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Mother”,为题,写一篇,50,词左右的作文。,解析:,这是学生十分熟悉的题材,以自己的母亲为写作对象,可以写母亲的外貌、性格特点、工作情况、爱好、周末活动等等。选择最能够勾勒母亲形象的信息,写成语意连贯的短文,就是一篇好文章。,考点解读考点1 考查命题作文的写作,范文:,My mother likes smiling.She is 40 years old.But she looks younger than her age.She is very active.She can jump rope.She can kick shuttlecock(,踢毽子,)well.She is good at playing ping,-,pong,too.But she is not a PE teacher.She is a kind nurse.She is always helpful to the patients.On the weekend,she often climbs mountains with my father and me.,范文:My mother likes s,考点,2,考查图片作文的写作,【,例,2】,假设你是,Bob,,请结合图片写一写你的假期计划,,50,词左右。,考点2 考查图片作文的写作,解析,:,本题是多幅图的作文。文字提示要求你以,Bob,的身份,用所给的图片信息,写出自己的假期安排,所以作文的人称是第一人称。游泳、绘画、看望祖父母和旅游这些活动是可以自行合理安排的,不需要按顺序。另外,题目中的“计划”一词,说明全文的时态要用一般将来时。,解析:本题是多幅图的作文。文字提示,范文:,My name is Bob.Im a student of Grade Six.This summer vacation will be a long and free holiday.Im expecting it.I will go swimming every morning.Because its good exercise.Im also going to learn to draw three times a week.In August,I will take a trip to Hangzhou with my parents.And I will visit my grandparents there.I think I will have a good time in my summer vacation.,范文:My name is Bob.I,考点,3,考查文字提示作文的写作,【,例,3】,上周末,虽然你做了很多事情,但是你过得很开心,以下是你做的事情:,1.get up and have breakfast,2.finish my homework,3.clean my bedroom,4.play chess with father,5.see a film with Lucy,请根据上面的内容提示写一篇作文,叙述你上个周末是怎样度过的。,考点3 考查文字提示作文的写作,解析:,对于文字提示作文,要理解清楚提示内容的意思,如上周末,说明全文的时态要用一般过去时。,范文:,Last weekend,I did a lot of things,but I was very happy.,I got up at 7:00 and had breakfast at 7:30.Then in the morning,I finished my homework.After that,I cleaned my bedroom.On Saturday afternoon,I played chess with my father.In the evening,I saw a film with my good friend,Lucy.We had a good time.,解析:对于文字提示作文,要理解清楚提示,考点,4,考查表格提示作文与书信作文的写作,【,例,4】,假设你叫,Li Hua,,你很想和,Lisa,成为好朋友,请写一封信向,Lisa,简单地介绍自己,并表达你想和她成为好朋友的愿望。,50,词左右,注意书信格式。,考点4 考查表格提示作文与书信作文的写作,解析,:,根据题目可以判断这是,Li Hua,第一次给,Lisa,写信,表格的内容列举得很详细,合理安排好表格内容,就能写出一篇内容丰富的好作文,同时一定要注意书信的格式。,范文:,Dear Lisa,My name is Li Hua.I am a Chinese girl.Im in Dongguan,Guangdong.I am a student in No.1 Primary School.Im in Class 4,Grade 6.My favourite subjects are art and English.I like playing the pipa and drawing.I can draw very well.Do you have the same hobbies as mine?I wish we can be good friends.,Write to me soon!,Yours,Li Hua,解析:根据题目可以判断这是Li,_,_,_,_,This is my bedroom.Its small but nice.There is a bed in the room.Its blue.A picture is over the bed.Near the bed there is a desk.I always do my homework there.I love my bedroom so much.,巅峰检测,一、请根据下面的要求写作文。,1.以“My Bedroom”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的卧室,不少于六句话。,My Bedroom,_,2.以“My Family”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的一家人,不少于六句话。,My Family,3.以“My Father”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的父亲,不少于六句话。,My Father,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,There are three people in my family.My father,my mother and me.My father is a doctor.My mother is a teacher.They are hard,-,working.I am a happy student.We are a happy family.,My father is a doctor.He works in a hospital.He is a very good doctor.He helps the people who are sick.He likes his job.That makes him happy.,2.以“My Family”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的一家人,4.