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5,Do you want to watch a game show?,Section A 1a-1c,Unit 5Section A,Free talk,Do you like watching TV?,Whats your favorite TV show?,Free talk,自主探究,How many kinds of TV shows do you know,?,自主探究 How many kinds of TV sh,Look at the pictures and answer:Can you say the names of the TV shows?,Look at the pictures and answe,game show,(,益智,),游戏节目,s,Do you want to watch a?,game show(益智)游戏节目sDo you want,才艺节目,talent show,s,What do you want to watch?,才艺节目talent showsWhat do you wa,talk show,s,访谈节目,脱口秀,What do you want to watch?,talk shows访谈节目What do you want,sports show,体育节目,s,What do you want to watch?,sports show体育节目sWhat do you wa,news,新闻,a piece,of news,two/three piece,s,of news,What do you,want to watch?,news 新闻a piece of newsWhat do,sitcom,=situation comedy,情景喜剧,s,comed,ies,What do you want to watch?,sitcom=situation comedy情景喜剧sc,soap opera,肥皂剧,s,What do you want to watch?,soap opera肥皂剧sWhat do you want,soap opera,肥皂剧,肥皂剧最早是指,20,世纪,30,年代美国,无线电广播中播放的一种长篇广播连续剧。由于当时的,赞助商主要是日用清洁剂厂商,,期间播的广告主要也是肥皂广告,“肥皂剧”的称呼便由此产生。,现在,人们也用来指一些剧情比较,拖沓、冗长的电视连续剧。,soap opera 肥皂剧,Sports News,CCTV News,Running Man,Animal World,Weather Report,体育新闻,中央新闻,跑男,动物世界,天气预报,More TV shows,Sports News体育新闻More TV shows,1a,Match the TV shows with the pictures a-g.,1.talk show_,2.soap opera_,3.sports show_,4.sitcom _,5.game show_,6.talent show_,7.news _,g,f,c,b,e,d,a,1a Match the TV shows with the,1b Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the,order you hear them.,_talent show _talk show,_soccer game _ news,1,2,4,3,1b Listen and number the shows,Mark:,Hey,Jack,I plan _ _ TV tonight.Do you want to join me?,Jack:,Sure.What do you want to watch?,Mark,:Well,what do you _ _ talk shows?,Jack,:I _ _ them,but sometimes they can be a bit_.,Mark:,That,s true.Do you want to just watch the _?,Jack:,I guess so.Maybe we can watch that new _ _ after the news.I usually cant stand talent shows,but that one is quite _.,Mark:,OK,sure,but the_ _ starts at 5:00 p.m.,Jack:,Oh,yeah,I want to watch that game,too.,Mark:Hey,Jack,I plan _,Tapescript,Mark:,Hey,Jack,I,plan to,watch TV tonight.,Do you want to join me?,Jack:,Sure.What do you,want to,watch?,Mark:,Well,what do you think of talk shows?,Jack:,I,dont mind,them,but sometimes they can,be a bit boring.,Mark:,Thats true.Do you want to just watch the news?,Jack:,I guess so.,Maybe,we can watch that new talent,show after the news.I usually,cant stand,talent,shows,but that one is quite funny.,Mark:,OK,sure,but the soccer game starts at 5:00 p.m.,Jack:,Oh,yeah,I want to watch that game,too.,plan to do sth.,计划做某事,Tapescript Mark:Hey,Jack,I,1.,think of,认为,What do you think of?,=How do you like?,你认为,/,觉得。怎么样?,What do you think of Chinese food?,=How do you like Chinese food?,I like it,Explanation,1.think of 认为 Explanation,I love it,.,I like it.,I dont like it.,=,I dislike it.,I cant stand it,.,I dont mind it.,What do you think of,news,?,How do you like,news,?,I love it.I like it.I dont li,I dont mind them.,What do you think of,talent show,s,?,How do you like,talent show,s,?,不介意,I dont mind them.What do you,2.mind v.,介意,多用于以下句型,:(,表示请求或征求意见,),后接名次、动名词或代词。,Would you mind doing?,你介意做某事吗?,Would you mind opening the door?,Do you mind?,你介意,吗,?,Do you mind my dog?,2.mind v.介意,I cant stand them.,How do you like,soap opera,s,?,无法忍受,what do you think of,soap opera,s,?,I cant stand them.How do you,3.stand v.,忍受;站立,cant stand doing sth.,不能忍受做某事,We cant stand standing too long,.,stand up,站起;起立,3.stand v.忍受;站立,What do you think of.?,love,like,dont mind,dont like,cant stand,(,不介意,不反对,),(,无法忍受,),I,them/it,They are/It is+adj.,adj.