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The test-tube baby technologys brief introduction and discussion Name Name:Pengxiang LiPengxiang Li Student Number Student Number:8111081481110814 Class Class:Laboratory AnimalLaboratory AnimalThe test-tube baby technolo1The concept of ivf The developing course of ivf Several common ivf The advantages and disadvantages of ivf ContentThe concept of ivf 21.TheconceptTest-tubebabytechnologyisalsoknownasinvitrofertilization-embryotransfer(IVF-ET)technology,meansusingsomeartificialmethodstofertilizeeggsandspermsinvitro,orinalaboratoryculture,andcarryingoutearlyembryodevelopment,andthentransplantedtothewombtocultivate.Finnally,thepregnantwomengivebirthtothebabys.试管婴儿技术(英文版)课件3In1947,ThemagazineNatureinUKreportedaexperimentofrecyclingrabbitseggsandtransferingthemtootherrabbitstogivebirthtoyoungrabbitsby“borrowingtheabdomen”.In1959,MinjueZhang,aChinese-Americanbiologist,finishedthisexperimentagain,andachievedasuccess.OnJuly25,1978,theworldsfirsttest-tubebabyLouisBrownwasborninBritain.2.2.The developing course of ivfIn 1947,The magazine Nature in4Fromthelate1970stothelate1980s,manycountrieshadmadethefirstgenerationtest-tubebabyssuccessfully.1988310 China,girl The first test-tube baby of the Chinese mainland 19811228America,girl 1982120 Greek,girl1982224 French,girl1978103India,girl 1979114 UK,boy 1979623 Australia,girl 198066 Australia,a boy and a girl,the first twins of test-tube baby 19811019 UK,girl,the first mulatto test-tube baby 1982625 UK,girl1982922 Israel,girl 1982927 Swedish,girl 1983520 Singapore,boy,the first test-tube baby of southeast Asia198368 Australia the first triplets1984116 Australias first quadruplets 1985416 Taiwan,China,boy first test-tube baby Up to nowUp to now,the global tthe global test-tube babys have more than have more than 3 3 billion.billion.From the late 1970 s to the la5Conventional Conventional in vitro in vitro f fertilization and ertilization and embryoembryo transfer transfer Gamete and embryo Gamete and embryo c cryopreservation ryopreservation technologytechnology ThegeneticdiagnosisThegeneticdiagnosisofembryosbeforeplantingofembryosbeforeplanting The technology The technology of ooplasm of ooplasm substitutionsubstitution Drugs Drugs to stimulate to stimulate superovulationsuperovulation A A single sperm single sperm injection injection ofofOocyte plasma Oocyte plasma 3.3.Several common ivfConventional Gamete and embryo63.1 The c3.1 The conventional inonventional invitro vitro f fertilization andertilization andembryembryo o transfertransfer.3.1 The conventional in73.2 3.2 A A single sperm single sperm injection injection ofofOocyte plasmaOocyte plasma.3.2 A single sperm injection o83.33.3ThegeneticdiagnosisofThegeneticdiagnosisofembryosbeforeplantingembryosbeforeplanting.3.3 The genetic diagnosis of e9 Also known as the fourth generation of ivf.Human genetic material exists in the chromosomes of sperms and eggs nucleus ,and the cytoplasm around nucleus,plays an important part in providing nutrition and sustaining life.This kind of test tube babies are for those women who have oviposit function,but because of poor physical conditions,or older,causing the eggs quality is not so high,and the energy is poor.Specific method is to remove her nucleus of an egg cell,into a young,healthy womens cytoplasm of a egg,forming a new,high-quality egg,but it still expresses the genetic characteristics of the previous woman.Then combine this egg and her husbands sperm together in vitro to come being to a fertilized egg,implanted back into the first womans womb,so she gives birth to a healthy children that has no relationship with the third people providing the cytoplasm .3.4 The technology of ooplasm The technology of ooplasm substitutionsubstitution Also known as the fourt104.4.The advantages of ivf Test-tube baby technology Test-tube baby technology,a kind of assisted reproductive technology,a kind of assisted reproductive technology,createcreates s the miracle of life,it is of great importance the miracle of life,it is of great importance that that bringsbrings the Gospel to infertile women,the Gospel to infertile women,and and maintainmaintains s the harmonythe harmony,happy happy familfamiliesies and and a s a stable table s society ociety.4.The advantages of ivf 11IfIf the Y chromosome the Y chromosome taktakinging micro micro defect defect is is inheritedinherited,it is,it is e easy asy to cause miscarriage to cause miscarriage,stillbirth stillbirth,and,and congenitalcongenital anomaliesanomalies and so and so on.on.If a woman has no If a woman has no conditions conditions f for breeding,or breeding,hashas a history of miscarriage.a history of miscarriage.Even if a test-tube baby Even if a test-tube baby surgery surgery w workorks s,also can cause,also can cause miscarriage miscarriage.Some institutionsSome institutions cannt cannt controllcontroll the the spermsperms s strictly,strictly,the the sourcesource of of sperm sperms s is is unknown.unknown.ItsIts u unable nable to guarantee the to guarantee the quality of the fetus.quality of the fetus.H High cost for each igh cost for each offspring:anoffspring:an artificialartificial insemination needs insemination needs 2-30000 yuan,the 2-30000 yuan,the successful successful rate rate is is aboutabout 20%.20%.The The test-tube babytest-tube babys s m made by artificial ade by artificial fertilization fertilization have have the the three times three times higher risk of higher risk of suffering from suffering from cerebral palsy.than cerebral palsy.than by by natural natural fertilization fertilization when when theythey werewere born born.It It interferenceinterferences s f female physiologyemale physiology strictly.strictly.5.The 5.The disadvantages disadvantages of ivf of ivf If the Y chromosome taking mic12Conclusion:Conclusion:T To sum up,test-tube baby o sum up,test-tube baby technology,technology,as a as a kind ofkind of high-tech producthigh-tech product in medical along with the in medical along with the development of science and technology,writedevelopment of science and technology,writes s a new a new chapterchapter for the h for the human reproductive history uman reproductive history and and createcreates s the miracle of life the miracle of life.But,.But,at the same time,at the same time,it it also appearalso appears s some related problems,this requires some related problems,this requires that wethat we should should learn to use a dialectical point of learn to use a dialectical point of view.On the one hand,test-tube baby technology view.On the one hand,test-tube baby technology brbringsings good news for infertility family,on the other good news for infertility family,on the other hand the quality hand the quality and and the complications of ivf also the complications of ivf also need to improve need to improve.Conclusion:To sum up,test-tub13Thank you!Thank you!14


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