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新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件单词学习excitedadj.兴奋的兴奋的geton登上登上middle-agedadj.中年的中年的oppositeprep.在在对面对面curiouslyadv.好奇地好奇地funnyadj.可笑的,滑稽的可笑的,滑稽的powdern.香粉香粉compactn.带镜的化妆盒带镜的化妆盒kindlyadv.和蔼地和蔼地ugly adj.丑陋的丑陋的amusedadj.有趣的有趣的smilev.微笑微笑embarrassedadj.尴尬尴尬单词学习excited excitedadj.兴奋的(修饰人)兴奋的(修饰人)excitedpeople激动的人们激动的人们excitingadj.使人兴奋的,刺激的(修饰物)使人兴奋的,刺激的(修饰物)anexcitingbook非常有趣的书非常有趣的书他听到那消息很激动他听到那消息很激动Hewasexcitedtohearthenews.他们等待激动人心的事情发生他们等待激动人心的事情发生Theywaitedforsomethingexcitingtohappen.excited adj.兴奋的(修饰人)get on反义词get off 1)登上(火车,公共汽车,飞机),骑上(自行车,马)那位老太太上车后,一位年轻人立刻站了起来给她让坐。When the old lady got on the bus,a young man stood up to offer her his seatget into 上小汽车反义词get out of 2)get on应付,进展我这次考试恐怕不太顺利I am afraid I didnt get on very well in the exam.get on well with 与相处融洽 I get on well with my classmates.我和我的同班同学相处融洽。get on反义词get off 形容词+名词+edkind-hearted(好心肠的)cold-blooded(冷血的)warm-hearted(热心肠的)blue-eyed(蓝眼睛的)middle-aged(中年的)red-lipped(红嘴唇的)形容词+名词+edopposite1)prep.在对面那女服务员站在我对面The waitress stood opposite me.2)adj.(位置)对面的;(立场,性质等)相反的,反对的他站在那条街的对面He stood on the opposite side of the street.我们办公大楼在银行的对面Our office building is opposite to the bank.她的看法和我的看法完全相反Her views and mine are completely opposite.oppositecuriously1)adv.好奇地小男孩好奇地看着他的妈妈打开箱子。The little boy watched curiously as his mum opened the box.2)adv.奇怪地说来奇怪,他似乎己经知道我们下一步怎么做。Curiously,he seems to have known what we would do next.curious adj.好奇的,强烈的小孩子对周遭的事情感到好奇。Children are curious about everything around them.be curious to do 极想.我极想知道他在信中写些什么。Im curious to know what is written in his letter.curiouslyfunny adj.可笑的,滑稽的昨天晚上我听到一个非常有趣的笑话。I heard a funny joke last night.fun 1)不可数名词,表示“乐趣,享乐”We had a lot of fun at the party.我们在派对上玩得很开心.Have fun!玩得开心点!We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today.我们今天骑自行车去海滨玩得很开心。2).作形容词,表示“逗乐的,有趣的”Thiss a fun game.这是个有趣的游戏funny 新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件kindly adv.和蔼地他待我亲切。He treated me kindly.take kindly to 欣然接受,容易地适应(通常用于疑问句,否定句。)他不喜欢为女老板工作He didnt take kindly to working for a female boss.kindly adv.和蔼地 kind的三种用法1)adj.友善的,善良的 n.kindnessIts kind of you to help me with my English.2)种类 a kind of 一种 different kinds of 不同种类 all kinds of各种各样的3)kind of 有点 a little/a bitPandas are kind of shy.I think elephants are kind of scary.kind的三种用法ugly adj.丑陋的,难看的现在他把一个丑陋的石雕头像挂在大门上。Now he puts an ugly stone head over the gate.amused adj.有趣的,表示(人表情等)愉快amusing adj.好笑的,好玩的,有趣的Sally was amused.去年我有过一次好笑的经历。I had an amusing experience last year.amuse v.使(某人)快乐,逗乐This story amused me.ugly adj.丑陋的,难看的embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的,觉得不好意思的embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的,令人困惑的embarrass v.使人窘迫,使人为难,使人不好意思在那一刻,他觉得非常尴尬。He felt so embarrassed at that moment.我开始唱歌时,他大笑起来,使我感到很窘。When I began to sing,he laughed and made me embarrassed.在众人面前演说时,我觉得慌张困窘Making speeches in public always embarrasses me.This is an embarrassing situation.embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的,觉得不好意新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件Watch the vidio,answer these questions:Watch the vidio,answer these 新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件课文讲解 Last week,my four-year-old daughter,Sally,was invited to a childrens party.four-year-old 合成形容词,其中名词必须用单数形式。一座800米长的桥an 800-metre-long bridge invited sb.to 主动语态sb.was invited to 被邀请去,被动语态我被邀请参加颁奖仪式。I am invited to the award ceremony.课文讲解 Last week,my four-yeI decided to take her by train.decide to do sth 决定去做某事我决定开始学习法语。Ive decided to learn French.Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before.because 连词,引导原因状语从句我不干,因为我不喜欢。