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词性转换必修一精品PPTModule11.adj.热心的_n.热心_2.v.使惊讶_adj.让人惊讶的_adj.感到惊讶的_3.n.信息_v.告知_4.n.理解_v.理解_5.v.指导_n.指示说明_按照说明_6.v.使尴尬_adj感到尴尬的_adj令人尴尬的_7.v.行为举动_n.行为_8.v.描述_n.描述_9.v.使印象深刻_n.印象_对印象深刻_给某人留下深刻印象_enthusiasticenthusiasmamazeamazingamazedinformationinformunderstandmisunderstandinstructinstructionfollow ones instructionsembarrassembarrassedembarrassingbehavebehaviordescribedescriptionimpressimpressionbe impressed with/byleave an impression on sb精品PPT10.v.纠正;adj.正确的_n.纠正_adj.不正确的_11.n.勇气_v.鼓励_n.鼓励_12.v.享受_n.享受_13.adj.流利的_n.流利_14.v.使失望_adj.失望的_adj.令人失望的_15.v.消失_v.出现_16.v.包含_v.发现_n.发现_correctcorrectionincorrectcourageencourageencouragementenjoyenjoymentfluentfluencydisappointdisappointeddisappointingdisappearappearcoverdiscoverdiscovery精品PPTphrases1.在开始的时候2.在结束的时候3.上大学4.被划分成5.参加6.期待;盼望7.换句话说at the start/beginning of at the end of go to collegebe divided intotake part inlook forward toin other words精品PPTModule 21.v.使开心_ adj.感到有趣的可笑的_adj.有趣的可笑的_ 2.n.能量_ adj.精力充沛的_ 3.adj.聪明的_ n.聪明_ 4.adj.紧张的_ 对感到紧张_ 5.v.组织_ n.组织机构_ adj.有组织的_ 6.adj.耐心的_ n.耐心_ 对某人有耐心_ 7.v.复习_ n.复习_ amuseamusedamusingenergyenergeticintelligentintelligencenervousbe nervous aboutorganizeorganizationorganizedpatientpatiencebe patient withreviserevision精品PPT1.v.翻译_ n.翻译_ n.翻译员_ 2.adj.正式的_adj.不正式的_ 3.n.观察观点视野_n.预览预映_ n.温习_ 4.v.使有联系_;adj.有关联的_ n.关系_ 5.adj.相似的_ n.相似_ 与相似_ translatetranslationtranslatetranslatorformalinformalviewpreviewreviewrelaterelatedrelationshipsimilarsimilaritybe similar to精品PPTphrases1.确定;确信2.因此3.取得进步4.结果5.事实上6.睡着7.讲笑话make sureso thatmake progressas a resultin factfall asleeptell jokes精品PPTModule 31.距离的_n.距离_ 在远处_ 从远处隔一段距离_2.上车船等_ 下车船等_ 3.上车养成_ 下车_ 起飞事业腾飞脱掉_4.n.产品_n.生产制造产量_ a decline in production v.生产_4.n.风景_ n.场景_5.v.面试_ n.面试官_ n.面试人员_distantdistancein the distanceat a distanceGet onGet offGet intoGet out oftake offproductGet offproductionproducescenerysceneinterviewinterviewerinterviewee精品PPT6.n.惊吓惊骇_ v.使吃惊_ adj.吃惊的_adj.令人惊吓的_7.v.疲惫_ n.疲惫_ adj.疲惫的_adj.令人疲惫_8.火车&v.训练_ n.训练_ n.训练员_ n.练习生受训者_frightfrightenfrightenedfrighteningexhaustexhaustionexhaustedexhaustingtraintrainingtrainertrainee精品PPTphrases1.是的缩写、简称2.不再3.过时4.指的是;涉及5.毫无结果6.向射击7.无论如何9.去旅行be short fornot any more;no moreout of daterefer towithout resultshoot to/atat all events/in any eventgo on a journey/make a journey精品PPTModule 41.邻居_ 四邻街坊_2.吸引_吸引_ 有吸引的_3.运气;财富_ 幸运的_ 幸运地_4.观光_ 旅游者_ 旅游业_5.建筑师_ 建筑_neighbourneighbourhoodattractattractionattractivefortunefortunatefortunatelytourtouristtourismarchitectarchitecture精品PPT6.组织_ 组织_ 有组织的_7.雇佣_ 就业;工作_ 失业的_ 失业_8.专业_ 专业的_ 教授_9.存活_ 幸存_ 幸存者_ organiseorganisationorganisedemployemploymentunemployedprofessionprofessionalprofessorsurvivesurvivalsurvivorunemployment精品PPTphrases1.在的南部2.修建;张贴3.摆脱4.成功5.到目前为止6.