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Joe,Becky,Tom and his friends adventure,It is written in everyday English,and the dialogues sound especially real.,Complete the table with the information about,The Adventure of Tom Sawyer,.,3,P59,Task 2,Answer the following questions.Use the words and expressions in the box.,1.What kind of story is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?,2.What does the book tell about?,adventure hero,nineteenth century treasure,It is an adventure story.,It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures.,Choos,T or F,1Tom is the hero of the book who lives with his parents.(),2Tom always gets into trouble.(),3A bad man looks for Tom and he escapes from a cave with his friend.(),F,T,T,How do Tom and Huck feel when everyone thinks they are dead?,They feel very sorry.,How do people feel when they find Tom and Huck are still alive?,They feel surprised at first and then they are very pleased,.,Why is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book?,Because,It tells how young people grow,how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.,It is written in everyday English,and the dialogues sound especially real.,It is still read and loved by people all over the world.,Work in pairs.Read the first paragraph of the passage.,1,P58,One of my favourite great books is,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,by Mark Twain.The story is set in the town of St Petersburg,Missouri,in the US,in the nineteenth century.It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures.,Learning to,Noticing words and expressions that are,similar,or,repeated,will help you understand the theme of a passage.For example,the expressions,many adventures,run away,and,treasure box,in,The Adventure of Tom Sawyer,show us that,the story will be an exciting adventure,.,1.Why does Tom always get into trouble?,2.How do people feel when they see Tom and Huck appear in the church?,3.What can we know from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer?,Because Tom doesnt like people telling him what to do.,They are surprised to see them at first,but very pleased to find that they are alive.,We can know how people live in the southern states of America at that time and how young people grow,how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.,Task 3,Look through the passage again and answer the questions.,Set in the(1)_ of Missouri,in the US,The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a lively story full of fun.Tom and his friend Huck have many adventures.My favourite part is when their family and(2)_ go to church because they think Tom and Huck are dead!The book is also full of wonderful(3)_.The conversations are written in the(4)_ English of nineteenth-century Missouri,and sound especially real.It is truly great book!,dialogue everyday neighbour state,state,neighbours,dialogues,everyday,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,4,P59,Task 4,Translate the phrases.,1.,顺便问一下,by the way,2.,逃跑,run away,3.,有意义,make sense,4.,遇上麻烦,get into trouble,5.,一度,for a time,6.,高兴做某事,be pleased to do,sth,7.,从洞穴逃离出来,escape from the cave,8.,对,感到惊讶,be surprised at,9.,听起来特别真实,sound especially real,10.,被认为是,It is thought to be,Language points,1.Tom,escapes from,a cave with another friend,Becky.,汤姆和另一个朋友贝姬从山洞里逃了出来。,escape from,从,逃跑,逃脱,escape(doing)sth.,逃避,(,做,),某事,Thebird,escaped from,thecageyesterday.,昨天鸟从笼子里跑了。,He,escaped being hurt,in the accident.,他没在那次事故中受伤。,2.Everyone,is surprised to,see them at first,but very pleased to find that they are alive.,刚开始,大家看见他们还感到有些惊讶,但是发现他俩还活着,大家都很开心。,be surprised to do sth.,惊奇地做某事,be surprised at sth.,对某事感到惊讶,to ones surprise,使某人惊奇的是,看到他在这里,我们都很惊讶。,We,are surprised to,see him here.,Practise,我对他的回答感到吃惊。,I,am surprised at,his answer.,be pleased to do sth.,高兴地做某事,be pleased with,+sb./sth.,对,满意,Practise,我很高兴能帮上你的忙。,I,am,very,pleased,to,be able to help you.,老师对你很满意。,The teacher,is pleased with,you.,3.and how bad people pay for their actions.,以及坏人如何为他们的行为受到惩罚。,pay for,的意思是“,为,付出代价;受惩罚,”。例如:,We all,pay for,our mistakes in one way or another.,我们都会为自己的错误付出这样或那样的代价。,These people must be made to,pay for,their crimes.,必须让这些人为他们自己的罪行付出代价,.,4.and,it is thought to be,one of the greatest American stories.,人们认为这本书是美国最好的小说之一。,It is thought to be,的意思是“,人们认为,”,,相当于,People think,类似的结构还有:,is said to be,“,据,说,”;,is believed to be,“,人们相信,”,。,Practise,据说他是世界上最富有的人。,He,is said to be,the richest man in the world.,人们相信,115,岁高龄的杰克逊夫人是该国最长寿的人。,At 115,Mrs Jackson,is believed to be,the oldest person in the country.,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly,板块是帮助学生学,习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。