(,interesting/boring/relaxing),What do you think of.?love,love,like,dont mind,dont like,cant stand,观察它们,你发现了什么?,love,-,like,-dont mind-,dont like,-,cant,stand,喜恶程度,Do you know them,自主探究,lovelikedont minddont likeca,2a,Listen to Lin Hui and Sally,s conversation.,Number the TV shows 1-5in the order you,hear them.,_ sitcoms,_ news,_ game shows,_ talk shows,_ soap opera,1,2,3,4,5,2a Listen to Lin Hui and Sally,2b,Listen again.Complete the sentences.,1.Sally likes to watch,.,2.Lin Hui thinks she can learn,from sitcoms.,3.Sally thinks,are more educational,than sitcoms,4.Sally loves,.She plans to watch Days of Our Past,.,the news or talk,shows,some great jokes,game shows,soap operas,tonight,2b Listen again.Complete the,2c,Ask and answer questions about the TV shows,in 2a.Use information that is true for you.,A:Do you,plan to,watch the news tonight?,B:Yes,I like,watching the news.I watch it,every night.,A:Why?,B:Because I,hope to,find out,what,s going on,around the world.,2c Ask and answer questions ab,4.hope v./n.,希望,hope to do sth.,希望做某事,翻译:我希望能再次见到你。,hope,表示主观上的可能实现的愿望并对现实抱有信心;,wish,表示某种未完成或者不可能完成的愿望。,wish to do sth.,希望做某事,wish sb.to do sth.,希望某人做某事,hope sb.to do sth.,I hope to see you again.,4.hope v./n.希望I hope to see,5.find out,查明;弄清,辨析,look for,find,和,find out,look for,表示“寻找”,,强调“找”的动作。,find,表示找到具体的东西,,强调“找”的结果,。,find out,多指通过调查、询问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚;弄明白”。,5.find out 查明;弄清,Grace,:What did you do in class today,Sarah?,Sarah:,We,had a discussion,about TV shows.,My classmates like game shows and,sports shows.,Grace,:Oh,I can,t stand them.I,love soap operas.I like to,follow the story and see,what,happens,next.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Grace:What did you do in clas,Sarah:,Well,I don,t mind soap operas.But,my favorite TV shows are the news,and talk shows.,Grace,:They,re boring!,Sarah:,Well,they may not be very exciting,but,you can,expect to,learn a,lot from them,.,I,hope to,be a TV reporter,one day.,Sarah:Well,I dont mind soap,6.discussion n.,讨论,discuss v.,讨论,have a discussion,讨论,7.happen v.,发生;出现,sth.happen(s)to sb.,某人发生某事,8.expect v.,预料;期待,expect to do sth.,期望做某事,expect sb.to do sth.,期望某人做某事,翻译:我期待下周二去参观故宫博物馆。,I expect to visit the Palace Museum next Tuesday.,6.discussion n.讨论I expect to,我期待他能严肃地对待工作。,9.learnfrom,向,学习,learn a lot from sb.,向某人学到很多,翻译:我向我的英语老师学到了很多。,I expect him to take his work seriously.,I learned a lot from my English teacher.,我期待他能严肃地对待工作。I expect him to t,Do you want to watch the news?,Yes,I do./no,I don,t.,What do you plan to watch tonight?,I plan to watch Days of Our Past.,What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?,You can learn some great jokes.,Why do you like watching the news?,Because I hope to find out what,s going on around the world.,What do you think of talk shows?,I dont mind them./I can,t stand them./I love watching them.,Grammar Focus,Do you want to watch the news?,A:What do you plan to watch on TV tonight?,B:I hope to,but I also want,to,.,How about you?Do you,a talk show or,?,A:Oh,I want to,.,3a,Make a conversation and then practice it,with a partner.,watch sitcom,watch news,want to watch,talent show,watch talent show,A:What do you plan to watch o,3b,Answer these questions.Give answers that,are true for you.,What do you think of,game shows?,2.What comedy shows do,you like to watch?,3.Do you plan to watch a,sports show tonight?,4.What can you expect to,learn from the news?,3b Answer these questions.Giv,3c,Ask your classmates questions and,write their names in the chart.,Find someone who,Students names,wants to watch a movie,hopes to watch a sitcom,expects to watch the news,plans to watch a sports show,never wants to watch a game show,3c Ask your classmates questio,1.My grandfather likes wearing fashion clothes.,He _ what young people,_ (,认为,)him.,2.The old men _ rock music.,They think its too noisy.,3.Her sister _ soap operas.,4.I _ to go shopping with my mother.,Its crowded in the store.,doesnt,mind,think,of,cant,stand,loves,dont,like,Fill in the blanks.,Exercises,1.My grandfather likes wearin,5.