上升in the south of put upgive away from;get rid ofmake it;succeed in doing sthso far;up to now;till nowgo up精品PPT许多cn a number of/numbers of;many(a great many=a number of)un much;a great deal of(+n);a bit of(+n)an amount of/amounts ofun&cn:a quantity of/quantities of a lot of/lots of;plenty of;masses of;a pile of/piles of精品PPTModule 51.合同_ 收缩_ 签合同_ 2.混合物_ 混合_将A与B混合_ 3.电_ 用电的_ 电子的_ 4.结论_ 下结论_ 总结_ 5.反应_ 反应_ 和有反应_;对有反应_ 6.部分_部分的_ 7.使吃惊_ 吃惊的_ 令吃惊_ contractcontractsign a contractmixturemixmixwithelectricityelectricalelectronicconclusionconcludedraw/come to/reach a conclusionreactionreactreact withreact topartpartialastonishastonishedastonishing精品PPTphrases1.与有反应2.使有条理3.在顶部、底部4.防止进入5.为感到自豪6.往加入7.先走;发生;开始做;进行吧8.过去常常9.应当,理应react withput sth in orderat the top of/at the bottom ofkeep out ofbe proud ofadd togo aheadused to doBe supposed to do 精品PPTsentences1._of the earths surface_ water.2._a world without metals.3._with the metals that react most at the top.4._you are,_ youll see.Two-thirdsisThe closerthe moreIts hard to imagineHeres a table 地球表面三分之二的是水很难想象一个没有金属的世界下面是一张金属反应表,列于顶部是反应最强的金属你离得越近,看到的就越多精品PPTIm going to try to go to_ Montreal_ Ottawa University,as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我打算尽可能上蒙特利儿或者渥太华大学,因为这两所大学都有优秀的物理系eitheror精品PPTAppreciation There is no limit to the goodness of life.It grows more abundant with each new encounter.The more you experience and appreciate the goodness of life,the more there is to be lived.生命的美好没有界限。每一次相遇都会使这美好变得越发丰富。你经历得越多,越能欣赏生命的美好,生命中的美好就会变得越多。精品PPT Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows,the goodness of life lives on.Open your eyes,open your heart,and you will see that goodness is everywhere.即使当寒风袭来,整个世界似乎被雾气掩盖之时,生命的美好仍会存在。睁开双眼,打开心扉,你就会发现这美好无处不在。精品PPTModule 61.包含;包括_ 容器_接近通路;_ 可到达的可接近的_有的使用权_3.暗语;口令_ 密码_4.登记报到_结账离开_5.登陆_ 退出_6.发明_发明_发明者_7.设计_ 设计者_ containcontaineraccessaccessiblehave access topasswordkeywordcheck incheck outlog onlog offinventinventioninventordesigndesigner精品PPTphrases1.由组成2.也3.作为而出名4.下降5.提出6.从那时起7.聚精会神8.与相比consist of;be composed ofmake up;be made up ofas well;either;too;also;yetbe known asgo downcome up with;put forward;propose;set forthfrom that moment onconcentrate onbe compared with/to精品PPTsentences1.后来,大学里也能使用这种系统。2.贝尔纳斯李使每个人都使用因特网成为可能3.如果我们用些时间在电脑上工作,那效果将会更好the system as well.Then,it became possible for universities to useBerbers-Lee the Internet.made it possible for everyone to use the time working on a computer.It would be better if we spent精品PPT4.2%的中国人口使用因特网,相比之下,在美国和日被,这个比列分别是45%和15%Two percent of the total population of China have accessTo the Internet,_ 45%percent in the USA in the USA and 15%percent in Jpared with/to精品PPT基础知识巩固必修二精品PPTModule1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsProverb饮食决定健康(吃啥补啥)健全的身体才有健全的心智早起早睡使人健康富足聪明一日一苹果医生远离我吃饭时为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭You are what you eat.Healthy mind in a healthy body.Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.You should eat to live,not live to eat.精品PPTRelated words/phrases1.保持健康 10.