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单击以编辑,母版标题样式,单击以编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,外贸函电与单证,Business EnglishCorrespondence and Documents,主要内容:商业书信的撰写、英文合同的签定、如何拟电报、发传真以及单证的缮制,一、外贸书信,二、外贸电报、电传,三、外贸合同,四、外贸单证,一、商业书信,现代通讯方式中,书信仍然是最传统最常见的信息交换方式之一,要写好商业信函,应掌握三个“,C”,字,即:,Clearness(,清楚)、,Conciseness(,简洁)、,Courtesy(,礼貌),1、英文商业书信各组成部分及其写法,2、商业书信的格式,3、信封的写法,4、各种商业书信实例,从结构上看,英文商业书信一般都可以分为十一个部分,信头(,The Heading):,发信人的地址和发信日期,封内地址(,The Inside Address):,收信人的名称和地址,称呼(,The Salutation),事由(,The Subject Heading or Caption),开头语(,The Opening Sentence),信的正文(,The Body of the Letter),结束语(,The Closing Sentence),结尾客套语(,The Complimentary Close),签名(,Signature),附件(,The Enclosure),再启(,The Postscript),书信的各部分的写法,1、信头(,The Heading),包括发信人的行名、地址、电报挂号、电传、电话号码、编号,还有发信日期等,一般为印就的公文纸,并无绝对固定的格式。,其中日期的写法常见的有四种:,April 11,1999,Oct.15th,1986 12 Nov.,2000 12nd Dec.,2001,错误的写法:4/11/1999,May 25,98,2、,封内地址(,The Inside address):,收信人的名称和地址,与信封地址相同,其目的是方便工作,便于归档与查阅。,英文信函的地址一般包括以下四个部分,行名,门牌号码和街(路)名,城市,州(省)名及邮政编码(,Postcode,),国名,3、称呼(,The Salutation),常用的称呼有:,Dear Sirs,Gentlemen(,美国),Dear Madam or Sir Dear,Mr,.,Graystone,称呼后面一般用逗号,来自美国、加拿大的信也常用冒号,4、事由或标题(,The Subject Heading or Caption),如:,Electric Fan,或,Re:Electric Fan 5、,开头语(,The Opening Sentence),客套语/来信已收到/自我介绍/扼要说明写信的内容 一般要简明扼要,自成一段 6、信的正文(,The Body of the Letter),信的主体,阐述发信人的意见和内容 7、结束语(,The Closing Sentence),一般用来提出对收信人的要求,如,希望回信,定货,或做必要的声明。,8、结尾客套语(,The Complimentary Close),在英国一般多用,Yours faithfully,,类似于“某某人谨上”而美国多用,Yours truly,/Yours sincerely,/Sincerely yours,,Yours truly,,用于和人交往,如用于律师、大夫、客户、银行家,Yours sincerely,,是非正式用语,用于熟人之间或用以表示随便和亲近 9、签名(,Signature)10、,附件(,The Enclosure)11、,再启(,The Postscript),郑重的函件一般不用,。,此外如果函件要抄送其他单位,同时使对方知道已抄送其他单位,可在信最后的左下角注明“,CC to-”,或“,CC-”,意为“,Carbon Copy”,英文书信的格式分三种:缩行式、平头式、混合式,缩行式、,H.G.Wilkinson Company Limited,245,Lombart,Street,Lagos,Nigeria,Our Ref.No.FEC/JK-112,Your Ref.No._,Date:,March 11,1998,The China National Light Industrial Products,Import&Export Corporation,Dalian,Branch,110 Stalin Road,Dalian,Chian,Dear Sirs,Re:Electric Fan,We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your corporation.,At present we are interested in your electric fan,details as per our,Enquiry,Note No.1234 attached,and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible.,We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable,we shall place our order with you immediately.,We look forward to your early reply.,Very truly yours,H.G.Wilkinson Company,Ltd,.,(Signed)_,Manager,Encl,.As stated,平头式,H.G.Wilkinson Company Limited,245,Lombart,Street,Lagos,Nigeria,Our Ref.No.FEC/JK-112,Your Ref.No.,Date:,March 11,1998,The China National Light Industrial Products,Import&Export Corporation,Dalian,Branch,110 Stalin Road,Dalian,Chian,Dear Sirs,Re:Electric Fan,We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your corporation.,At present we are interested in your electric fan,details as per our,Enquiry,Note No.1234 attached,and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible.,We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable,we shall place our order with you immediately.,We look forward to your early reply.,Very truly yours,H.G.Wilkinson Company,Ltd,.,(Signed)_,Manager,Encl,.As stated,混合式,H.G.Wilkinson Company Limited,245,Lombart,Street,Lagos,Nigeria,Our Ref.No.FEC/JK-112,Your Ref.No.,Date:,March 11,1998,The China National Light Industrial Products,Import&Export Corporation,Dalian,Branch,110 Stalin Road,Dalian,Chian,Dear Sirs,Re:Electric Fan,We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your corporation.,At present we are interested in your electric fan,details as per our,Enquiry,Note No.1234 attached,and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible.,We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable,we shall place our order with you immediately.,We look forward to your early reply.,Very truly yours,H.G.Wilkinson Company,Ltd,.,(Signed)_,Manager,Encl,.As stated,信封的写法,信封的写法和封内地址完全一样,可以用缩行式或平头式,最好与信内地址的格式完全一样。收信人地址和名称一般位于信封中间。,H.G.Wilkinson Company Limited,245,Lombart,Street,Lagos,Nigeria,The China National Light Industrial Products,Import&Export Corporation,Dalian,Branch,110 Stalin Road,Dalian,116000,China,信封上面可以附注以下各项:,在信封的左下角注明信的类别,标明邮递方式,Per s/s“Empress of Canada”,Via Suez,Via Air Mail,Via Air Mail Registered,Registered,Express,Parcel Post,Printed Matter,Sample Post,私人信件或密件,也可在左下角标明以下字样,Private,Personal,Confidential,LETTER 1:Establishing Trade Relations,Dear Sirs,We have come to know the name of your firm and take the pleasure of addressing this letter to you with the hope of establishing business relations with you.,We are specialized in the exportation of Chinese,chem,-,ical,and pharmaceuticals which have enjoyed great popularity in world markets.We enclose a copy of our catalog for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is of interest to you.,Faithfully yours,(signature),LETTER 2:Establishing Trade Relations,Dear Sirs,We have received with thanks your letter dated March 1,1998and wish to extend you our warm welcome for your desire to establish business contacts with us.,We are a state-operated enterprise,and wish to carry on trade with manufacturers and merchants of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with the people of different nations.,We are enclosing herewith our catalog and a range of pamphlets for your guidance.,If you find any of the articles illustrated in the pamphlets of interest,please let us have your specific inquiries so as to enable us to send you our quotations.