,通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词,的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。,Let the word fly,Let the word fly,1.,run away,潜逃;逃跑,You cant keep running away from the problem.,你不能再继续,逃避,这个问题了。,2.,run out,用光;耗尽,They returned home from South Africa when their money ran out.,他们的钱,花光,时,便从南非返回家乡。,3.,run down sth.,快速看,(,清单,),Ill just run down the list and see if weve forgotten anything.,我只,快速看,了一下清单,看看我们有没 有什么遗漏。,Read the passage and try to answer the questions.,P1 Where and when is the story set?,It is set in the town of St Petersburg,Missouri,in the 19th century.,P2 Why does Tom always get into trouble?,Because he does not like people telling him what to do.,P3 1.What is the writers favourite part?,His favourite part is when Tom and Huck start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River.,2.How does people feel when Tom and Huck suddenly appear?,Everyone is surprised to see them at first,but very pleased to find that they are alive.,P4 1.When did Mark Twain write the book?,He wrote it in 1876.,2.What is the book thought to be?,It is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.,Writing,5,P59,Work in pairs.Ask and answer.,Would you like to read,The Adventure of Tom Sawyer,?,Why/Why not?,Your favourite book,Writer,Place where the story is set,Main characters,Stories the book tells,Theme,Features,H.G.Wells,England,Griffin,Griffin,a evil scientist,uses his power in a way that is wrong,If I was invisible,would I steal from people and hurt them just because I could?Or would I still try to be a good person?,The story is told in the first person.,6,P59,Complete the Your favourite book column in the table.,7,P59,Write a passage about your favourite book.Use the passage in Activity 2 and the information in Activity 6 to help you.,My favourite book is,Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,by J.K.Rowling.It is a story about a boy,My favourite book is,The Invisible Man,by H.G.Wells.,The story is set in,England near the end of the 19th century.,It is the story of,a man called Griffin.Griffin is a scientist,but he is also an evil man who dreams of power and wealth.,One day,he discovers a way to make things invisible.He makes himself invisible,but he cannot figure out a way to make himself visible again.In disguise,he hides in a small village in England.When he runs out of money,he turns to crime and steals from people.,Possible answer:,He can do this easily because he is invisible.But he is angry because he cannot make himself visible again,and he soon goes mad.He thinks he can use his power to take over the world.He commits many more crimes before he is killed by angry villagers.,The Invisible Man,is about,someone who uses his power in a way that is wrong.,Readers can ask themselves a question:,If I was invisible,would I steal from people and hurt them just because I could?Or would I still try to be a good person?,8,Work in pairs.Talk about your favourite book.,get into trouble,2.escape from,3.be surprised to,4.pay for,5.It is still read and loved by people all over the world.,6.It is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.,本课时主要短语和句型,总结回顾,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1.,English-Chinese,adventure funeral neighbour southern dialogue alive state,2.,Chinese-English,逃离;逃脱 惊奇的;惊讶的 为,付出代价 日常的;普通的,When finished,exchange your papers to see who does the best.,Words:,escape dead neighbour state surprised alive southern everyday,Phrases:,get into trouble run away pay for,for a time be surprised to,Patterns:,Its written in everyday English.,It is still read and loved by people all over the world.,It is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.,Focus on,Quiz,注,:,另附,word,文档。,点击此处链接,1.The panda is called Chinas national _.,2.I hear that an old man lives in that _.,3.Nobody here knows whether her father is,dead or _.,4.I did very well in the English exam last,week.,So did I.My parents were very _ with me.,5.The _ of Earth Day 2013 is“The Face of Climate Change”.,.,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。,cave theme alive treasure please,treasure,cave,alive,pleased,theme,.,根据汉语意思完成下列句子,。,1.快点儿!不要让那贼跑掉。,Be quick!Dont let the thief _ _.,2.你也想长大后当一名英语老师吗?,Do you also want to be an English teacher when you _ _?,3.丹尼曾和他的祖父在纽约生活过一段时间。,Danny lived with his grandfather in New York _ _ _.,run,away,grow up,for a time,Homework,1.Finish reading,The Adventure of Tom Sawyer,.,2.Preview the use of present passive voice.,1,pleased,2 southern,3.states,4 dead,5 alive,6 caves,7 theme,8 escape,9 funeral,10 actions,


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