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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Getting from A to B,UNIT,4,Getting from A to BUNIT 4,Unit 4 Getting from A to B,Wrapping up,Fun time,Unit 4 Getting from A to B,deal with problems when traveling,4,Learning objectives,talk about different types of transportation,1,ask yourself information questions before listening,2,make and respond to apologies,3,deal with problems when travel,Opening up,1,Think of two types of transportation.Then work in pairs and ask each other as few yes/no questions as possible to find out the types of transportation in your partners mind.,Here are some examples:,Does it go on the road?,Is it big?,Is it for lots of people?,Land:,scooter,bike,motorbike,taxi,tram,underground/subway,van,train,bus,lorry/truck,car,Sea:,ship,boat,ferry,Air:,helicopter,plane,Opening up 1Think of two types,Listening to the world,Sharing,Listening,Viewing,Listening to the worldSharingL,Listening to the world,Sharing,1,Watch a podcast for its general idea.,In the podcast,the people talk about how they get to work,what they do on their journey to work,what they like and dont like about their journey.,Listening to the worldSharing1,Listening to the world,Sharing,2,Watch Part 1 and check the answers.,A,B,C,D,E,F,bus,car,walking,walking;,the tube,bus;,walking,bike,Listening to the worldSharing2,Listening to the world,3,Watch Part 2 and fill in the blanks.,Sharing,A,fresh air,avoid holes,C,4)dream,5)looking out of the window,D,6)an accident,B,3)think about,Listening to the world3Watch P,Listening to the world,4,Watch Part 3 and match the statements to the people.,Sharing,1,E,2,F,3,A,4,D,5,B,6,C,Listening to the world4Watch P,Listening to the world,5,Watch Part 4 and match the statements to the people.,Sharing,1,B,2,C,3,A,4,D,5,F,6,E,Listening to the world5Watch P,In my city/town,most students get to school,_(how).,I 2)_(how)and it takes,3)_(how long).,I usually 4)_ and,5)_(activities)on the journey.,Listening to the world,6,Write a paragraph about your journey to school.Use the prompts to help you,by underground,Sharing,go to school by bus,about an hour,listen to music,look out of the window,In my city/town,most studen,Listening to the world,Sharing,Listening,Viewing,Listening to the worldSharingL,Listening to the world,1,Look at the pictures and then match the titles to the pictures.,Listening,BEFORE,you listen,A,3,B,1,C,2,Listening to the world1Look at,Listening to the world,Listening,BEFORE,you listen,2,Before hearing a museum guide introduce three transportation ideas,write down at least four questions about what information may be given in the recording.,1,What,was the transportation idea?,2,Who,invented it?,3 What was,the idea behind it,?,4 What was,the problem with it,?,5,How,successful was it?,Listening to the worldListenin,Listening to the world,Listening,Listening skills,Asking yourself information questions before listening,Listening to the worldListenin,Listening to the world,3,Listen to the recording and write down the answers to the information questions you have asked.,Listening,WHILE,you listen,4,Work in pairs.Compare your questions and answers.Which questions are not answered in the recording?,Listening to the world3Listen,Listening to the world,5,Read the table.Then listen to the recording again and complete the table.,Listening,1)1962,2)leave their cars at home,3)public transport,4)build,5)keep in good condition,6)1948,7)got in and drove away,8)engineering problem,9)too heavy,10)strong,11)private,12)difficult to fly,13)traffic problems,WHILE,you listen,Listening to the world5Read th,Listening to the world,6,Work in pairs and discuss:What do you like about each idea mentioned in the recording?Why?,Listening,After,you listen,I like the idea of,the home helicopter,because with,a home helicopter,one can,fly directly to the place he/she wants to by taking the shortest route.,Listening to the world6Work in,Listening to the world,7,Work in pairs and look at the pictures of transportation inventions on the right.Think of,two problems with each invention.,Listening,After,you listen,The Horseless Sulky:,It can only hold two people.,Its difficult to slow down.,Its open to bad weather conditions.,Listening to the world7Work in,Listening to the world,7,Work in pairs and look