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,成长教育教学课件,讲课人:优质老师,呵护儿童健康成长,1,复习课件,同步练习,外语教学与研究出版社 五年级,|,下,册,Module 6 Unit 1,Wellseelotsof very bigstones.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,创设情境,Lets travel around the world.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Where do you want to go?,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,In China,I ll see,.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,In America,I ll see,.,谢,谢,观,看,7,复习课件,同步练习,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,In Australia,I ll see,.,外语教学与研究出版社 五年级,|,下册,启发思考,How about the UK?,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,In the UK,I ll see,.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Stonehenge,巨石阵,请在此输入您的大标题,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,12,复习课件,同步练习,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,自主或小组探究,Were going to see Stonehenge!,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,1.When will we go to Stonehenge?,2.How old is the Stonehenge?,3.What will we see there?,4.How will we get there?,On Saturday.,Theyll see lots of very big stones.,Its about five thousand years old.,By car.,Listen and answer,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Amy:On Saturday,were doing to see Stonehenge.,Lingling:Whats that?,Amy:Its a very old place.Its about five thousand years old.,Lingling:Its very old.What will we see there?,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Amy:Well see lots of big stones.They are in,circle,.Some stones are on top of the others.,Lingling:Its very interesting.Why did people,build,it?,Amy:No one knows.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Amy:Youre clever.Maybe you will find the answer.,Lingling:I,hope,so.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Lingling:How will we get there?,Amy:By car.Its will take three hours.,Lingling:Well,I cant wait.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,place,地方,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,circle,圆,圆形;,画圈,圈出,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,build,建造,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,hope,希望,I hope so.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Look and say,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,On Saturday,Lingling,and Amy are going to see _.Its a very _ place.Its _ years old.They will get there by _.It will take _.Theyll see _.They are in a _.Some stones are _others.No one knows why people built this.Its a _.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,协作交流,A:What will Lingling and Amy do on Saturday?,B:They will.,请在此输入您的大标题,文本,文本,文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本请输入文本,27,复习课件,同步练习,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,A:What will Lingling and Amy do on Saturday?,B:They will.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,A:What will Lingling and Amy do on Saturday?,B:They will.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,A:What will Lingling and Amy do on Saturday?,B:They will.,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,A:Where are you going?,B:I am going to,A:What will you see/do?,B:I ll ,A:How will you get there?,B:I ll get there,Plan on May Day,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,The May Day is coming.I will go to _.,I will see _.I will _.I will go there by _.It will take _.,Plan on May Day,请输入第一章的大标题,请输入第一章的小标题,33,复习课件,同步练习,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,总结提高,What will we see there?,We,ll see lots of very big stones/.,How will we get there?,We will get there by car/.,Summary,外语教学与研究,出版社,五,年级,|,下,册,Homework,1.Talk about you May Day plan with you parents.,2.Do you want to know more about Stonehenge?Try to get the information on internet.,谢谢观看!,


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