I wont do it,because I dont like it.on a train=by train过去完成时I decided to take her by trainShe sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.ask questions about 对提出问题everything(she saw)她所看到的一切=everything that she sawShe sat near the window and asLast week 4 Sally a party decide by train excited because sat near askedLast week 4 Suddenly,a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.形容词+名词+ed,构成形容词相当于with介词短语一个长脸的人a long-faced man=a man with a long face一个大眼睛的女孩a big-eyed girl=a girl with big eyesget on the train 上火车Suddenly,a middle-aged lady g“Hello,little girl,she said.Sally did not answer,but looked at her curiously.The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large,funny hat.be dressed in(=wear,have on)穿着在那个年代,人人都穿蓝色或绿色的衣服。In those years,everyone was dressed in blue or green.dress是及物动词,意为“为.穿衣”dress sb如:The babysitter dresses the baby everyday.保姆每天都要给宝宝穿衣。而be/get dressed(in)意为“穿着.”,如果后跟宾语,则in不可少。如:She is dressed well today.她今天穿得很漂亮。She is dressed in a new skirt.她穿着一条新裙子“Hello,little girl,she said suddenly lady got on sat opposite hello did not answer looked at was dressed in coat hat suddenly lady got on After the train had left the station,the lady opened her handbag and took out her power compact.take out 拿出,取出学生们拿出课本,开始阅读。The students took out their textbooks and started readingShe then began to make up her face.make up 化妆,打扮我们赶到的时候,演员们还在化妆。The actors were making up when we arrived.make up编造Some of the stories are made up Why are you doing that?Sally asked.doing that=making up your faceAfter the train had left the sTo make myself beautiful,the lady answered.She put away her compact and smiled kindly.put away 放在一边,收起他收好书,起身走了。He put his books away,stood up and left.But you are still ugly,Sally said.Sally was amused,but I was very embarrassed!amused 高兴快乐的,开心的,有趣的embarrassed 分词形容词,尴尬的,窘迫的To make myself beautiful,thAfter had left The lady opened took out Then began to Why Sally To the lady answeredShe put smiled But ugly Sally amused I embarrassedAfter had left 新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件PassiveVoice被动语态被动语态Passive Voice 被动语态Englishisspokenbythemostpeopleintheworld.spokenEnglishEnglish is spoken by the most TheGreatWallwasbuiltbyChinesepeople.builtThe Great Wall was built by ChThetreeswereplantedbystudents.plantedThe trees were planted by stud 英语动词有两种语态:主动语态(the Active Voice)被动语态(the Passive Voice)What is it?A.主动语态表示主语是动作的主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者执行者。B.被动语态表示主语是动作的被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者承受者。We planted the tree.The tree was planted by us.被动语态被动语态结构:结构:be+过去分词过去分词(P.P)+(by)英语动词有两种语态:What is it?A.主动 are主动语态变被动语态解题步骤主动语态变被动语态解题步骤:1.找宾语找宾语-即动作的承受者即动作的承受者Theymakeshoesinthatfactory.Shoes2.判断宾语的单复数判断宾语的单复数-即即be动词的单复数动词的单复数.3.判断动词的时态判断动词的时态-即即be动词的时态动词的时态.4.修改谓语的时态修改谓语的时态-即原句动词改为过去分词即原句动词改为过去分词made5.修改原句的主语修改原句的主语-即即by+主语主语.bythem.Wecleanedtheclassroomyesterday.Theclassroomwascleaned byus.are主动语态变被动语态解题步骤:1.找宾语-即 do did done go went gone see saw seen give gave given choose chose chosen draw drew drawn eat ate eaten take took taken speak spoke spoken write wrote written show showed shown新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件 buy bought boughtcatch caught caught think thought thoughtteach taught taughtbuild built built keep kept kepthear heard heard find found foundmake made madetell told toldcut cut cutsend sent sent buy bought boug一般现在时的被动语态:一般现在时的被动语态:am/are/is+过去分词过去分词+(by)1.Peopleplayfootballallovertheworld.2.Galaxyteachesusthisterm.Footballallovertheworld.Wethisterm.isplayedbypeoplearetaught(byGalaxy)一般现在时的被动语态:am/are/is+过去分词+(b一般过去时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:was/were+过去分词过去分词+(by)3.PeoplebuilttheGreatWalllongago.4.Myclassmatesplantedmanyflowersyesterday.TheGreatWall_longago.Manyflowers_yesterday.wasbuilt(bypeople)wereplanted(bymyclassmates)一般过去时的被动语态:was/were+过去分词+(by情态动词的被动语态:情态动词的被动语态:must/should/can等等+be+过去分词过去分词5.Youmustthrowthebrokenglassawayatonce.6.Wecanfinishourhomeworkontime.Thebrokenglassatonce.Ourhomework_on