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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Section B(1a-1d),Unit 4 Dont eat in class.,第一页,共34页。,Lead-in,Do you have any rules at home?,Do you have to do your homework first after school,?,Can you watch TV?,第二页,共34页。,Do you have to play the piano,?,Can you play with your friends?,第三页,共34页。,Do you have,family rules,?Lets look at,the rules of the Jones family.,REVIEW,第四页,共34页。,FAMILY RULES,Dont talk loudly.,第五页,共34页。,FAMILY RULES,Dont watch TV late at night.,第六页,共34页。,FAMILY RULES,Dont eat in bed.,第七页,共34页。,FAMILY RULES,Clean the bedroom on Saturdays.,第八页,共34页。,FAMILY RULES,Dont get up late on Sundays.,第九页,共34页。,FAMILY RULES,Dont sing loudly at night.,第十页,共34页。,Dont watch TV after school.,FAMILY RULES,第十一页,共34页。,Do your homework after school.,FAMILY RULES,第十二页,共34页。,Practice the guitar every day.,FAMILY RULES,第十三页,共34页。,Do the dishes on Sundays.,第十四页,共34页。,Help mom make breakfast.,第十五页,共34页。,课文(kwn)展现,第十六页,共34页。,1a Match the pictures a-h with the,rules.,第十七页,共34页。,_,go out,_ see friends,_ do his homework,_ practice the guitar,_ do the dishes,_ watch TV,_ help his mom make breakfast,_ clean his room,a,h,c,b,e,g,f,d,第十八页,共34页。,1b,Listen and put an,for things,Dave,cant do and a,for things,he has to do.,Rules,Cant,(),Have to/Must(),When,a,go out,on school nights,see friends,do his homework,practice the guitar,do the dishes,watch TV,help his mom make breakfast,clean his room,第十九页,共34页。,1c,Listen again.Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b.Choose from the phrases in the box.,on,school nights,on,school days,every,Saturday,every,morning,before,dinner,after,dinner,after,school,in,the evening,第二十页,共34页。,Rules,Cant,(),Have to/Must(),When,a,go out,on school nights,see friends,do his homework,practice the guitar,do the dishes,watch TV,help his mom make breakfast,clean his room,on school days,after class,before dinner,after dinner,in the evening,every morning,every Saturday,第二十一页,共34页。,1,d,Talk about the rules in Daves house in groups.,Talking,He cant go out on school nights.,He cant see his friends on school days.,He cant watch TV in the evening.,第二十二页,共34页。,He has to do his homework after school.,He must practice the guitar before dinner.,He must clean his room every Saturday.,He has to help his mom make breakfast every morning.,第二十三页,共34页。,He cant go out on school nights.He cant see his friends on school days.He has to do his homework after school.He must practice the guitar before dinner.He cant watch TV in the evening.He has to help his mom make breakfast every morning.He must clean his room every Saturday.,Report,Report Daves rules.See who is the best?,第二十四页,共34页。,Language points,1.help his mom make breakfast 帮他的妈妈(m m)做早饭,help sb.(,to,)do sth.帮助(bngzh)某人做某事,help sb.with sth.,例:我帮妈妈(m m)做家务。,I help my mom do housework.,=I help my mom with housework.,第二十五页,共34页。,make breakfast 做早饭(zofn),make 的多种语意(y y):,make the/ones bed make tea,make dumplings make friends,make rules make a noise,做,制作(zhzu),整理,床铺,沏,茶,包,饺子,交,朋友,制订,规则,制造,噪音,第二十六页,共34页。,2.on school nights在上学(shng xu)期间的晚上,night,介词(jic)on,介词(jic)at,泛指在晚上,指具体的某个晚上,需有其他词修饰,例,:,在冬天的晚上,on winter nights,第二十七页,共34页。,辨析(binx):night与 evening,解释,含义,对应词,night,evening,夜晚(ywn);夜里,一般指从天黑(tin hi)到天明之前的这段时间,傍晚;晚上,一般指从傍晚到晚上睡觉之前的这段时间,day,morning,第二十八页,共34页。,Exercise,1.You mustnt play football on the road.(改为祈使句),_ football on the road.,2.Lucy has,to,wear sports shoes for running.(改为否定句),Lucy_,to,wear sports shoes for running.,3.I have,to,clean my room.(对划线(hu xin)提问),_ do you have,to,_?,Dont play,doesnt have,What,do,第二十九页,共34页。,4.She has,to,do the dishes.(改为(i wi)一般疑问句),_ _ _ _ do the dishes?,5.Run in the hallways.(改为(i wi)否定句),_ _ in the hallways.,Does she have to,Dont run,6.Healthy food and exercise help _ to study better.,A.us B.we C.our,A,第三十页,共34页。,Summary,Key words&phrases:,out,practice,dish,before,go out,do the dishes,第三十一页,共34页。,Key sentences:,1.I have so many rules.,2.I cant see my friends on school days.,3.I must practice the guitar before dinner and then I have to do the dishes after dinner.,第三十二页,共34页。,Homework,1.听写P22面的单词(dnc),2.抄写Grammar,3.预习Section B 2a-2c,第三十三页,共34页。,内容(nirng)总结,Section B(1a-1d)。Section B(1a-1d)。Dont talk loudly.。do the dishes。in the evening。help sb.with sth.。2.on school nights在上学期间的晚上。辨析(binx):night与 evening。Dont play。2.抄写Grammar,第三十四页,共34页。,


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