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 3:Establishing Trade Relations,Dear Sirs,Your company has kindly been introduced to us by,Messrs,.Freeman&Co.,Ltd,.,London,as leading exporter of Korea furniture.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities,we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date.,We have strong business relations with reputed whole-,salers,and leading firms at our end and shall be pleased if you will send us a copy of your catalog together with your price list.,Thanking you in anticipation,we are.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 4:Inquiry,Dear Sirs,On the recommendation of our friends,Messrs,.Freeman&Co.,Ltd,.,we are writing to,enquiry,whether you can make us offers on Hulled,Seameseeds,.,We are interested in a large supply of this article,say,300 tons,and should feel much obliged if you would see your way to meet our requirements.,If you will send us regular offers,we are sure we can in time build up an important volume of trade.,We look forward to initiating business with you in the near future.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 5:Inquiry,Dear Sirs,The purpose of this letter is to establish trade relations with your organization.,We have pleasure in offering the following products that may be of interest to you.,(commodity)(quantity),.,You may already be aware that our products have met with a favorable reception in many overseas markets,owing to their high quality and reasonable prices.,Samples and quotations will be sent on request.Therefore,please do not hesitate to let us know your specific requirements.In the event of business,payment is to be made by confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit in our,favo,r.,We look forward to receiving your comments in the near future.,Truly yours,LETTER 6:Inquiry,Dear Sirs,We have received an inquiry from one of our clients for two tons of Camphor Powder.Please quote your lowest price CIF Hamburg.,Your prompt attention to this inquiry will be appreciated.,Yours truly,(signature),LETTER 7:Offer,Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of Sept.3 and are glad to note that you are interested in our Camphor Powder.,We can supply two metric tons of B.P.quality at 8 pound sterling per,lb,.CIF Hamburg,prompt shipment,subject to acceptance reaching us before the end of September.,We trust that this price is acceptable to you,and should like to receive your order in due course.,Yours truly,(signature),(B.P.,英国药典,British Pharmacopoeia),(,lb,磅,librae,,,libra,),LETTER 8:Offer,China National Import&Export Corp.,Shanghai Branch,Shanghai,China,19,th,November,1999,Abdulla Samih,&Co.,659,Saleem,Road,Karachi,Pakistan,Dear Sirs,We thank you for your letter of 10,th,November,inquiring for Forever Brand Bicycles.,We are exporting bicycles of various brands among which Forever Brand and Phoenix Brand are the most famous ones.They are in great demand abroad and our stocks are running down quickly.They are popular not only for their light weight,but also for the reasonable prices.We are confident that once you have tried our bikes you will place repeat orders with us in large quantities.,Based on your requirement,we are quoting as follows:,Forever Brand Bicycles:,20 Mens Style at US$25 per set,20 Womens Style at US$27 per set,26 Mens Style at US$27 per set,26 Womens Style at US$28 per set,LETTER 8:Offer,Payment Terms:By L/C at sight to be opened through a bank to be,approved by the sellers.,Shipment:January/February,2000 provided the covering L/C,reaches the sellers by the end of this year.,The above prices understood to be on CIF Karachi basis net.Please note that we do not allow any commission on our bicycles,but a discount of 5%may be allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1000 sets.,The above quotation is made without engagement and is subject to our final confirmation.,Meanwhile,we would like to take this opportunity of introducing to you our Phoenix Brand Bicycles which enjoy the same popularity as Forever Brand.Enclosed please find a copy of our illustrative catalogue which will give you all the details.We hope you will find them interesting and let us have your order.,We look forward to your early reply.,Yours faithfully,China National Import&Export,corp,.,LETTER 9:Offer,Dear Sirs,Re:Hog Bristles,We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter dated 6th Nov.,With reference to your inquiry for,Tsingtao,Black Bristles,we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to meet