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A,a,Welcome Speeches,Welcome Speeches,Unit 8 Speeches,Lesson 1 Welcome Speeches,Lesson 2 Farewell Speeches,Unit 8 SpeechesLesson 1 Welcom,Lesson 1 Welcome Speeches,Warming-up,Answer the following questions:,1.Have you ever written and made a speech?,2.On what occasions do we deliver a welcome speech?,3.What do people often put in their welcome speech?,Lesson 1 Welcome Speeches,Looking Ahead(Aims and Contents),Learn some useful expressions in welcome speeches.,Get familiar with the format of welcome speeches.,Practice writing welcome speeches.,Looking Ahead(Aims and Conten,Approaching the Topic,Finish Exercises 1-2 on pp.100-101.,Approaching the TopicFinish Ex,Ready to Write,1.Learning,Focus,A welcome speech is delivered to welcome a newcomer or a new participant.,A welcome speech may:,1,)extend the hearty thanks for his/her/their coming;,2,)give a brief introduction to the guest(s):the identity,experience or achievements;,3,)express the warm welcome and best wishes in the closing.,Ready to Write,2,.Useful,Expressions,1,)Expressions,for greetings,Ladies and gentleman;fellow students;colleagues;classmates;distinguished guests,Mr.Chairman,honorable judges;,2.Useful ExpressionsLadies an,2)Expressions at the beginning of a body,It is my great pleasure/honor,to,say,a few words,to welcome,(,here put the guests name,).,First of all,I would like to extend my warmest/hearty welcome to all the contestants from 34 middle schools in Shanghai.,First of all,allow me on behalf of(,here put the name of your institution,)to welcome(,here put the guests name,).,It is a great opportunity for me to make a welcome speech here.,It is a good chance for us to gather together with/to see/to meet(,here put the guests name,)here today.,Lets welcome(,here put the guests name,)with our warmest applause.,It is a great pleasure to have you here.,2)Expressions at the beginnin,3)Expressions in the closing,In closing,I would like to express my hearty gratitude to all people who have made efforts in organizing the speech contest.,I hope,(,here put the guests name,),may have a very good time during his stay in China.,I hope,(,here put the guests name,),will have a very enjoyable stay here.,I wish the contest a great success.,I am sure we will benefit a lot from,(,here put the guests name,),lecture.,Thank you very much.,Thank you for your attention.,3)Expressions in the closingI,My Writing,Please write a welcome speech according to the following table.,Arrangement for Australian Students Visit,Time,Activity,8:30-9:30Touring the campus,9:30-11:30Having discussion with Chinese students,11:30-13:30Lunch at canteen,14:00-15:30A basketball match with Chinese students,16:00-18:00A party with Chinese students,My WritingPlease write a welco,Step 1:,List the items in your welcome speech.,Step 2:,Adopt some sentence structures from,Useful Expressions,in your own writing.,Step 3:,Organize the items and expressions in a logical way.,Step 4:,Cross-check your draft according to the checklist on Page 103.Mark the mistakes with the symbols for correction in,Appendix II,.,Step 5:,Now put your final version in the space provided and check with the reference(,参考答案,).,Step 1:List the items in your,Good morning,our dear guests,fellow teachers and students,I,am very glad to see you all here.It is a great pleasure to take the chance to introduce our guests from Australia to you.They are They are supposed to stay in our school for one day tomorrow.We have made a wonderful plan fro them and our students.And I hope all of you will like it.,My Writing,参考答案,Good morning,our dear guests,The,arrangement,is as following:,From,8:30-9:30,they will tour our campus guided by our teachers and students.,From,9:30-11:30 they are going to have a talk with our students about each others life,study and leisure activity.,After,the lunch.A basketball match between our guests and our students will be held from 14:00-15:30.,Finally,a party from 16:00 18:00.Hope we can establish a good relationship and friendship between the Australian Students and Chinese students.,Welcome,to our school and I wish you have an unforgettable time here.,Thank,you!,The arrangement is as followin,Further Practice,1.,Please write a welcome speech on behalf of all the students to welcome Associate Professor Walter Star from the United States to give a lecture“On American Short Stories”.,Walter Stars Experience,2000-2005Teach Short Story Writing at University Iowa,2000 Graduated from University of Chicago,majoring in American Contemporary Literature,2001Published his first short story“Sea Harbor”,Further Practice1.Please writ,Further Practice,参考答案,Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,Its,really a pleasure to meet you here.I have the honor on behalf of all the students to welcome our distinguished Associate Professor Walter Star from the United States to give us a lecture tonight.He was graduated from the University of Chicago,majoring un American Contemporary Literature.From 2000 to 2005,he has taught Short Story Writing at University of Iowa.He published his first short story“Sea Harbor”in 2001.Professor Star is an expert in teaching English Literature.Now,lets welcome our speaker today,Mr.Walter Star.,Further Practice 参考答案Good even,Thank You,Thank You,


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