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Vehicle Engineering II-Railway Vehicle Design TheoryRailway and Urban Mass Transit Research InstituteRailway and Urban Mass Transit Research Institute7/26/20241车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway Vehicle inter-city vehicle,or main line vehicleinter-city vehicle,or main line vehicle high speed vehicle high speed vehicle metro vehicle metro vehicle light rail vehicle light rail vehicle mono rail vehicle mono rail vehicle maglev vehicle maglev vehicle intelligent transportation vehicle intelligent transportation vehiclevvBy By FengmingFengming 2004 2004 TongjiTongji University University7/26/20242车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway Vehicle ICE:7/26/20243车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway Vehicle TGV:7/26/20244车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway Vehicle 500系:7/26/20245车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway Vehicle X2000:7/26/20246车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway VehicleDevelopment of Railway Vehicle TR06 TR067/26/20247车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionDegrees-of freedom:-1 body with 5 dofs =5 2 bogies with 5 dofs =10 4 wheelsets with 2 dofs=8 Total=26,i.e.52 states7/26/20248车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroduction7/26/20249车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nDevelopment of Railway Vehicle Design 18251960s,Empirical Design Period 19601990s,Analytical Design Period 1990current,“Mehchatronic”Design Period7/26/202410车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nEmpirical DesignTalentTalentGeniusGeniusexperienceexperienceprototypeprototypeimproveimproveVery slow7/26/202411车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nAnalytical DesignConcept DesignConcept DesignSchematic DesignSchematic DesignPP DesignPP DesignPrototypePrototypeRunning ExperimentRunning ExperimentCustomerCustomerScientist,ResScientist,Researcherearcher7/26/202412车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nAnalytical Design Concept Design:principle designConcept Design:principle design Schematic Design or Technical Design Schematic Design or Technical Design(技术设计):(技术设计):including Kinetics,including Kinetics,Dynamics analysis,to Evaluate the ride quality,running safety,braking Dynamics analysis,to Evaluate the ride quality,running safety,braking ability;ability;PP design(PP design(施工设计施工设计):CAD,CAM,CAE(mainly including the parts CAD,CAM,CAE(mainly including the parts strength analysis,using FEM technology);strength analysis,using FEM technology);Prototype:Test rig running test,On-line test evaluation;Prototype:Test rig running test,On-line test evaluation;Running Test:0.5million Kilometers running test,Fatigue life test;Running Test:0.5million Kilometers running test,Fatigue life test;Customers:Evaluation from the point view of customers;Customers:Evaluation from the point view of customers;7/26/202413车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nMechatronic DesignMechanicalsystemTrack inputsVehicle outputs(acceleration,displacement,etc)Monitoringsystem(sensors)ElectroniccontrollerActuatorsystemControlforcesDrive signals7/26/202414车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nMechatronic DesignActuatorsSensorsControllerLoad changesBody acceleration(minimise)Suspension deflection(constrain)Stability(constrain)Curving performance(optimise)Vehicle systemTrack features(deterministic)Track irregularities(stochastic)7/26/202415车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nMechatronic Design7/26/202416车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nMechatronic Design7/26/202417车辆工程IIIntroductionIntroductionn nContents of this lesson 1.Vehicle Dynamics:1.Vehicle Dynamics:Basic dynamic principles Basic dynamic principles Safety criterion Safety criterion Ride Quality Ride Quality 2.Strength Analysis of Railway Vehicle Parts:2.Strength Analysis of Railway Vehicle Parts:Forces acted on parts,car body,bogie Forces acted on parts,car body,bogie FEM analysis method,including constraints,forces applying,FEM analysis method,including constraints,forces applying,element selection,meshing technique,etc.element selection,meshing technique,etc.7/26/202418车辆工程IIIntroductionPart I:Vehicle System Dynamicsn nIntroductionDamperSecondary suspensionPrimary suspension7/26/202419车辆工程IIIntroductionPart I:Vehicle System Dynamicsn nIntroductionSecondary suspensionPrimary suspension7/26/202420车辆工程IIIntroductionPart I:Vehicle System Dynamicsn nIntroductionBogies7/26/202421车辆工程IIIntroductionPart I:Vehicle System Dynamicsn nIntroductionConed wheelFlangeRailSleeperSolid axle7/26/202422车辆工程IIIntroductionPart I:Vehicle System Dynamics1 Causes of Vehicle VibrationRelated to trackRelated to track 1.Dipped joints of rails 1.Dipped joints of rails 7/26/202423车辆工程IIIntroduction1 Causes of Vehicle Vibration2.Track Vertical Deflection7/26/202424车辆工程IIIntroduction1 Causes of Vehicle Vibration3.Track local irregularity3.Track local irregularity lateral curvature lateral curvature vertical curvature vertical curvature super elevation super elevation switch switch rail corrugation rail corrugation rail wear rail wear Ballast