以“My School Life”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的学校生活,不少于六句话。,My School Life,_,_,_,_,Im a student of Grade Five.I study in Yuying School.Every morning,I get up at 7:00.Then I do morning exercises.I eat breakfast at 7:50.,I have four classes in the morning,and two in the afternoon.Classes are over at 4:30.Then we can play basketball or play games on the playground.That is so fun.I like my school life.,_,_,_,4.以“My School Life”为题写一篇短文,介绍,5.请以“My Favourite Season”为题写一篇短文,描述你最喜欢的季节,不少于五句话。,My Favourite Season,I like autumn best.Its always cool and windy in and autumn.I can fly kites and have a picnic.In autumn,I can wear shirts and jeans.autumn is very good for me,because my birthday is in autumn.I can have a birthday party outside and do a lot of interesting things.I like autumn best.What about you?,_,_,_,_,_,_,5.请以“My Favourite Season”为题写一篇,My mother is a bus driver.She is so hard,-,working.Every morning,she has to get up at 5:00.She has some milk,bread and an egg for breakfast.She goes to work at 5:30.She doesnt have lunch at home.She gets home at 6:00 p,.,m.,二、根据下面的提示写作文。,1.假设你妈妈是一名公交车司机,她每天五点钟起床,早餐喝牛奶,吃面包和鸡蛋。然后五点半就去上班了。晚上6点才回到家里。根据以上提示,写一篇50词左右的短文。,_,_,_,_,_,My mother is a bus driv,_,_,_,_,_,Every weekend is fun for me.On Saturday morning,I always do my homework and read books.In th,e,afternoon,I play football with my friends.In the evening,I watch TV with my family.On Sunday morning,I play the piano.Sometimes I go to see a film on Sunday afternoon.,2.请根据下面的提示写一篇短文,描述你的周末生活。要求用上所给的全部提示词,可以适当发挥,不少于50词。,提示词:read books,do homework,play the piano,play football with friends,watch TV,see a film,_,_,_,_,_,_,My name is Li Bo.I am a boy of 11 years old.I live in Beijing.My father is an engineer,and my mother is a nurse.They love me very much.I love them,too.My father likes reading books.My mother likes reading books,too.My hobbies are playing computer games and playing the piano.I have a happy family.,3.假设你叫李波,是一位来自北京的十一岁男生。你的爸爸是位工程师,你的妈妈是位护士,他们都非常喜欢你。你爸爸喜欢看书,你妈妈也喜欢。你喜欢玩电脑游戏和弹钢琴。你有一个幸福的家庭。请根据以上提示,写一篇不少于50词的短文。,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,I go to school by bus from Monday to Friday.Every morning,I walk to the bus stop.I take the No.18 bus.I get on the bus in front of the cinema,then I get off it in front of my school.On the way,I can see many people waiting at the traffic lights.They know the traffic rules.And they obey the traffic rules.,4.请根据下面的提示词写一篇短文,说说你从家到学校的路线,以及沿途所见,不少于50词。,提示词:walk,get on,get off,take the No,.,18 bus,traffic lights,many people,school,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,I have a dream.I want to be a doctor when I grow up.I hope I can help many people one day.I hope I can make the people keep healthy.I wish I could be the best doctor in the world.I hope my dream will come true one day.,5.请以“My Dream”为题和所给的提示词写一篇短文,介绍你的梦想,不少于50词。,提示词:have a dream,want to be,grow up,come true,My Dream,_,三、看图作文。,1.张明和他的妹妹正在去上学的路上。请根据图片写一篇短文,描述他们去上学的经过和心情,不少于50词。,_,_,_,_,_,Its a sunny day today.Zhang Ming and his sister are going to school.Their home is near the school,so they are going on foot.Zhang Ming is a student of Grade Five.His sister is a new student of Grade One.She looks so happy.,三、看图作文。_,2.看!这是下午第二节课后自由活动的时间里,同学们在教室里的情景。