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仁爱英语八年级上册仁爱英语八年级上册期末复习期末复习 Unit4Topic3 Unit4Topic3 讲练结合讲练结合 仁爱英语八年级上册期末复习(1)购物购物 (2)与某人聊天与某人聊天 (3)面对面面对面 (4)使世界更小使世界更小 (5)在网上查询信息在网上查询信息 (6)彼此交谈彼此交谈 (7)产生,形成产生,形成 (8)在在20世纪世纪60年代年代 (9)把把投入使用投入使用 (10)对我们来说变得对我们来说变得 越来越重要越来越重要(11)你猜怎么着!你猜怎么着!(12)看起来像看起来像 do some shopping chat with sb.face to face make the world smallerfind out the information onlinetalk with each othercome into beingin the 1960smake.into usebecome more and more important to usGuess what!look likeDictation(1)购物 do some shop(13)很多信息很多信息(14)将将.放入放入.(15)网上购物网上购物(17)将来将来(18)终有一天终有一天(19)举一些例子举一些例子(20)使用网络学英语使用网络学英语(21)生活中重要的一部分生活中重要的一部分(22)各种信息各种信息(23)与别人分享与别人分享(24)通过发邮件或网上聊天通过发邮件或网上聊天(25)同时同时lots of informationput.into.shop onlinein the futuresome daygive some examplesuse the Internet to learn Englishan imprtamt part of our livesall kinds of informationshare with sb.by sending emails and chatting onlineat the same time(13)很多信息lots of informationDi(26)搜索信息搜索信息(27)使我们的生活使我们的生活 更便捷有趣更便捷有趣(28)不到一小时不到一小时(29)搜索结果搜索结果(30)在在线语法网站上在在线语法网站上(31)修正你的英语语法修正你的英语语法(32)以英语为母语的作家以英语为母语的作家 (33)在他们的网站上在他们的网站上(34)把把变成变成(35)提高你的听力技巧提高你的听力技巧(36)查新单词查新单词(37)一部在线词典一部在线词典(38)给其他国家的朋友写邮件给其他国家的朋友写邮件search for information make our lives easier and more interestingless than 1 hoursearch resultsat online grammar websitescorrect your English grammarEnglish-speaking writerson their websiteschange.into.improve your listening skillslook up new wordsan online dictionarywrite emails to friends in other countriesDictation(26)搜索信息search for i(1)因特网使世界变得更小了。因特网使世界变得更小了。(2)科学家们在科学家们在20世纪世纪60年代开始研究因特网,并在年代开始研究因特网,并在90年年代将其投入使用。代将其投入使用。(3)我不确信网购是否好。我不确信网购是否好。(4)我们可以通过发送邮件或网聊交朋友及互相分享观点我们可以通过发送邮件或网聊交朋友及互相分享观点和感受。和感受。(5)因特网能使我们的生活变得更好,但我们应该谨慎使因特网能使我们的生活变得更好,但我们应该谨慎使用。用。(6)最后,在在线词典上查找新单词是可能的。最后,在在线词典上查找新单词是可能的。(7)未来的生活将会和今天的不同。未来的生活将会和今天的不同。(1)因特网使世界变得更小了。Dictation(1)The Internet makes the world smaller.(2)Scientists started to study the Internet in the 1960s and made it into use in the 1990s.(3)Im not sure whether/if it is good to shop online.(4)We can make friends and share our ideas and feelings with each other by sending emails or chatting online.(5)The Internet can change our lives for the better,but we should use it carefully.(6)Finally,it is possible to look up new words in an online dictionary.(7)Life in the future will be different from life today.Dictation(1)The Internet make1.face to face 面对面面对面类似结构:类似结构:齐头并进:齐头并进:neck and neck 背靠背:背靠背:back to back 手拉手:手拉手:hand in handYou can chat with each other _.You can have a _ meeting.face to faceface-to-faceKEY POINTS1.face to face 面对面 2.宾语补足语宾语补足语 一些感官动词和使役动词一些感官动词和使役动词常用不带常用不带to的不定式做宾补的不定式做宾补,如:一个感如:一个感觉两个听,(觉两个听,(feel;listen to,hear),三让),三让四看一逃兵,四看一逃兵,(let,make,have;look at,see,watch,notice;get sb to do sth),援军,援军做了墙头草,做了墙头草,(help sb do/to do)(see/hear也可也可+sb./sth.doing)KEY POINTS2.