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“词语释义”复习专题英语句子是由单词、短语按一定的语法规则构成来表达一个独立、完整意思的语言单位。要学好一门语言,最根本的一点,就是要能正确地运用句子。而正确地理解单词、词组及短语是正确地用好每一个句子的关键。对于单词、短语以及整个句子的理解运用是初中英语最基本、最重要的教学内容,也是历年全国各省市中考重点内容之一。词语释义题就是这一考点的具体体现形式。词语释义也叫作同义词替换,作为中考考点之一,主要考查:同义词及词组,词性变化引起的句子结构变化,根据情境理解上下文含义,字面含义与实际意义相差较大的习惯用语等。我们可以把这类替换题分为三种情况:1、直观性替换:即能不增加语境考虑,直接得出正确替代词的方式。这一方式主要考查我们平时对同义词、近义词以及短语的积累和整理。例1)(2000.曲靖)Paul looked up Lucy telephone number in the telephone book.A.asked B.tried to find C.saw D.read选B。look up=try to find 查询之意例2)(2000.曲靖)Thousands of people visited Kunming during Kunming International Tourism Festival(昆明国际旅游节).A.looked at B.went to see C.wanted D.looked for选B。visit=go to see例3)(2001.曲靖)Well have a great time after the exam.A.large B.unhappy C.big D.wonderful选D。great=wonderful例4)(2001.曲靖)Do you know the boy named Bill?A.spoken B.with name C.to call D.called选D。named=called例5)(2001.曲靖)The train arrived at the station on time.A.early B.either early or late C.late D.neither early nor late选D。on time=neither early nor late例6)(2002.云南)She sang the song over and over until she could sing it very well.A.from them on B.again and again C.more and more D.once more选B。over and over=again and again例7)(2003.云南)I heard that you went to Marys home.-Yes,her mother wanted to see me.How could I say no?A.Why should I go B.How could I refuseC.Why didnt I go C.How couldnt I refuse选B。refuse=say no例8)(2004.曲靖)Its getting too late.I must be off now.A.leave B.away C.stay D.be back选A。be off=leave=be away例9)(2004.曲靖)He was amazed at all the colors of coral reefs,and all the beautiful fish.A.was amazed in B.was surprised atC.was afraid of D.was good at选B。be amazed at=be surprised at例10)(2009.云南)My uncle rang me up this morning.But I wasnt at home.A.visited me B.looked after me C.woke me up D.called me选D。ring sb.up=call sb.直观性替换可操作性强,这一类替换不用过多地考虑就可以直接得出答案。但随着新课程的改进,词汇量扩大了,学生的语言实践量增加了,直观性替换的份额在中考题中逐渐减少。所以,大部分同义词替换已经进入了第二个阶段即:2.语境性替换:这种替换是在联系全句的语境下,考查学生对词汇运用的能力。下面我们就看一些词在不同语境中表达的意思有什么不同。Mind:例:1)I dont mind what he said.2)He has changed his mind to go there.3)Mind my bike while I go into the shop,please.4)“Do you mind?”She said,as that man pushed into the queue in front of her.分析:1)题中的mind=care,表示介意,在乎。2)题中的mind=idea,表示主意,想法。3)题中的mind=look after/take care of,题意是“我去商店一下,请照看好我的自行车”。4)题意思是“一位男子挤到她前面来排队时,她说:“请不要挤进来,行吗?”本题的Do you mind?相当于please stop that 或 Dont do that。它是处于一个特殊语境中,具有特殊意思。再例5)-Will you have a drink?-I dont mind if I do.A.No,thanks B.I dont agree C.Yes,please D.What kind of drink.选C。本题的意思是:“你要喝点吗?”-“那可太好了”句中回答:”I dont mind if I do”表示欣然接受。本题从交际语言类别上看属就餐,故选择表肯定的回答:Yes,please.例:6)He drops off his bag and has a drink.7)Could you drop me off near the post office?.分析:6)题中drop off his bag意思是放下书包,这里的drop off=put down,考虑时态搭配,故本题答案为puts down.7)题中意思是“你可以让我在邮局附近下车吗?”这里的drop me off 相当于let me get off the bus/car再例8)I cant walk any longer.I feel ready to drop.A.fall B.be very tired C.stop选B。前句I cant walk any longer.(我再也走不动了),可以判定句中的drop意思是“累”,“I feel ready to drop”意思是“我要累倒了。”当然,当drop作动词“放弃”时,相当于give up,比如:drop math。我们再以考试真题为例,弄清替换部分在不同语境中的真实意义:9)(2005.云南)Tomorrow will be better in China.A.The next day B.The second day C.The future D.The whole day选C。tomorrow 在这是将来、未来之意而不是单纯指明天。10)(2006.云南)I havent seen you for ages.A.several times B.no time C.a short time D.a long time选D。ages指好几年,很长的一段时间。11)(2006.云南)She closed her speech with a funny joke.A.had B.gave C.ended D.bagan选C。