time.mustbethrownaway(byyou)canbefinished(byus)情态动词的被动语态:must/should/can等+bLets practice1.People use knives for cutting things.Knives_ _ for cutting things.2.ThestudentsinthisschoolstudyGerman.German_bythestudentsinthisschool.are used is studied1.People use knives for cuttin3.I found the ticket on the floor.Theticket _ _ on the floor.4.I told her to return the book in time.She _ _ to return the book in time.was found was told3.I found the ticket on the fl5.He can mend the bike in two days.The bike _ _ _ in two days.6.You must take this medicine three times a day.This medicine _ _ _ three times a day.can be mended must be taken5.He can mend the bike in two 1.Aneighborhelpedtokeepourdog.It_whilewewereonholiday.(2005)A.wastakencareB.tookcareofC.istakencareofD.wastakencareof2.Watches_Shanghaiaregood.A.aremadeinB.ismadeC.aremadefromD.madein考试考什么考试考什么DD1.A neighbor helped to keep o3.Acoatcan_forkeepingwarm.A.beusedB.isusedC.beenusedD.used4.The book _ as a present yesterday.A.wasgiventohimB.wasgivenforhimC.wasgivehimAAAA5.Peoplethereplantedmanytreeslastyear.Trees_bypeopletherelastyear.(同义句转换)同义句转换)(青岛市中考题)青岛市中考题)6.Theygrowvegetablesonthefarm.(上海市中考(上海市中考题)题)Thevegetables_onthefarm.Twere planted are grown5.People there planted man 用适当的形式填空 1.History is _ by the people.(make)2.He is often _ to do the work by the teacher.(ask)3.The book _ by him last year.(write)4.The radio _ last week.(mend)madeaskedwaswrittenwasmended 用适当的形式填空madeaskedwas writt用所给动词的正确形式填空:用所给动词的正确形式填空:1).The bike _(fix)up by Xiao Ming yesterday.2).Sunglasses _(use)for protecting peoples eyes.3).A picture _(put)up on the blackboard.4).French_(speak)in France.5).Teenagers should _(allow)to choose their own clothes.was fixedare usedis putis spokenbe allowed用所给动词的正确形式填空:1).The bike _5)Exercises:选择填空:1.Windows_ of glass.A.be made B.is made C.are made D.been made2.The house_ in 2004.A.is built B.is building C.was built D.used3.A coat can_ for keeping warm.A.be used B.is used C.been used D.usedCCA5)Exercises:CCA4.Watches_ Shanghai last year.A.are made in B.is made C.are made from D.made5.This desk is made _ wood.A.of B.from C.in D.byAA6.Now people can use computers to help them.Now computers _ _ _ to help them.canbeused4.Watches_ Shanghai last y7.The teacher asked Tom to turn on the computer.Tom _ _ to turn on the computer.8.In this factory women do most of the work.Most of the work _ _ by women in this factory.was asked is done7.The teacher asked Tom to tur一般现在时:一般现在时:am/is/are+done一般过去时:一般过去时:was/were+done当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为 can/must/+be doneThebikeismadeinourfactory.这自行车是我们厂生产的。这自行车是我们厂生产的。Thisbookwaswrittenin1969.这本书是这本书是1969年写成的。年写成的。Thebabymustbelookedafterwell.这孩子必须被好好照顾。这孩子必须被好好照顾。一般现在时:am/is/are+doneThe 1.Rice in the south of china.A grows B is grown C are grown D grew2.English by us every morning.A is B reads C are read D is read 3.A car in1885.A were invented B was inventedC is invented D invented4.The shop last night.A is robbed B was robbed C are robbed D opened 5.The work must in two weeks.A be finish B be finished C finish D will finisBDBBB1.Rice in the 5.The work must in two weeks.A be finish B be finished C finish D will finish6.Those things may to the room.A move B moved C be moved D are moved7.Where the cars?A aremade B domakeC were made D is.made8.The train station in 1981.A is built B are built C was built D were builtBCCC5.The work must in two新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件新概念英语第一册141-142课ppt课件Thankyou!Thank you!


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