宾语补足语 一些感官动词和使役动词用单词适当形式填空用单词适当形式填空1.I often saw you _(play)basketball.2.I saw him _(put)the keys into his pocket.3.I saw him _(play)basketball at this time yesterday.4.Her step-mother made her _(work)day and night.5.Her mother asked her _(do)homerwork before supper.6.The teacher let his students _(keep)the window _(close).playputplayingworkto dokeepclosedExercise用单词适当形式填空playputplayin3.in 1840 在在1840年年 in(the)1960s/s 在在20世纪世纪60年代年代 in the 1900s 在在20世纪世纪翻译:在翻译:在20世纪早期世纪早期 在在20世纪晚期世纪晚期in the early 1900sin the late 1900sKEY POINTS3.in 1840 在1840年4.sure adj.肯定的,当然的肯定的,当然的,常回答一般疑问句。,常回答一般疑问句。be sure of/about sth.例:我对此很确定。例:我对此很确定。be sure to do sth.例:他一定会来。例:他一定会来。be sure+that引导从句,引导从句,that可省略可省略例:我相信他会帮助你的。例:我相信他会帮助你的。be not sure+wheter/if引导从句引导从句:“不确定是否不确定是否”例:我不确定我们对是否会赢。例:我不确定我们对是否会赢。Im not sure whether/if our team will win.Im quite sure of it.He is sure to come.Im sure he will help you.KEY POINTS4.sure adj.肯定的,当然的 1.Im not sure whether_.A.he is watching TV B.is he watchingC.that he is watching TV D.if he is watching TV2.Im sure _ she sings well.A.weather B.if C.wether D.that3.Kangkang is sure _ and Mary is sure _ his success.A.winning;at B.to win;of C.won;at D.of win;for4.-Are you sure he will do to the shop this afternoon?-_.A.Yes,I am not B.Yes,quite sure C.No,I dont D.No,I wontADBBExercise1.Im not sure whethe5.5.some day (将来的)某一天(将来的)某一天 one day (过去或将来的)某一天去或将来的)某一天 the other day 几天前几天前 Some day,my dream _(come ture).The other day,I _(see)a snke on my way home.will come turesawKEY POINTS5.some day (将来的)某一天6.6.find找到找到/find out查明明/look for寻找找 search+搜索范搜索范围 search for+寻找目找目标 search+搜索范搜索范围 for+寻找目找目标 KEY POINTS6.find找到/find out查明 1.I am_my book,but I can not_it.A.finding;look for B.looking for;findC.finding;find D.looking for;look for2.At last the police _ who killed the old woman.A.found B.looked for C.searched D.found out3.What are you _?Im _ my bikeA.finding;looking for B.looking for;findingC.finding;finding D.looking for;looking for4.Please _ your pocket carefully _ your keys.A.search;for B.look;for C.find;for D.find;outBDDAExercise1.I am_my book,but7.7.spend/take/pay/cost(1)spend的主的主语通常是通常是人人,常用于以下句型,常用于以下句型:(sb)spend 金金钱/时间 on sth.=(sb)spend 金金钱/时间(in)doing sth.(2)take“占用、花占用、花费”时间,主,主语通常通常为形式形式主主语“it”或物。或物。句式是句式是:It takes/took sb.时间 to do sth.或或Sth.takes sb.时间.(3)pay为“付款、付款、赔偿”之意,主之意,主语通常是通常是人人,往往是,往往是sb.pay 金金钱 for sth或或pay sb.(金金钱 for sth)(4)cost的主的主语必必须是是物物。常用用法是。常用用法是sth.cost(sb.)金金钱。KEY POINTS7.spend/take/pay/cos spend/take/pay/cost填空填空1.A new computer _ a lot of money.一台新一台新电脑花一大笔花一大笔钱。2.I _ two hours on this math problem.这道数学道数学题花了我两个小花了我两个小时。3.It _ them three years to build this road.他他们用了三年用了三年时间修完了修完了这条路。条路。4.I have to _ them 800 yuan for this room each month.我每个月要付我每个月要付800元元的房租。的房租。coststookspentpayExercisespend/take/pay/cost填空c


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