at the pictures of transportation inventions on the right.Think of,two problems with each invention.,Listening,After,you listen,The Lightning Bug:,Its very small.,Its difficult to get in and out.,Listening to the world7Work in,Listening to the world,8,Work in pairs.Student A:Look at Page 145.Student B:Look at Page 146.,Listening,After,you listen,Student A:,Tell your partner about the Horseless Sulky.Why is it better than the Lightning Bug?,An Italian invented it in the 1930s.,Its easy to get into and out of the Horseless Sulky.,Its easy to see things on the left and right.,Its easy to turn.,It can go up to 190 km/h.,Student B:,Tell your partner about the Lightning Bug.Why is it better than the Horseless Sulky?,An American invented it in the 1930s.,Its completely safe impossible to crash,and it cant turn over.,There isnt any glass,only plastic windows.,It can stop faster than a car.,It can go up to 65 km/h.,Listening to the world8Work in,Listening to the world,8,Work in pairs.Student A:Look at Page 145.Student B:Look at Page 146.,Listening,After,you listen,Student A:,The Horseless Sulky was,invented by,an Italian in the 1930s.,It is easy to,turn and can,go up to,190 kilometers per hour.It is also easy to get into and out of the Horseless Sulky,and it is easy to see things both on the left and on the right.,Student B:,The Lightning Bug was invented by,an American in the 1930s.It can go up to 65 kilometers per hour.,It is completely safe because,it can stop in a very short time to avoid car crashes and it cant turn over.The windows are,made of plastic instead of glass so that passengers wont get hurt.,Listening to the world8Work in,Listening to the world,8,Work in pairs.Student A:Look at Page 145.Student B:Look at Page 146.,Listening,After,you listen,Student A:,I think the Horseless Sulky,is better,than,the Lightning Bug,because,it is so easy to get into and out of the Horseless Sulky,and it is easy to see things both on the left and on the right.,In contrast,the Lightning Bug is very small and difficult to get in and out.,Besides,the Horseless Sulky can go so fast and it is,three times faster than,the Lightning Bug.,Student B:,I think the Lightening Bug is better,than the Horseless Sulky.,Although,it does not,go as fast as,the Horseless Sulky,it is completely safe because it cant turn over and it can stop in a very short time to avoid car crashes.The windows are made of plastic instead of glass so that passengers wont get hurt.,Listening to the world8Work in,Listening to the world,Sharing,Listening,Viewing,Listening to the worldSharingL,Listening to the world,1,Read the program information and answer the questions.,Viewing,BEFORE,you view,1 Why are the planes late at Heathrow Airport?,There is a computer problem in the control tower.,2 What is the program mainly about,?,It is mainly about how the passengers are feeling and how they spend their time waiting.,Listening to the world1Read th,Listening to the world,2,Read the statements.Then watch the video,clip and underline the activities you see people,doing.,Viewing,WHILE,you view,1 queuing,2 making phone calls,3 pizza,4 playing outside,5 chess,Listening to the world2Read th,Listening to the world,Viewing,Listening to the worldViewing,Listening to the world,Viewing,3,Read the phrases.Then watch Part 1 and listen to four people talk about the situation.Match the phrases to the people.,WHILE,you view,1,C,2,B,3,A,4,D,5,A,6,C,Listening to the worldViewing3,Listening to the world,Viewing,4,Read the paragraph.Then watch Part 2 and fill in the blanks.,1)airport managers,2)relax,3)pass the time,4)midnight,5)their flight,6)300,7)319,8)500,WHILE,you view,Listening to the worldViewing4,Listening to the world,Viewing,5,Suppose you were one of the passengers at,Heathrow Airport that day.Write an email to a,friend to tell him about the problem you had at,the airport after you have finally arrived home.,AFTER,you view,1)Beijing,2)terrible,3)7 p.m.,4)a computer problem in the control tower,5)cancelled,6)another flight,7)queue/wait,8)sleeping everywhere at the airport,9)took off,10)3 oclock this morning,Listening to the worldViewing5,Speaking for communication,Role-play,1,Read the statements.Then listen to a conversation and fill in the blanks.,1 tied up;customer,2 20;coffee,3 delayed;cow;stations,2,Listen to