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Language points1Language pointsUnit 111.characteristic1)n.(C)a distinguishing feature 特征,特性特征,特性2)This is their unique characteristic.3)Kindness is one of her characteristics.4)2)adj.distinctive 显著的,独特的显著的,独特的5)This girl has a characteristic voice.6)I heard my friends characteristic laugh.21.characteristic2Quick decision is characteristic of him.This quality is characteristic of all metals.这种性质是一切金属所特有的。It is characteristic of him to go to work before breakfast.还未吃早饭就去工作,正是他的特点。搭配:be characteristic of sb./sth.是某人或某物的特征3Quick decision is characterist2.put forward 1)提出提出 an argument,a plan,a suggestion提出一个新的理论提出一个新的理论 put forward a new theory2)拨快拨快(钟表的钟表的)指针指针Put your watch forward;youre five minutes slow.3)将某事物提前将某事物提前Theyve put forward the date of their wedding by one week.=come up with42.put forward =come up with4put onput output up withput downput off put up穿上穿上;戴上戴上;增加增加熄灭熄灭(灯灯);扑灭扑灭忍受忍受写下来写下来;放下;(使)着陆放下;(使)着陆耽误耽误;延期延期建立建立;建造建造6put on穿上;戴上;增加熄灭(灯);扑灭忍受写下来;3.conclude v.1)conclude with 用用结束某事结束某事The story s with the heros death.这故事随主人公死亡而告终这故事随主人公死亡而告终她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话She d her talk with a funny story2)推断出推断出,推论出推论出(from)What can you conclude from these observations(观察观察)?73.conclude v.7conclusion 1./C/end 结束结束;结尾结尾at the conclusion of his speech在他讲话的结尾在他讲话的结尾2./C/结论结论,推论推论得出结论得出结论 draw a conclusionreach/come to/arrive at a conclusionin conclusion 最后最后=finally 9conclusion 94.analyse v.分析分析=analyze(美美)By analysing the parts of the sentence,we can learn more about English grammar.analysis n.分析,分解分析,分解analyst n.分析者,化验员分析者,化验员analytic adj.分析的分析的104.analyse v.分析=analyze(美)analy5.defeat1)vt 打败,战胜;使受挫打败,战胜;使受挫I ed him at chess.We were ed by 3 goals to 2.2)n.失败失败They finally had to admit.115.defeat11辨析辨析 beat,defeat,winbeat与与defeat属一组同义词,都表示属一组同义词,都表示“打败打败”,二者的宾语是人或某个集体。二者的宾语是人或某个集体。defeat尤指在尤指在战场上打败敌人;战场上打败敌人;beat多指在游戏或比赛中多指在游戏或比赛中击败对手。击败对手。win表示在较激烈的竞争中取得了胜利,宾语多是表示在较激烈的竞争中取得了胜利,宾语多是game,match,race,war,prize等。等。We beat their team by 10 points in the basketball game.Napoleon was defeated in Battle of Waterloo.Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize.12辨析 beat,defeat,win126.expert 1)adj 熟练的熟练的,有专门技术或知识的有专门技术或知识的an rider 熟练的骑手an job 需要专门知识的工作He is expert in/at cooking.We are all expert in/at this field.be expert at/in sth.是某方面为专家 at/in doing sth.擅长做某事be good at(doing)sth./do well in sth.136.expert 13n.专家,能手an agricultural 农业专家an on ancient Greek history 古希腊史专家an expert on/in/at(doing)sth.某方面的专家(能手)14n.专家,能手147.attend v.1)to take good care of(a sick person,for example)照看照看,照料照料.e.g.The doctor ed the patients.Which doctor is ing upon/on you?attend(on/upon)sb.照料照料 看护某人看护某人157.attend v.1)to take good car school 上学上学 a lecture 听讲座听讲座 a wedding 出席婚礼出席婚礼(2)give attention,deal with 注意,留意,处理 e.g.She didnt to what I was saying.她并不注意听我所说的话。(+to)(3)to be present at 出席,到场 to your work and stop talking.Could you to this matter at once.16 school 上学(2)give atten运用:1)._ 他昨天没参加会议。