your requirement at this moment.However,we can supply you with Black Bristle of,Tianjin,origin at.per M/T FOB Shanghai.If you are interested in that item,please contact us at your earliest convenience as we can not reserve the supply for a long time,the demand for this article being rather heavy in the world.,Yours truly,(signature),LETTER 10:Counter Offer,Dear Sirs,Re:Forever Brand Bicycles,We thank you for your letter of 19th November quoting us for the captioned Bicycles.,While appreciating the quality of your bicycles,we find your prices are too high to be acceptable.may we refer you to S/C No.89,Sp,-7542 against which we booked with you 1000 Bicycles of the same brand at the prices about 10%lower than those you now quote us.Ever since then,the prices of raw materials have dropped considerably and the retail prices of your bicycles here have also fallen by 5%.To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy loss to us,not to speak of profit.,We would,however,very much like to place future orders with you if you could bring down your prices at least by 15%.Otherwise we can only switch our requirements to other suppliers.,It is hoped that you would seriously take this matter into consideration and let us have your reply soon.,Yours faithfully,Sri Lanka Bicycles Co.,LETTER 11:Counter Offer,Dear Sirs,Re:200 Dozen,Jin Xing,Pens,Your offer of Oct.15 for the captioned goods and the samples have been received with thanks.,We would request you to give a 10%commission instead of 5%and to accept terms of payment by D/P at sight as we are working with other suppliers on these terms.,We trust that you will be glad to confirm the above terms by cable at an early moment,so that we may send in our formal order together with detailed shipping instructions accordingly.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 12:Counter Offer,Dear Sirs,Re:200 Dozen,Jin Xing,Pens,We acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 30 and confirm our cable of November 15.,As regards your demand for a 10%commission and payment by D/P at sigh,we regret it is impossible for us to meet you in as much as we are doing business with other buyers on the basis of 5%commission and payment by irrevocable Letter of Credit.,Consequently,we would suggest that you reconsider our prevailing terms and see your way to fall into line with other buyers.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 13:Counter Offer,Dear Sirs,Re:Color TV Sets,Reference is made to your offer of May 10,for the subject goods at$300 per set CIF Singapore for payment by letter of credit.It is regrettable to state that your quotation is found too high.,The best we can accept is$280 per set CIF Singapore.If you do not entertain business at this price,we wish to call your attention to the fact that your competitors will.You may understand that we can not possibly buy from you when similar quality can be purchased cheaper elsewhere;therefore,we would strongly urge you to accept our counter-offered price.,Please also note that our counter-offer will be kept open for two weeks from the date of this letter.,We trust that you will find our counter-offer quite realistic and that it will prompt you to immediate action.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 14:Counter Offer,Dear Sirs,Re:Color TV Sets,We are in receipt of your letter of May 25,making a counter-bid of$28 per set CIF Singapore against our offer of May 10,at$30 per set CIF Singapore.,We regret to say that since our price is already closely calculated and is very reasonable,we are unable to accept your bid.Consequently,we had no alternative but to cable you on June 10 as follows:,“YOURS 25TH REGREYT YOUR BID UNACCEPTABLE BEST ADDIIONAL HALF PERCENT COMMISSION PROVIDED ORDER 1000 SETS”,To support what we have just said,we wish to draw your attention to the fact that we have already concluded considerable business with customers in Thailand at the same figure as quoted you,and perhaps you are aware of it.,We are,however,prepared to give you an additional 0.5%commission provided that you place an order for not less than 1000 sets.,We trust this special commission will facilitate the conclusion of business.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 15:Acceptance,Dear Sirs,With reference to our recent exchange of cables,we confirm having placed with you the following order:,2000 pieces,Meihua,Desk Fan 16,HK$30 CIF,Hongkong,packed in wooden cases,each containing 6 pieces,shipment from,Dalian,to,Hongkong,by train,within a week after receipt of relevant L/C.,We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods,lest the goods should be damaged in transit.,We are now attending to the establishing of L/C,which will be opened in your favor after receipt of your Sales Confirmation,and will advise you of the shipping marks.