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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019921 Saturday,#,-Teachers,(M1,M2,Book1),话题词汇复习与运用,-Teachers(M1,M2,Book1),1,What is your impression of your favourite teacher?,Paragraph writing-write one paragraph about the following topic.,Paragraph writing-write one,2,Part One,话题词汇梳理,Revision of,the,topic-related vocabulary,Part One话题词汇梳理Revision of the,3,What do you think of this teacher?,中国合伙人,What do you think of this teac,4,teachers,appearance,personality,teaching,your feelings about your teachers,Collect words and expressions used to describe teachers.,Refer to M1&M2,Book1.,teachersappearance personality,5,appearance,tall,of medium height,short,thin,slim,overweight,handsome,good-looking,beautiful,appearance tall,6,personality,热情的:,有趣的:,精力充沛的:,聪明的:,有耐心的:,严肃的:,严格的:,enthusiastic,amusing,energetic,intelligent,patient,serious,strict,personality热情的:enthusiasticamu,7,teaching,(,教学,),组织有序且清晰,阐述清楚,对教学有热情,对学生学习严格要求,对学生有耐心,令人印象深刻,be well organized and clear,explain things clearly,be enthusiastic about teaching,be strict with students in study,impress,sb.a lot,be patient with students,teaching(教学)组织有序且清晰be well org,8,feelings,about,teachers,很欣赏她:,承认喜欢她:,很尊敬他:,appreciate,her,admit,liking her,respect,him a lot,feelings 很欣赏她:appreciate herad,9,Part Two,话题词汇之重点动词复习,Revision of the key verbs,Part TwoRevision of the key ve,10,Recall the usage of the following key verbs,impress,respect,appreciate,admit,词形变化,相关搭配,特殊句式,一词多义,Recall the usage of the follow,11,1.Li Kang is very _(impress)with the teachers and the technology in his new school.,(M1,Book1),impressed,一句多译:,刘老的教学方法给我留下了深刻的印象。,Ms.Lius teaching method left a deep impression on me.,(1)_,(leave a deep impression on),(2)_,(impress),(3)_,(be impressed with/by),(4)_,(impressive),Ms.Lius teaching method deeply impressed me.,I was deeply impressed with/by Ms.Lius teaching method.,Ms.Lius teaching method was very impressive.,word family:,v.impress n.impression adj.impressive,1.Li Kang is very _(,12,2.,Even things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr.Wu.I,respect,him a lot.,(M2,Book1),(2)Everyone,must,respect,the law,.,(3).They are _to the,_,teacher.,他们很尊重那位值得尊重的,教师。,respectful,respectable,(1)I show respect _ him.,for,遵守,2.Even things like compositio,13,respect,的用法总结:,respect(,尊敬,遵守),respect,respectful respectable,show respect,for,sb.,恭敬的,值得尊敬的,Word family:,v._,n._,adj._,,,_,respect的用法总结:respect(尊敬,遵守)r,14,What I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have to my parents.(2013,年,天津卷,),单句改错。,_,for,What I want to tell you is the,15,3,.,Some of our class dont like her,but most of us really,appreciate,her because her teaching is so well organized and clear.(M2,Book1),His ability to teach writing is highly_(,欣赏,)by his students.,(2,)We,_(,感谢你的努力,)at cultivating(,培养,)our good study habits.,appreciated,appreciate your working hard,(3).Id appreciate _ if you could give me a kind consideration.(2015,陕西卷 书面表达,),it,3.Some of our class dont lik,16,appreciate,的用法小结:,I would appreciate it if you could,=be grateful to sb.for sth.,欣赏:,感激:,句型:,appreciate sth./sb.,appreciate sth/,doing,sth./sbs doing sth,如果您能愿意教我怎样使用电脑,我将不胜,感激。,I would appreciate it if you,could,teach me how to use the,computer.,appreciate 的用法小结:I would appre,17,4.(1)And a few students even,admit,liking her.,(M2,Book1),(2)About two thousand boys and girls,are admitted to,our school every year.,(3)They want to build a lecture hall which can,admit,1,000 people.,被录取,-admitted admitting;admission,admit doing,承认,be admitted to/into,录取,admit(people),容纳,admit,一词多义总结:,容纳,=hold/accommodate,承认,4.(1)And a few students even,18,Part Three,话题词汇运用,The Application of the topic-related vocabulary,Part ThreeThe Application of t,19,I am very(1)_(impress)with our physics teacher Mr.Wang.He is intelligent,responsible and humorous.Besides,he is(2)_(patience)with us.Above all,he is(3)_(,热情的,)about teaching,which inspires my passion for studying physics.I dont think I will be(4)_(bore)in his class.,Everyone in our class admits(5)_(like)him because we appreciate his teaching method which is nothing like(6)_of the teachers at our Junior High Schools.Whats more,his class is always lively and well(7)_(organization).We believe we will make remarkable progress with Mr.Wang(8)_ us and we all respect him for his devotion to our class.,1.,语法填空。,impressed,patient,enthusiastic,bored,liking,that,organized,teaching,I am very(1)_,20,I am very impressed with our physics teacher Mr.Wang.He is intelligent,responsible and humorous.,Besides,he is patient with us.,Above all,he is enthusiastic about teaching,which inspires my passion for studying physics.I dont think I will be bored in his class.,2.,Paragraph structure analysis.,段落结构分析,the topic sentence,the supporting sentences,the concluding sentence,connective,Tip:,Use a topic sentence,supporting sentences,a concluding sentence and connectives to present your ideas in a logical way.,1+n+1,I am very impressed w,21,What is your impression of your favourite teacher?,3.Paragraph writing-write,one,paragraph about the following topic.,Requirements:,1.Beautiful handwriting is required.(,书写漂亮,),2.Apply the words and expressions weve just reviewed to your writing.(,运用刚刚复习的词汇,),3.Apply the paragraph structure of“1+n+1”to your writing.,3.Paragraph writing-write o,22,Words and expressions,enthusiastic amusing energetic intelligent,patient serious strict,be well organized and clear,explain things clearly,be strict with students in study,be patient with,impress sb.a lot,leave a deep impression on,be deeply impressed with/by,appreciate sb.(,欣赏,),respect sb.,show respect for,admit doing,Words and expressions enthusia,23,Peer correction,1.Read your group members work and highlight the attractive part.,2.Make corrections if any mistake is found.,3.Spokesmen of each group get prepared to introduce your best work.,评价参考标准:,书写漂亮;,运用了今天所复习的词汇;,段落结构清晰;,表达准确,流畅,使用了合理的衔接词;,学霸表达;,Peer correction评价参考标准:,24,Reflection,Tip 1:,Form the habit of collecting and grouping words and expressions concerning one topic.,Tip 2:,Apply what weve learnt in class to our writing.,ReflectionTip 1:Form the habi,25,Thank you for listening!,Thank you for listening!,26,


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