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Before Reading2Word DetectWarm-up QuestionsDictation1.Who is the most successful person in the world in your opinion?Could you tell us something about him or her?2.What qualities do you think successful people possess?3.What do you think fame can bring to people?Before Reading2Word DetectWarmBefore Reading_3 Word DetectWarm-up QuestionsDictationDirections:The following are the synonyms related to Fame and Success.Match the word in Column A with its definition in Column B.Column A Column Bachievement celebritypassfameprosperitydistinction fulfillment1. condition of being well-known to many people,esp.for a particular reasonfame,esp.for being better than most others at a particular thingsuccess in life or businessthe successful finishing or gaining sthsatisfaction after successful effort a success in a examinationthe state of being famous4()6()5()1()7()3()2()Before Reading_3 Word DetectWaBefore Reading_4.1 Word DetectWarm-up QuestionsDictationDirections:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words or expressions.Successful people always have clear goals.Great musicians,great 1)_,successful salespeople and 2)_ leaders know what they want in life,and they go after it.No one becomes successful by 3)_!Too often,people choose goals that are inconsistent with their 4)_ and daily behavior.Do you value health,or comfort?Is financial 5)_ a priority,or merely a wish?Have the courage to put your 6)_ on paper and in your own words.Be 7)_ and describe your goals in detail.A loving 8)_ or happy kids require your time,your attention and your love every day.Your daily actions need not be profound or 9)_,but they must be consistent and 10)_.Just as an artist will make preliminary 11)_ and work out the details in his mind,so your success requires written goals,careful choices,clear 12)_,and daily persistence.Before Reading_4.1 Word DetectGlobal Reading_ 1Part Division of the Text Parts Paras.Main Ideas12312345Fame enslaves the person who pursues it because when he/she becomes famous,he/she will not only attract the publics attention,but also has to work and live in line with the publics expectations.He/she then becomes the slave of his/her own success.For those who look for fame,failure is not necessarily a bad thing,especially for those who fail to perform well enough,because people tend to be more tolerant towards and sympathetic with them.Though fame brings disadvantages to those who achieve it,people still seek fame for various reasons.4 6It is better to take a critical attitude towards fame.Global Reading_ 1Part DivisionIt is easy for a performer to believe that they are as perfect as what the media describe.People usually have lower expectations of performers.When people fail,they can always find excuses and explanations for their inability to succeed.Thomas Wolfe was an American novelist,whose first novel was rejected 39 times.It is quite common that people who failed many times may find ways to be successful and famous.Global Reading_ 2_2F()T()Part Division of the TextFurther Understanding1. or FalseIt is easy for a performer to We may all desire to be famous and yearn for the publicity,wealth and power that accompany fame.Few of us,however,realize that fame also has its negative side and,sometimes,it may even destroy ones life.Read the following text and you will get to know more about the adverse impact fame can have on ones life.Detailed ReadingDetailed ReadingWe may all desire to be famousFameMelvin HowardsDetailed Reading_t1-2Detailed ReadingFame is very much like an animal chasing its own tail who,when he captures it,does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.Fame and the publicity that accompanies it,force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction.Ironic,isnt it?Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of possessing a single talent or skill:singing,dancing,painting,or writing,etc.The successful performer develops a style that gains some popularity,and it is this popularity that usually convinces the performer to continue performing in the same style,since that is what the public seems to want and to enjoy.FameDetailed Reading_t1-2DetaiDetailed Reading_t2-3Detailed Reading But in time,the performer becomes bored singing the same songs in the same way year after year,or the painter becomes bored painting similar scenes or portraits,or the actor is tired of playing the same character repeatedly.The artist becomes the slave of his or her own success because of the public demands.If theFame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fans in each field.A performer can easily come to believe that he or she is as good as his or her press.But most people,most artists do not gain fame and fortune.What about those performers who fail,or anyone who fails?artist attempts to change his or her style of writing or dancing or singing,etc.,the audience may turn away and look to give themomentary fame to another and then,in time,to another,and so on and so on.Detailed Reading_t2-3Detailed in money,you are not interested in the power that fame brings and you are not interested in the loss of privacy it demands,etc.all excuses,but comforting to those who fail and those who pretend not to notice the failure.Detailed Reading_t3Detailed Reading Curiously enough,failure often serves as its own reward for many people.It brings sympathy from others who are delighted not to be you,and it allows family and friends to lower their expectations of you so that you need not compete with those who have more talent and who succeed.And they find excuses and explanations for your inability to succeed and become famous:you are too sensitive,you are not interestedin money,you are not interestDetailed Reading_t4Detailed ReadingHistory has sufficiently proven that some failure for some people at certain times in their lives does indeed motivate them to strive even harder to succeed and to continue believing in themselves.Thomas Wolfe,the American novelist,had his first novel Look Homeward,Angel rejected 39 times before it was finally published and launched his career and created his fame.Beethoven overcame his cruel and harsh father and grudging acceptance as a musician to become the greatest,most famous musician in the world,and Thomas Edison was thrown out of school in fourth grade,at about age 10,because he seemed to the teacher to be quite dull and ill-behaved.Many other cases may be found of people who failed and used the failure to motivate them to achieve,to succeed,and to become famous.But,unfortunately,for most people failure is the end of their struggle,not the beginning.There are few,if any,famous failures.Detailed Reading_t4Detailed Retarget of everyone who disagrees with you as well as of the media.Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and reputation,it takes the you out of you:you must be what the public thinks you are,not what you really are or could be.Detailed Reading_t4.5Detailed Reading Well then,why does anyone want fame?Do you?Do you want to be known to many people and admired by them?Do you want the money thatusually comes with fame?Do you want the media to notice everything you do or say both in public and in private?In some areas it is very obvious that to be famous is to be thetarget of everyone who disagreI say to those who desperately seek fame and fortune,celebrity:good luck.But what will you do when you have caught your tail,your success,your fame?Keep chasing it?If you do catch it,hang on for dear life.See you soon famous and almost famous!Detailed Reading_t5-6Detailed Reading But why does anyone want fame?Several reasons come to mind:to demonstrate excellence in some field;to gain the admiration and love of many others;to be the one everyone talks about;to show family and friends you are more than they thought you were.Probably you can list some other reasons,but I think these are reasonably common.I say to those who desperately1.Paraphrase this sentence.Fame and the publicity that accompanies it,force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction.Detailed Reading_ Fame and the Detailed ReadingWhen a person becomes famous,he or she will not only attract the public attention,but also work and live in line with the public expectations.This may put an end to his or her talent.2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.