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译林版小学英语四年级上册(4A)Unit-5-Our-new-home第三课时2课件1Me too!同学们,如果你觉得我说的情况和你一样,就请你站起来说同学们,如果你觉得我说的情况和你一样,就请你站起来说Me tooMe too!I like animals.I live(居住居住)in Nanjing.My house(房子房子)is not too big.My home is far away(离得远离得远)from school.I like reading stories.I dont like windy(有风的有风的)days.Me too!同学们,如果你觉得我说的情况和你一样,就请你站2The story is about(关于)(关于).Read the coverRead the cover要认真仔细的观察封面图片哦!What can you see from the cover?从从从从封面你能看到什么封面你能看到什么封面你能看到什么封面你能看到什么?A house and a parrot.The story is about(关于).Read3How is the house?Whose house is it?Listen and answerHow is the ho4listen to the story5listen to the story6How is the house?A.big B.new C.little D.olda little old houseIs Mr Parrot happy?Why(为什么为什么)?He does not like his little old house.Mr ParrotTry to answerHow is the house?7你能扮演你能扮演你能扮演你能扮演Mr Mr ParrotParrot吗吗?注意注意注意注意 Mr Mr ParrotParrot的心情哦!的心情哦!的心情哦!的心情哦!Im not_.I dont like_.He leaves(离开离开)_to look for(寻找寻找)_.his old housea new onehappymy little old house一人扮演一人扮演一人扮演一人扮演Mr Mr ParrotParrot,其他人扮演旁白。,其他人扮演旁白。,其他人扮演旁白。,其他人扮演旁白。注意注意注意注意 Mr Mr ParrotParrot的心情哦!的心情哦!的心情哦!的心情哦!你能扮演Mr Parrot吗?Im not_8Skimming and scanningSkimming and scanningQ:How many places(地方地方)does Mr Parrot find?3030秒快速秒快速浏览浏览P6-18,P6-18,数一数数一数Mr ParrotMr Parrot找到了几个新地方找到了几个新地方,并和同桌分享你的答案并和同桌分享你的答案。Seven.Skimming and scanningQ:How ma9Read in groupsRead in groupsWhat does Mr Parrot always say when he finds a new place?鹦鹉先生每次刚找到一个新地方时,他总会先说什么?鹦鹉先生每次刚找到一个新地方时,他总会先说什么?小组合作阅读小组合作阅读,互相互相帮助,共同帮助,共同找出问题的答案。找出问题的答案。Skim P6-18 quickly.快速浏览P6-18。Circle the new words.圈出新单词,猜测词义。Read together.一起朗读。Underline the answers together.共同划出答案。Read in groupsWhat does Mr Par10Try to answerTry to answerWhat does Mr Parrot always say when he finds a new place?鹦鹉先生每次鹦鹉先生每次刚找到一个新地方时,他总会先说什么?刚找到一个新地方时,他总会先说什么?This place looks good.That place looks nice.I want to live there.搬到I want to move in here.Try to answerWhat does Mr Parr11Try to thinkTry to think 每当每当Mr ParrotMr Parrot刚找到一个新地方时,他的心情是怎样的?刚找到一个新地方时,他的心情是怎样的?He is_happyexcited 激动的激动的This place looks good.That place looks nice.I want to live there.I want to move in here.试着读一读,要读试着读一读,要读出出Mr ParrotMr Parrot开心激开心激动的心情哦!动的心情哦!.Try to think 每当Mr Parrot刚找到一个新12Look and answerLook and answerDoes Mr Parrot live here?同学们,要仔细观察图片哦!同学们,要仔细观察图片哦!No.Somebody else lives there.He has to(不得不)(不得不)leave.Poor Parrot!可怜的可怜的A.一些其他身体 B.某个其他人Look and answerDoes Mr Parrot 13Read and matchRead and matchWhy does Mr Parrot leave?It is too _.Mr Parrot为什么离开后面什么离开后面6个地方,个地方,仔仔细自自读P8-18,找到答案并划出来找到答案并划出来,并并把把对应的原因的原因连一一连。