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,Module 1,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 1模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,1,一、选出不同类的单词。,(,)1.A.postcardB.emailC.send,(,)2.A.muchB.moreC.long,(,)3.A.eastB.northC.right,(,)4.A.thousandB.hundredC.first,(,)5.A.CanadaB.JapanC.Chinese,C,A,C,C,C,一、选出不同类的单词。C,2,二、看图补全对话。,1.Whats this?,Its _ _ _ my family.,2.Wheres the _ _?,Its in the east of China.,a picture of,West Lake,二、看图补全对话。a picture,3,3.How long is the Great Wall?,Its more than_ _ _ long.,4.How big is Beijing?,It_ _more than eight million people.,twenty thousand,kilometres,has got,3.How long is the Great Wall,4,三、单项选择。,(,)1.Sam is _the Great Wall now.,A.visit,B.visits,C,.,visiting,(,)2.Our school_got about,five thousand,pupils.,A.have,B,.has,C,.,Had,点拨,:,由句中,be,动词,is,可知本句是现在进行时,其句型为:主语,be,动词行为动词的,ing,形式,故选,C,。,C,B,三、单项选择。点拨:由句中be动词is可知本句是现在进行时,,5,(,)3._a tall tree!,A.What,B,.How,C.,Had,点拨,:,根据感叹句的构成可知本句符合“,What,a/an,形容词单数名词,(,主语谓语,),!”结构,故选,A,。,A,()3._a tall tree!点拨:,6,(,)4._is the snake?,Its more than two metres.,A.How big,B.How,many C,.How,long,点拨,:,由答语“它两米多长。”可知此处应问“这条蛇多长?”故用,how long,。,C,()4._is the snake?点,7,(,)5.There are about three,_ people,in this town.,A.million,B,.millions,C,.millions of,点拨,:,million,等计数单词前有具体数字时,该类单词后不加,s,,故选,A,。,A,()5.There are about three _,8,四、选择正确的单词完成句子。,1.Shanghai is _(,in,on)the,east of China.,2.Can you _(,tell,told)me,something,about your,school?,3.The Great Wall is more than twenty,_(thousand,thousands)kilometres,long.,4.Its _(,a,an)animal,.Tell me more about it.,in,tell,thousand,an,四、选择正确的单词完成句子。intellthousandan,9,五、连词成句。,1.Beijing,is,big,how(?),_,2.the,a,its,Great,picture,Wall,of(.),_,3.long,its,twenty,more,thousand,than,kilometres(.),_,How big is Beijing?,Its a picture of the Great Wall.,Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.,五、连词成句。How big is Beijing?Its,10,六、阅读每组对话圈出恰当的一项。,1.2.,3.,六、阅读每组对话圈出恰当的一项。,11,七、阅读短文,完成下列任务。,China is a big country.There are lots of beautiful cities.Beijing is the capital of China.It is in the north.There are many beautiful old buildings like the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.Beijing is a big city.It has got more than twenty million people.Shanghai is an exciting city.It is in the east of China.It has got about twentyfour million people.Hong Kong is in the south of China.It has got more than seven million people.Many people go to Hong Kong to shop and eat delicious food.,七、阅读短文,完成下列任务。,12,(,一,),根据短文内容,判断句子正,(T),误,(F),。,(,)1.There are many old buildings in Beijing.,(,)2.The Palace Museum is in Shanghai.,(,)3.Many people go to Hong Kong to shop and swim.,T,F,F,(一)根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。T,13,(,二,),根据短文内容,完成表格。,City,Position,Population,Beijing,in the north of China,1._,Shanghai,2._,about twenty-four million,Hong Kong,3._,more than seven million,more than twenty million,in the east of China,in the south of China,(二)根据短文内容,完成表格。CityPositionPop,14,Module 2,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 2模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,15,一、根据图片及首字母提示写单词。,1.There is Chinese d_ there.,2.My brother is very s_.,3.Mrs Green often goes to the s_ on Sundays.,4.There are lots of r_ in Chinatown.,ancing,trong,hop,estaurants,一、根据图片及首字母提示写单词。ancingtronghop,16,二、单项选择。,(,)1.There _ some orange juice in the bottle.,A.am,B.is,C.are,B,二、单项选择。B,17,(,)2.Are there _ birds in the tree?,Yes,_.,A.some,there is,B.some,there are,C.any,there are,点拨,:,some,用于肯定句中,,any,用于否定句或疑问句中。本句是考查一般疑问句及肯定回答,故用“,Are there any,?”肯定回答用“,Yes,,,there are.”,。