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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Section B,Period(2a-2c),Unit 12,Section BUnit 12,1,Teaching Goals,一、language knowledge:,1.to grasp the meaning and uses of these new words:,and phrases:,high,ago,India,moon,surprise,snake move,jump,wake,into,forest,ear,put up,get a surprise,shout to,Jump up and down,wake.up,2.to understand and read these words:,tent,scared,二、language skills:,1.to learn to use the new words freely.,2.to understand the article in 3a and learn to talk about the,affairs that happened,3.to develop a life skill:what to do in face of danger,Teaching Goals,2,What did you do,?,Played soccer,What did you do?Played soccer,3,What did she do,?,Played computer,What did she do?Played compute,4,What did they do?,Fed animals,Read a book,Took abus,What did they do?Fed animalsRe,5,put the following into English orally,(1)中学毕业,(2)作为一个特殊礼物,(3)带我们去印度,(4)坐了很长时间汽车,(5)搭起帐篷,(6)生火让我们取暖,(7)相互讲故事,(8)受到大的惊吓,(9)看到一条蛇正睡在火旁,(10)吵醒了蛇,(11)感到东西在动,put the following into English,6,Translate the sentences,(12)作为一份特殊的礼物,我父母带我们去印度。,(13)那里我们支起帐篷,生活取暖并做饭。,(14)但是我太累了,很早就睡了。.,(15)我太害怕了,以至于一动不能动。,(16)我们大声呼喊父母,让他们知道我们的危险。,(17)这样把蛇弄醒了,它进入到湖旁的森林里去了。,(18)他还告诉我重要的是别靠近蛇。,(20)当我们往帐篷外看时,我们看到一条蛇正睡在火旁。,Translate the sentences(12)作为,7,tiger,lion,A,re you afraid of them,?,tigerlion Are you afraid of th,8,finished high school,finished high school,9,took a long bus ride,took a long bus ride,10,put up a tent,put up a tent,11,made a fire to cook food on,made a fire to cook food on,12,sat under the moon,sat under the moon,13,saw a snake sleeping,saw a snake sleeping,14,so scared that couldnt move,so scared that couldnt move,15,started to jump up and down,started to jump up and down,16,moved into the forest,moved into the forest,17,2b,Read about Lisas weekend and answer the questions.,1.How was Lisas weekend?,2.Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend?,3.How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?,4.What did Lisa and her sister do?,5.What did their parents do?Why did they do that?,6.What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend?,2b Read about Lisas weekend,18,Who finished high school two weeks ago?,2.,Why did our parents take us to India?,3.How was Lisas weekend?,4.,What did we do when went camping in a small village in India?,It was interesting but scary.,As a special gift,our parents take us to India,.,My sister finished high school two weeks ago.,We,took a long bus ride to a small village in India,put up our tents and made a fire to cook food on,we sat under the moon and told each other stories.,Who finished high school two w,19,5.How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?,6.What did Lisa and her sister do?,7.What did their parents do?Why did they do that?,8.What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend?,They shouted to their parents.,Her father jumped up and down to scare the snake.,Dont go near snakes./Snakes cant hear but they can feel movements.,She was so scared that she couldnt move.,5.How did Lisa feel when she,20,2c,Put the phrases in order according to the passage.,2c Put the phrases in order ac,21,_ snake went into the forest,_ put up our tests and cooked food,_ learned a useful lesson,_ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help,_ snakes cant hear but can feel things moving,_ my dad jumped up and down in his tent,_ took a bus to a small village in India,_ told stories under the moon,then went to sleep,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,_ snake went into the fores,22,judge true or false.If it is false,please correct it.,1.Lisas sister left school two days ago.T F,2.The trip from the city to the lake took a long time by train.T F,3.It was cloudy on their first night of camping,because there was no moon.T F,4.Lisa and her sister wasnt afraid of the snake.T F,5.Lisas mother jumped up and down because snakes could feel things moving and then it would leave there.T F,6.They killed the snake in the end.T F,judge true or false.If it is,23,Retell the passage according to the answers.,1.My sister finished high school two weeks ago.,2.As a special gift,our parents take us to India.,3.Last weekend was interesting but scary.,4.We took a long bus ride to a small village in India.We put up our tents and made a fire to cook food on.We sat under the moon and told each other stories.,5.She was so scared that she couldnt move.,6.They shouted to their parents.,7.Her father jumped up and down to scare the snake.,8.Dont go near snakes./Snakes cant hear but they can feel movements.,Retell the passage according,24,My sister finished high school two weeks ago.As a special gift,our parents(1)_(take)us to India.Last weekend(2)_(be)interesting but scary.,We went camping in a small village in