-What _ you think of soap operas?,-I _ stand _.,6.-What _,your classmates think of sports shows?,-They _,mind _.,7.-What _ she think of my new shirt?,-She _ like _.,8.-What _ Tony think of the food?,-He likes _.,9.-What _ they think of the cat?,-They love _.,do,cant,them,do,does,doesnt,it,does,it,do,it,dont,them,5.-What _ you think of s,1._ do you _ the movie?Its very interesting.I like it.A.What;think B.How;think of C.What;feel D.How;like,此题考察句型,How do you like.?,故答案为,D,。,IV.,单项选择,Choose the right answer.,1._ do you _ the mo,2.Its too hot in the classroom.We cant _ it.,We all _ up and go out of the classroom.,A.mind;stand B.stand;stand C.sit;stand,此题考察的是,stand,的两个词义。句意是“教室里太热了。我们不能忍受。我们都站起来走出了教室”。故答案为,B,。,2.Its too hot in the classro,3.I love this movie,I dont mind_ it again.,A.watch B.watching C.to watch,mind,后跟动词,ing,形式做宾语,故答案为,B,。,mind后跟动词ing形式做宾语,故答案为B。,1.,你觉得肥皂剧怎么样,?,我受不了。,_ do you _ _ _ _?,I _ _ _.,2.,他不喜欢情景喜剧。,He _ _ _.,3.Tina,对运动节目不在乎。,Tina _ _ _ _.,What,think,of,soap,operas,cant,stand,them,doesnt,like,sitcoms,doesnt,mind,sports,shows,.,中译英,1.你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?我受不了。Whatthink,4.Tony,认为谈话节目怎么样,?,他很喜爱它。,-What _Tony think of _ _?,-He _ it.,5.,我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。,My brother _ Sports World _ my,sister likes _,does,talk show,loves,likes,while,sitcom,4.Tony认为谈话节目怎么样?他很喜爱它。doest,6.,你认为这条裙怎么样,?,我无法忍受它的颜色。,7.,你妈妈喜欢访谈节目吗,?,非常喜欢,因为她认为它们很有趣。,-What,do,you,think,of,this,skirt?,-I cant,stand,its,color.,-Does your mother like talk shows?,-Yes,she does.She thinks theyre interesting,.,6.你认为这条裙怎么样?我无法忍受它的颜色。-Wha,Summary,What do you think of.?,Some names of TV shows,.,Ilove/likethem/it,SummaryWhat do you think of.,Too much TV is bad for us!,Do more exercise if you have time!,Too much TV is bad for us!,Unit 5,Do you want to watch a game show?,Section B,Unit 5Section B,Survey:,Do you like watching movies?,Do you know the kinds of,movies?Which kind do you,like best?Why?,Survey:,The kinds of the movies:,action movie,动作片,The kinds of the movies:action,comedy,喜剧,comedy喜剧,cartoon,cartoon,war movie,战争片,war movie,Other kinds of movies:,science fiction movie,科幻电影,Other kinds of movies:science,Beijing opera,京剧,Beijing opera,1a,What do you think of these TV shows and movies?Choose words from the box and write them under the pictures.,educational serious wonderful,relaxing,meaningless enjoyable,exciting boring,1a What do you think of these,talk show,_,soap opera,肥皂剧,_,sports show,News,_,game show,_,exciting,serious,educational,enjoyable,boring,talk showsoap opera肥皂剧sports s,talent show,_,comedy,_,action movie,scary movie,_,cartoon,_,relaxing,enjoyable,educational,exciting,meaningless,talent showcomedyaction movies,1b,Listen and circle the description words you,hear in the box in 1a.,educational serious wonderful,relaxing,meaningless enjoyable,exciting boring,1b Listen and circle the descr,John,Mary,Action movies,exciting,Scary movie,Game shows,sitcoms,Talk shows,1c,Listen again.Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies.,exciting,meaningless,meaningless,relaxing,relaxing,enjoyable,boring,boring,wonderful,JohnMaryAction moviesexcitingS,1d,Tell your partner what John and Mary like to watch and why.Then tell your partner what you like to watch and why.,John wants to watch talk shows because theyre enjoyable.I like,to watch action movies because theyre exciting.,1d Tell your partner what John,2a,Discuss the following questions with a partner.,Do you like to watch cartoons?,What is your favorite cartoon?,Why do you like it?,2a Discuss the following quest,When people say,“,culture,”,we,think of,art and history.But one,very famous symbol in American,culture is a cartoon.We all know,and,love,the black mouse with two large round ears-Mickey Mouse.,Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon,Steamboat Willie,.,2b,Read the passage and complete the time,line on the next page.,When people say“culture”,we,When this cartoon,came out,in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.,When this cartoon came out in,Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.,One of the main reasons is that,Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.In his early films,Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or,girlfriend,Minnie.However,he,was always ready to try his best,.People,went to the cinema,to see the,“,little man,”,win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.,Some people might ask how this,On,November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Today,s cartoons,are usually,not so,simple,as,little Mickey Mouse,but everyone still knows and loves,him.Who has,a pair of,ears more famous than Mickey,s?,On November 18,1978,Mickey b,November 18,1978,Steamboat Willie,came out in New York,November 18,1928,Walt Disney made 87 cartoons,with Mickey Mouse.,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,1930s,November 18,1978Steamboat Wil,2c,Read the passage again and fill in the facts,about Mickey.,Mickey Mouse,What does he look like?,Who created him?,What was his first cartoon?,Who is his girlfriend?,Why is he popular?,He is a black mouse with two large round ears.,Walt Disney,Steamboat Willie,Minnie,Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.,2c Read the passage again and,好莱坞星光大道,(Walk of Fame),位于,加利福尼亚,州好莱坞。包括了超过,2500,枚五尖水磨石及黄铜的“星星”,镶嵌在沿着“好莱坞大道”,15,个街区和“藤街”,3,个街区的人行道上,。“星星”代表着对娱乐产业有杰出成就的人的永恒纪念,记载着演员、音乐家、导演、制作人、音乐组合乐队、戏剧团体、虚拟人物和其他人的名字。,星光大道是由,好莱坞,商会和自筹资金的好莱坞历史信托共同维护的。这是一个著名的旅游胜地。据报道至,2003,年,有大约,1000,万旅客参观了此地。,好莱坞星光大道(Walk of Fame)位于加利福尼亚,每颗星皆由一颗水磨石制成:将其制成粉色五角星形并镶上青铜然后嵌入深灰色的方块中。粉色星形内是刻在青铜上的授奖者名字,在此下面则为一环状标志,代表受奖人领取星星的领域。这些标志有:,电影摄影机:对,电影产业,有所贡献。,电视机:对电视产业有所贡献。,留声机唱片:对唱片产业有所贡献。,广播麦克风:对广播产业有所贡献。,悲喜剧面具:对现场戏剧有所贡献。,每颗星皆由一颗水磨石制成:将其制成粉色五角星形并镶上青铜然后,新人教版八年级上Un课件,新人教版八年级上Un课件,新人教版八年级上Un课件,新人教版八年级上Un课件,1.When this cartoon,came out,in New York on,November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon,with sound and music.,当这部动画片于,1928,年,11,月,18,问世于纽约,时,它成为第一部带有音乐的动画片。,come out,:,出版,;,出来,;,出现,e.g.The book,comes out,this week.,该书本周上市。,Oh,look!The suns coming out!,噢,看!太阳出来啦!,1.When this cartoon came out,2.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.,在二十世纪三十年代,他制作了,87,部与米老鼠有关的动画片。,年代的表达:,in+the+,基数词,+s,He became famous in the 1940s.,他在二十世纪四十年代变得很有名气。,2.In the 1930s,he made 87 car,3.One of,the main,reason,s is,that,Mickey was,like a common man,but he always tried to,face any danger.,一个主要原因是米奇看似一个普通人,但,他总是尝试应对任何危险。,one of+,可数名词复数:,之一,做主语时,谓语动词用单数。,e.g.,One of,my favorite,movies,is,Mr.Bean.,我最喜欢的电影之一是憨豆先生。,One of,my best,friends,is,Ann.,安是我最好的朋友之一。,3.One of the main reasons is,4.However,he,was,always,ready to try his best,.,然而,他总是做好尽全力的准备。,1),be/get,ready to do sth,准备做某事,e.g.Are you ready to start?,你准备好了吗?,Please get ready to start.,请作好开始的准备。,4.However,he was always read,2),Try one,s best,尽某人最大的努力,try one,s best to do sth.,尽某人最大的努力做某事,e.g.Dont give up.Just try your best.,不要放弃。