声誉以及随之而来的名气迫使名人陷入穷途末路。声誉以及随之而来的名气迫使名人陷入穷途末路。1.Paraphrase this sentence.Fa1.Paraphrase this sentence.The artist becomes the slave of his or her own success because of the public demands.Detailed Reading_ The artist Detailed ReadingIn order to meet the needs of the public,the artist is no longer the master of himself or herself.2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.由于公众的要求,艺人竟变成了自己功名的奴隶。由于公众的要求,艺人竟变成了自己功名的奴隶。1.Paraphrase this sentence.Th as good as his or her press.Detailed Reading_ as good as Detailed Reading1.What does“as good as his or her press”mean?as good as what the newspapers say about him or her.2.Translate this part into Chinese.自己的成就当真和新闻报道的一样大。自己的成就当真和新闻报道的一样大。as good as his or her press.all excuses,but comforting to those who fail and those who pretend not to notice the failure.Detailed Reading_ all excuses 1.Write the completed sentence.All these are excuses,but they are comforting to Detailed Reading2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.所有这些都是借口,但对失败者或假装不关心自己失败的人来说,所有这些都是借口,但对失败者或假装不关心自己失败的人来说,却是安慰。却是安慰。all excuses,but comforting Thomas Wolfe,the American novelist,had his first novel Look Homeward,Angel rejected 39 times before it was finally published and launched his career and created his fame.Detailed Reading_ Thomas Wolfe 1.What do you know about the novel Look Homeward,Angel?Look Homeward,Angel written by Thomas Wolfe was his first novel,about a young mans burning desire to leave his small town and tumultuous(喧喧嚣嚣的的)family in search of a better life,in 1929.It is“a book made out of my life”,and his largely autobiographical story about the quest for a greater intellectual life has resonated with and influenced generations of readers,including some of todays most important novelists.Rich with lyrical prose and vivid characterizations,this 20th-century American classic will capture the hearts and imaginations of every reader.Detailed Reading2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.美国小说家托马斯美国小说家托马斯沃尔夫的第一部小说沃尔夫的第一部小说安琪儿,往家里看吧!安琪儿,往家里看吧!被被退稿退稿39次才得以出版,才开启了他的写作生涯并赢得了声誉。次才得以出版,才开启了他的写作生涯并赢得了声誉。Thomas Wolfe,the American novThere are few,if any,famous failures.Detailed Reading_ There are few 1.Why does the author say“there are few,if any,famous failures”?There are few famous failures because for most people failure is the end of their struggle,not the beginning.They stopped working hard and gave up halfway.Detailed Reading2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.成名的失败事例即使有,也不多见。成名的失败事例即使有,也不多见。There are few,if any,famous Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and reputation,it takes the you out of you:you must be what the public thinks you are,not what you really are or could be.Detailed Reading_ Fame turns Detailed Reading1.Paraphrase this sentence.While it gives you glamour,fame exposes everything of you to the public.You have to meet the public expectations and fit in the public image.You cant be what you want to be.2.Translate this sentence into Chinese.声誉把你置于所有的灯光下,一边给你权利和威望,一边把你变得声誉把你置于所有的灯光下,一边给你权利和威望,一边把你变得不像你:你必须成为大众心目中的你,而不能是那个真实的你或你不像你:你必须成为大众心目中的你,而不能是那个真实的你或你可能成为的那个人。可能成为的那个人。Fame turns all the lights on apublicity:n.public notice or attentionDetailed Reading_ publicityWe have planned an exciting publicity campaign with our advertisers.Detailed Reading她的新剧作获得广泛宣传。她的新剧作获得广泛宣传。Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity.Collocations:gain/get/receive publicity取得名气;引人注目取得名气;引人注目seek publicity追求名气追求名气avoid publicity避免引人注目避免引人注目extensive/wide publicity广为宣传广为宣传publicity:n.Detailed Readiaccompany:vt.go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as somethingDetailed Reading_ accompanyWarships will accompany the convoy.Detailed ReadingHe was accompanied on the expedition by his wife.accompany:vt.Detailed Readinadverse:a.having a negative or harmful effect on somethingDetailed Reading_ adverse1So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.Detailed Reading他的健康因气候影响而严重受损。