,C,()2.Are there _ birds,18,(,)3.There _ a boy and a girl under the tree.,A.am B.is C.are,点拨,:,在,there be,句型中,如果,and,连接两个并列主语时,,be,动词采用就近原则。该句中离,be,动词近的主语是,a boy,,故,be,动词用,is,。,B,()3.There _ a boy an,19,(,)4.There _ any students in the classroom.,A.isnt B.arent C.havent,(,)5.Look!Jim is _ the classroom.,A.clean B.cleans C.cleaning,B,C,()4.There _ any stud,20,三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。,1.There _(be)a pen and two pencils on the desk.,2.Lets _(help)the old man.,3.Look!The girl is _(read)a book.,4.These _(be)my letters from my parents.,is,help,reading,are,三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。ishelpreadingar,21,四、看图,根据图片完成句子。,1._ _ a chair on the desk.,2._ _ some books on the bed.,3._ you see a cat behind the door?,Yes,I _.,4._ _ _ bikes under the tree?,Yes,there are.,There is,There are,Can,can,Are there any,四、看图,根据图片完成句子。There isTh,22,五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,I have got a postcard from China on my birthday.It is very beautiful.The postcard is about the Great Wall.Its from my pen friend,Daming.The Great Wall is very famous in the world.When I was five years old,I went to China with my parents and I visited the Great Wall.Now I think it is more beautiful than before.The Great Wall is more than twenty thousand kilometres long.People from all over the world go to China to visit it.I want to visit the Great Wall again.,五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,23,(,)1.When did the writer(,作者,)get the postcard?,A.When he was five.,B.On his birthday.,C,.Today.,(,)2.Who gave the postcard to the writer?,A.His mother.,B,.His father.,C.His pen friend.,B,C,()1.When did the writer(作者),24,(,)3.When did the writer go to China?,A.When he was five.,B,.Last year.,C.When he was three.,(,)4.What does the writer think of the Great Wall?,A.Its not beautiful.,B,.Its more beautiful.,C.Its very dirty.,A,B,()3.When did the writer go,25,Module 3,WY,六年级上册,模块重难点过关检测,Module 3WY 六年级上册 模块重难点过关检测,26,一、看图完成句子。,1.I have got a _from China.,2.Her hobby is _dolls.,There are many dolls on her bed.,3.There is a _from my cousin.,4.Reading is my,_.,I read books every day.,5.I like riding my _.,stamp,collecting,letter,hobby,bicycle/bike,一、看图完成句子。stampcollectingletter,27,二、将下列图片与相应的短语连线。,1.,A,.fly kites,2,.B,.read books,3,.C,.collect dolls,4,.D,.ride a bicycle,5,.E,.take pictures,二、将下列图片与相应的短语连线。,28,三、选择正确的介词填空。,from,on,for,about,1.Is there a letter _ me?,2.These stamps are _ America.,点拨,:,介词,from,意为“来自”。,for,from,三、选择正确的介词填空。点拨:介词from意为“来自”。fo,29,点拨,:,what about,意为“,呢,(,好不好,/,怎样,)”,。,from,on,for,about,3.Flying kites is my hobby.What _ you?,4.They have got famous people _ stamps.,点拨,:,介词,on,意为“在,上面”。,about,on,点拨:what about意为“呢(好不好/怎样)”。f,30,四、单项选择。,(,)1.Have you got _ postcards from Canada?,A.some,B.any,C./,(,)2._ there a present for me?,A.Am,B,.Is,C,.,Are,点拨,:,本句是一般疑问句,故用,any,,而不用,some,。,点拨,:,句中主语“,a present”,是单数形式,故,be,动词用,is,。,B,B,四、单项选择。点拨:本句是一般疑问句,故用any,而不用so,31,(,)3.His hobby is _ the piano.,A.,playB,.,playsC,.playing,(,)4.These _ some photos of my new computer.,A.,amB,.,isC,.are,C,C,()3.His hobby is _ t,32,五、根据图片提示回答问题,。,1.Whats your hobby?,_,_,_,2.Is there a dog in the picture?,_,3.Have you got a stamp from China?,_,Listening to music is my hobby.,Yes,there is.,Yes,I have.,五、根据图片提示回答问题。Listening to musi,33,六、阅读对话,选词填空。,got,I,collect,from,hobby,havent,stamps,any,A,:,Hello,Tim!Whats your 1._?,B,:,I like collecting 2._.What about you,Sam?,A,:,I 3._ toy cars.These are toy cars 4._ America.,B,:,Have you 5._6._toy cars from Japan?,A,:,No,7._ 8._.,hobby,stamps,collect,from,got,any,I,havent,六、阅读对话,选词填空。