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GrammarGrammarRevisionfortheAttributiveClause定语从句复习 高二(高二(8 8)班)班By Peng LiuyingBy Peng LiuyingGrammarRevisionfor定语从句复习1.When they get to the part _ hes breaking her heart,it can really make me cry just like before.EnjoyasongandfEnjoyasongandfindoutthemissingwords.indoutthemissingwords.2.Looking back on how it was in years gone by and the good times _ I had makes today seem rather sad.wherethat3.It was songs of love _ I would sing to them.that1.Whentheygettothepart_-Whats the name of the song?-The name of the song is Yesterday Once More.-Do you like the song whose name is Yesterday Once More?-Yes,I like the song whose name is Yesterday Once More very much.-WhatsthenameofthesonIlikethesongwhosenameisYesterday Once More verymuch.AndthegoodtimesthatIhadmakestodayrathersad.What type of clause are the underlined parts in the two sentences?IlikethesongwhosenameisYesterday Once More verymuch.AndthegoodtimesthatIhadmakestodayrathersad.Ilikethesongwhosenameis全国新课标卷全国新课标卷 定语从句定语从句 考点考点全国新课标卷定语从句考点 Attributive Clause,which is used to modify a noun or a pronoun.The clause used as the attribute in a sentence is calledStructure:Structure:antecedent+relative pronounrelative pronoun (as as subjectsubject,object or,object or predicative predicative)(as attributeas attribute)relative adverbrelative adverb (as adverbialas adverbial)(that/which/who/whom)(that/which/who/whom)(whose)(whose)(when/where/why)(when/where/why)efinition:efinition:AttributiveClause,whichi趣味定语从句复习竞赛competition第一部分.语法知识1.1.引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句的的whichwhich可以指代前面的可以指代前面的_ _,也可以指代前面,也可以指代前面_ _。先行词先行词整个句子整个句子eg:Tom suddenly fell ill,which made us sad.1.引导非限制性定语从句的which可以指代前面的_2.关系关系代词代词whose在从句中作在从句中作_:指人指人=_,_,指物指物=_._.ofwhomofwhich定语定语eg:Do you know anyone whose family is in Guangzhou?2.关系代词whose在从句中作_:指人=_3.3.先行词既有人又有物时,先行词既有人又有物时,定语从句关系词用定语从句关系词用_不用不用whichwhich和和_._.thatwhoeg:He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.3.先行词既有人又有物时,thatwhoeg:Hetalk4.关系副词关系副词why表表_,常用在,常用在先行词先行词_后面后面,=_ _._ _.forwhich原因原因reasoneg:Is this the reason why(for which)he refused to help you?4.关系副词why表_,常用在forwhic5.当先行词是表示时间的名词当先行词是表示时间的名词,如如time,day,year,month,week等,同时又在等,同时又在从句中作从句中作状语状语时,定语从句需要用关时,定语从句需要用关系副词系副词_引导。引导。引导定语从句的引导定语从句的when也可以转换成也可以转换成“_”的形式。的形式。介词介词whichwhichwhenwheneg:I remembered the day when(on which)I first came to the school.介词whichwheneg:Iremembered6 6先行词指物时,先行词被序先行词指物时,先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,常数词或形容词最高级修饰时,常用用_,_,不用不用_._.thatthatwhichwhicheg:We will never forget the first lesson that our English teacher gave us.6先行词指物时,先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,常用_7.7.关系代词指物时关系代词指物时,只用只用whichwhich不用不用thatthat的两种情况的两种情况:(1)(1)引导引导_从句从句时时(2)(2)关系代词在从句中做关系代词在从句中做_ 并且介词提到关系代词前时并且介词提到关系代词前时非限制性定语非限制性定语介词宾语介词宾语eg:He is the person from whom you can learn a lot.7.关系代词指物时,只用which不用that的两种情况:(8.当先行词是表示地点的名词,如当先行词是表示地点的名词,如place,room,mountainplace,room,mountain,airportairport等,等,同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需要用关系副词要用关系副词_引导。引导。但表地点的先行词在从句中做主语或宾但表地点的先行词在从句中做主语或宾语时,定语从句需要用关系代词语时,定语从句需要用关系代词或或that引导。引导。wherewherewhichwhicheg:Beijing is the place where(in which)I was born.8.当先行词是表示地点的名词,如place,room,m9.先行词是先行词是“way(方式、方法方式、方法)”时,时,当从句中缺状语:从句用当从句中缺状语:从句用_ 引导引导that/in which/省略关系词省略关系词eg:I dont like the way that/in which/-he talks.9.先行词是“way(方式、方法)”时,that/in10.10.关系代词关系代词asas与与samesame连用,引起的定语连用,引起的定语从句:从句:(1)the same(1)the sameas as 表示表示_人或物人或物;(2)the same(2)the samethat that 指指_人或物人或物同一类同一类同一个同一个eg:This is the same pen that I lost yesterday.This is the same pen as I lost yesterday.10.关系代词as与same连用,引起的定语从句:同一类同第二部分.选择题1.(2016 江江苏泰泰州州)This is the mostseriousandworstsituation_IhaveeverexperiencedasafanoftheNBA.A.whichB.whereC.thatD.whomC1.(2016江苏泰州)Thisisthemost2.(2011陕西卷陕西卷)Iwalkeduptothetopofthehillwithmyfriend,_weenjoyedawonderfulviewofthelake.A.whichB.whereC.whoD.thatB2.(2011陕西卷)Iwalkeduptothe3.(2007北京)北京)Weshouldntspentourmoneytestingsomanypeople,mostof_arehealthy.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.whomD3.(2007北京)Weshouldntspento4.(2015福建龙岩)福建龙岩)AttherequestofsomeEnglishlearners,hehaspublishedalotofbooks,oneof_isaboutEnglishidioms.A.themB.whichC.thatD.theyB4.(2015福建龙岩)Attherequest5.(2005浙江浙江)_Iexplainonthephone,yourrequestwillbeconsideredatthemeeting.A.WhenB.AfterC.AsD.Since C5.(2005浙江)_Iexplaino6.(2001上海上海)Haveyouseenthefilm“Titanic”,_leadingactorisworld-famous?A.itsB.itsC.whoseD.whichC6.(2001上海)Haveyouseenthe第三部分.