ you.John,_ _ Tom,my old friend.,John,:How _ _ _,Tom?Im _ _ _ _.,Tom,:How do you do,John?_ _ you.,Greetings and introductions,havent seen,are you,thanks,introduce,to,this is,do you do,glad to,meet you,Nice meeting,.,Situation 1Try to complete thi,7,Giving thanks,Making an apology,Tom,-_ _very much for helping me with my English.,-_ _for forgetting to bring your books.,Jane,1.-You _ _.,1.-It _ _.,2.-Thats _ _.,2.-Thats _ _.,3.-Not _ _.,3.-Not _ _.,4.-_ _.,5.-Dont _ _.,4.-_ _.,Situation 2,Thanks and apologies,Try to give more answers.,Never mind,are welcome,all right,My pleasure,mention it,at all,doesnt matter,all,right,at all,Thank you,Im sorry,.,Giving thanks Making,8,Situation 3,One day,Tom wants to invite Jane to go for a picnic with him.Now help Tom!,-Hi,Jane!Today is Sunday.Why not?/How(What)about?/Lets/Would you like?/Shall we?/Will you?,-accept,-refuse,Suggestions and invitations,1.Yes,Id love to.2.Yes,I will.3.It sounds great.,1.No,Im afraid I cant.2.Sorry,I cant.But thanks anyway.3.We had better not.4.Id love to,but,.,Situation 3One day,Tom wants,9,Situation 4,The,supermarket,The,bank,A,:_me.Could you tell me _ _ _ get to the supermarket?(其它表达方法?),B,:Sure,go _ this road and _ right at the traffic lights.Go straight _until you see the bank _ your left.Then turn left.The supermarket is _ _ the bank.,A,:_ _ is it?,B,:About two miles.You _ _ catch a bus.,A,:_ bus shall I take?,B,:_ _ _.(18路公交车),A,:Thanks a lot.,B,:Its _ _.,According to the map,ask and lead the way to the supermarket.,Asking the way,The,cinema,a pleasure,the way to,along,turn,ahead,on,next to,How far,had better,Which,Bus No.18,Excuse,.,Situation 4The The A:_,10,Situation 5,On weekend Tom plans to go shopping to choose a gift for his mother because Mothers Day is coming.He is in a clothes shop,Shopping,.,Situation 5On weekend Tom plan,11,The shop assistant:Hello!_1_,Tom:,Mothers Day is coming._2_ The shop assistant:What about this black handbag?,Tom:,I dont like the color.The shop assistant:_3_,Tom:,The red one.The shop assistant:Sorry._4_.Look at this coat.,Tom:,It looks nice._5_ The shop assistant:150 yuan.,Tom:,I have only 120 yuan._6_ The shop assistant:Ok.Its for your mother.Here you are.,Tom:,Here is the money.Thanks.,A.,I would like to buy a gift for my mother.,B.,What can I do for you?,C.,The red one is sold out.,D.,What size do you take?,E.,Can/May I help you?,F.,How much is it?,G.,Could you give me a discount?,H.,What color do you like?,I.,Anything else?,J.,Im looking for a gift for my mother.,K.,How much does it cost?,BE,AJ,H,C,FK,G,.,The shop assistant:Hello!_,12,Situation 6,With the gift for his mother,Tom happens to meet Jane in the street.So they have a dinner together.Then they are in a restaurant,The story goes on,Lets find something wrong with them!,Eating out and ordering food,.,Situation 6With the gift for h,13,The waitor:welcome to our restaurant!How many people?Tom:Only two.The waitor:May I make your order now?Jane:What is your specialties in here?The waitor:Dumplings with seafood and meat,Scottish sauced noodles and vegetable soups.Jane:Scottish sauced noodles,please.Tom:Id like having dumplings with seafood.The waitor:Sorry,we out of dumplings with seafood now.Tom:Well,I want dumplings with meat.The waitor:OK,Would you like something to drink?Tom:A vegetable soup.Jane:I too.The waitor:Alright,please wait for a moment.Your food will serve soon.Have a good time.,take,soup,are,to have,Me,be served,Find mistakes,W,are,w,.,The waitor:welcome to our res,14,Summary,Greetings and introductions,Thanks and apologies,Suggestions and invitations,Asking the way,Shopping,Eating out and ordering food,3.检查固定搭配是否得当,是否符合英语国家的文化习俗及拼写是否正确。(首字母大写),解题步骤,1.快速判断语言情境。,2.根据语言情境填上合乎逻辑的单词或选出答案。,.,SummaryGreetings and introduc,15,Practice,(1)Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Mr.Smith.,.A.Oh,no.Lets not.B.Im very sorry,but I have other plans.C.Id rather stay at home.D.Oh,no.Thatll be too much trouble,(2)In the evening you meet your foreign teacher walking towards the restaurant,you should say,.AGood evening.BGood night.CHello.Have you had your supper?DHi!Going to dinner.,.,Practice (1)Id like to invi,16,(3)Thanks so much for the book you sent me.,.A.No thanks B.Im glad you like it C.Please dont say so D.No,its not so good,(4)Can I look at the menu for a few minutes before I decide?,Of course.,.A.Make yourself at home B.Enjoy yourself,C.It doesnt matter D.Take your time,(5)Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office?Yes,.A.for pleasure B.I could.C.my pleasure D.with pleasure,.,(3)Thanks so much fo,17,(6)Would you mind if I played the violin here?,.A.No,you wont B.No,do as you pleaseC.Yes,I dont mindD.Yes,do as you please,(7)Dick wants to go to the toilet during the class.He puts up his hand and says to his teacher:,A.Excuse me,I cant stand any longer.B.Will you please let me go?C.Please,sir,may I be excused?D.I must go outside.,(8)Excuse me,can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?Im sorry,I have no idea.I,.Adont knowBam a stranger hereCAm newDjust come,.,(6)Would you mind if I pla,18,(9)Would you mind if I looked at some of your tape recorders?,.A.Id better to see what the boss has to say about it B.Not at all,sir.Go right ahead C.Thank you for your coming DYes,do that,sir,(11)Ill go to Beijing this weekend.,.AYou are luckyBThe best of luckCThank youDGoodbye,(10)Im afraid Ive got a bad cold.,.ANever mind BKeep away from me CBetter go and see a doctorDYou need take a medicine,.,(9)Would you mind if I looke,19,Homework,1.Review other situational dialogues.,2.Finish the exercises on your books.,.,Homework1.Review other situati,20,


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