只管尽你最大的努力。,Come on,!,Just try your best to let your dream,come true.,加油!尽最大的努力去实现你的梦想吧。,2)Try ones best 尽某人最大的努力,5.People,went to the cinema,to see the,“,little,man,”,win.,人们去电影院是为了看这个,“,小人儿,”,赢。,go to the cinema,也可译为,“,看电影,”,类似,表达如下:,go to the movies,see a movie/film,5.People went to the cinema t,6.Today,s cartoons are usually,not so,simple,as,little Mickey Mouse.,现在的卡通片通常不像米老鼠那样简单。,not so/as,as,:,不像,那 样,;,不如,这么,”,又如:,It wasn,t so good as last time.,这次不如上次好。,It is not so easy as you,d think.,这不像你想的那样简单。,6.Todays cartoons are usuall,1.,想起,考虑,的看法,_,2.,例如,_,3.,发行,;,出版,_,4.,在二十世纪三十年代,_,5.,主要原因之一,_,6.,努力做某事,_,7.,准备好做某事,_,8.,尽最大努力,_,Lets review the phrases.,think of,come out,in the 1930s,one of the main reasons,be ready to do sth.,try ones best,try to do sth.,such as,1.想起,考虑,的看法 _,3a,Fill in the blanks in the movie review.Use,the words in the box to help you.,fantastic shows action want comes from played about,like exciting plan,Mulan is an,movie.It,_ an old Chinese story.The movie,is,a village girl,Mulan.She dresses up like a boy and takes her father,s place to fight in the army.,about,comes from,exciting action,3a Fill in the blanks in the m,I think the actress,_,Mulan,s role well.The other,actors are also,and,they did a good job in the movie.I,Mulan very much.The movie,her love for her family,friends and country.If you,to watch a movie this weekend and you,to see something enjoyable,choose Mulan!,played,fantastic,like,shows,plan,want,I think the actress _,3b,Write notes for your own movie review.,The name of the movie:_,The kind of movie:_,What the movie is about:_,What you think of the movie/stars:,_,3b Write notes for your own mo,The name of the movie:_,The kind of the movie:_,What the movie is about:,_,_,_,_,What you think of the movie/star:,_,The Lion King,Cartoon,Simbas father was the king.But his uncle,Scar killed his father.When Simba grew up,he came back to the forest and became the true king.,Write notes for your own movie review.,It was fantastic.,3b,The name of the movie:_,4,What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies?Write description words for each one.,me,My partner,Soap operas,Talent shows,News,Sports shows,Game shows,Talk shows,Comedies,Scary movies,Action movies,Cartoons,4 What do you and your partner,Self check,本题是根据提示词来进行问答。问句和答语中没有对人称的提示,因此应自主确定人称。可以用,you,来询问,则回答应用,I,;如果是用第三人称来询问,则回答也相应地用第三人称来答,如果是第三人称单数形式还应注意动词用恰当的第三人称单数形式。,1.Write questions and answers using the words in the brackets.,Self check本题是根据提示词来进行问答。问句和答语中,1),What do you think of soap operas?,I cant stand them.,What does your father think of soap,operas?,He cant stand them,too.,2),What show do you want to watch tonight?,I want to watch a talent show.,1)What do you think of soap,3),What does she expect to learn from game show?,She expects to learn some interesting information.,4),What does your grandpa hope to,watch tomorrow?,He hopes to watch news.,3)What does she expect to l,5),Do you plan to watch an action movie?,No,I dont.I plan to watch a comedy.,5)Do you plan to watch an a,1),I think game shows are meaningless.(),2)I cant stand soap operas.(),2.Which of these statements do you agree with(,)or disagree with(,)?Give at least one reason.,I think we can learn some interesting things from game shows.,I think soap operas are interesting and relaxing.,1)I think game shows are mean,3)I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing.(),4)I love talk shows.(),5)I think comedies are fantastic.(),I think talk shows are boring.,3)I think sitcoms and talent,THANK YOUGOODBYE,THANK YOU,


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