看图填空Enjoy a video of the movie Zootopia(疯狂动物城)(疯狂动物城)then fill in the blanks with the proper relatives to complete the attributive clauses.EnjoyavideoofthemovieZoo1._ is known to us all,the movie Zootopia(疯狂动物城)(疯狂动物城)is a comedy,_ presents a fantasy world _ animals live together in harmony(和谐)(和谐).Aswhichwhere1._isknowntousall,t2.The movies main character is Judy,_ is an energetic rabit.Her ambition is to become a cop(警察)(警察),so she decides to leave her carrot farm _ she has been brought up.wherewho2.Themoviesmaincharacter3.The sloth(树懒)(树懒)in Zootopia has become popular in China,_ the film is dominating(主宰)(主宰)cinemas.For most Chinese,it is the first time _ they have even seen a sloth,_ makes people now be eager to know more about these animals.wherethatwhich3.Thesloth(树懒)inZootopiaha第四部分.格言英译中1.He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉不到长城非好汉.知足者常乐知足者常乐.2.He who is content(满足满足)is always happy.TranslatethefollowingEnglishproverbsintoChineseandthenpickouttheattributiveclauses.1.HewhodoesntreachtheGr3.Everything is ready,and all that we need is an east wind.万事俱备,只欠东风万事俱备,只欠东风玩火者必自焚玩火者必自焚4.He who plays with fire gets burned.3.Everythingisready,andal5.He who thinks but does not learn,is in great danger.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆6.Dont expect people to do things which you would not do yourself.己所不欲,勿施于人己所不欲,勿施于人5.Hewhothinksbutdoesnot第五部分.看图造句 Enjoy the pictures and then finish the tasks given about attributive clauses.EnjoythepicturesandthenWe like the school where we study.We like the school.We like the school _.WeliketheschoolwherewesThe school is Maoming No.16 High School in the future.The school _is Maoming No.16 High School in the future.that will be more beautifulThe school _.is Maoming No.16 High School in the future.TheschoolisMaomingNo.16HiTrytomakesentences趣味定语从句公开课课件趣味定语从句公开课课件趣味定语从句公开课课件第六部分.语法填空 Though I cant remember everything _ happened during the time in university,I still remaember some people and things _ were related to Miss Brown,_ used to be monitor in our class.If you want to know who the lady is _ I referred to in my diary,I can tell you its her,Miss Brown.Here is a story _ makes me remember Miss Brown until now.One afternoon,she and I arrived in New York,_ we would look forward to.We went to the biggest bookshop in _ there were different kinds of books to be sold.There,ThoughIcantremembereshe persuaded me to read every grammar book _ could offer me knowledge of grammar and buy a dictionary _ I could look up the new words in.Miss Brown also bought the same books _ I did.Just when we left the bookshop and were ready to go back to our university,a big man stopped us and robbed me of my necklace.Ill never forget that time _ Miss Brown tried her best to help me and lost one of her fingers.shepersuadedmetoreadevery Though I cant remember everything _ happened during the time in university,I still remaember some people and things _ were related to Miss Brown,_ used to be monitor in our class.If you want to know who the lady is _ I referred to in my diary,I can tell you its her,Miss Brown.Here is a story _ makes me remember Miss Brown until now.One afternoon,she and I arrived in New York,_ we would look forward to.We went to the biggest bookshop in _ there were different kinds of books to be sold.There,thatthatwhothat that whichwhichThoughIcantremembereshe persuaded me to read every grammar book _ could offer me knowledge of grammar and buy a dictionary _ I could look up the new words in.Miss Brown also bought the same books _ I did.Just when we left the bookshop and were ready to go back to our university,a big man stopped us and robbed me of my necklace.Ill never forget that time _ Miss Brown tried her best to help me and lost one of her fingers.thatwhichaswhenshepersuadedmetoreadeveryHomework根根据据下下列列中中文文信信息息,完完成成英英语语短短文文(不不必必逐逐字字翻翻译译)。注注意意:尽可能多地使用定语从句。尽可能多地使用定语从句。众众所所周周知知,凝凝聚聚力力是是一一种种无无价价的的班班级级精精神神,在在班班级级建建设设上上起起着着重重要要作作用用。高高二二(8 8)班班是是一一个个由由6767名名成成员员组组成成的的班班集集体体。通通过过校校运运会会、元元旦旦晚晚会会表表演演,我我们们很很好好地地向向学学校校展展现现了了充充满满活活力力的的青青春春风风采采。即即将将举举办办的的校校园园歌歌手手大大赛赛将将会会给给同同学学们们呈呈现现精精彩彩的的表表演演。期期待待吧吧!作作为为班班级级的的一一员员,我我现现在在应应该该努努力力学学习习提提高高自自己己的的能能力力。只只有有这这样样,才才能能为为班班级级贡贡献献自自己的力量。己的力量。As we all know,Class 8 Grade 2 is a class that consist of 67 members.The campus singing competition which will be held will present a wonderful performance for the classmates.Homework根据下列中文信息,完成英语短文(不必逐字翻译 Thank you!Thank you!趣味定语从句公开课课件


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