他的健康因气候影响而严重受损。His health was adversely affected by the climate.这些形容词均含这些形容词均含“相反的,对立的相反的,对立的”意思。意思。通常指违害利益的、不友好的等,侧重分歧。通常指违害利益的、不友好的等,侧重分歧。指位置、方向、行动或想法等完全相反。指位置、方向、行动或想法等完全相反。一般指与某种主张、看法或行为等正好相反,隐含否定一方并一般指与某种主张、看法或行为等正好相反,隐含否定一方并 不意味着肯定另一方的意味。不意味着肯定另一方的意味。CF:adverse,opposite&contraryadverseoppositecontraryadverse:a.Detailed Reading_ Detailed Reading_ adverse 2Detailed Reading to popular opinion,I dont dye my hair!They received a lot of publicity/criticism about the changes.His political position is to ours.Shes turned out to be the exact of what everyone expected.The match has been cancelled due to weather conditions.My father is a very calm person,but my mother is just the .to all our expectations,hes found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend.Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary. Reading_ adverse 2Detchase:v.follow rapidly in order to catchDetailed Reading_ chaseThe police car was going so fast,it must have been chasing someone.Detailed ReadingShe was chasing(after)a man who had snatched her bag.他追赶窃贼却未捉住。他追赶窃贼却未捉住。He chased(after)the burglar but couldnt catch him.Patterns:chase after fame追求名望追求名望chaseout of 把把赶出赶出chase:v.Detailed Reading_ cironic:a.using or expressing irony;full of ironyDetailed Reading_ ironicIt is ironic that although many items are now cheaper to make,fewer people can afford to buy them.Detailed Reading发生这样的事情颇有讽刺意味。发生这样的事情颇有讽刺意味。This is a very ironic(al)thing to happen.NB:ironic 是是irony 的形容词形式,也可写为的形容词形式,也可写为 ironical,其副词形式为其副词形式为ironically,意为意为“说反话地说反话地,讽刺地讽刺地”。ironic:a.Detailed Reading_ style:n.a way of doing something,especially one which is typical of a person,group of people,place or periodDetailed Reading_ styleHis office is very special in style,with no decoration.Detailed Reading典型的英国生活方式典型的英国生活方式a typically British style of livingPatterns:the latest style最新款式最新款式in style华丽地,时髦地华丽地,时髦地lack style缺乏风度缺乏风度style:n.Detailed Reading_ stportrait:n.a painting,photograph,drawing,etc.of a person or,less commonly,of a group of peopleDetailed Reading_ portraitShes commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her.Detailed ReadingShe had her portrait painted.Collocations:make/paint a portrait画肖像画肖像pose/sit for ones portrait摆好姿势让人画像摆好姿势让人画像a family portrait 全家画像全家画像a full-length portrait全身像全身像portrait:n.Detailed Readinturn away:refuse to give ones sympathy,help,or support toDetailed Reading_ turn awayThe civil administration promises that they would not turn away anyone who comes to the relief centre for help.Detailed Reading你怎么能对一个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢?你怎么能对一个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢?How can you turn away from the child that is being cruelly treated?turn away:Detailed Reading_ momentary:a.lasting for a very short timeDetailed Reading_ momentaryThere was a momentary pause.Detailed Reading瞬间的迟疑瞬间的迟疑a momentary hesitationmomentary:a.Detailed Readinfortune:n.1)a large amount of money,goods,property,etc.Detailed Reading_ fortune1She inherited a fortune from her grandmother.Detailed ReadingShe pursued her fortune in another country.2)chance and the way it affects your lifeThe familys fortunes changed overnight.我们相信命运之神是会眷顾我们的。我们相信命运之神是会眷顾我们的。We believe that Fortune is on our side.fortune:n.Detailed Reading_ 这些名词均有这些名词均有“命运命运”或或“运气运气”之意。之意。普通用词,指由机会或运气来决定的一种命运,如暗示一种比普通用词,指由机会或运气来决定的一种命运,如暗示一种比 fate好的运气或一种愉快的未来。好的运气或一种愉快的未来。较庄严用词,多指不幸的命运,暗示不可避免、令人畏惧和人的意较庄严用词,多指不幸的命运,暗示不可避免、令人畏惧和人的意 志无法改变,宿命论色彩较浓。志无法改变,宿命论色彩较浓。普通日常用词,指好的或坏的运气,多指好运气,有时也指成功或普通日常用词,指好的或坏的运气,多指好运气,有时也指成功或 愉快的结局。愉快的结局。