2).The school _almost entirely by local children.上这个学校读书的几乎全是当地的孩子。3).There was no one _but Tina.除了蒂娜,再无人照顾他了 He did not attend the meeting yesterday.was attented to attend him 17 He did not attend the meeting7.attendance n.1)照顾照顾There is a doctor in.2)出席人数出席人数There was a large at the concert.187.attendance n.1)照顾There is aeg:1.The wolf opened its mouth to _ a row of sharp teeth.2.Dont _ your skin to the sun;your skin will be hurt.exposeexpose8.expose1)expose sb./sth.to 使暴露于;使接触到暴露暴露19eg:1.The wolf opened its mou2)to make known;to tell the truth 揭露,揭发揭露,揭发The police began to look into the case,but theeyewitness was afraid to _ the murderer.exposed 暴露的,暴露于风雨中的,无掩蔽的暴露的,暴露于风雨中的,无掩蔽的He got rather angry because the secret plan had been exposed to the newspaper.被暴露于被暴露于expose202)to make known;to tell the 9.deadly(adj.&adv.)die(v.)dead(adj.)death(n.)adj.1).dangerous;likely to cause death 危险的危险的;致命的致命的 a disease/weapon a enemy219.deadly(adj.&adv.)21(2)adv.死一般地e.g.His face was pale.他的脸死一般地苍白。非常,极度地e.g.The air was cold.空气极度寒冷。22(2)adv.死一般地e.g.His face wa10.cure vt.治愈,治疗消除(弊病等);纠正 e.g.The doctor d him of his cold.cure sb.of sth.治好了某人的治好了某人的,纠正了某人的,纠正了某人的医生治好了他的感冒e.g.He d the child of bad habits.他纠正了孩子的坏习惯 n.治愈;痊愈 e.g.Theres no certain for AIDS.治疗艾滋病尚无良方。a cure for 治疗治疗病的方法病的方法2310.cure vt.治愈,治疗消除(弊病等);纠正-比较辨析:比较辨析:cure 和和treatcure:指治愈疾病,消除痛苦,戒除恶习,弊端,嗜好等指治愈疾病,消除痛苦,戒除恶习,弊端,嗜好等treat:只指治病,并不包括治疗的效果如何。只指治病,并不包括治疗的效果如何。与与cure sb.of.类似的结构常用的还有:类似的结构常用的还有:remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事使某人想起某事 suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人怀疑某人(做做)某事某事 rob sb.of sth.抢了某人的某物抢了某人的某物 inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事通知某人某事 warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事 cheat sb.of sth.骗取某人某物骗取某人某物 convince sb.of sth.让某人信服某事让某人信服某事 rid sb.of sth.让某人摆脱某物让某人摆脱某物 ease sb.of sth.减轻某人某物减轻某人某物 accuse sb.of sth.指控某人某事指控某人某事 242411.challenge1)n.挑战挑战 face the accept/take up the 接受挑战接受挑战 a to sb.对某人来说是挑战对某人来说是挑战2)V.向向挑战挑战He ed me to play chess.2511.challenge2512.absorb v.吸收吸收(液体液体);承受承受;承担承担(费用等费用等)Use the cloth to the ink.We will not these charges.吸干墨水吸干墨水我们不能承担这些费用我们不能承担这些费用.absorb.into 吸收(并入)e.g.The big company has gradually ed these small companies into its own organization.这家大公司逐渐将这些小的公司吞并了。这家大公司逐渐将这些小的公司吞并了。2612.absorb吸干墨水我们不能承担这些费用.absoThe little girl was ed in reading a tale.The writer was so ed in his writing that he forgot to eat all day around.be absorbed in=concentrate on be buried inbe absorbed in全神贯注于,专心致志于全神贯注于,专心致志于27The little girl was ed in rea13.suspect v.&n.1)v.对对表示怀疑;推测表示怀疑;推测I that they are trying to get rid of me.We him of his honesty.He was ed of theft.The police ed him of stealing the car.I him to be the murderer.suspect sb of sth/doing sth怀疑某人某事怀疑某人某事/做过某事做过某事suspect sb.to be 怀疑某人是怀疑某人是2813.suspect v.&n.282)n.嫌疑犯嫌疑犯 可疑分子可疑分子The police took the to the police station.He is the prime in the case.292)n.嫌疑犯 可疑分子2914.enquire=inquire v.询问询问 I d about trains to New York.enquiry n 询问询问make enquiries from sb.about sb./sth.