专家 2.身体差 11.从恢复 3.受治疗治愈 12.遭受疼痛4.医疗 13.得到缓解5.救护车 14.心血下苦功6.检查 15.没有付出就没有回报7.处方8.药片 16.对造成很到伤害9.手术Keep/stay fit/healthybe in poor healthcuremedical treatmentambulanceexamineaprescriptiontabletsurgeryexpertrecover fromsuffer fromget relief frompaintaking effortsno pain,no gaindo great harm to精品PPT1.症状2.痛3.过敏的4.苍白的5.麻木的6.无意识的7.肿大8.伤疤symptomacheallergicpalenumbunconsciousswellscar精品PPTHow to keep fitexercise/work out经常做运动保持充沛的精力深深呼入一口新鲜空气增肥、减肥2.Eating habits践行平衡饮食养成健康饮食习惯富含脂肪take regular exercisebe high in fattake a deep breath of the fresh airgain/lose weightgo on a balanced dietdevelop/get into/form healthy eating habitskeep energetic精品PPT3.Mentalhealth身心健康保持乐观、悲观心理的不健康对身体有好处身心健康mental health/fitnessKeep optimistic/pessimisticabnormal mental statedo good to healthphysical and mental health/fitness精品PPTwords1.稀少的_ 稀少地_2.不健康的_ 不健康地_ 健康_ 健康的_3.富裕的_ 富裕_4.焦虑的_焦虑_5.伤害vt_伤害n_受伤的_6.疼痛_ 疼痛的_7.正常的_ 不正常的_8.朝方向前进&头_rarerarelyunhealthy/unfitunhealthilyfit/healthyhealth/fitnesswealthywealthanxiousanxietyinjureinjuryinjuredpainpainfulnormalabnormalhead精品PPTphrases1.与有联系2.锻炼3.迷恋4.发烧5.躺下6.以开始7.将投入8.生病be connected/associated withbe related to/relevanttake exercise/have physical trainingbe crazy/mad abouthave a temperature/feverlie downbegin withput intobecome/fall/get ill精品PPTB When we are committed to something,it means that no matter how painful or how uncomfortable something is,we will always choose to face it through instead of running away from it.精品PPT1.青少年2.陷入麻烦3.罪犯4.不完美的理解和判断5.电子产品的广泛接触6.媒体上的暴力场景7.同龄压力8.减压9.家暴youth/adolescent/youngster/teenagerget into troublescriminal/offender/violator/law-breakerImperfect comprehension and judgement/judgmentthe wide access to the electronic products violent scenes on mass mediapeer pressurerelieve/ease the pressuredomestic violence精品PPT10.抽烟喝酒吸毒上瘾11.放弃12.习惯做某事13.做有风险14.感染上AIDS15.对有偏见Be addicted to cigarettes/alcohol/drugsquit/give up/the withdrawal is toughbe accustomed/used to doing sthat the risk of doing sthbe infected with AIDShave prejudice againstresults精品PPTSolutions(解决方法)1.加强和某人的交流2.丰富生活3.举办各种各样的活动4.建立友谊树立信心strengthen communication with sbenrich ones lifehold various activitiesbuild up friendship and confidence精品PPTpre-先预先注册预先支付先决条件前意识预测anti-反反吸烟抗菌的反社会抗冻non-非无酒精的非言语的非暴力的非盈利禁止吸烟preregisterprepaidpreconditionpreconsciouspredictionanti-smokinganti-bacterialanti-socialanti-freezenon-alcoholicnon-verbalnon-violentnon-profitnon-smoking精品PPTwords1.瘾君子_ 上瘾的_2.注射vt._注射n._3.有力的;有功效的_ 能力;权利_4.罪行;_罪犯_5.联系vt._ 联系n._6.违法的_ 合法的_7.危险_ 在危险_中8.治疗vt._ 治疗n._addictaddictiveinjectinjectionpowerfulpowercrimecriminalconnectconnectionillegallegaldangerin dangertreattreatment精品PPT1.同意_ _ _ 不同意_2.禁止做某事_3.参与_ 参与者_4.慢跑轻撞_ 慢跑者_5.认识;认出_agree/subscribe to the view that/approve/be in favor of/surpportdisagreeban doing/forbid doing participateparticipantjogjoggerrecognise/spot/tell/identify精品PPTPhrase1.破门而入2.对上瘾3.可能做某事4.定一个日期5.处于危险之中6.属于7.听取某人的意见8.