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Courtesy EnglishCourtesy Englishfor hotel servicefor hotel service酒店礼貌英语1标题添加点击此处输入相关文本内容点击此处输入相关文本内容总体概述点击此处输入相关文本内容标题添加点击此处输入相关文本内容2APOLOGIES3VOCABULARYExcuse ikskju:z 原谅 Apologize pldaiz 请求原谅 mistake misteik 错误 forgive fiv 原谅 mind maind 介意 assure u 保证4VOCABULARYsorry sri 对不起 right away 马上 happen hpn 发生bill bil 帐单 check tek 检查5PHRASES ON THE JOBExcuse me 打扰一下。Im sorry对不起。Please forgive me.请原谅Thats Ok 没什么。6PHRASES ON THE JOBI do apologize我很抱歉。Thats all right没关系。Please accept our apology.请接受我们的 歉意。7PHRASES ON THE JOBWould you please wait a moment?请稍等好吗?Would you mind waiting a second?请稍等好吗?8PHRASES ON THE JOBI didnt mean for that to happen.我是不想出这种事的。I assure you it wont happen again.我向您保证以后不再发生这种事。9TALKING TO THE GUESTGuest:Excuse me.I think there is a _ in my bill.打扰一下,我看我的账单有错误。Staff:Im sorry to hear that.Ill check for you _.Would you please wait a moment?对不起!我马上检查一下。请稍等好吗?Guest:OK.没关系(a moment later)10Staff:I do apologize,Mr.Smith.There is a mistake in your _.I _ you it wont happen again.我很抱歉,Smith先生。您的账单错的。我向您保证以后不再发生这种事Guest:Well,thats all right没关系。11EXERCISE 1:Put in the missing word.C:Im sorry.Its my fault.对不起,这是我的错。G:Thats all_.没关系。12Put in the missing word.C:Im very _ about it.对此我十分抱歉。G:Thats all right.别在意。13Put in the missing word.C:Sorry to keep you _.对不起让您久等了。G:Its all right.没什么。14Put in the missing word.C:Sorry to _ you.对不起,打扰了。G:Thats all right.没关系。15Put in the missing word.C:I apologize for this.我对此表示抱歉。G:Never_.没关系。16Put in the missing word.G:_to trouble you.对不起,麻烦您了。C:Thats all right.没关系。17Pair work:make up a dialog with your partner according to the following situations根据下面的情况做对话 The guest wants to go upstairs but the elevator is not working.客户想用电梯,可是电梯坏了还没修好18Pair workThe guest wants to go to the gym but it is not opened yet.客户想去健身房,可是健身房还没开业。19Mixed-up sentence exerciseOur welcome hotel toWelcome to our hotel.20Mixed-up sentence exercise me check let have aLet me have a check21Mixed-up sentence exercisewant a drink you if have to the have bar go can youIf you want have a drink,you can go to the bar.22Mixed-up sentence exercisename have I please may your?May I have your name,please?23Mixed-up sentence exercisemuch is single per room a how night?How much is a single room per night?24Mixed-up sentence exercisesir apology please our acceptPlease accept our apology,sir.25Group work:hotel informationTwo groups A and B should answer the following questions(one question one score),if one of the group can not answer the question or the answer is not correct,the other group can answer it and get two scores.26Group work:hotel informationGroup work:hotel informationA)How many guest rooms are there in the hotel?-274B)Where is the Gold Time Hotel located?-in the Bayuquan A)On which floor is there the business centre in the hotel?-on the second floor27Group work:hotel informationGroup work:hotel informationB)What kinds of suites does the hotel have?-deluxe,business,garden(花园套房),executive,presidential。A)Does the hotel provide baby sitting service?-yes,it does28Group work:hotel informationB)Does the hotel have a sauna?-yes,it hasA)How can the guest make a local call in the room?