向某人询问某人某事向某人询问某人某事3014.enquire=inquire v.30(1)=strict 严厉的;苛刻的;严格的.e.g.My father was severe with me.I think you are too severe on the boy.be severe with/on sb 对严格,严厉(2)=very serious 极为恶劣的;十分严重的e.g.the competition for university A storm attacked the village.His injuries are.15.severe(adj.)31(1)=strict 严厉的;苛刻的;严格的.e.g泵泵(油泵油泵;气泵气泵),抽水机抽水机,打气筒打气筒pump32泵(油泵;气泵),抽水机,打气筒pump3216.foresee(foresaw,foreseen)预见,预知预见,预知 the futureforeseeable 可预见的可预见的foretellforecast3316.foresee(foresaw,foreseen17.blame1)vt.to consider or say that sb is responsible for sth bad责责备;备;指责;埋怨;归咎于指责;埋怨;归咎于She d him for the failure of their marriage.She d the failure of their marriage on him.The teacher d the mistake on my carelessness.blame sb.for(doing)sth.责备某人(做)某事责备某人(做)某事=blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人身上把某事归咎于某人身上3417.blame342)be to blame(for):be responsible for sth.bad 应受责备;应为应受责备;应为负责任(主动表被动)负责任(主动表被动)eg.The driver was to for the traffic accident.I am not to blame for this matter.Mr.Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he was not the one_.A.blame B.blaming C.to blame D.to be blamed3535运用:用适当的词填空或完成句子。运用:用适当的词填空或完成句子。我不责怪你,我责怪我自己。我不责怪你,我责怪我自己。I do not blame you,but I _.那次事故怪不得孩子们。那次事故怪不得孩子们。The children were not_ the accident.to blame for blame myself36运用:用适当的词填空或完成句子。to blame for b The manager blamed him _ his carelessness at work.The police blamed the traffic accident _ Stevens drunken driving.onfor37 The manager blamed him _3)n./U/过失;责备过失;责备eg.He is ready to take the for what had happened.The government will have to take the for this accident.take/get the blame(for sth)承担责任,对某事负责承担责任,对某事负责 She stole the bag,but she was trying to put the on me.put/lay the blame on sb.(for sth.)将某事归咎与某人将某事归咎与某人383)n./U/过失;责备3818.handle3918.handle39A.操作操作;运用运用 B.经营经营;买卖买卖 C.管理管理 D.对待对待 E.应付应付 F.控制控制;handle v.Choose the Chinese explanations in the box.1.Ms Hawkins,the chief accountant of the company handles the companys accounts.2.The children are so naughty that I cant handle them.3.She handled a difficult argument skillfully.CFE4.Handle children kindly,if you want them to trust you.5.This shop handles paper and stationery.6.He learnt how to handle the computer.DBA40操作;运用 B.经营;买卖 C.管理 2.The two towns are ed by a railway.1.A lot of s fitted together form a chain.3.The new bridge will the island to the mainland.19.link412.The two towns are ed 1)v.链接链接 联系联系把A与B联系连接起来:link A _ B link A _ B link A _ B togethertowithand421)v.链接 联系towithand42 2)n.联系;连接联系;连接 Researchers have found a between smoking and heart disease.The police suspect there may be a between Nick and the murder.a link between A and B43 2)n.联系;连接4320.announce V.make(sth)known publicly宣布;宣告;发表The news was d to the public on TV.They d that she would give one extra song.It is d that we wont have classes next week.announce sth.(to sb.)(向某人)宣告某事 It is announced that据宣布 suggest,explain,report,say44441).-Who s your class in history?