请根据图片写一篇短文,描述大家都在干些什么,不少于50词。,_,_,_,_,_,After the second class in the afternoon,we are free.But many students are in the classroom.John is doing an experiment with Miss White.Wu Yifan is cleaning the blackboard.Sarah is drawing a picture.Zhang Peng and Mike are playing chess.Chen Jie and Amy are reading an interesting book.Everyone is happy.,_,2.看!这是下午第二节课后自由活动的时间,3.周日,John和他的爸爸妈妈参观了动物园。请根据图片写一篇短文,描述John的所见所闻,不少于50词。,_,_,_,_,_,Today is Sunday.John went to the zoo with his father and mother.Its a big zoo.There are many animals in the zoo.The elephants are drinking water.A monkey is swinging.The birds are singing.The kangaroos are jumping.One bear is playing,the other bear is sleeping under the tree.They are funny.,_,3.周日,John和他的爸爸妈妈参观了动,4.根据图片写一篇短文,谈谈你这个假期的经历和感受,不少于50词。,_,_,_,_,_,This winter vacation is a long holiday.I went to Canada by plane.It was very cold in Canada.It snowed.It was white everywhere.I made a big snowman.That was fun.I bought many gifts for my friends,too.I stayed in Canada for a week.I had a lot of fun there.,4.根据图片写一篇短文,谈谈你这个假期的,四、按要求作文。,1.假设你在www,.,yahoo,.,com,.,cn网站结识了一位名叫Andy的网友,请根据下面他所提供的照片和资料,向你的同学介绍一下Andy,不少于50词。,四、按要求作文。,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,My friends name is Andy.He is active and friendly.Hes 13 years old this year.Hes not tall.He has two very big eyes.He lives in Australia.Its a beautiful country.He is a student.He studies in Red Tree School.He likes Chinese very much.He can speak and write a little Chinese.He can play football well.That is his favourite hobby.,_,2.看下面的表格,对比你与好友Mike的各项指数,并写一篇不少于50词的短文。,_,_,_,_,_,My name is Jack.Im 12 years old.Im 158 cm tall.Im 56 kg heavy.My good friend Mike is 13 years old.He is 1 year older than me.Hes 7 cm taller than me.But he is thinner than me.He is only 52 kg.We both like playing basketball very much.We often play basketball together on the weekend.,_,2.看下面的表格,对比你与好友Mike的,3.请根据下面表格的内容,写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍你所在学校的课外活动情况。文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,3.请根据下面表格的内容,写一篇50词左,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,We have after,-,class activities every school day.Its from 4:30 p,.,m.to 5:30 p,.,m.We have many activities at that time.Many boys like sports.They can play basketball,football and baseball.We also have many interest groups.If you like singing,go to the singing group.If you like dancing,go to the dancing group.If you like painting,go to the painting group On Wednesday evening,we have English Corner.We can speak English with teachers or schoolmates at that time.,Id like to tell you something about the after,-,class activities(,课外活动,)in our school.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,4.课堂上同学们正在讨论各自喜欢的城市,你最喜欢的城市是哪一个?请写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍你最喜欢的城市。,My favourite city is Dongguan.It,s a big city of Guangdong.It,s also a beautiful city.Dongguan is a good place to visit.You can buy some new clothes and visit some special place in this city.You can eat much delicious food at Dongguan Restaurants.You can climb the Shuilian Hill.You can go to Xiangshi Zoo to see tigers and lions.I love Dongguan best!,_,感,谢,欣,赏,!,感谢欣赏!,


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