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2024/7/22译林牛津版译林牛津版9AUnit6Reading1课件课件2023/8/3译林牛津版9AUnit6Reading1课件1Learning aims1.To learn a news report about a murder;2.To learn to analyze(分析)(分析)a passage with the help of key points.Learning aimsTo learn a news r2 What happened in the video?What happened in the video?3 detective victimmurderersuspect scene of crimeclueswitness check the scene of the crimetalk to the victims friends or workmates detective victimmurderersuspe4detectivePre-taskHave a discussion about a detectives worksuspectcluesthe scene of the crime reward talk to_ _Check_offer a _search for _ talk to the victims _ _find the _ friends or workmates the witnessesdetectivePre-taskHave a discu5Murder in Valley TownMurder in Valley Town6They are detective,victim,witness,suspect and the victims parents.While-taskFive.1.When did the murder happen?2.How many kinds of people are talked about in the story?Who are they?Between 9p.m.yesterday and 1 a.m.today.Task 1:Fast readingThey are detective,victim,wi7Task2:Watch and answer1.Where was the victims body found?2.What caused the victims death?3.Hows the victims job?4.Are there any suspects now?5.How much money did the victims parents offer for any information?Task2:Watch and answer1.Where8译林牛津版9AUnit6Reading1课件91.Where was the victims body found?2.What caused the victims death?3.Hows the victims job?4.Are there any suspects now?5.How much did the victims parents offer?In the door way of a clothes shop in Valley Town.He was attacked with a knife and bled to death.An interesting and well-paid job.50,000.Yes,only one.Detectives workThe cluesThe victimThe suspectThe rewardKey points1.Where was the victims body 10 detectives workcluesvictimsuspect rewardJ:be attacked withO:lead to arrestC:a short,thin manH:a well-paid jobM:evidence of a struggleN:be charged withG:be interested inE:check the sceneL:have blood onK:be guilty ofF:run downI:breathe heavilyA:be last seenB:more than one attackerD:took place betweenTask 3:Scan and fill in a table detectives workcluesvictimsu11Task4:Further readingThe detectives workNot sure:Not sure:Asking:Asking:Checking:Checking:Anyone_ to contact them.The scene for_ Whether_ or_ who saw anything unusual last night fingerprints and other clues.the victim was killed somewhere else killed at the place where he was foundTask4:Further readingThe dete12The police have found _ to show that the victim was _with a knife and bled to_as a result.There was also _ of a _.Detective Lu said that the victim put up a good _.It is possible that there was more than one _.He added that the police are checking the _for _ and other _.cluesattackeddeathevidencestrugglefightattackerfingerprintscluesThe cluessceneThe police have found _ to131.What are the police also interested in?2.Did the man have many friends?3.In the past,the victim was guilty of computer crimes,right?4.What was he charged with?Theyre also interested in knowing if the victim had any enemies.Yes,he did.Yes,he was.He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.The victimTheyre also interested in kno14The suspect and the reward1.The suspect is a short,fat man.2.The suspect was seen running down Upper Street at 8p.m.yesterday.3.The police have arrested the murderer.4.The victims parents offered a reward for information.FFFTthinThe police havent known who the murderer is.10p.m.The suspect and the reward1.15 A young man was m_ in Valley Town.The body was found in the doorway of a clothes shop.The v_ was a computer programmer who worked in New Town.When he left his office,he said he was going to visit his parents.The m_took place between 9 p.m.and 1 a.m.last night.The victim was killed with a k_ and there was evidence of a s_.We are checking the scene for c_,which will help us find the murderer.A witness saw a man running down Upper Street with b_on his shirt.But the man said that he was not g_.We dont have enough e_ to arrest him.So please c_ us on 55501212 if you have some information.urderedictimurdernifetrugglelueslooduiltyTask 5:complete the reportvidenceontact urderedictimurdernifetruggle16译林牛津版9AUnit6Reading1课件17Task 1:Imitate(模仿模仿)a talk Post-taskDetective Lu:Thanks for coming to help usDetective Lu:Im sorry for your boys bad news,but Detective Lu:I need you to answer me some questions,are you clear?.Witness:Victims parents:Suspect:Task 1:Imitate(模仿)a talk Pos18Task2:Feed backA news report about a murderkey pointsDetectives workThe cluesThe victimThe suspectRewardWhat have we learnt today?Task2:Feed backA news report19If you have some information,will you keep silent or contact(联系联系)the police?Why?We need a safe and peaceful society we shouldnt do anything against the law!If you have some information,20HomeworkTry to recite the important phrasesHomeworkTry to recite the impo21


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