hobbystampscollect,34,七、阅读短文,判断正,(T),误,(F),。,Hi,Im,Jim.Singing songs is my hobby.I started to listen to music many years ago.I often learn to sing by watching TV or listening to the radio.I have two,teachers,my,mother and my music teacher.My mother teaches me when I am at home on Sundays.My music teacher teaches me in her classes.,I am busy(,忙碌的,)with my,study,but,I still(,仍然,)sing,songs every day.Ill sing forever(,永远,).,七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。,35,(,)1.Painting is Jims hobby.,(,)2.Jim started to listen to music five weeks ago.,(,)3.Jims father and his music teacher teach him.,(,)4.Jim is busy with his study.,(,)5.Jim sings songs every day.,点拨,:,短文第三句说“,Jim,许多年前开始听音乐。”故与该题内容不符。,点拨,:,由第二段中“,but I still sing songs every day”,可知。,F,F,F,T,T,()1.Painting is Jims hobby,36,Module 4,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 4模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,37,一、看图补全各节日的名称。,1.the _ _,2.the _ _ _,3.the _ _,4.the _ _,Spring Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,Lantern Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,一、看图补全各节日的名称。Spring Festiva,38,二、单项选择。,(,)1.What do you do at Christmas?,We always _ songs and have a big family dinner.,A.sing,B.sings,C.singing,(,)2.The song _ nice.,A.sound B.sounds C.sounding,A,B,二、单项选择。AB,39,(,)3.My mother always _ delicious dumplings.,A.make B.makes C.made,(,)4.Can you tell _ more about your cousin?,A.me B.I C.my,点拨,:,该问句中,you,是主语,,tell,是谓语,故用代词的宾格,me,作宾语。,B,A,()3.My mother always _,40,三、从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。,A,:,Excuse me.1._,B,:,Yes,please,.,A,:,I can see some,lanterns,on the door.,2,.,_,D,C,A.Can you tell me more about it?,B.Whats your favourite festival?,C.Is it the MidAutumn Festival?,D.Can I ask you some questions?,E.Do you like them?,三、从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。DCA.Can you,41,B,:,Haha no.Its the Spring Festival.Its the most special day in China.,A,:,Really?3,.,_,B,:,Sure.Its often in January,or,February.And people,often,eat dumplings.,A,:,4.,_,A,E,A.Can you tell me more about it?,B.Whats your favourite festival?,C.Is it the MidAutumn Festival?,D.Can I ask you some questions?,E.Do you like them?,B:Haha no.Its the Spring Fe,42,B,:,Yes,I,like them very much.5._,A,:,Oh,the most special festival is Christmas in America.And its my favourite festival.,A.Can you tell me more about it?,B.Whats your favourite festival?,C.Is it the MidAutumn Festival?,D.Can I ask you some questions?,E.Do you like them?,B,B:Yes,I like them very much.,43,四、阅读短文,判断正,(T),误,(F),。,Many Chinese people have a good time during the Chinese New Year.It usually comes in February.Each year gets a name.It may be called“the Year of the Dog”or“the Year of the Monkey”instead of(,代替,)1970 or 1980.,Usually there are dragon(,龙,)dances in the street.,四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。,44,The dragon is a strange(,奇怪的,)animal.Its about 20 feet(,英尺,)long.It is made of paper and cloth(,布,).Men hide(,藏,)under the dragon and make a lot of noise by shouting and laughing.There are always a lot of fireworks(,烟火,).After the dragon dance,the children sing and dance in the street.,The dragon is a strange(奇怪的)an,45,(,)1.The Chinese New Year usually comes in October.,(,)2.The Chinese people may call 2014“the Year of the Pig”.,(,)3.The dragon is made of paper and cloth.,(,)4.The dragon dance needs a lot of animals.,(,)5.After the dragon dance,the children sing and dance.,F,F,T,F,T,()1.The Chinese New Year us,46,Module 5,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 5模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,47,一、根据图片提示完成对话。