Conversation again and underline the words or expressions you hear.,1 all right,2 mean,3 not acceptable,4 wont,5 really,6 not my fault,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,3,Look at a boss responses to his employees explanations for being late.Does the boss find the explanations acceptable(,)or unacceptable(,)?,1 I dont believe you.,2 Its already half past nine.,3 Dont worry about it.,4 Thats OK.No problem.,5 Do you expect me to believe that?,6 OK,but dont let it happen again.,7 Thats all right.,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,Speaking skills,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,Speaking skills,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,4,Role-play the situations.,Situation 1,Finding a place for a birthday dinner,A,You are invited to a birthday party.You have been busy lately and havent bought a present,so you go to buy a present on the way to the party.Unfortunately,there is something wrong with the credit card machine at the store and you dont have enough cash with you.It takes quite a while to solve the problem,so you are late for the party.Apologize to the host/hostess.,B,You are the host/hostess.Your friend is apologizing for being late for your birthday party.Accept the apology.,A:,Im terribly sorry.I didnt mean to,be so late for the party.,B:,Its no big deal.,We started the party just a few minutes ago.,A:I went to buy this present for you,but when I was going to pay,the credit card machine broke down,and I didnt have enough cash.I had to find an ATM machine to get some cash.So,Im late.,B:,Thats all right.,A:,I feel terrible.,I should have bought the present earlier,but I was too busy to,B:,Please dont worry about it,and thanks a lot for the present!,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,4,Role-play the situations.,Situation 2,Being late for a date,A,You take a bus to meet your boyfriend/girlfriend for lunch in a shopping center.However,its Saturday and the traffic is terrible.To make matters worse,the road is blocked because of a car accident,so you have to walk three blocks to get to the shopping center.You are late.Apologize to your boyfriend/girlfriend.,B,You are meeting your girlfriend/boyfriend for lunch in a shopping center.She/He is apologizing for being late.Tell her/him you think she/he should have come by subway because it is Saturday.Accept the apology and tell her/him not to take the bus to the shopping center on Saturdays.,A:Honey,I am so sorry that I am late.,B:,What happened?,A:Well,actually I left home early,but the traffic was terrible.,To make matters worse,when I was almost there,the road was blocked because of a car accident,so I had to walk three blocks to get here.,B:You should have taken the subway.Its Saturday.,A:I forgot the traffic would be so bad on Saturdays.,Im terribly sorry to keep you waiting.,B:,Never mind.,Next time remember not to take a bus here on Saturdays.,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,4,Role-play the situations.,Situation 3,Being late for a job interview,A,You have a job interview.You plan to go by subway,but you arrive at the station only to find that the service you are going to take is closed because someone has jumped off the platform.You have to take a taxi,but you are unfortunately stuck in a traffic jam.You are 10 minutes late for the interview.Apologize to the interviewer.,B,You are the interviewer.The interviewee is apologizing for being late.Accept the apology.,B:You are 10 minutes late.,A:,Im really,really sorry,sir.I didnt mean to be late for,the interview.But someone jumped off the platform and the subway service was closed.So,I had to take a taxi to get here.Then I got stuck in a traffic jam!Im so sorry.,B:,All right then.,Lets start the interview.,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Role-play,4,Role-play the situations.,Situation 4,Being late for an appointment,A,You have an appointment with Professor Robertson at 2 p.m.,but you thought it was 3 p.m.,which is the usual time you see him/her,so you planned to leave home at 2:20.At 2:15,you receive a phone call from the professor,asking what is going on.Apologize to the professor,and ask if the professor is still available and promise you will arrive at the office as soon as possible.,B,You are the professor.You are