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词根词缀构词法讲解词根词缀构词法讲解GrammarGrammar(1)Conversion 词性转化指的是单词从一个词类转到词性转化指的是单词从一个词类转到另一个词类而不发生词形的变化。它另一个词类而不发生词形的变化。它包括很多类别,如名词包括很多类别,如名词 动词、动词动词、动词 名词、形容词名词、形容词 动词、副词动词、副词 动词等。动词等。1.名词转化为动词名词转化为动词 2.形容词转化为动词形容词转化为动词3.副词转化为动词副词转化为动词4.动词转化为名词动词转化为名词5.形容词转化为名词形容词转化为名词1.名词转化为动词名词转化为动词1)许多表示物件的名词可转化为动词来表示动作许多表示物件的名词可转化为动词来表示动作 Who chaired the meeting?谁主持会议?谁主持会议?It can seat a thousand people.能坐一千人。能坐一千人。Each apartment can house a family of six.每套房间可以住一户六口之家。每套房间可以住一户六口之家。I hope we can room together.我希望我们能住同一个房间。我希望我们能住同一个房间。This helped to bridge over our difficulties.这帮助我们度过了困难。这帮助我们度过了困难。They flowered well but bore little fruit.它们花开得很好,但果结得不多。它们花开得很好,但果结得不多。2)表示身体某部分的名词转化为动词表示身体某部分的名词转化为动词 Hand in your exercise-books,please.请把练习本交上来。请把练习本交上来。Well back you up.我们将作你的后盾。我们将作你的后盾。Who headed the delegation?谁任代表团团长?谁任代表团团长?3)表示某类人的名词转化为动词表示某类人的名词转化为动词 If so,we shall be badly fooled.如果这样我们就会上大当。如果这样我们就会上大当。He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个小孩。他坚持不睡觉来护理这个小孩。We were hosted by members of the embassy.我们受到大使馆成员的款待。我们受到大使馆成员的款待。4)抽象名词等转化为动词抽象名词等转化为动词 Where do swallows winter?燕子在哪里燕子在哪里过冬过冬?We summered by Lake Geneva.我们在日内瓦湖畔我们在日内瓦湖畔度过夏天度过夏天。For six days and nights they battled to save his life.他们他们苦战苦战了六昼夜来抢救他的生命。了六昼夜来抢救他的生命。Through my childhood,I had hungered for education.我从小就我从小就盼望盼望上学。上学。5)特定场合下的转化)特定场合下的转化His argument contains too many ifs and buts.他再说理时他再说理时“如果如果”和和“但是但是”用得太多用得太多了。了。This book is a must for students of electronics.这是学电子学的学生的一本必读书。这是学电子学的学生的一本必读书。Follow the following dos and donts in the lab.在实验室一定要遵守在实验室一定要遵守“能做的事能做的事”和和“不不能做的事能做的事”。2.形容词转化为动词形容词转化为动词Dry,narrow,quiet,clear,warm,slow,tidy 等词都可转化为动词。等词都可转化为动词。The room gradually quieted down.屋里慢慢的静了下来。屋里慢慢的静了下来。They finally freed themselves from slaves.他们最后把自己从奴隶制度下解放出来。他们最后把自己从奴隶制度下解放出来。Please tidy your room.请整理好你的房间。请整理好你的房间。The train slowed down to half its speed.火车速度慢了一半。火车速度慢了一半。This is the chief way of narrowing the difference between them.这是缩小他们之间差距的主要办法。这是缩小他们之间差距的主要办法。Please warm up the dish over the stove.请把菜放在炉子上加热一下。请把菜放在炉子上加热一下。The room gradually quieted down.室内慢慢静了下来。室内慢慢静了下来。3.副词转化为动词副词转化为动词This helped to further their unity.这有助于促进他们的团结。这有助于促进他们的团结。Truth will out.真相总会大白的。真相总会大白的。3000 workers there downed tools.那儿三千工人罢工了。那儿三千工人罢工了。Please forward the letter to my new address.请把信转到我的新地址。请把信转到我的新地址。She will off and do her own things.她将走掉去做自己的事。她将走掉去做自己的事。4.动词转化为名词动词转化为名词We stopped there for a swim.我我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。This is for winter wear.Dont make it too tight.这是冬天穿的,别做得太紧。这是冬天穿的,别做得太紧。I like a quiet read after supper.晚饭后我喜欢静静地看一会儿书。晚饭后我喜欢静静地看一会儿书。Women have an equal say in everything.妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权。妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权。*有时动词转化成名词后意思有一定的变化有时动词转化成名词后意思有一定的变化He has about the same build as his brother.他的体型和他哥哥差不多。他的体型和他哥哥差不多。Women have equal say in everything.妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权。妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权。He won two games;the other two were draws.他赢了两局,另外两局打平了。他赢了两局,另外两局打平了。5.形容词转化为名词形容词转化为名词 He didnt want to disturb the quiet needed by patients.他不愿打扰病人需要的安静环境。他不愿打扰病人需要的安静环境。The boy is a dear.他是个招人喜爱的孩子。他是个招人喜爱的孩子。There is only one black in my class.我们班上只有一名黑人学生。我们班上只有一名黑人学生。Exercise:Rewrite the sentences as the example shows.Example:Whats the answer?They want me to answer the question.1.The Chicago Bulls won their first championship in 1991.There was a first championship _ for the Chicago Bulls in 1991.win2.Jordan surprised everyone when he retired.It was _ for everyone when he retired.3.They changed the rules of the game to try to stop him.There was _ in the rules to try to stop him.a surprisea changeMore Exercise1.His answer was“No”.He _“No”.2.My dream was to play for the Shanghai Sharks.I _ of playing for the Shanghai Sharks.answereddreamed3.The interviewer asked Michael Jordan some questions about his career.The interview _ Michael Jordan about his career.4.At the end of the first half the score was 2-0 to China.China _ 2-0 at the end of the first half.questionedscored5.The star of the film was a young basketball player,Leroy.A young basketball player,Leroy,_ in the film.starredExercise 3.1.A lot of young boys _ about playing in the NBA.2.The _ of the game was incredible 169 to 147.3.Michael Jordan was the biggest _ of the Chicago Bulls for many years.4.My uncle _ as a trainer for the Shanghai Sharks.5.The teacher often asks us _ about basketball.dreamworkstarresultquestionnounnounverbnounverbworkedquestionsdreamresultstarAnswers to exercise 4.1.broke2.head3.record4.played5.headed6.recorded7.play 8.break Read the following sentences,paying specialattention to the underlined words.1.Chamberlain averaged over 50 points a game for an entire season.2.2.His average was more than 30 points a game.3.3.Jordan was the second player to score more than 3,000 points in a season.4.4.The final score was 169147.v.