为了9.放弃;戒除 break intobe addicted to be likely to do set a datein dangerbelong totake ones advicein order to;so as togive up;quit精品PPTModule3 Music1.有志者事竟成2.天才是1%的灵感加99%的汗水Where there is a will,there is a way.Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration 精品PPTModule3 Music1.使满意2.珍惜,珍视3.尊敬4.赞扬5.献身6.使愉快7.使欢乐使娱乐8.尊敬9.报酬10.志愿者11.理解12.偶像13.幽默14.有雄心的15.有智力的16.坦诚的17.无私的18.随和的19.杰出的20.自信的satisfycherishhonorpraisedevotionpleaseentertainrespectrewardvolunteerunderstandingidolhumorambitiousintelligentfrankselflesseasygoingoutstandingconfident精品PPTphrase1.出生于2.被录取3.毕业于4.主修5.出国深造6.报名参加比赛7.获得第一名8.献身于be born inbe admitted tograduate frommajor in go abroad for further studysign up for a contestwin the first prize/place devote to 精品PPT9.有幽默感10.用业余时间做某事11.乐于做某事12.积极从事某事13.成功做某事14.作为为人们所记住15.在某方面有经验16.引起了公众的广泛关注 have a sense of humor spend ones spare time doing sth be willing to do sth be active in sthsucceed in doing sthbe remembered asbe experienced/expert inarouse public wide attention精品PPTsentences1.He was born in a village in Austria,the son of peasant._ in a village in Austria,he was the son of peasant.举一反三:Helen于1880年6月出生于美国,是20世纪最杰出的女性之一。出生于贫困的小职员家庭中,Charles Dickens 接受了很少的学校教育BornBorn in America,in June,1880,Helen was one of the greatest women in the 20th century.精品PPT2.Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer and is known as the father of the symphony._ (定语从句)_ (known非谓语做状语)(同位语)Joseph Haydn,who was an Austrian composer,is known as the father of the symphonyKnown as the father of the symphony,Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composerJoseph Haydn was an Austrian composer,the father of the symphony精品PPT小试牛刀Mozart was a composer,possibly the greatest musical genius of all time._(定语从句)Mozart,who was a composer,possibly is the greatest musical genius of all time.精品PPT3.Mozart从小就有音乐天赋 Mozart had musical talent _(介词短语)_(when引导的时间状语从句)from a very early age.when he was young.精品PPT4._(work)there for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,_he was successful.5.Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.(强调句)6Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe _(give)concerts.Having workedwhereIt was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Viennagiving精品PPT Only when you_ and never give up _ you make progress and realize your dream in the end.7.只有你更加努力,从不放弃,才能最终取得进步并最终实现你的梦想 With great _(determine)and perseverance,she put all his heart into the work,_(make)great contribution to the charity.8.凭着无比的决心和毅力,他全身心的投入到慈善中为社会做了很大的贡献study hardercandeterminationmaking精品PPTwords1.经典的_古典音乐_2.作曲_作曲家_由组成_3.指挥_ 指挥家_4.音乐_ 音乐的_ 音乐家_5.Court_ _ _6.指导_ 立刻的_ 立刻地_ 主任导演_classicclassicalcomposecomposerbe composed ofdirectdirectormusicmusicalmusician法庭宫廷场地directdirectdirectlydirector精品PPT7.失去_ 失去_(过去时)_(过去分词)_8.巡回演出;旅游_ 旅游业_ 游客_9.影响_ 影响_ 对有影响_10.使混合_ 混合物_lossloselostlosttourtourismtouristinfluenceinfluencehave an influence/impact/effect onmixmixture精品PPTphrase1.