calling a student who is late for his/her appointment.Accept the students apology and tell him/her that he/she can still come today.,B:Hi,this is Professor Robertson.How are you?,I am afraid you are 15 minutes late.,A:Hi Professor Robertson.Its only 2:15.Shouldnt the appointment be at 3:00?,B:Well,no.We were supposed to meet at 2:00.,A:Oh!,Please forgive me!,I thought it was 3 oclock as usual.I forgot we had changed the time.Im so sorry.Will you still have time for me if I arrive in 20 minutes?,B:Yes,no problem.,A:Thank you so much.See you soon.,B:Youre welcome.See you soon.,Speaking for communicationRole,Speaking for communication,Group discussion,1,Read the paragraph.Then listen to a conversation and complete the summary.,1)a vegetarian meal,2)meat,3)his order,4)business class,5)cold,6)the person in charge,Get ideas,Speaking for communicationGrou,Speaking for communication,Group discussion,2,Listen to the conversation again and underline the words and expressions you hear.,Passenger,1 small,2 dont,3 dont understand,4 one more time,5 job,6 speak,Attendant,1 understand,2 moment,Get ideas,Speaking for communicationGrou,Speaking for communication,Group discussion,3,Read the problems below.,Discuss and organize ideas,1 You are on the plane and you are very tired.You want to get some sleep,but there is a child screaming all the time in the seat next to you.,2 You arrive and go to get your luggage.You see your suitcase,but before you get it,another passenger picks it up.,3 You stay at a hotel.You want to go to bed early because you have to catch a train early tomorrow morning.But the people next door are very noisy.,Speaking for communicationGrou,Speaking for communication,Group discussion,Discuss and organize ideas,4,Work in groups of three and choose one of the problems in Exercise 3.Discuss the following,questions and fill in the table with key words and expressions.,1 Who is supposed to solve the problem for you?,2 What would you ask the person to do for you?,3 What is the next step to take if he/she does not solve the problem effectively?,Speaking for communicationGrou,Speaking for communication,Group discussion,Discuss and organize ideas,4,Work in groups of three and choose one of the problems in Exercise 3.Discuss the following,questions and fill in the table with key words and expressions.,Speaking for communicationGrou,Speaking for communication,Group discussion,5,Role-play the situation you have chosen to the class.Before you begin,refer to the checklist,below to see if you are ready.,Present ideas,Speaking for communicationGrou,Further practice in listening,Short conversations,1 Q:How is the woman going to travel?,C By train.,2 Q:According to the man,at what time could the woman arrive at the station?,B 10:40.,3 Q:What does the woman say about the bus services?,D The No.28 bus doesnt go to her house anymore.,4 Q:What does the man mean?,D He understands why its getting difficult to find a parking space.,5 Q:What information about train services does the woman provide?,A The direct train going to London will leave in 2 hours.,Further practice in listeningS,Further practice in listening,Long conversation,Q1:How long will the woman spend on her way to and from work by high-speed train?,C 1.5 hours.,Q2:When does the woman arrive back home by subway?,B At 7.,Q3:According to the woman,in what way will the new high-speed train be a big help to her?,D She can go shopping on her way home from work.,Q4:How will the new high-speed train affect the man?,D He can take the train to the airport instead of driving.,Further practice in listeningL,Further practice in listening,Passage 1,Q1:How much time on average do Americans spend on their way to work?,C About half an hour.,Q2:What is the present situation about Americans commuting to work?,A More and more Americans spend over an hour getting to work.,Q3:Why does Steven choose to have an extreme commute?,D Because he can have his favorite lifestyle.,Q4:Which of the following is the disadvantage of long commutes?,A Traffic jams.,Further practice in listeningP,Further practice in listening,Passage 2,1)Gradually,2)enabled,3)vehicles,4)dates back to,5)As a result,6)thoroughly,7)capacity,8)turn,9)automobiles,10)thanks to,Further practice in listeningP,


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