平均平均n.平均数平均数v.得分得分n.得分得分Complete the sentences with the words.He _ his arm playing basketball.Yao Ming injured his _ during a game.Jordans total of points is a world _.Chamberlain _ for four different NBA teams.Break head play record dreambrokeheadrecordplayedAfter the game,the funs _ for the exit.We _ the commentary of the game on a cassette.Has there been a film or a _ about basketball?Many boys _ about playing in the NBA.There was a tenminute _ in the game,because a player was injured.His childhood _ has come true.headedrecordedplaydreambreakdreamBreak head play record dreamBreak head play record dreamhappy unhappy(加前缀)(加前缀)black adj.(黑)(黑)to blacken v.(使变(使变黑)黑)(加后缀)加后缀)名词兼动词的名词兼动词的care的派生词有:的派生词有:careful adj.carefully adv.carefulness n.Grammar(2)派生法(派生法(derivation)定义:派生法是在一个单词定义:派生法是在一个单词(词根词根)加上前缀加上前缀(prefix)或后缀或后缀(suffix),构成一个新单词,构成一个新单词的构词法。的构词法。前缀prefix1.non,un,dis,in,im,ir,il +adj/adv/n表否定意义表否定意义 2.2.un,dis+v 表相反表相反3.3.mis+v,表表“错错”“误误”7.由前缀由前缀a构成的副词构成的副词前缀a表达了介词at,on,in,away,from,up,to,out的词义。afloat(飘浮着),abreast(并肩地,并排地),afoot(在步行中,在进行中),ashore(上岸,在陆上),aside(在旁边,到旁边),aboard(在船上),afire(燃烧着)。ard,art,表示表示“做做的人的人”coward,laggard,braggart(夸张者夸张者)-ant,-ent distant,important,excellent-ish boyish,girlish,childish,foolish4.副词后缀副词后缀-ly 表方式,程度表方式,程度 possibly,swiftly,simply,freely,clearly-ward,-wards 向向.;朝朝.方向方向 downward,upward,forward,eastward;inwards,afterwards-ways 在在.方向,以方向,以.方式方式 always,sideways,crossways(交叉地交叉地)-wise 在在.位置,以位置,以.方向方向 otherwise,clockwise(顺时针方向地顺时针方向地)-ish,表示表示“使,令使,令”finish,abolish,diminish,establish -ate,表示表示“成为成为,处理,作用,处理,作用”separate,operate,indicate 用法用法 例词例词n+fulpowerful hopeful wonderful painful beautiful helpfuln.+less构构成词义相反成词义相反的的adjendless homeless careless fearlessn,.+icHistoric artistic fantastic dramatic poeticn.+alNational environmentaln.+iveActive expensive用法用法例词例词n.+ousfamous courageous n.+ablecomfortable reasonablen.+iblesensible responsiblen.+y rainy sunny cloudy windyn.+lyfriendly monthly2.形容词后缀形容词后缀-able,-ible movable,comfortable,applicable,visible,responsible-al natural,additional,educational-an,ane urban,suburban,republican-ant,-ent distant,important,excellent-ish boyish,childish-ful beautiful,wonderful,helpful,truthful-ous dangerous,generous,courageous,various4.副词后缀副词后缀-ly possibly,swiftly,simply-ward,-wards downward,inwards,upward-ways always,sideways-wise otherwise,clockwise 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.If you go by train,you can have quite a _(comfort)journey,but make sure that you take an express train.2.She is a teacher with _(end)patience,so all children in her class like her very fortable endless3.After _(care)consideration we decided to offer you the job.4.She was on _(friend)terms with most of the hospital staff.5.No matter how _(power)the enemy seem,we must fight them to the end.carefulfriendlypowerfulExerciseWrite sentences about your favourite sport or pastime.Use as many words as you can from Activity 4.高考链接At times,worrying is a normal,_ response to a difficult event or situation a loved one being injured in an accident,for example.A.effective B.individual C.inevitable D.unfavorableThere was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we _ give up.A.eventually B.unfortunatelyC.generously D.purposefullyCAComplete the sentences with the right forms of the words.1.The Bulls were not as _ as they used to.2.When Yao Ming hurt his head,it was _.3.He had to be very _ when he played after the accident.4.The funs are _ that the team will win.5.Its terrible when we lose,but its 6._ Care hope pain power wonderpowerfulpainfulcarefulhopefulwonderfulWhen we win.在括号内写出相应的后缀,使下面的名词变成形容词。1power,hope,wonder,help,use()2artist,poet,history()3comfort,reason,knowledge()4rain,sun,cloud,wind()5friend,month,week()答案:1.ful2.ic3.able4.y5.ly


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