,1.What can the boy do?,He can _ _.,2.What do you like?,I _ _.,3.What is the girl doing?,She is _ _her friend.,4.Can you _ the _?,Yes,I can.,play chess,like dancing,writing to,ride,bicycle,一、根据图片提示完成对话。play ches,48,二、单项选择。,(,)1.I can _emails in English.,A.writeB.writesC.writing,(,)2.My sister likes_ songs.,A.singB.singsC.singing,(,)3.Do you _a pen friend from the US?,A.wantB.wantsC.wanting,A,C,A,二、单项选择。A,49,(,)4.Please_ my pen friend.,A.be B.is C.are,点拨,:,please,后跟动词原形是祈使句的肯定式。,A,()4.Please_ my pen f,50,三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。,1.Jim can _(play)basketball.,2.My aunt _(sing)very well.,3.Mr Green likes _(draw).,4._(please)to meet you.,5.Ill _(write)to my pen friend.,点拨,:,情态动词,can,后跟动词原形。,点拨,:,will,后跟动词原形时表示一般将来时。,play,sings,drawing,Pleased,write,三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。点拨:情态动词can后跟动词原,51,四、句型转换。,1.I can speak French.(,改为一般疑问句,),_,speak French?,2.Can she play the,piano?(,作出否定回答,),No,_.,3.The boy can ride the bicycle.(,改为否定句,),The boy,_,the bicycle.,Can you,she cant,cant ride,四、句型转换。Can youshe cantcant r,52,五、从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。,A,:,Hello,Jack,.This is my cousin Anne.,B,:,1._Anne.,C,:,Pleased to meet you,too.,B,:,Where are you from?,C,:,2._,B,:,3.,_,A.Do you like drawing?,B.Pleased to meet you,C.Can you speak Chinese?,D.Im from Australia.,E.Yes,of course.,B,D,C,五、从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。A.Do you li,53,C,:,Yes,I can speak some Chinese.,B,:,4._,C,:,No,I dont.But I like dancing.,B,:,Can you be my pen friend?,C,:,5._,A.Do you like drawing?,B.Pleased to meet you,C.Can you speak Chinese?,D.Im from Australia.,E.Yes,of course.,A,E,C:Yes,I can speak some Chines,54,六、阅读理解。,My name is Lin Tao.I am twelve years old.I live in Beijing.I study in Yucai Primary School.I study,Chinese,English,maths,science,art,and PE.My favourite subject is English.I like collecting stamps.I like playing basketball.I am interested in,swimming.,I want to learn swimming.,六、阅读理解。,55,阅读短文,回答下列问题。,1.How old is Lin Tao?,_,2.Whats Lin Taos favourite subject?,_,3.What does Lin Tao like?,_,He is twelve years old.,His favourite subject is English.,He likes collecting stamps and playing basketball.,阅读短文,回答下列问题。He is twelve years,56,Module 6,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 6模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,57,一、根据句意和提示写单词,完成句子。,1.We use _to eat food in China.,2.There is a _in the picture.,3.The baby cant walk.Its _(,困难的,)for him to walk.,4.Jim.Dont play with the _.Its dangerous(,危险的,).,5.He is a _(,日本的,)boy.Hes very clever.,chopsticks,fork,difficult,knife,Japanese,一、根据句意和提示写单词,完成句子。chopsticksfo,58,二、单项选择。,(,)1.You can write _me _French.,A.,for,with,B.,of,with,C.,to,in,(,)2.Have you got a ruler?,No,_.,A.I have,B,.I,havent C,.you,havent,C,B,二、单项选择。CB,59,(,)3.Its difficult _him to ride the bike.,A.,forB,.,toC,.with,点拨,:,Its difficult for sb.to do sth.,意为“对某人来说干某事很难。”。,A,()3.Its difficult _,60,(,)4.Do you like English _Chinese?,I like English.,A.,andB,.,orC,.,but,点拨,:,or,用于选择疑问句,句意为“你喜欢英语还是汉语?”。,B,()4.Do you like English _,61,(,)5.My mother likes,rice,_,my father doesnt like it.,A.,butB,.,soC,.and,点拨,:,本题中前后两个句子是转折关系,故用连词,but,。,A,()5.My mother likes rice,_,62,三、连词成句。,1.year,next,want,visit,I,to,China(.),_,2.got,have book,you,a,US,the,about(?),_,3.has,a,dragon,Daming,got,Chinese,kite(.),_,I want to visit China next year.,Have you got a book about the US?,Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite.,三、连词成句。