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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,同步练习,复习课件,成长教育教学课件,讲课人:优质老师,呵护儿童健康成长,1,复习课件,同步练习,Module3 Unit1,Have you got Harry Potter DVDs?,2,复习课件,同步练习,A,C,E,F,B,D,3,复习课件,同步练习,Do you like reading books?,Where can we read books?,4,复习课件,同步练习,Which book do you like?,The Three,Little Pigs,Snow White,Red Riding,Hood,Tom and Jerry,Ma Liang and,His Magic Brush,The Frog,Prince,Harry Potter,Lion King,5,复习课件,同步练习,Group work:,1.Read the text,learn the word each other.,2.Answer the questions.,3.Ask your own questions.,6,复习课件,同步练习,谢,谢,观,看,7,复习课件,同步练习,l,i,b,ra,rian,Who is she?,8,复习课件,同步练习,Questions,:,1.Has the library got Harry Potter DVDs?,2.What is our favourite?,3.Will they give the books back in two weeks?,No,it hasnt.,Harry Potter is our favourite.,Yes,they will.,9,复习课件,同步练习,Practice:,Make a dialogue.,Borrow Books,10,复习课件,同步练习,D,C,B,A,A:,Excuse me.Have you got _?,Librarian:,Ill look on the _.Yes,we have.,A:,Where are they?/Where is it?,Librarian:,Ill show them to you.Theyre on Shelf _,_,_.Your _card,please.,A:,Here you are.,Librarian:,Please _ the books _ in _ weeks.,A:,We will.Thank you!,11,复习课件,同步练习,请在此输入您的大标题,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,12,复习课件,同步练习,Homework:,1.Read the text and recite it.,2.Complete the exercise book.,13,复习课件,同步练习,Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?,14,复习课件,同步练习,学习目标:,掌握句型:,Have you got?,Yes,I have./No,I havent.,15,复习课件,同步练习,“have got.”,在英语当中用来表示“有,.”,。其第三人称单数形式为“,has got.”,16,复习课件,同步练习,Examples:,1.,我有一条漂亮的连衣裙。,I have got a beautiful dress.,2.Amy,有一封电子邮件。,Amy has got an email.,17,复习课件,同步练习,have got havent got has got hasnt got,He _a beautiful T-shirt.,She wants some new books,but she _ any.,They _the Harry Potter videos,but they only have got the books.,We _lots of CDs in the libraries.,has got,hasnt got,havent got,have got,18,复习课件,同步练习,句型,Have you got?,是一般疑问句,意为“你,/,你们有,.,吗,?”,肯定回答为:,Yes,I/we have.,否定回答为:,No,I/we havent.,19,复习课件,同步练习,Examples:,-,你有,哈利波特,的录像带吗?,-,是的,我有。,-Have you got the Harry Potter videos?,-Yes,I have.,-,你们有苹果吗?,-,对不起,我们没有。,-,Have you got apples?,-Sorry,We havent.,20,复习课件,同步练习,New words and phrases,video,on Shelf C,favourite,a library card,return the books,in two weeks,录像带,在,C,架子上,最爱,一个借书卡,还书,在两周内,21,复习课件,同步练习,Amy:Excuse me.Have you got the,Harry Potter videos?,Librarian:Ill look on the computer.,Sorry,we havent got the videos.,But we have got the books.,Paragraph 1,22,复习课件,同步练习,请在此输入您的大标题,文本,文本,文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,23,复习课件,同步练习,Paragraph 2,Amy,:Where are they?,Librarian,:Theyre on Shelf C.,24,复习课件,同步练习,Paragraph3,Librarian:Ahh.Youve got lots of Harry,Potter books here!,Amy:Yes,we have.Harry Potters our,favourite.,Lingling:We like Harry Potter in China,too.,25,复习课件,同步练习,Paragraph4,Librarian:Your library card,please.,Amy:Here you are.,Librarian:Please return the books in two,weeks.,Amy and Lingling:Thank you.,26,复习课件,同步练习,Questions,1.Where did Amy and Lingling go?,They went to the library.,2.What did they do there?,They wanted to borrow videos.,3.What is the name of the video?,Harry Potter.,4.What did they borrow at last?,They borrowed some books.,27,复习课件,同步练习,Our show time,28,复习课件,同步练习,请输入第一章的大标题,请输入第一章的小标题,29,复习课件,同步练习,Read and circle“T”or“F”.,1)Amy wants the Harry Potter videos.T F,2)The library has got the Harry Potter videos.T F,The library hasnt got the Harry Potter videos.,3)The library has got the Harry Potter books.T F,4)The books are on Shelf D.T F,The books are on Shelf C.,5)Children dont like Harry Potter in China.T F,Children like Harry Potter in China.,6)Amy hasnt got a library card.T F,Amy has got a library card.,7)Amy should return the books in two weeks.T F,30,复习课件,同步练习,Homework,1.Borrow books and videos in English in our library corner.,31,复习课件,同步练习,The class is over,thank you!,32,复习课件,同步练习,


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