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 16:Acceptance,Gentlemen,Referring to your offer of 15th Sept.we would like to send you the following order:,Product.,Quantity.,Price,The articles should equal to those described in your brochure and to the samples sent us.,We expect delivery free of charge before 5th Oct.Packing is to be in boxes and with no extra charge.,Remittance will be made upon receipt and inspection of the goods.,Please confirm this order.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 17:Acceptance,Gentlemen,We wish to confirm receipt of your order of 26th Sept.for the shipment of 5th Oct.,We will dispatch the good to you as per our agreed schedule of delivery.Shipment will be made in accordance with the conditions of our offer dated 15th.,We are certain you will be successful with these goods.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 18:Acceptance,Gentlemen,With reference to our letter of the 23rd March and your cable of 5th April,we have pleasure in confirming the following order:,Commodity:,Maotai Jiu,Alcohol Content:5557%,Capacity:500 grams per bottle,Quantity:200 dozen,Price:RMB¥380 per dozen CIF Antwerp,Packing:in cases of 24 bottles,Shipment:in June,1998,The relative letter of credit will be airmailed soon and you are requested to ship the above lot by the first available steamer upon receipt of our L/C.,Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention,we remain.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 19:Rejection of an Order,We have received your order for shipment of June 1999.,Unfortunately,we must inform you that we are not presently in a position to deliver your order as specified.For the next 5 months our entire production is sold out.,We regret not being able to meet your order at the present time.,Yours faithfully,LETTER 20:,Dear,Mr,.Brown,It was a pleasure to receive your letter of 2nd May and learn that you are making plans for your,Mr,.,Chadwick,to visit our country next July.We shall be very happy to welcome him and to do all we can to make his visit both enjoyable and successful.,I gather that this will be,Mr,.,Chadwicks,first visit to Beijing,in which case he will,no doubt,wish to see some of our principal places of interest.A suitable,programme,is something we can discuss when he arrives.If he so wishes we can also introduce him to some of our sister corporations with whom you may like to do business.,When the date of,Mr,.,Chadwicks,visit is settled,please let us know the time of his arrival here.I will then arrange to meet him at the airport and drive him to his hotel.You may be sure he will have a warm welcome.,Yours sincerely,LETTER 21,Dear,Mr,.Mar,This letter will be handed to you by,Mr,.,Chadwick,our senior representative,who will be spending much of his time during April and May in the Far East,where we are anxious to extend our interests.We feel that we can not do better than to arrange for him to get in touch with you upon his arrival in,Hongkong,.With your knowledge and experience of conditions in the Far East you are better able to give the help he will need than anyone else we know.We hope it would not be too much to ask you to provide,Mr,.,Chadwick,with letters of recommendation where you think these would be useful.We shall regard as a personal favor any help you give,Mr,.,Chadwick,and will always be very happy to reciprocate.Yours sincerely,LETTER 22,Dear Madame,chao,Since I have just returned to New York,it is only now that I get the opportunity to send you and your associates a message of deep thanks for the cordial reception and hospitality extended to,Mr,.,Chadwick,and me,as well as my London associates,Mr,.,Fraenkel,and Wright,during our stay in Beijing the latter part of April.We do hope that you will give us,on an early occasion,an opportunity to reciprocate by visiting us here in New York as our guest.The visit to your country was a great revelation to me,and I look forward to an opportunity to repeat this visit sometime in the future.Kindly extend my greetings also to,Mr,.,Ren,An-,sheng,and to the lady interpreters who were so kind to us during our entire stay.Yours faithfully,LETTER 23,China National Import&Export Corp.Shanghai BranchShanghai,China 25,th,March,1999Bank of ChinaShanghai BranchShanghai,China,Private&Confidential,Dear Sirs,As we are on the point of executing a considerable order from,Messrs,.J.A.,Hussain,&Co.,P.O.Box 386,Karachi,we should be much obliged if you would inform us,in confidence,of their financial standing and modes of business.The reference they have given us is the Standard Chartered Bank,Karachi Branch.Will you please be good enough to approach the said bank for all possible information we require.It goes without saying that any information you may obtain for us will be treated as strictly confidential and with out any responsibility on your part.We thank you in advance.Yours faithfully,LETTER 24,BANK OF CHINAShanghaiChinaChina National Import&Export Corp.Shanghai BranchShanghai,China,Private&Confidential,Dear Sirs,In reply to your,lettre,of 25,th,March,we wish to inform you that we have now received from the Stand


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