-Mr Black.He is our instructor.2).She ed me in the use of this telephone.instructor.person who instructs教员教员;教练教练;指导者指导者1)to teach sb(in sth)教教,讲授讲授;训练训练;指导指导21.instruct451).-Who s your class in hi2)to order指示指示;命令命令;吩咐吩咐 医生嘱咐他卧床休息医生嘱咐他卧床休息The doctor ed him to go to bed and rest.The teacher ed the pupils to come into the gym.instruct sb.in sth.在某方面指导某人在某方面指导某人 (教授技能等)(教授技能等)instruct sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事命令某人做某事instruction n.指示,命令指示,命令instructions 说明书说明书 462)to order指示;命令;吩咐instruction vt 建设,修建建设,修建The Birds Nest was ed by many hardworking workers.22.construct47vt 建设,修建22.construct47.construction.建造,建筑,建设建造,建筑,建设 The of a large bridge takes about two years.结构结构Its important for us to analyze the sentence.under construction 正在修建中Most of the buildings under havebeen designed by Chinese engineers.48.construction.结构Its imp23.contribute vi.&vt.1)contribute to 给报纸撰稿给报纸撰稿;把把献给献给;捐助捐助给给The writer personally d$5000 to the earthquake fund.She s a lot of articles to the magazine.2)contribute to 有助于,有助于,促成促成,导致(某事)导致(某事)Plenty of fresh air s to good health.The drivers carelessness d to the accident.This book s a lot to our understanding of Chinese history.n.contributionmake a contribution to(doing)sth.对对作出贡献作出贡献4923.contribute vi.&vt.4924.apart from =besides,=except in addition to 1.他除了鼻子之外,哪儿都好看。his nose,hes quite good-looking.2.Ive finished the paper the last question.3.他除了脸部和双手受伤之外,两条腿也断了。the injuries to his face and hands,he broke both legs.除外(还有)除外(别无)5024.apart from =besides,=excep25.positive adj1)积极的,乐观的,有信心的,积极的,乐观的,有信心的,We should be about the future.On the side,profits have increased.We should take steps to deal with the problem.2)肯定的,确信的肯定的,确信的I cant be about what time it happened.She was that he had been there.negative 消极的消极的 5125.positive adj1)积极的,乐观的,有信心26.be strict with 对对严格的严格的We should ourselves in our work.5226.be strict with 对严格的 5227.make sense 1)讲得通讲得通;有意义有意义;有道理有道理This sentence doesnt make any sense.2.)be sensible 是合情合理的是合情合理的,明智的明智的This plan made sense.这项计划是合情合理的这项计划是合情合理的It makes sense to take care of your health.3)make sense of 理解理解,弄懂弄懂的意思的意思Can you this poem?I cant that painting.5327.make sense 5328.backward adj./adv.向后的向后的(地地)I lost my balance and fell.forward 向前向前upward 向上向上 downward 向下向下inward 向里向里 outward 向外向外eastward 向东向东 5428.backward adj./adv.向后的(地)529.enthusiastic adj 热情的热情的;热心的热心的be about/over sth/sb她非常喜欢唱歌她非常喜欢唱歌Shes very about singingenthusiasm n/U/热爱热爱;热心热心;热情热情full of enthusiastically adv.enthuse v.使热情使热情 enthusiast 热衷于热衷于的人的人5529.enthusiastic adj 5530.cautious adj careful 小心的,谨慎的小心的,谨慎的be(about/of sb/sth)=be cautious not to do对对小心谨慎小心谨慎She is of hurting his feelings.=She is not to hurt his feeling.cautiously adv.caution n.5630.cautious adj 5631.reject.1)refuse to accept 拒绝,不接受,拒绝,不接受,a gift,an opinion,a suggestionHe ed our help.He wanted to join the army but was ed.5731.reject.a gift,an opinio2)抛弃,扔掉抛弃,扔掉The farmer had to some fruit that was overripe.He ed some old books.rejection 582)抛弃,扔掉5859goodbye59


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