这里的closed相当于结束之意。12)(2008.云南)Gina is a warm girl,so many people like to make friends with her.A.hot B.strange C.friendly D.hearted选C。13)(2008.云南)Dont be afraid!No matter what happens,Ill behind you.A.meet B.support C.miss D.change选B。behind在这是支持之意14)(2008.云南)We have been working around the clock to get it done on time.A.here and there B.up and down C.day and night D.now and then选C。这里的around the clock是日夜不停的意思。15)(2007.云南)Now more and more people like drinking tea.The culture is sweeping China.A.making China clean B.coming into China.C.becoming popular all over China.D.changing China fast选C。sweep这里不是打扫而是席卷之意。16)(2009.云南)John was walking on air when he knew his father bought him a bike.A.too bad B.quite sad C.very excited D.a little angry选C。walk on air在这的意思是飘飘然、兴奋之极。17)(2009.云南)-Why not listen to pop music,Tom?-oh,thats not my cup of tea.I like classical music better.A.its my favorite B.thats not my favoriteC.its good for me D.I dont want to drink tea.选B。thats not my cup of tea意思是指“那不是我喜欢的东西”。18)(2007.云南)Bill Gates is a successful businessman.He enjoys a big name in the business world.A.likes his name best B.is well-knownC.has a long name D.feels proud of it选B。enjoys a big name 意思是名气很大。考查同义词替换的第三种形式:3.习语替换。习语替换其实并不难,由于词和句子是融为一体的,一个含有习语的同义词替换题,它的前后必然有“语言信息沟”作为提示,帮助考生理解习语,使考生能从中得出另一种与之相同或相近的解释,从而选出正确答案。下面我仅以三种方式归类,希望能以此启示各位同学:一一、习语中含有身体部位词:1)、Head:keep ones head 题:Toms teacher told Tom to keep his head when he heard the bad news.A.drop his head B.listen C.keep him cool B.keep in mind答案C,题意是“当他听到这个坏消息时,老师劝他要保持冷静”。2)、Nose:(right)under ones nose 题:I put the picture right under his nose so that he can see it clearly.A.to cover his nose B.to get his eyes nearerC.in front of him D.beside his nose答案C。本题的语言信息是“so that he can see clearly”(以便他看得更清楚)。可以得知只有C答案符合题意。3)、Face:keep a straight face 题:He is very funny,so I cant keep a straight face whenever he talks.A.make faces B.keep laughing C.lose face D.stop myself from laughing选D。本题的语言信息是“He is very funny”(他很风趣)可以锁定为”stop myself from laughing”(忍住不笑)。全句的意思是“他这人很风趣,不管他说什么我都不能不笑”。4)、Teeth:get ones teeth into sth.题:-Now you know the job well,here is something to get your teeth into.A.give you to eat B.let you deal with选B。全句意思是“你对工作比较了解,这里有些事情需要你处理”,故选B。5)、Hand:give/lend sb a hand 题:-He failed this time.-Please lend him a hand to pass next time.A.tell him B.cause him C.take him D.help him选D。上句“he failed”及下句最后”pass next time就可以判定“lend sb.a hand意思是”帮助某人6)、Ear:lend sb an ear(2002.云南)题:-Whats funny about the film star?-Lend me your ears and youll know what is funny about her.A.Ill borrow your ears B.Listen to me carefullyC.Take my ears D.You can hear me选D。“借耳一用”意思是“听我说”7)、Eye:with ones eyesshut/closed题:Hes cooked that meal so often that he can do it with his eyes closed.A.close his eyes B.make his eyesC.easily D.with one eye选C。前半句he has cooked that meal so often“足以说明”做事简单,故选C。二二、习语中含有动物名称:1)、Horse:hold ones horse题:-You should hold your horses.-Why?-Because you are a stranger here or youll lose the way.析:题中的hold your horses意思是wait a moment(等一下)2)、Dog:dog cheap题:-Do you want to buy this shirt?-Of course,its dog cheap.A.not cheap B.very expressive.C.very cheap析:当A问B是否买下这件衬衫时,他表示同意,说明衣物不贵,故选C。与dog有关的还有像:dog days(热天);work like a dog(努力工作)等等。3)、Sheep:black sheep(2010.曲靖)题:George is a black sheep in that factory.Nobody likes him.A.a good worker B.a dirty workerC.a bad worker D.a black worker选C。