留下深刻印象2.分裂;分割3.记录4.变聋be impressed with/bysplit upmake a note ofgo deaf精品PPTModule4interestandhobby The more addicted to like,the engineering skills.嗜之越笃,技巧越工 Interest is the best teacher.兴趣是最好的老师精品PPTwords1.收集;收藏品 10 爱好 2.文化 11.增加3.快乐 12.打算4.高兴的 13.兴趣5.不喜爱 14.宁愿;偏好6.自信 15.恰当的7.娱乐 16.认识到8.最喜欢的 17.放松的9.习惯collect&collectionculturedelightdelighted/pleased/glad/pleasant/cheerfuldislikeconfidententertainfavoritehabithobby increase intend interest prefer/preferenceproper realize relax精品PPT19.相似的20.技能21.才能22.品味23.暂时similar skilltalent/gifttaste temporary精品PPTphrase1.喜爱2.参加;爱好3.专心于4.对有鉴赏力5.培养的兴趣6.继续做某事7.玩的很愉快8.对感到厌倦 be fond of/be crazy about/be keen on/have a genuine love forgo in for sth concentrate on/fix on/focus onhave an eye for develop an interest in keep on doing sth have a wonderful time be tired of/be fed up with have had enough of 精品PPTclassicsentences1._(it作形式主语)我享受我的爱好,它提供给我一个做趣事,做有创意事的机会。同时它是我快乐的源泉2._(the reasonwhy is that)很多人喜欢旅游是因为他们可以感受大自然的美景 同时可以呼吸新鲜空气 I enjoy my hobby.It offers me an opportunity to do something interesting and creative.Meanwhile it provides me with a source of pleasureThe reason why lots of people are fond of travellingis that they can feel the beauty of the nature and breathe the fresh air at the same time 精品PPT3._(否定词加形容词比较级)世界上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡更令我高兴了。4._(which引导的非限制性定语从句)我特别的爱好是读书看报,这已经成为我日常生活不可或缺的一部分。Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast food restaurants.My favorite hobby is reading books and newspapers,which has become a necessary part of my daily life.In the world,it couldnt be more pleased for me to have hamburgers in fast food restaurants 精品PPT5._(the more the more)人们越感兴趣,他们的知识就越丰富6._(not onlybut also)集邮不仅使我得到极大的满足,而且帮助我缓解学习中的压力The more interested people are,the more knowledge they will getCollecting stamps not only gives me great satisfaction,but also helps me relax under the pressure of studies.精品PPTModule4FineArts1.爱好_ 憎恶不喜欢_2.艺术家_ 艺术_3.彩色的_ 颜色_4.当代的_古代的_现代的_5.令人愉快的_ 高兴_ 高兴的_6.图画_ 画画_likedislikeartistartcolourfulcolourcontemporaryancientmoderndelightfuldelightdelighteddrawingdraw精品PPT7.绘画_ 画家_ 油画_ 8.景色_ 场景_ 在幕后_ 当场_ 9.传统的_ 传统_ 10.有活力的_ 活泼的_ 现场直播_ 在人世的_ 11.方面_ _ _ 12.临摹_ 模仿仿制品_ 13 观察_ 观察力_ 观察者 _paintpainterpaintingsceneryscenebehind the sceneon the scenetraditionaltraditionlivelylovelyliveliving/aliveaspect/side/dimensionimitateimitationobserveobservationobserver精品PPT14.真实_ 领悟了解_ 现实主义的_15.采纳;收养_ 采纳采用 _16 展览_ 展览展示_17.表达_ 表达_ 无法形容_18.破坏_破坏毁坏_ 毁坏性的 _realityrealiserealisticadoptadoptionexhibitionexhibitexpressexpressionbeyond expressiondestroydestructiondestructive精品PPTphrase1.对厌烦2.喜欢;喜爱3.从可以看出来4.推迟;延期 今日事,今日毕5.轮流 轮到某人做某事6.一系列的 be tired of be fond of tell by put off Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.take turns doing sth Its ones turn to do sth a series/set/range of精品PPTModule5NewspapersandMagazines People cant do something by themselves;they wanna tell you you can not do it当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。