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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,ppt课件,*,GO ON AN,ADVENTURE,WITH,HUCK AND JIM,Kitty Wang,1,ppt课件,GO ON AN Kitty Wang1ppt课件,Mark Twain,adventure,Huck,Jim,slave,a white boy,The,Mississippi,2,ppt课件,Mark TwainadventureHuckJimslav,3,ppt课件,3ppt课件,discover,the,steamboat,Para.,4-9,Para.,1-4,Para.,9-11,leave,the,steamboat,board,the,steamboat,THE STEAMBOAT,4,ppt课件,discover Para.Para.Para.lea,After _,there was a big _ and the rain_.They stayed inside the _ that we built on the _.We found a _ which _ a rock and was half in and half out of the water.,midnight,storm,poured down,shelter,raft,when,where,what,discover,the steamboat,Para.1-4,who,5,ppt课件,After _,there was a b,raft,shelter,6,ppt课件,raftshelter6ppt课件,After _,there was a big _ and the rain_.They stayed inside the _ that we built on the _.We found a _ which _ a rock and was half in and half out of the water.,discover,the steamboat,midnight,storm,poured down,shelter,raft,steamboat,hit,discover,the steamboat,when,where,what,who,7,ppt课件,After _,there was a b,2.What is the,relationship,between the men on the steamboat?,The man lying,on the floor,discover,the steamboat,discover,the steamboat,discover,the steamboat,board,the steamboat,Para4-9,kill;,threaten,The short man,with beard,The tall man,with gun,1.,After hearing the words,what did Jim do?What about Huck?,Jim:panicked;,Huck:frightened,but curious,8,ppt课件,2.What is the relationship b,The tall man,with gun,The man lying,on the floor,The short man,with beard,“I had enough of you.”kill him now,Leave him on the sinking boat.,frightened;started crying,threaten,9,ppt课件,The tall manThe man lyingThe,discover,the steamboat,discover,the steamboat,discover,the steamboat,board,the steamboat,discover,the steamboat,leave,the steamboat,How,did they save the man?,We found,the mens boat,tied to the other side of the,steamboat,.We climbed quietly in.As we,paddled away,we heard the two men shouting.By then we were,a safe distance.,10,ppt课件,discover discover discover boa,1.midnight,pour down,2.Huck,Jim,3.stay inside,the shelter;,raft,4.discover,a sinking,steam,5.board,three men,6.leave,told Jim,7.paddle away,the mens,boat,8.feel bad,THE STEAMBOAT,when,who,where,why,how,what,plot,plot,novel,11,ppt课件,1.midnight2.Huck3.stay inside,feel bad?,Better Idea?,12,ppt课件,feel bad?Better Idea?12ppt课件,life,Life is an adventure.,What can we learn from,the guys above?,13,ppt课件,lifeLife is an adventure.13pp,LIFE IS AN,ADVENTURE,BE AWARE OF,WHAT YOU ARE,AND WHAT YOU WANT TO BE,YOU CAN TURN YOUR LIFE,FROM A TO Z,14,ppt课件,LIFE IS AN ADVENTUREBE AWARE O,Write down an,ending for,the story.,ASSIGNMENT,15,ppt课件,Write down an ASSIGNMENT15ppt课,Do you think Huck and Jim are similar to each other,or differ from each other?,State at least,two reasons.,16,ppt课件,Do you think Huck and Jim are,17,ppt课件,17ppt课件,18,ppt课件,18ppt课件,19,ppt课件,19ppt课件,adventure?,20,ppt课件,adventure?20ppt课件,21,ppt课件,21ppt课件,22,ppt课件,22ppt课件,23,ppt课件,23ppt课件,24,ppt课件,24ppt课件,1.When did the story happen?,2.Where did they stay?,3.What did they see as they were sailing down the river?,25,ppt课件,1.When did the story happen?25,The man lying,on the floor,The tall man,with gun,The short man,with gun,What is his idea to deal with,the man?,What is his idea to deal with,the man?,What did the man do after,listening to their talk?,26,ppt课件,The man lyingThe tall manThe s,27,ppt课件,27ppt课件,


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