irregularity(caused by temperature Ballast irregularity(caused by temperature variation)variation)7/26/202425车辆工程IIIntroduction1 Causes of Vehicle Vibration4.Track Random irregularityGage:(yl-yr)/2Cross level:(zl-zr)/2 alignment:(yl+yr)/2Vertical Profile:(zl+zr)/27/26/202426车辆工程IIIntroduction1 Causes of Vehicle Vibrationn n4.Track Random irregularity7/26/202427车辆工程IIIntroduction1 Causes of Vehicle Vibration4.Track Random irregularity4.Track Random irregularityGage:Gage:nominal gauge 1435mmnominal gauge 1435mm,,gauge will be widened according curve,gauge will be widened according curve radiusradius(600m120Km/h,unbalanced value When running speed 120Km/h,unbalanced value should be less then 75g.m.should be less then 75g.m.7/26/202431车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleFlat wheel When wheel has flat area,momentum acted on wheel:When wheel has flat area,momentum acted on wheel:M Mw w wheel weight wheel weight V-vehicle running speedV-vehicle running speedIts periodical time:Its periodical time:7/26/202432车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered WheelsetLateral deflection yLateral deflection yYaw angle Yaw angle 7/26/202433车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered WheelsetConed wheelFlangeRailSleeperSolid axle7/26/202434车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered WheelsetDirection of travel7/26/202435车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered Wheelset当分析自由轮对的蛇行运动时,作如下假设:当分析自由轮对的蛇行运动时,作如下假设:1 1、轮对无任何约束,单独在轨道上滚动;、轮对无任何约束,单独在轨道上滚动;2 2、钢轨顶部呈刀刃状,而且是两根平行直线;、钢轨顶部呈刀刃状,而且是两根平行直线;3 3、轮对是两个对称锥体,轮轨间无任何相对滑动;、轮对是两个对称锥体,轮轨间无任何相对滑动;4 4、不计轮对上的任何作用力和惯性力;、不计轮对上的任何作用力和惯性力;则经过推导,轮对的运动方程为:则经过推导,轮对的运动方程为:7/26/202436车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered Wheelsetwherewhere:V Running speed;V Running speed;W-angular frequency:W-angular frequency:b half of b half of wheelsetwheelset nominal rolling radius distance nominal rolling radius distance r0 nominal rolling radius r0 nominal rolling radius 0 effective wheel 0 effective wheel conicityconicity 7/26/202437车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered WheelsetHunting of Tapered WheelsetHunting periodical time:Hunting periodical time:Hunting wave length:Hunting wave length:as b increases,as b increases,L Lw w increases,so weaker is the hunting increases,so weaker is the hunting The same to r0 The same to r0 when when 0 0 increases,increases,L Lw w decreases,so stronger is the hunting decreases,so stronger is the hunting7/26/202438车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered WheelsetDirection of travel7/26/202439车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered WheelsetThe wheels are made conical,the smaller circumference at the outer edge.The pair of wheels are fixed to the axle and thus if anything throws the wheels in the slightest degree to one side the wheel is immediately rolling on a larger circumference than the other and the tendency to roll back is introduced.The carriage is kept always in the middle of the track.A beautiful arrangement.The flanges are a necessary precaution but they ought never to touch the rail and therefore they cannot be said to keep the wheels on the rails.They ought not to come into action except to meet an accidental,lateral force.Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1838:Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1838:7/26/202440车辆工程IIIntroductionCauses Related to VehicleHunting of Tapered Wheelset George Stephenson in 1821:George Stephenson in 1821:It must understood the form of edge railway wheels are conical that is the outer is rather less than the inner diameter about 3/16 of an inch.Then from a small irregularity of the railway the wheels may be thrown a little to the right or a little to the left,when the former happens the right wheel will expose a large and the left one smaller diameter to the bearing surface of the rail which will cause the latter to loose ground of the former but at the same time in moving forward it gradually exposes a greater diameter to the rail while the right one on the contrary is gradually exposing a lesser which will cause it to loose ground of the left one but will regain it on its progress as has been described alternatively gaining and loosing ground of each other which will cause the wheels to proceed in an oscillatory but easy motion on the rails 7/26/202441车辆工程IIIntroductionSummaryCauses of producing vehicle vibration including:track Causes of producing vehicle vibration including:track irregularities,vehicle itself;irregularities,vehicle itself;As to a vehicle designer,have to understand thoroughly As to a vehicle designer,have to understand thoroughly the dynamics of railway vehicles in order to achieve good the dynamics of railway vehicles in order to achieve good performance;performance;Railway vehicle has its own characteristics.Railway vehicle has its own characteristics.Special Thanks to Prof.R.M.Special Thanks to Prof.R.M.GoodallGoodall and Dr.T.and Dr.T.X.X.MeiMei for offering materials on latest for offering materials on latest development of railway vehicle.development of railway vehicle.7/26/202442车辆工程IIIntroduction


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