你说你也同样不能。-当幸福来敲门当幸福来敲门精品PPTwords1.组织2.欣赏3.音乐会4.音乐家5.灵感6.广告7.男演员;女演员8.男主角;女主角9.工具;乐器 10.成功;打击11.活动12.名誉13.民间的14.著名的15.传统的16.浪漫的17.幽默的18.吸引人的19.经典的20.聚精会神的organizeappreciate/enjoy concert musician inspirationadvertisement actor&actresshero&heroineinstrument hit activity reputation folk well-known traditionalromantic humorous attractive classic attentive精品PPTphrase1.以美国为背景2.取材于一个古老的故事3.忠于生活4.主演多部电影5.把这部电影推荐给你的朋友6.随着音乐起舞7.喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐8.在一次全国钢琴比赛中脱颖而出 be set in the USA be based on an old tale be true to life star in many films recommend the film to your friends dance to the music prefer classical music to pop music stand out in a national piano competition精品PPT9.提出;想出10.创作歌曲11.组建乐队12.提高创造力13.乐趣和灵感的源泉 come up with compose music form a band improve creativity source of joys and inspiration精品PPTwords1.经济_ 经济的_ 经济增长_ 经济危机_2.政治_ 政治的_ 政治家_3.宇宙_ 宇宙的_ 在宇宙中_4.船员_ 航海_5.飞机班机_ 在飞机中_6.祝贺_ 祝贺_ 为某事向某人祝贺_7.在船上_ 在国外_ 上船_出国_国内外_economyeconomiceconomic growtheconomic crisis politics political politicianuniverseuniversal in the universe sailor sailflight in flightcongratulationcongratulate send/offer ones congratulation to sb on sthaboardabroadgo aboardgo abroadat home and abroad精品PPT8.历史性的_ 有历史意义的_9.成就_ 取得成就_ 成就感_10.代替;取代_ 代替_11.业余的_ 专业的_ 不专业的_12.高兴的_ 对感到高兴_ 很高兴做某事_13.信念_ 不信;怀疑_ 我认为_historicalhistoric achievement achieve a sense of achievement replace take the place of amateur professional unprofessional delighted be delighted at be delighted to do sthbeliefdisbelief It is my belief that精品PPT14.证据_明显的_ 显然_15.文化的_ 文化_16.金融的_ 财政;金融_17.评论;复习_书评_影评_18.创立_基础;根据_创立者_foundfoundedfoundedfindfoundfoundevidenceevidentIt is evident/clear/apparent that cultural culture financial finance review book review film review found foundation founder精品PPTphrase1.从事;致力于 努力学习 解决解出锻炼2.在太空 在天空3.拍摄4.总共5.既然6.相信7.加油赶快得了吧8.和相似9.在的历史上 work on work hard at work out in space in the sky take photographs of in total now thatbelieve in come on be similar to in the history of 精品PPTcorrectionYang Liwei landed safely this morning in Inner Mongolia is the 431st person to travel in space.The flight was completely success.He said“it is the great day of his life.”He takes photographs of planet earth.Wen Jiabao telephoned to offer his congratulations for him.whosuccessfulgreatesttookon精品PPTModule6FilmsandTVProgrammesThe most important thing in the games is not the triumph but the struggle;not to have conquered but to have fought well.精品PPTwords1.海报2.喜剧 喜剧的 悲剧 悲剧的3.女演员 女服务员 女主人 女售票员 女裁缝4.角色符合某人的性格不符合某人的性格与风格相同5.女的 男的6.杰作7.飞跃跳跃 三思而后行postercomedycomictragedytragicactresswaitresshostessconductresstailoresscharacter in characterout of character in character withfemalemalefemaleleaplook before you leap精品PPT1.优美的优雅的 优美优雅2.兴趣利益利息 有趣的 感兴趣的 3.