-Dial“9”first,then dial the target telephone number.29Group work:hotel informationB)It can not be used if the fire accident occurred?What is it?-elevatorA)Which floor is there the 360 Red Wine Cigar Bar in the hotel?-the first floor30Group work:hotel informationB)What are the business hours of Western Restaurant?-06:30-22:00A)How can the guest make a call between rooms?-dial“8”first,and then dial the room number31Group work:hotel informationB)What is it?SlippersSlippers32OFFERING HELP33VOCABULARY luggage lgid 行李 corridor krid:走廊 offer:f 提供assist sist 帮助 serve s:v 服务want wnt 想要,要 34VOCABULARYrequest rikwest 要求 Hesitate heziteit 犹豫 mind maind 介意trouble trbl 麻烦 look for luk 寻找 follow me flu 跟我走35PHRASES ON THE JOBAnything I can do for you?我能为您做些什么?If theres anything I can do to help,please let me know.如果有我能帮忙的话,请告诉我。36PHRASES ON THE JOBCan I help you?我能帮忙吗?If I can be of assistance.Please do not hesitate.如果要我帮忙,别犹豫,尽管讲。37PHRASES ON THE JOBDo you need any help?要帮忙吗Id be very glad to help you.很高兴帮您的忙。38PHRASES ON THE JOBIf you dont mind.如果您不介意。If its not trouble you.如果不麻烦您的话。39TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Excuse me,May I help you?打扰一下。我能帮忙吗?Guest:Yes,Im looking for my room.恩,我正在找我的客房Staff:May I know your room number,please?请问您房间的号是多少?Guest:Yes,my room number is 358.我的房间号是358.40TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Thats at the other end of the corridor.Follow me.Please.Ill show you to your room.我领您去房间。请跟我来。Guest:Thank you.Its very kind of you.谢谢Staff:Its my pleasure to serve you.Please enjoy your stay.很高兴为您服务。祝您在我们的酒店愉快Guest:Yes.I will.谢谢。Staff:Going up,sir?上楼吗?Guest:Yes,是的41TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Watch your steps,please,The floor is wet.请小心地滑。Guest:OK,Thank you.谢谢。Staff:By the way,may I help you with your luggage?需要我帮您拿行李吗?Guest:Sure,Thats very kind of you.谢谢。Staff:Youre most welcome不用客气42Find a partner and play the roles of the guest and the staff.The guest can not find the restroom.请找一位拍档与你一起来扮演员工找不到洗手间的客人PAIR WORK43REQUESTS AND REPLIES44VOCABULARYfavor feiv 好意do sb a favor 为某人帮助over there 在那边next to 紧挨者look for 寻找request rikwest 要求45VOCABULARYeasy i:zi 容易Reply riplai 回答trouble trbl 麻烦problem prblm 问题46PHRASES ON THE JOBWould you please do me a favor?能帮我个忙吗?Could you do me a favor?帮我个忙好吗?Could I ask you a favor?帮我个忙好吗?47PHRASES ON THE JOBNo problem没问题。No trouble at all.不麻烦。Id be glad to help you帮您很高兴。48TALKING TO THE GUESTGuest:Excuse me.打扰一下。Staff:YesGuest:Could you please do me a favor?能帮我个忙吗?Staff:Certainly.What can I do for you?当然,需要什么帮忙吗?49TALKING TO THE GUESTGuest:Im looking for the Sales Department.我正在寻找市场销售部。Staff:Thats easy.Its over there,next to the Reception Desk.很容易找到,在那边紧挨者柜台。Guest:I see,Thanks a lot.明白了,谢谢Staff:My pleasure.不客气50PAIR WORKFind a partner and play the roles of the guest and the staff.The guest want to send a letter.请找一位拍档与你一起来扮演员工与客人。客人想寄信。51Q&A问答环节敏而好学,不耻下问。学问学问,边学边问。Heisquickandeagertolearn.Learningislearningandasking.52添加标题添加标题添加标题添加标题此处结束语点击此处添加段落文本.您的内容打在这里,或通过复制您的文本后在此框中选择粘贴并选择只保留文字53感谢聆听Theusercandemonstrateonaprojectororcomputer,orprintthepresentationandmakeitintoafilm讲师:XXXX日期:20XX.X月54


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