I want to visit China n,63,4.from,he,in,is,England,London(.),_,5.you,and,have,knife,chopsticks,a,or,got,fork(?),_,He is from London in England.,Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks?,4.from,he,in,is,England,64,四、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,Dear,Tom,How are the things,going?I,am writing to you at school.We go to school from Monday to Friday.There are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon.We usually do homework after school.I have two friends at school.One is,from,四、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,65,Australia,and his name is Mike.The other is from America,and her name is Linda.They speak English very well.I like to play games with my friends.What about you?Please write to me soon!,Yours,Han Meimei,Australia,and his name is Mik,66,(,)1.Who does Han Meimei write to?,She writes to _.,A.,MikeB,.,LindaC,.Tom,(,)2.There are _ classes in a day.,A.,fourB,.,fiveC,.,seven,点拨,:,由开头称呼“,Dear Tom”,可知答案。,点拨,:,由短文第四句句意“上午四节课,下午三节课。”可知每天有七节课。,C,C,()1.Who does Han Meimei wr,67,(,)3.How many friends does Han Meimei have at school?,A.One.B.Two.C.Three.,(,)4.Mike is from _.,A.AustraliaB.EnglandC.America,(,)5.Mike and Linda speak _very well.,A.ChineseB.EnglishC.Japanese,B,A,B,()3.How many friends does H,68,Module 7,WY,六年级上册,模块重难点过关检测,Module 7WY 六年级上册 模块重难点过关检测,69,一、根据提示的信息和首字母,补全单词。,1.,fishmouserunning,2.,strong-king,of the grassland(,草,原,)-,running fast,3.,winter-sleepin-fat,4.,Chinabambooblack,and white,5.long,nose-big,ears,6.playing with,childrencutegood,friends,a,t,i,o,n,e,a,r,a,n,a,l e h,o g,一、根据提示的信息和首字母,补全单词。aieal e,70,二、根据图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。,1.Pandas love _.,2.Why is the _coming out of the box?,3.My sister likes playing the _.,4.Clap your hands and move your _.,bamboo,snake,flute,body,二、根据图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。bamboosnake,71,三、单项选择。,(,)1.Grandma_Daming a fantastic present.,A.gives,B.giving,C.give,(,)2.What_ interesting story!,A.a B.an C.the,点拨,:,本题考查感叹句。,what,引导感叹句的构成:,What,a/an,形容词名词单数,(,其他,),!,interesting,是元音音素开头的单词,故前面用冠词,an,。,A,B,三、单项选择。点拨:本题考查感叹句。what 引导感叹句的构,72,(,)3.Look!The snake is _out of the box.,A.comes B.coming C.come,(,)4.We can _a lesson from this owl.,A.learn B.learns C.learned,点拨,:,情态动词,can,后跟动词原形。,B,A,()3.Look!The snake is _,73,点拨,:,询问事物是什么颜色时用,what colour,。,(,)5._is your sweater?,Its black.,A.What B.What colour C.Where,B,点拨:询问事物是什么颜色时用what colour。(),74,四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。,1.We dont _(believe)it!,2.The boy _(get)frightened.,3.The children are _(play)with the dog.,4.Bears like _(sleep)in winter.,5.How many _(hour)does the baby sleep?,believe,gets,playing,to sleep,hours,点拨,:,how many,后跟名词的复数。,四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。believegetsplay,75,五、连词成句。,1.,fish,he,like,doesnt,(.),_,2.,sun,the,snakes,love,(.),_,3.,it,I,believe,dont(!),_,He doesnt like fish.,Snakes love the sun.,I dont believe it!,五、连词成句。He doesnt like fish.S,76,4,.,DVD,interesting,what,an(!),_,5.,think,tiger,I,dangerous,is,the(.),_,_,_,What an interesting DVD!,I think the tiger is dangerous.,4.DVD,interesting,what,an(,77,六、阅读短文,判断正,(T),误,(F),。,Long long,ago,there,was a little mouse.On a sunny,morning,the,mouse rode a bike to the park.On his way to the,park,he,met a big fat cat.He was very afraid of(,害怕,)the cat.So he rode his bike away.When he got,home,he,was hungry.At the,moment,his,grandma came.He was very happy to see his grandma.,六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。