India.First,we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.There we put up our tents and(3)_(make)a fire(4)_(keep)us warm and cook food on.On the first night,we just(5)_(sit)under the moon and told each other stories.But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.,The next morning,my sister and I got a terrible surprise.When we looked out of our tent,we saw a big snake(6)_(sleep)near the fire.I was so scared that I couldnt move.We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger.My dad started(7)_(jump)up and down in their tent.This woke the snake up and it(8)_(move)moved into the forest near the lake.My dad told me later that snakes(9)_(not have)ears but can feel things moving.He also told me it was important(10)_(not go)near a snake.This was a very useful lesson for me,took,was,made,to keep,sat,sl,eeping,to jump,dont have,not to go,moved,My sister finished high school,25,Ways out may be,We cant run.,We can bend down pretending to get sth to throw at the dogs.,we should stare and shout at them loudly because the more you are afraid of them,the more they run after you,Ways out may be,26,Inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究,一As a special gift,our parents took us to India.,1)翻译为:,。As 这里是“_”的意思,Take sb.to.意思是_,作为一名学生,我们要努力学习,As a student,we should study hard,。,去年,我父母带我去了北京,。,二.My sister finished high school two weeks ago.,_,two weeks ago 两星期前,一段时间+ago意为“_”,是表达过去的时间。它常与_连用。,三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。,_,作为一个特殊礼物,我们父母带我们去了印度,作为,_,带-去_,Last year,my parents took me to Beijing.,我姐姐两周前高中毕业了,_,多久前_,Three days ago,we visited the Science Museum,_,过去式,Inquiry into knowledge by tran,27,三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。,_,三.There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.,_,put up 意为“_;_”,如:让我们将帐篷搭起来吧。,_,如果你有什么问题,请举起手来。,_,to keep us warm and cook food on 的意思是“_”;表示目的,我们常用_作目的状语。,如:为了把英语学好,他每天早起读英语,。,四 But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.,翻译_,I was so scared that I couldnt move.,翻译_,三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。,28,Three days ago,we visited the Science Museum_.,三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。,三.There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.,_.,在那儿我们支起帐篷生火取暖并在上面做饭,put up 意为“,_搭起;举起,to keep us warm and cook food on 的意思是“,使我们暖和,;,在火上做饭,”;表示目的,我们常用_,不定式_,作目的状语。,如:为了把英语学好,他每天早起读英语,To study English well,he gets up early to read English every day,.,四 But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.,翻译_,我太疲劳了,以至于早早就睡觉了_,I was so scared that I couldnt move.,翻译,_我吓得动不了了_,。,Three days ago,we visited the,29,He also told me it was important not to go near a snake,他告诉我们以后不要靠近蛇是重要的,这是一个常见的结构:Its+_,形容词,_+不+其他成分。,常用的形容词除了important之外,还有,easy,difficult,interesting,等。,例如:游泳很有趣。,_,Its interesting to swim,._,He also told me it was importa,30,exercises,用所给词的适当形式补全句子。,1.She _(make)a fire _(cook)some food yesterday.,2.They went _(camp)in a small village in India.,4.When we_(look)out of our tent,we _(see)a big snake _(sleep)near the fire.,5.She got a great _(surprise)when she heard the _(surprise)news.,She was greatly_(surprise).,6.she was too_(scare)_(move)when she _(see)the _(scare)snake.,8.I felt someone_(follow)me,.,exercises用所给词的适当形式补全句子。,31,answers,1Made -to cook,2.camping,3.looked saw,sleeping,4.surprise,surprising,surprise d,6.scared,to move,saw,scary .,8.folllowing,answers1Made -to cook,32,完形填空,Mr Green worked in an office.Every morning 1_breakfast with his family at half past seven,_2 his newspaper,drank a cup of coffee and then left his house at eight oclock and went to,3,his train to town.,One morning he was still sitting happily at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at five past eight.He asked his wife for,4,cup of coffee.,“One more?”she asked.“but arent you going to the office today?Have you got a holiday?”,“The office?”he looked up from his newspaper and _5_ sadly.“I thought I wasat the office.”,()1.eats B eat C.eating,D.ate,()2.A.watchedB.saw,C.read,D.ate,()3.A.makeB.byC.haveD.,take,()4.A.otherB.,another,C.the otherD.others,()5.A.speaked B.sayingC.saysD.,said,Answers:1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D,完形填空,33,改错,1.we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food.,2.He is so young that he can go to school.,3 He also told me it was important not go near a snake.,.4.My sister finish.high school two weeks ago.,5.She got a great surprised.,answers,1.on 2.cant 3.to go 4.finished 5.surprise,改错,34,H,omework,1.You must do:3a fill in the blanksand Self Check Part 1and 2.,2.workbook:the left parts of sectionB,3.choose to do:write a passage about your last weekend(within 80 words),4.revise the new words and check by themselves,Homework,35,Thanks a lot,Thanks a lot,36,


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