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Unit 1 Keep HealthyLesson 1Unit 1 Keep HealthyLesson 1Lead-inLets reviewLead-inLets reviewLead-in1.What would you like to eat/drink?2.Do you like eating meat?3.Do you like eating vegetables?4.Do you often wash your hands before eating?Free talkLead-in1.What would you likPresentationGet ReadyeatdrinkPresentationGet ReadyeatdrinPresentationcandytoo much candyeat too much candyGet ReadyPresentationcandytoo much caPresentationWe shouldnt eat too much candy.We should eat a lot of fruit.Get ReadyPresentationWe shouldnt eatPresentationWe shouldnt drink too much juice.We should drink milk every day.Get ReadyPresentationWe shouldnt driPresentationexercise every daygo to bed earlyGet ReadyPresentationexercise every dPresentationWe should exercise every day.We should go to bed early.Get ReadyPresentationWe should exerciPresentationeat with dirty handswash hands before eatingGet ReadyPresentationeat with dirty hPresentationWe shouldnt eat with dirty hands.We should wash hands before eating.Get ReadyPresentationWe shouldnt eatPracticeeat too much candyexercise every daydrink too much juiceeat with dirty handsgo to bed earlyeat a lot of fruitWhats missing?Practiceeat too much candyexPresentation(单击图片可播放动画)Get ReadyPresentation(单击图片可播放动画)Get RSorry,Mum.Im tired.Please do your homework,Bill.You are always tired.You should exercise every day and go to bed early.PracticeGet ReadySorry,Mum.Im tired.Please dPresentation1 12 2(按小喇叭顺序依次播放)3 34 4A Listen and numberPresentation12(按小喇叭顺序依次播放)34(单击图片可播放动画)PracticeB Lets talk(单击图片可播放动画)PracticeB Lets tC Think and write1.We _.2.We _.should go to bed earlyshouldnt eat with dirty hands(should/shouldnt)Practice12C Think and write1.We _ConsolidationWe shouldWe shouldnteat too much candyexercise every daydrink too much juiceeat with dirty handsgo to bed earlyeat a lot of fruitChoose and sayConsolidationWe shouldWe shSummarycandytoo muchtiredalwaysgo to bed earlydrinkbeforedirtyexercise重点词汇:重点词汇:怎样表达应该或不应该做某事?怎样表达应该或不应该做某事?We shouldWe shouldntSummarycandytoo muchtiredalw1.1.登登录录“优优教教同同步步学学习习网网”,观观看看课课文文动动画画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。2.2.制制作作英英文文便便利利贴贴,提提醒醒我我们们在在生生活活中中一一些些应应该和不应该做的事情该和不应该做的事情。3.3.登登录录“优教同步学习网优教同步学习网”,预习预习Lesson2。Homework1.登录“优教同步学习网”,观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、Unit 1 Keep HealthyLesson 2Unit 1 Keep HealthyLesson 2Warm-upLets sing(单击图片可播放动画)Warm-upLets sing(单击图片可播放动画)Lead-ineat too much candyexercise every daydrink too much juiceeat with dirty handsgo to bed earlyeat a lot of fruitIf we want to keep healthy,what should/shouldnt we do?Lets reviewLead-ineat too much candyexeLets guess1.Where are they?2.Whats wrong with Frank?Lead-inLets guess1.Where are they?2A Look,listen and sayPresentation(单击图片可播放动画)A Look,listen and sayPresenPresentationWhats wrong?Ive got a stomachache.stomachacheA Look,listen and sayPresentationIve got a stomaPresentationWhat should I do?You should drink some water.You shouldnt eat too much candy.A Look,listen and sayPresentationYou should drinkPracticeWhich shouldnt we do?Which should we do?(单击图片可播放动画)A Look,listen and sayPracticeWhich shouldnt we dPresentationstomachacheheadachetoothacheB Lets playPresentationstomachacheheadaPracticeWhats missing?stomachacheheadachetoothachePracticeWhats missing?stomaRole playPracticeWhats wrong?Ive got aRole playPracticeWhats wronPresentation-Whats wrong?-Ive got a stomachache.B Lets playPresentation-Whats wrong?PresentationB Lets playI eat with dirty hands.Now Ive got a stomachache.I play on the computer a lot.Now Ive got a headache.PresentationB Lets playI eaPresentationI watch TV late last night.Now Im tired.I drink a lot of juice.Now Ive got a toothache.B Lets playPresentationI watch TV late Match and sayPracticeI drink a lot of juice.I watch TV late last night.I eat with dirty hands.I play on the computer a lot.Now Ive got a toothache.Now Ive got a stomachache.Now Im tired.Now Ive got a headache.Match and sayPracticeI drinkLets actConsolidationWhat should I do?Ive got aYou shouldYou shouldntWhats wrong?Lets actConsolidationWhat sSummarystomachacheheadachetoothache重点词汇:重点词汇:怎样询问对方身体状况?怎样询问对方身体状况?You should/shouldnt-Whats wrong?-Ive got a怎样提出意见或建议?怎样提出意见或建议?Summarystomachacheheadacheto1.1.登录登录“优教同步学习网优教同步学习网”,观看课文动画,按,观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。2.2.两人一组,分别扮演医生和患者,自编一段对两人一组,分别扮演医生和患者,自编一段对话话。3.3.登登录录“优教同步学习网优教同步学习网”,预习预习 Lesson3。Homework1.登录“优教同步学习网”,观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语Unit 1 Keep HealthyLesson 3Unit 1 Keep HealthyLesson 3Warm-upLets revieweat too much candyexercise every daydrink too much juiceeat with dirty handsgo to bed earlyeat a lot of fruitIf we want to keep healthy,what should/shouldnt we do?Warm-upLets revieweat too mLead-inDiscussWhat should/shouldnt he do?Lead-inDiscussWhat should/shPresentationA Lets readDear Linda,WorriedPresentationA Lets readDearPresentationI always feel tired and sleepy.I like my teachers and I like all my subjects,but I dont get good marks.A Lets readPresentationI always feel tiPresentationDear Worried,LindaA Lets readPresentationDear Worried,LPresentationI have some advice for you.Try to walk more and help yourmum do some housework.A Lets readPresentationI have some adviPracticeA Lets readPracticeA Lets readPracticeFill in the chart(单击图片可播放动画)PracticeFill in the chart(单击PresentationB Lets talkWhat should she do?PresentationB Lets talkWhatPresentation(单击图片可播放动画)B Lets talkPresentation(单击图片可播放动画)B LetPracticeC Lets writeDear Mary,I have some advice for you.You shouldntYou shouldPracticeC Lets writeDear MaPracticeYou shouldntYou should句子接龙PracticeYou shouldntYoSummary怎样为他人的健康提出合理的建议?怎样为他人的健康提出合理的建议?You should/shouldntI have some advice for you.Summary怎样为他人的健康提出合理的建议?You s1.1.登录登录“优教同步学习网优教同步学习网”,打开打开课文课文音音频频,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文。,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文。2.2.以小组为单位,分享书信,互相读一读、以小组为单位,分享书信,互相读一读、查一查查一查。3.3.登登录录“优教同步学习网优教同步学习网”,预习预习Lets Spell。Homework1.登录“优教同步学习网”,打开课文音频,按照正确的语音、


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