,78,His grandma made a very delicious dinner for him.After dinner,they took a long walk in the park.However,they saw a snake there and they ran away at once.When they went back home,they were very tired.They took a bath(,洗澡,)and then went to bed.,His grandma made a very delici,79,(,)1.On a rainy morning,,,the mouse rode a bike to the park.,(,)2.The little mouse met a big fat cat in the park.,(,)3.The little mouse was very happy to see the cat.,(,)4.The little mouse had a very delicious dinner.,(,)5.The little mouse saw a tiger in the park after dinner and he ran away at once.,F,F,F,T,F,()1.On a rainy morning,the,80,Module 8,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 8模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,81,一、根据图片选短语。,(,)1.A.speak ChineseB.speak English,(,)2.A.take photosB.fly kites,(,)3.,A.clean the blackboardB.clean the room,(,)4.A.play with dogsB.play with dolls,(,)5.A.watch TV B.play computer games,B,A,B,B,B,一、根据图片选短语。B,82,二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。,1.Do you often play computer games?,No,I,s_a long time ago.,2.,Sam,your,bedroom is dirty.,Please c_,it.,OK,Mum,.,3.I collected some nice stamps.Ill s_ you tomorrow.,topped,lean,how,二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。toppedleanhow,83,4,.Lingling has a good c_.She often takes photos on Sundays.,5.Can you play chess?,No,I,n_ play,it,but,my father sometimes plays it with my grandpa.,amera,ever,4.Lingling has a good c_,84,三、单项选择。,(,)1.Jim often _ the blackboard.,A.clean,B,.cleans,C.cleaning,(,)2.Look at these _.They are beautiful.,A.photo,B,.picture,C,.,photos,点拨,:,由,these“,这些”可知后面的名词用复数,,photo,的复数为,photos,。,B,C,三、单项选择。点拨:由these“这些”可知后面的名词用复数,85,(,)3.Lingling sometimes plays _ her dolls.,A.to,B,.with,C,.at,(,)4.Do you often visit your grandparents?,_,A.,Yes,I,do.,B.,Yes,I,can.,C,.,Yes,I,am.,点拨,:,play with sth.,意为“玩某物。”,B,A,()3.Lingling sometimes play,86,(,)5.Did you watch TV last night?,No,I,_my homework.,A.do,B.does,C,.did,C,()5.Did you watch TV last,87,四、比一比,看谁答的又快又好。根据所给提示作答。,Start (often),1.What do you do on Sundays?,_,(sometimes),2.What do they do on Sundays?,_,I often go swimming.,They sometimes play chess.,四、比一比,看谁答的又快又好。根据所给提示作答。I ofte,88,(),3.Do you often drink tea on Sundays?,_,(always),End,4.What does Lingling do on Sundays?,_,Yes,I do.,She always goes shopping.,89,五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,My uncle Dick lives in America.Hes a driver there.He often comes to China to see my father and me.He comes this summer.When he comes,he gets up at half past five.But I get up at seven.He often tells me to get up early.He speaks English well.He teaches me English at weekends.Hes my nice uncle.,五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,90,(,)1.Dick is my _.,A.father,B.uncle,C.aunt,(,)2.Dick can _.,A.swim B.dance C.drive,(,)3.Dick _comes to China.,A.often B.usually,C.sometimes,B,C,A,()1.Dick is my _.BC,91,(,)4.The writer(,作者,)gets up at_.,A.5:30 B.7:00 C.7:30,(,)5.My uncle teaches me _ at weekends.,A.Chinese B.English C.Maths,B,B,()4.The writer(作者)gets up a,92,Module 9,模块重难点过关检测,WY,六年级上册,Module 9模块重难点过关检测WY 六年级上册,93,一、根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。,1.Ive got many pen friends from all a_ the world.,2.Do you want to go i_,Tom?,3.I think we s_ do our homework on time(,按时,).,4.They are v_ the UN building in New York.,5.There are lots of beautiful p_ to go in China.,round,nside,hould,isiting,laces,一、根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。roundnsidehou,94,二、单项选择。,(,)1.Do you want to visit the Huangshan Mountain?,_ I like it very much.,A.No,I dont.,B,.Yes,I does.,C.Yes,I do.,C,二、单项选择。C,95,(,)2.One of the boys _ from Shandong.,A.amB.isC.are


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