勇敢的 勇敢 勇敢地4.感人的 感动的5.有时;偶尔 偶尔的 场合;机会6.争论 争论争辩 与某人争论某事7.频道8.有趣的 使娱乐 娱乐9.情节 10.部分节gracefulgraceinterestinterestinginteresteddevelop an interest inin the interests ofget/be interested inbravebraverybravelymovingmovedoccasionallyon accasionoccasionaloccasionargueargument argue with sth about/over sth channel entertaining entertain entertainmentplot section精品PPTPhrase1.出现;出版 发生 偶遇;碰到2.爱上(动作)爱上(状态)3.扮演角色 在中起作用4.令人吃惊的是5.讲诉6.关心 照顾处理7.有时8.在岁时 在二十多岁时 come out come about come across fall in love withbe in love with play a part play a part/role in to ones surprise;in surprise tell of care about take care of every now and then from time to time at the age of in ones twenties精品PPTTravel and Transport1.Travel,in the younger sort,is a part ofeducation,in the elder,a part of experience.2.Travel makes a wise man better,and a fool worse.精品PPTwords1.组织2.违反,破坏3.吐痰4.举止5.包裹6.票价费用7.保险8.景色9.可进入的 10.寺庙11.山谷12.雕像13.金字塔14.终点站15.塔16.十字路口17.最小18.最大19.住宿20.代理机构organize breakspitbehaviorparcelfareinsuranceview,sight,scene,sceneryaccessibletemplevalleystatuepyramidterminaltowercrossing/crossroadsminimummaximumaccommodationagency精品PPT21.预订22.登记23.多余的24.单个的25.套房26.被遗弃的27.冒险28.露营29.多山的30.户外31.吸引32.极棒的33.可享受的34.糟糕的35.使印象深刻36.稀少的37.值得的38.后悔 reservation regret spare single suite abandoned adventure camp mountainousoutdoorsappeal to fantastic enjoyable horrible impress rare worthwhile register精品PPTphrase1.交通方式2.上车上船3.起飞;休假4.去旅游5.走不同的路线6.梦想之旅7.名胜古迹8.旅游景点9.位于 means of transport get on/get off take off go on/take/make a triptake different routes a dream trip places of interest tourist attractions be located/situated in精品PPT10.有悠久的历史11.自然资源丰富12.从古到今13.风靡国内外14.的地标15.最著名的首都之一16.交通信号17.交通规则18.指路19.从飞到 have a long history of be rich in natural resources from ancient to modern times be popular at home and abroad the landmark of one of the most famous capital cities traffic signal traffic rules show the way fly from to精品PPTSentences_ to fly to Xian from Guangzhou.1.从广州到西安只需要三个小时There are many cultural sites in Beijing,among_ is the Forbidden city.2.北京有很多历史遗址,其中最吸引人的是紫荆城The world is a book,and those_ read only a page.3.世界就是一本书,那些从来没有旅行过的人仅仅读了这本书的一页 It takes only 3 hourswhich one of the most attractive who never travel before精品PPT_,travel becomes easier.4.现代科技的帮助,旅行变得容易多了Xian,_,is once _ 14 dynasties in Chinese history.5.西安,一个现代化的城市,曾今是中国历史上14个王朝的首府_,Chengdu is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country.6.成都位于中国的西南部,是中国最现代化的城市之一 With the help of modern technology a modern city the capital of Situated in the southwest of China精品PPTModule1Europe1.across The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,across the deserts,over mountains,through the valleys,till at last it reaches the sea.2.大陆的_ 大陆;洲_3.面对;面孔_ 面部的_ 面对着;面临_ 面对面_ 丢面子_ 面对_continentalcontinentfacefacialbe faced withface to facelose face in the face of


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