He _.Read and matchWhy does Mr Parr14It is too far.He cannot get there.It is too dirty.He gets dirty too.It is too noisy.He does not like the big bell.It is too dangerous.He has to leave again.It is too windy.He does not like it here.It is too wet and cold.He cannot live here.Read and matchRead and matchIt is too far.He cannot get th15Try to imagineTry to imagineTry to imagineTry to imagineMr ParrotMr Parrot没有找到合适的房子,他没有找到合适的房子,他继续寻找继续寻找1 1 1 12 2 2 23 3 3 34 4 4 4鹦鹉先生到了这些地方他会说什么呢?鹦鹉先生到了这些地方他会说什么呢?鹦鹉先生到了这些地方他会说什么呢?鹦鹉先生到了这些地方他会说什么呢?This/That place looks.I want to move in.I want to live.But it is too.I dont like.I cannot.I have to.选择一幅图,展开想象,同桌讨论。Try to imagineMr Parrot没有找到合适的16Mr Parrot is _.Look and answerLook and answerLook and answerLook and answertired and hungry He bumps into(撞到撞到)something.指的是什么东西?指的是什么东西?Mr Parrots old house.同学们,要仔细观察图片哦!同学们,要仔细观察图片哦!Mr Parrot is _.17How does the house look now?现在房子看起来怎么样?现在房子看起来怎么样?warm温暖的nicebeautifulcomfortable.Look and answerLook and answerLook and answerLook and answer同学们,要仔细观察图片哦!同学们,要仔细观察图片哦!How does the house look now?wa18Look and compareLook and compareLook and compareLook and compare仔细对比两幅图片,虽然是同一所房子,但Mr Parrot感觉却不一样,是为什么呢?Look and compare仔细对比两幅图片,虽然是同一19East or West,home is best.金窝金窝金窝金窝,银窝不如自己的草窝。银窝不如自己的草窝。银窝不如自己的草窝。银窝不如自己的草窝。East or West,20模仿录音跟读课文,模仿录音跟读课文,注意注意Mr ParrotMr Parrot的情绪的情绪变化哦!变化哦!Try to ImitateTry to ImitateTry to ImitateTry to Imitate模仿录音跟读课文,注意Mr Parrot的情绪变化哦!Try21Act the storyAct the storyAct the storyAct the story两人一组,一个扮演两人一组,一个扮演Mr ParrotMr Parrot,一个扮演旁白。一个扮演旁白。表演加上开头和结尾,中间的几表演加上开头和结尾,中间的几个场景可以进行选择。个场景可以进行选择。表演开头结尾表演开头结尾+一个一个场景场景表演开头结尾表演开头结尾+两个两个场景场景表演开头结尾表演开头结尾+两个以上两个以上场景场景表演开头结尾表演开头结尾+自编自编场景场景 Act the story两人一组,一个扮演Mr Parro22Home is bestHome is bestEveryone has a home.Home is bestEveryone has a hom23Mum,dad and you make up a home.Home is bestHome is bestMum,dad and you make up a hom24You love each other very much.Home is bestHome is bestYou love each other very much.25When you are happy,they are happy too.You laugh happily together.Home is bestHome is bestWhen you are happy,they are h26When you are sad,they always give you a warm hug.Home is bestHome is bestWhen you are sad,they always 27When you meet some difficulties,they encourage you.They tell you dont give up,you can do it.Home is bestHome is bestWhen you meet some difficultie28It is your home,a place you dont want to leave.Home is bestHome is bestIt is your home,a place you d29All of us live in a big home too.China is our big home.Home is bestHome is bestAll of us live in a big home t30Love our home,love China,no matter where you are.Home is bestHome is bestLove our home,love China,no 31East or west,home is best.Home is bestHome is bestEast or west,home is best.Hom32THank you!THank you!THank you!33


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