本题的信息沟是“Nobody likes him”(没有人喜欢他)。足以说明black sheep相当于a bad person/worker(坏人,害群之马)故选C。4)、Duck:a dead duck题:The plan will be a dead duck:theres no money.A.be OK B.finish C.be dead D.be stopped选D。”theres no money(没有经费)。说明“计划告吹了”,不能carry out(执行,实施)了。故只有D答案最接近划线部分。5)、Monkey:monkey business骗人的把戏题:I dont believe it,its monkey business.A.a good thing B.a monkey story C.untrue D.real选C。I dont believe it(我不信这事)是语言信息,故C答案最接近。6)、Elephant:White elephant题:Nobody needs it,its a white elephant.A.useless B.useful C.big7)、Pig:make a pig of oneself吃得或喝得过多题:He likes drinking wine very much,so he made a pig of himself again yesterday.A.ate a pig B.drank too much选B。语言信息沟是:“He likes drinking wine very much.”三、含有颜色形容词的习语:1)、Red:red-letter day题:New year is a red-letter day.A.a good day B.a happy dayC.a festival day D.a beautiful day选C。a red-letter day 在英语中表示“重要的节日”,故相当于a festival day.再例:see red(发怒)=become very angry 2)、White:white lie 题:Dont worry,its just a white lie.A.big thing B.harmless lie选B。在英语里white lie表示“无害的谎言”类似的还有像:white coffee意思是coffee with milk(加牛奶的咖啡)。3)、Green:green boy题:Tom cant do the work,he is a green man,we should find one who is experienced to do the work.A.a young man B.an old man C.new选C。从前面“Tom cant do the work”及后面“We should find one who is experienced to do the work”可以分析出a green man在这的意思是“新手或经验不足的人”。当然,中考中词语释义这道题,复习方法很多,我在这里只是稍加点拨而已。总之,同学们做好词语释义要求做到:1、要在平时多积累同义词、近义词和短语,不断地加强记背,并不断地对它们进行归纳整理。2、要加强自身对语句的理解和应用练习。3、在做每一道题时,要认真看题,正确判断出划线部分意思后,核对提供项的意思,找到同义或近义的一项后确定答案,最后带入句子中,从语句结构及语法运用方面去检验一下,判定无误后方可作为最终答案。实战演练:()1)When a child realizes he should stand on his feet,he has grown up.A.stand up quickly B.gosomewhere on foot C.get up by himself D.depend on himself(A)2)You havent played tennis for days,have you?-No,I have got my hands full these days.A.am busy B.am sick C.am unhappy D.am nervousD()3)Whats wrong with Lucy?-She is under the weather.A.The weather is bad B.She is unhappyC.She is happy D.Its too cold()4)How about the pizza?-Oh,my mouth is watering.A.its very delicious B.its not goodC.I like it D.just so soBA()5)Id like to talk with you again about I meant yesterday.-Come on.Lets not beat a dead horse.I dont want to listen to you any more.A.打死了 B.做傻事 C.白费口舌 D.战胜死了()6)If you have a goal,go for it and youll succeed.A.ask for it B.find it out C.try to get it D.think about itCC()7)What is your father doing?-He is having a word with Mr.Smith.A.calling B.listening to C.shouting D.talking to()8)Come on!You will be late!-I am coming.A.Be quiet B.Come here C.Go on D.Hurry upDD()9)-The dress is so beautiful.Do you like it?-Yes,but it lost an arm and a leg and I havent enough money with me.A.its too expensive B.Its very cheap C.it doesnt fit me D.its too big for me()10)When you are doing some shopping,youd better use your eyes,not your ears.A.decide by yourself B.follow the others C.look at the others D.listen to the othersAA()11)Well have a party this Saturday.Please try to come,Tom It wont be much of a party without you!-Its nice of you to say so.Ill do my best.A.will be a nice B.wont be a very successful C.wont be a very lucky D.wont be as well as a()12)Does she know the news?-No,she is still in the dark.A.knows B.doesnt C.cant see D.wears black clothesBB学习并没有结束,希望继续努力学习并没有结束,希望继续努力Thanks for listening,this course is expected to bring you value and help为方便学习与使用课件内容,课件可以在下载后自由编辑


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