Detailed Reading_ fortune2Detailed ReadingCF:fortune,fate&luckfortunefateluckHe seems to have had a lot of bad in his life.We want to decide our own .Her varied but she never lost courage.It was just that I asked for a job at the right time.He had the(good)to train with some of the worlds top athletes.His is now in the hands of the jury.A stroke of has fallen to him. in the blanks with the words above.luck_fate_fortunes_luck_fortune_fate_luck_这些名词均有“命运”或“运气”之意。Detailed Reasympathy:n.(an expression of)understanding and care for someone elses sufferingDetailed Reading_ sympathyThe president has sent a message of sympathy to the relatives of the dead soldiers.Detailed Reading他怀着恻隐之心他怀着恻隐之心,留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。Out of sympathy for the homeless children,he gave them shelter for the night.sympathy:n.Detailed Readiexpectations:n.when you expect good things to happen in the futureDetailed Reading_ expectationsI have high expectations for this job.Detailed ReadingHis parents have great expectations for his future.Collocations:beyond ones expectations出乎意料地出乎意料地have high/great expectations for 对对的厚望的厚望fall short of expectations辜负期望辜负期望 expectations:n.Detailed ReadDetailed Reading_ inabilityDetailed Readinginability:n.lack of ability to do somethingInability to use a computer is a serious disadvantage when you are applying for jobs.这些显示出地方政府在解决能源问题上的无能。这些显示出地方政府在解决能源问题上的无能。These show the inability of local government to deal with the energy problem.NB:inability的意义是的意义是“无能,没办法,无力无能,没办法,无力”,而而“disability”的含义是的含义是“限制,不利的条件,不健全限制,不利的条件,不健全“,尤指由于身体或智力受损而阻碍或限,尤指由于身体或智力受损而阻碍或限制正常发展制正常发展For example:She is deaf,but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do.她虽然身有残疾她虽然身有残疾,却是个游泳好手。却是个游泳好手。She swims well despite her disabilities.Detailed Reading_ inabilityDetprivacy:n.someones right to keep their personal matters and relationships secretDetailed Reading_ privacyThe new law is designed to protect peoples privacy.Detailed ReadingNewspapers often dont respect the individuals right to privacy.Collocations:disturb ones privacy打扰他人的私生活打扰他人的私生活an invasion of ones privacy侵犯某人的隐私权侵犯某人的隐私权in privacy私下私下privacy:n.Detailed Reading_motivate:vt.make someone want to do something wellDetailed Reading_ motivateTeaching is all about motivating people to learn.Detailed ReadingNo one really knows what motivated him to do so.motivate:vt.Detailed Readilaunch:v.begin sth.such as a plan or introduce sth.new such as a productDetailed Reading_ launchThe airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.Detailed Reading她大学毕业后决定开始新的生活。她大学毕业后决定开始新的生活。She decided to launch out on her own after college.Patterns:launch into 开始开始launch against/at 向向发射发射launch:v.Detailed Reading_target:n.one or more people who are criticized or laughed at,or who experience unpleasant treatment from othersDetailed Reading_ targetRecently she has been the target of a series of obscene phone calls.Detailed Reading大使馆是恐怖分子攻击的明显目标。大使馆是恐怖分子攻击的明显目标。The embassy is an obvious target for terrorist attacks.Patterns:aim at a target 瞄准目标瞄准目标hit a target 击中目标击中目标target:n.Detailed Reading_reputation:n.the opinion that people in general have about sb.or sth.Detailed Reading_ reputationHe earned/established/gained/acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker.Detailed ReadingCollocations:have a reputation for 以以出名出名ruin sbs reputation 败坏某人的名誉败坏某人的名誉establish/build up/make a reputation for 为为树立声誉、博得名声树立声誉、博得名声live up to ones reputation 不负盛名不负盛名 The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.reputation:n.Detailed Readidemonstrate:vt.show;make clearDetailed Reading_ demonstrate1These figures clearly demonstrate the size of the economic problem facing the country.Detailed Reading她示范最有效的自卫方法。她示范最有效的自卫方法。She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.demonstrate:vt.Detailed ReaDetailed Reading_ demonstrate2Detailed Reading这些动词均含这些动词均含“显示、显露、展现显示、显露、展现”之意。之意。指明显地表露感情。也指用实例、实验推理等手段表演证指明显地表露感情。也指用实例、实验推理等手段表演证 明,或论证某一问题。明,或论证某一问题。最普通用词,泛指任何有意或无意地把东西给别人看的行为。最普通用词,泛指任何有意或无意地把东西给别人看的行为。多指将某物陈列在显眼之处以便让人发现其优点,侧重有意识地多指将某物陈列在显眼之处以便让人发现其优点,侧重有意识地 显示。显示。CF:demonstrate,show&di


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