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Look at the pictures.What festival do you think of?What do you know about the festival?1.How do people celebrate the Middle-Autumn Festival?They admire the moon and share mooncakes with their families.admire the moon 赏月赏月3a Read the passage about the Mid-Autumn Festival and answer the questions.2.What story is the reading about?It is about Change.3b Read the passage again.Put the events in the correct order._ Pang Meng tried to steal the medicine._ A goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine._ Change refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and drank it all.1 Hou Yi shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth._ Hou Yi was very sad and watched the moon at night,and wished his wife could come back._ As a result,Change became light and flew up to the sky._ Hou Yi planned to drink the medicine with his wife.234567 v.偷偷steal-stole-stolenn.女神女神/仙女仙女射掉射掉 shoot-shot-shot结果结果1.People like to a _ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night.2.The story of Change is one of many t_ folk stories.3.Hou Yi got m_ medicine for shooting down the nine suns.4.Pang Meng wanted to s_ the medicine.5.Hou Yi l_ out fruits and desserts in the garden.dmire raditionalagic3c Without looking at the passage,try to complete the sentences with the correct words.tealaid The story of Change Change was Hou Yis beautiful wife.After Hou Yi _ down the nine suns,a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him._ drank this could live forever,and Hou Yi _ to drink it with Change.However,a bad man,Feng Meng,tried to _ the medicine when Hou Yi was not home.Change _ to give it to him and drank it all.She became very light and _ up to the moon.Hou Yi was so sad that he _ out her name to the moon every night.One night,he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.He quickly _ out her favorite fruits and _ in the garden.How he _ that Change could come back!The story of Change Change was Hou Yis beautiful wife.After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns,a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him.Whoever drank this could live forever,and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Change.However,a bad man,Feng Meng,tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home.Change refused to give it to him and drank it all.She became very light and flew up to the moon.Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night.One night,he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.How he wished that Change could come back!1、数世纪、数世纪 2、呈、呈 的形状的形状 3、在中秋之夜、在中秋之夜4、把某物带给某人、把某物带给某人 5、错过做某事、错过做某事 6、传、传统的民间故事统的民间故事 7、射下、射下 8、从某人那偷某、从某人那偷某物物9、拒绝做某事、拒绝做某事 10、飞上、飞上 11、对、对 大喊大喊12、摆开、布置、摆开、布置 13、尽力做某事、尝试做、尽力做某事、尝试做某事某事14、通过做某事感谢某人、通过做某事感谢某人15、在地球、在地球上上16、希望某人做某事、希望某人做某事17、结果、结果18、计划做、计划做某事某事写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词shoot drink steal fly lay becomeplan give celebrate Mid-Autumn Festivalin the shape ofcarry to shoot downplan to do sth.庆祝中秋节庆祝中秋节的形状的形状把把带给带给射掉射掉计划做某事计划做某事try to do sth.refuse to do sth.fly up tofor centuriescall outtolay outmiss doing sthshare sth with sbadmire sbadmire sb for doing sth尽力做某事尽力做某事拒绝做某事拒绝做某事飞向飞向几百年几百年、几世纪几世纪对着对着大喊大喊摆放摆放错过做某事错过做某事和某人分享某物和某人分享某物佩服某人佩服某人因为某事而钦佩某人因为某事而钦佩某人快速记忆下列短语快速记忆下列短语Language points:1.Whoever=no matter who 意为意为“无论谁,无论谁,不管什么人不管什么人”whatever=no matter what,whenever=no matter when,wherever=no matter where2.lay out 铺开,摆开铺开,摆开 laylayslayinglaidlaid e.g.He laid the map out on the table.学习反馈学习反馈 1.Mooncakes are _ the shape of a full moon _ the Mid-Autumn night.A.o n,in B.on,at C.in,at D.in,on2.A few years ago I_a very _article in a magazine.A.read,touching B.readed,touching C.read,touched D.readed,touched3.I miss my friend very much._ I want to see her!A.How B.How an C.What an D.What anDAA二、选择适当单词填空。二、选择适当单词填空。goddess,lay out,admire,put on,steala.He has _ weight since I last saw him.b.I _ the way you speak to your students.c.Please _ my evening clothes for the party.d.Look out!Dont let the cat _ that golden fish.e.She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen_.put onadmirelay outstealgoddess1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2.Retell the story of Change.


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